Q CONTRIBUTE YOUR SHARE UNITED Hr: TECHNICIAN WAR FUND g; “or NORTH CAROLINA 1- STATE COLLEGE O .Vol. XXIII, No. 5 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., OCTOBER 23, 1942 Offices: 10 and 11 Tompkins Hall of State—Raleigh Day Three Great Events Heva‘lnping of Student Feature Homecoming Festivities Next Week Government Underwa St. Louis Cardinal Second Baseman Brown To Be Highlight Guest Of Greater Council Is Reorganized University Day Observance A pep-rally, a stunt night, an ROTC review, and a Mask Dance— Ex-Sludent leader all in addition to the traditional Major olnterdormitory And football grid meeting between State and Carolina—will serve to make Writes Io Prolessor Executive Bodies To the combined Homecoming, Dad’s Day, and Greater University Day From English Station celebration next week-end the most Be Basis 0i New Plan g, gala one celebrated on this campus in recent years. “Marty” Parcel, Former President and Vice-Presi- Highlight guest of the Homecom- Editor Of Southern Engi- dent To Be Elected From ing observance will be Jimmy neer, Now Is Second Lieu- Each Dormitory To Act As Brown, ace shortstop of the world’s tenant With Army Forces Council Members champion St. Louis Cardinals, and In Britain a member of the State Class of ’33. By HOYLE ADAMS Brown studied vocational agricul- A letter was received here re- ture here, played shortstop for the cently by R. L. Stone, Acting Head Plans for a new representative Techs, and was coached by “Chick” of the Ceramic Engineering De- system of dormitory government Doak, who described him as “one partment from Marty Parcel, a and for a future reorganization of of the smartest graduate of the class of 1941. the entire State College student Kathletes I’ve met.” While he was here, Marty was a government system were announced Winning fraternity house in Post-card size cards contain- captain in the R.O.T.C. He was today by Student Council Presi- the State-Raleigh Day decora-- ing the full program for editor of the Southern Engineer dent Bob Boyce. ‘ tion contest was the PiKA Homecoming, Dad’s Day, and and a member of Phi Eta Sigma, The groundwork for the organi- house proclaiming death to the Tau Beta Pi, Pine Burr, Keramos, zation of an active dormitory sys- Axis Greater University Day cele- Blue Key tem‘v‘df government has already and the Demon Deacs. bration will be distributed and the Engineers been laid by the Student Council. (Above) through the dormitories Mon- Council. The basis for the new set-up will day night. Students are asked In England, be the formation of an Interdormi- The de-motorized parade fea- to address the unprinted side August 12, 1942. Frank F. Groseclose, on tory Council, and a Dormitory Ex- turing the celebration was re- to their parents and friends, Dear “Bob", military leave from his duties ecutive viewed hy Mayor Andrews, as an invitation to attend. Ex- I have been abroad several weeks as a member of the State Col- Committee. Brigadier-General Lee, Dean tra cards will be available at now. Am really on extended active lege faculty, has been pro- The College administration is Harrelson, and Lt. Col. Albert the Y information desk. duty. England is all that is written moted to the rank of major in conpletely in line with the pro- Howarth. about it. It is scenic, neat, ancient, the U. S. Army, according to posed revamping of the council and Besides Brown, and often Dr. H. B. Shaw, head of the has endorsed all arrangements and (left) other guests will be stupid. It is with utter Department of Industrial En- plans as presented by Boyce. Captain Romoe Lefort, ’32, and amazement that I see what Eng- gineerin , in which Groseclose The Interdormitory Council is to The Phi Kappa Tau fraternity Ensign Bill Friday, ’40. land really is.‘ Simply nothing more worked. e is now stationed at be composed of twenty men, two novel tank float was the out- The week-end’s festivities will get than a country who has gone half U. S. Military Academy at elected from each dormitory. The standing part of the rubberless underway at 6:30 next Friday with way through the industrial revolu- ten and gasless parade Saturday a concert atthe Tower by the Red- tion, found itself bewildered by West— Point, N. Y. dormitories will each elect a afternoon. coat Band. At 7, everyone will move what took place, threw up her president and a vice-president who over to will serve as the dormitory’s repre- (below) Riddick Stadium for a hands and quit. England is not 149‘ Students lransler sentatives 0n the Council. The pres- mammoth pep meeting which will modern. It doesn’t want to be. It idents of the dormitories will act * be‘broadcast over WRAL at 7:30 merely wants to continue to mud- as Senior members, and the vice- and rebroadcast by transcription dle through. But, it is a strange From 57 Universities presidents will be called the Junior over WPTF at 10:30. admixture of ancient, sonic-mod- members. A member of the faculty Stunt night comes next on the em, and highly specialized cus- will serve as secretary of the program, and starting at 8 o’clock toms, peoples and traditions. Revealed By Registrar Council. in Pullen Hall fraternities and dor- I haven’t gotten along far with To complete the organization, se- mitories will present skits mirror- my ceramics here, because I’ve been Mars Hills College Leads lection of presidents and vice-presi- ing campus life in competition for busy and am just now getting over With Contribution Of 18 dents in each dormitory will be held prizes given by Blue Key. a slight case of pneumonia. How- Students; Chapel Hill Pro- next week, followed immediately by An opening highlight for the ac- ever, ail structures are of brick vides 6 Transfers the election of members for the tivities Saturday is a probable or stone. All use common brick to ‘EXecutive Committee. The council dress review by the entire ROTC build, and facing brick for show. Fifty-seven colleges and univer- will elect its own officers at the first unit. Arrangements have not yet Flint abounds where we are, giv- sities. are represented by the 149 meeting. been completed, but should the re- ing tires on side roads hell. Kaolin transfer students who came to The Dormitory Executive Com- view be held, an entire section of is common, and used to a large ex- N. C. State College this term from mittee will consist of three men. seats would be held for the cadets, tent in paper. It is evidently not other schools, a check of Registrar The dormitories will be divided into (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) W. L. Mayer’s records revealed this three groups of three each, leaving week. one left over. Each dormitory pres- (AN EDITORIAL) ‘ Their former schools are scat- ident will automatically be a , tested from coast to coast and from nominee for the Executive Com- Take It Easy : New England to the deep South. mittee, with the exception of the Most of the transfers said they president of the unattached dormi- Spirit is a fine thing. were attracted to State College by tory. This dormitory, plus any two Being man enough to‘ stand up for your rights and being its rising reputation and an out- groups of dormitories, will elect a standing technological training man from the third group to serve willing and able to fight for them is something everyone center. on the Executive Committee. desires. But having the sense enough to stop when the proper Mars Hill Junior College con- By this arrangement, the unat- time comes is the hardest of all. tributed 18 transfers to lead the tached dormitory, although it will “v Stealing Rameses, mascot of Carolina, list. and next was Biltmore with 10. not have its own representative on was a swell idea and Louisburg College provided seven the committee, will have the priv- one that added lots of color and spirit to the ancient rivalry transfer students, and New York ilege of voting for all three mem- between State and Carolina. It really took a lot of careful University, Wake Forest and the bers of the committee, whereas Unsedt Mar planning and nerve to University of North Carolina unit each of the three groups of dormi- get the ram from the Hill to Raleigh. at Chapel Hill provided six apiece. tories will have the opportunity ed The boys who made the haul did a good job; they have added Five came from Virginia Poly- voting for only two of the commit- On Campus Set For Tuesday a lot to the coming Greater University Day celebration; technic Institute, and four from tee members. everyone has laughed and the joke is a good one, but. each were contributed by Edwards In order that one dormitory will Military Institute, Brevard Junior not always be unattached. the Goal of $1,000 Set for State The situation has suddenly turned from one that carries a College, Appalachian State, Guil- groupings will be reorganized each Phi Psi Selects Men; Students in Combined Drive Missionaries Relate humorous air to one that has dangerous complications. ford and Atlantic Christian Col- For Twenty-one Agencies Sure lege. Lenoir-Rhyne. New Bedford year. Over a period of ten years, we have their goat but if the rowdy demonstrations of the Textile Institute and Presbyterian each dormitory will have acted one Initiates Give Skit State College students, who at- China Experiences past nights are repeated WE WILL BE the goat.
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