South Dakota State University Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange Electronic Theses and Dissertations 1984 Host-plant Interactions of Diabrotica cristata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Prairie Grasses in East-Central South Dakota Niamoye D. Yaro Follow this and additional works at: https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/etd Recommended Citation Yaro, Niamoye D., "Host-plant Interactions of Diabrotica cristata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and Prairie Grasses in East-Central South Dakota" (1984). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 4248. https://openprairie.sdstate.edu/etd/4248 This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Electronic Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOST-PLANT INTERACTIONS OF DIABROTICA CRISTATA (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) AND PRAIR IE GRASSES IN EAST-CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA BY NIAMOYE D. YARO A thesis submi tted in partial ful fillment of the requirements for the degree Ma ster of Sci ence Major in Entomology South Dakota State University 1984 HOST-PLANT INTERACTIONS OF DIABROTICA CRISTATA (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) AND PRAIRIE GRASSES IN EAST-CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA This thesis is approved as a credi table and independent investigation by a candidate for the degree , Master of Science , and is acceptable for meeting the thesis requi rements for this degree . Acceptance of this thesis does not imply that the concl usions reached by the candidate are necessari ly the conclusions of the major department. / ,Tames L. Krysan 7 ' Date' L/Research Advi sor Emmett R. Easton Date Major Advisor Peter-wil� Date Assistant Professor Mauri ce Horton , Head Date Pl ant Science Department ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wi sh to pay special grati tude to my research advisor, Dr. James L. Krysan, for his advice and technical assistance that enabled me to carry out this research. I wish to express sincere appreciation to Dr. Gera 1 d R. Sutter and the staff of the Northem Grain Insects Research Laboratory ( NGIRL ) ( USDA ) , Brookings , SO, for providing the facilities to conduct this investi gation . Appreciation is extended to Dr. Terry F. Branson ( NGI RL) for his personal interest in my wo rk and his advice in larval sampling technique. Appreciation is also extend­ ed to Ms. LeAn ne Dobratz for her assistance at odd hours . I am especially grateful to Dr. Emnett R. Easton , my major advisor for his hel p in the preparation of my thesis and his gui dance throughout my period of course work. I am also grateful to Dr. Peter J. Wilkin for introducing me to Dr. Krysan and for his constructi ve remarks in the preparation of my thesis. I exp.ress sincere appreci­ ation to Dr. Maurice L. Horton , Head of the Plant Science Department and to the Plant Sci ence facul ty and staff for their ready assistance and frfendship. Thanks is also due to Dr. Paul Evenson of the Plant Science Department and to Dr. James R. Fisher an d Ms . Denise Hanson of the NGIRL for their hel p with the statisti cal analyses and computer services. Thanks is also due to Dr. Gene Arnold for his help with the identification of the weed species mentioned in this thesis. Appreci­ ation is gi ven to al l of my friends who have contributed in a positive way. i I extend grati tude to my husband, Dalla, fo r hi s patience and understanding duri ng my stay in Brooki ngs that was necessary for thi s study abroad. Deep appreciation is a 1 so extended to my parents and uncles for their encouragement and mora 1 support. Fi nanci a 1 support provided by the African-American In stitute was particularly appreci­ ated permitting me to complete this advanced training in the Uni ted States. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page 1 INTRODUCTION. • . • 1 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE. 4 Taxonomy • . • 4 Biology and Distribution . 5 Life Cycle of NCR and WCR .. 6 Diapause .•• ..•• .•• .. 6 Effect of Chi ll on Hatch of Eggs . 8 Diet and Oviposition. 9 Economi c Impact. 10 Sampl ing Methods 11 Control .• •. : . 15 3 DIABROTICA CRISTATA : HOST PLANTS AND OVIPOSITIONAL HABITs. • • . • . • 17 The Study Area . 18 Materials and Methods. 18 Descri ption and Pl acement of Emergence Cages. 19 Descri ption and Placement of Sticky Traps . 19 Trap Hei ght . • . • . 22 Habitat of Adult D. cri stata . 23 Egg Laying Si te . -. • . 23 Determination of Ovipositi onal Preference and Collection of Eggs in the Laboratory. 24 Longevity of Q. cristata in the Laboratory . 25. Results ....... 26 Emergence Cages . 26 Trap Hei ghts ......... 26 Habitat of Adult D. cristata ... 32 Egg Ovipositi on STtes 1n the Fi eld. 38 Laboratory Test . 38 ·Determination of Ovipositi onal Preference 40 Longevity of Adult Q. cri stata . 40 Di scussion .... 43 ii i TABLE OF CONTENTS (conti nued) Chapter 4 THE RESPONSE OF D. CRISTATA (HARRIS) TO INDOLE, EUGENOL AND TWO tuGENOL DERIVATIVES . • . • 47 Materia 1 s and Methods. • • . • . • . • 48 Co 1 or Campa ri son. • . • • . 48 Compari son of Two Methods of Dispensing Attractants • . • • . 49 Attractant Experiment with NCR and WCR . 51 Resul ts. • • . • • . • . • • . • . 52 Color Compari son. • . • • . • • • . 52 Comparison of Two Methods of Dispensing Attractants • . • . • . • • . • • 52 Experiment.Testi ng the Attractiveness of Eugenol and Two of Its Analogs for -D. cristata. � ••....•..... • . 58 Experiment with NCR and WCR: Attractancy to Indole, Eugenol and Two Analogs of Eugenol . • . 62 Discussion • 68 5 CONCLUSION. • 71 LITERATURE CITED. 73 APPENDICES ..... 79 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Ranges of Diabrotica Species in the Vi rgifera Group Which Occur in the Uni ted States .... 7 2 Pe riod of Emergence of Adult Diabrotica cristata from Big Bluestem Grass Plots near Brookings , S6uth Dakota. • . 27 3 Mean Catches of Adult Di abrotica cristata on Sticky Traps at Vari ous Dates from July 20 to August 1, 1983 in a Big Bl uestem Grass Plot near Brookings . .... 28 4 Mean Catches of Adult Di abrotica cristata on Sticky Traps at Di fferent He 1ghts on Date by Height Interaction duri ng July 20-August 1, 1983 , in a Big Bluestem Grass Pl ot near Brooki ngs , South Dakota . .... 29 Sa Mean Catches of Adult Di abrotica cristata on Sticky Traps at Variou� Dates from August 5-17 , 1983 , in Big Bluestem Grass Plot near Brookings , South Dakota . .. 31 5b Mean Catches of Adult D. cri stata on Sticky Traps at Diffe rent Heights from August 5- August 17 , 1983 , in a Big Bl uestem Grass· Plot at Brookings , South Dakota. • . 31 6 Mean Catches of Adult Diabrotica cri stata at Vari ous Dates , July 22-September 13 , 1983� in Three Grass Species Pl ots near Brookings , South Dakota. 34 7 Mean Catches of Adul t Di abrotica cri stata on Sticky Traps Among Three Grass Spec1es by Date Interaction July 22-September 13 , 1983 , at Brooki ngs , South Dakota . ... 35 8 Mean Catches of Adul t Diabrotica cristata on Sticky Traps at Va�ious Dates from July 26- August 30 , 1984 , in Di fferent Grass Species Plots near Brookings , South Dakota. .. 36 v LIST OF TABLES (continued) Tabl e 9 Mean Catches of Adult Diabrotica cristata on Sticky Traps Among Three Grass Spec1es on Date by Grass Species Interaction from July 26- August 30 , 1984 , at Brookings , South Dakota .. 37 10 Egg Occurrence of D. cri stata from Diffe rent Grass Species near-Brook1ngs , South Dakota in 1983 and 1984 . 39 11a The Pe rcentage of Ovi position of D. cristata in Three Ovipositional Med ia from August 18- Sep embe r 1, Under Laboratory Condi tions (20� -21° C and 70% Rh ) ............ 41 11b Mean Occurrence of Eggs Laid in Three Ovi positional Media in the Laboratory from August 18-September 1. 41 12 Longevity of Adu lt -D. -cristata Col lected from the Field from July 15-September 9, 1983 ... 42 13 Mean Catches of D. cristata by Date and Color Interaction in a-Big Bluestem Grass Pl ot near Brooki ngs , SO .......... 53 14 Mean Count of Male D. cristata at Various Dates to 2 Attractan ts and Con trol Wrapped with Cheese Cloth in a Big Bl uestem Grass Plot near Brookings , SO, in 1984 ......... 55 15 Mean Catches of Male D. cri stata on Date by Attractant Interaction for 3 Lures Exposed by Wrapping with Cheese Cl oth in a Big Bluestem Grass Plot near Brooki ngs , SO , in 1984 ..... 56 16a Mean Catches of Female D. cri stata on Sticky Traps Using 3 Lures Exposed by Wrapping with Cheese Cloth in a Big Bluestem Grass Plot near Brooki ngs , SO, in 1984 ............ 57 16b Mean Counts of Male D. cri stata at Various Dates Using Eugenol and Its Analogs Incorporated in Baited Sticky Traps in a Big Bluestem Grass Plot near Brooki ngs August 5-11, 1984 ..... 57 vi LIST OF TABLES (continued) Table 17 Mean Catches of Male D. cri stata on Date by Attractant Interaction in a B1 g Bluestem Grass Pl ot near Brookings, SO, 1984 ........ 60 18 Mean Catches of Female- D. cristata on Date by Attractant In teraction Tn a Big Bluestem Grass Plot near Brooki ngs , SD, August 1984 ...... 61 19 Mean Counts of Femal e NCR at Various Dates on Di fferent Attractants from a Corn Field near Aurora (Brooki ngs County , SD) August 1984 .. 64 20 Mean Catches of Femal e NCR on Date by Attractant Interaction in a Corn Field near Aurora , 1984 65 2 1 Mean Catches of Male WCR by Date and Lure Interaction in a Corn Field near Aurora, August , 1984 ...
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