C M Y K www.newssun.com Friday’s Mulberry . 9 Scores Avon Park . 6 C. Mooney . 41 EWS UN Lake Placid . 7 NHighlands County’s Hometown-S Newspaper Since 1927 Opening Sebring . 14 No matter how you slice it, the ladies are HCA hosting Hardee . 12 getting a lot of attention this election cycle artists’ reception PAGE 1B PAGE 5B DETAILS IN SPORTS, 1D Sunday, September 16, 2012 www.newssun.com Volume 93/Number 115 | 75 cents Forecast AP eyes housing rules for seasonal agricultural workers A couple of afternoon By CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY some changes had to made in would only be allowed condi- thunderstorms [email protected] its language before preced- tional use in mixed-use com- High Low AVON PARK — Members ing. mercial zones. of the city council tabled dis- At issue is 12-15’s propos- Because of changes in the cussion during a first hearing al to abolish farm worker LDC’s definitions of “farm 89 72 Monday on a proposed housing in low density resi- worker” and “farm worker Complete Forecast amendment to the Avon dence zones and only allow housing,” agricultural work- PAGE 8A Park’s Land Development them a conditional use in ers unrelated to one another Code. high density residential would not be allowed to Online The proposed ordinance, areas, and neighborhood or share a home as a family in a News-Sun photo by CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY referred to as Ord. 12-15, office commercial zones. low density zone. Long time migrant agricultural worker Ludivina Martinez stirred controversy during the Changes are also proposed fought tears as she described how she no longer feels wel- come in Avon Park. meeting, and it was agreed for boarding houses, which See PROPOSED, page 4A Question: Will New York City's proposed Murder trial of ban on super-sized sugary drinks have a Days of Thunder former AP cop big impact on health? Yes Dr. says 16.8% Kaedyn’s No injury not 83.2% from fall Total votes: 101 Parker says Next question: Kaedyn Short was Both Mitt Romney a ‘clumsy kid’ on and Barack Obama say the top of middle interrogation tape class household By SAMANTHA GHOLAR income is around [email protected] $250,000. Do you SEBRING — A handful of wit- agree with that? News-Sun photos by nesses took the stand Friday during KATARA SIMMONS the third day of former Avon Park Make your voice heard at The third annual Sebring Thunder is off police officer James Parker’s murder www.newssun.com to a roaring start trial including two Saturday morning with Zoe and J.J. medical doctors and Obituaries a large crowd of spec- Wortinger of a local detective. tators and partici- Avon Park Assistant State VERA KIRKLAND pants. The event fea- check out a Attorney Steve Age 90, of Avon Park tured a Friday night 1923 Ford burn-out, a car show, T-23 known Houchin opened the Obituaries, Page 7A live music from the as a T- floodgates on the Shannon Reed Band Bucket on graphic details of the and various vendors Saturday death investigation Parker Index set-up around the during Arts & Entertainment 4B Circle. Today, the Sebring of 20-month-old Kaedyn Short, which began on Books 7B event will conclude at Thunder. the Sebring The antique March 28, 2009. Short was the Business 1C International Raceway car is daughter of Parker’s live-in girl- Chalk Talk 4B with participants hav- owned by friend at the time, Jennifer Short. ing a chance to take a Allen and Classifieds 2C few laps around the Paula Lerta Community Briefs 2A historic race track. of Naples. See PARKER, page 5A Crossword Puzzle 2B Dear Abby 2B Editorial & Opinion 3A Gaming 6B Local skilled nursing facility Horoscope 2B Lottery Numbers 2A Movie Times 2B receives second 5-star rating Pause & Consider 2B Sports On TV 2D By CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY dents had never visited before, trick or treat on Halloween.” [email protected] or played the game. In the He added that older students SEBRING — They were beginning many were shy. It often built relationships and arranaged in a circle alternat- didn’t take long, however, for listened to the tales the elderly ing elderly and young, ready to everyone to get into the action. told. www.twitter.com/thenewssun play a round of circle soccer. The balls rolled and bounced to Partly because of programs and The participants were wheel- and fro. like that, Kenilworth recently chair-bound residents at the Active interaction like this is received five stars, the federal Kenilworth Care & Rehabition a regular part of the government’s highest rating Center and pre-K students Kenilworth’s day, said Luis for skilled nursing facilities. from the Busy Kids Creative Rodriguez, director of avtivi- Kenilworth had already been www.facebook.com/newssun Learning Center. ties. rated five stars by the state. News-Sun photo by CHRISTOPHER TUFFLEY The object of the game was “We bring them together Schyler Scott, the marketing Margaret Hale (left) and Jane Jones, who is 103, join a to kick two balls among each regularly. The kids do things director, told the News-Sun game of Circle Soccer at the Kenilworth Care & Rehabilitation center Friday when pre-K students from other. with them like arts and crafts the Busy Kids Creative Learning Center visited. 0990994 01007 The 4- and 5-year-old stu- and coloring. They come to See CENTER, page 5A Phone ... 385-6155 Fax ... 385-2453 Online: www.newssun.com HEARTLAND NATIONAL BANK***; 11.25"; 1.5"; Black plus three; process. front strip; 0 0 0 2 2 9 3 4 C M Y K Page 2A News-Sun ࡗ Sunday, September 16, 2012 www.newssun.com COMMUNITY BRIEFS Plans for Veterans Drake to speak to Day activities Tea Party SEBRING — Crystal already under way Drake, the Democratic candidate for the District Special to the News-Sun in the parade. 55 State House of SEBRING — Following Plans call for the parade Representatives seat, will the guidelines established to begin at 11 a.m. in speak to the Highlands by the Federal Government Sebring near the Sebring County Tea Party on for Federal Holidays, the Police Department, march- Tuesday. Veterans Day Parade and ing down Ridgewood Drive Drake, who will face Ceremony is scheduled for toward the Circle. Cary Pigman in the Nov. 12. The parade route contin- November election, cur- Traditionally, the ues around the circle to rently teaches at Veterans Day events are South Commerce, ending Peymayetv Emahakv, a held on Nov. 11. near the fairgrounds. charter school on the As that designated day The Veterans Day cere- Seminole Indian reserva- falls on a Sunday, it will be mony will follow the tion in Glades County. celebrated this year on parade, and will be held on The meeting is open to Monday. the courthouse lawn in the public and well be at Three organizations are Sebring. Homer’s Restaurant, Courtesy photo heading up the Veterans The Highlands County 1000 Sebring Square. (From left) Jenny Cheek, Kathy Haley, Jen Brown, Alice Fairel, Jane Hancock, Vicki Jarvis, Day parade and ceremony: Veteran Services Office is There will be a buffet at Kristie Sottile make up the Sebring Centennial Committee. the Veteran Services Office, co-chairing the event with 5 p.m. and the meeting the Veterans Advisory the members of the begins at 6 p.m. Board and the Veterans Veterans Advisory Board. Sign up now if you want to Council of Highlands According to Graham, Sweet Wars set County. “We are going to reflect a for Friday Kenney Jensen, U.S. more youthful perspective sponsor a Centennial event Military Veterans of Veterans Day by asking SEBRING – Motorcycle Club, is head- some of the area schools to Cornerstone Hospice and Here we are, less than a and your hat, T-shirt, lapel ing up the parade commit- participate in the ceremony Michael Keiber PA pres- month away from all the fes- pin, grocery tote bag, cup or tee. and with the parade.” ent Sweet Wars from tivities planned for Sebring’s bumper sticker, all sporting Please contact Jensen at All three high schools 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Centennial Celebration. It’s the official Centennial logo. 453-5575 for more infor- were contacted, inviting Friday, Sept 21 at the an exciting time for Sebring, Go to the new website, mation or to arrange for their marching bands, stage Bert J. Harris Jr. and now is the time to regis- www.Sebring100.com, join your unit to be in the bands and JROTC students Agricultural Center. The ter and join the fun. us on Facebook at parade. to participate in the parade county’s premier AIF If you’re interested in www.facebook.com/Sebring The Veterans Day parade and/or ceremony, with all chefs will compete showcasing your business or Centennial Notebook Centennial, call 655-5554 or is sponsored by the three having positive inter- against each by offering organization in the bed race, By Jen Brown email Veterans Council of ests. their best desserts. parade or boat parade, you [email protected] and Highlands County Inc., and Dust off your uniforms, The public is invited to need to register now. This is get involved. Thanks to the co-sponsored by the county gather your patriotic garb taste the creations by a great way to get your name sider having your name on News-Sun for being a spon- Veteran Services Office. and decorations, and plan to purchasing a $5 ballot. out there and the more par- one of our banners.
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