THE PANGOLIN BIRDS) A QUARTERLY BUTIETIN ON TIIE VERTEBRATES(EXCEPT OF SINGAPOREAND THE SURROIJNDINGREGION SingaporeBranch ofthe MalayanNature Society VolumeIV, Number4 December1991 Stoke's Sea-snakeQ4rrrota Jro&erii) . Mt'tA(P)223l6ler Publishedby theSingapore Brancb of tbeMalayan Nature Society' Printedby CaopusSupplies, National University of Singaporc EDITORIAL FromOctober, 1.99L, the SingaporeBranch of the MalayanNature Society officially became independentand is now callel the NatureSociety- (S!rigapgJe) orNSS. This issueofThe Panjolinis thelast to appearunder the banner of theMalayan Nature Society. You might havenoticed that the Pangolinis out of date.However, recently, there has been a seriouseifort to catchup andvery soon,recent records will meanjust that! We intendto keep thispromise by October,1992. SinceVolume 3, we haveinitiated a numberof changes.First, we tidiedup-the presenlation somewhat.Secondly, the systematicnomenclature used in thisbulletin now followsthe latest taxonomicrevisiors. This'is achievedby consultingrecognised vertebrate taxonomists and relevantliterature. The next stagewill bi:ginwith Vblume5, wherewe will experimentwith designsand layouts in orderto createa distinctivecharacter for thebulletin. Hereare several suggestions in whichyou can help -ofus.improve the qu.ality of thebulletin.,,We *ouid appreciat"qu'iik ,"rpons" for c6ntribu_tion sighiings,as well as a regularsupply of and iira originil cartooirs,or seriouswildlife illustiations..Ar exampleof a regular ouick"Ji"t.rcontribut6r can be seen in thisissue. The section on reptilesand amphibians features a riumberof snakerecords from singapore, all faithfullycontributed by Mr. Rae.Hiscock ftom hisracing bike! Rae has diligently ricbrded each and every snake he encountered on hisregular cvclinsirips and carefully c6mpiled these in a systematicorder. We alsoneed feedback on the birttetii.dleas" communicate ybur comments about previous issues to theChief Editor' The ChiefEditor would like to takethis opportunityto thankall thosewho havehelped keep ihe pangolinalive and clawing, by their regularcontributions by way of articlesand records, andalso their eagemess in seeingit up to date. TheEditor CONTENTS Recordsfor the fourth quarter, 1991 Mammals- compiledby S.H. Yeo& KelvinK. P.Lim Sinsapore& Peninsular Malaysia ..'........ 1 - K. P.Lim Rep'tiies& amphibianscompiled by R.Subharaj & Kelvin z Singapore A PeninsularMalaysia ..........'.. Fishes- compiledby KelvinK. P.Lim & PeterK. L. Ng Singapore& Peninsular Malaysia .......'... 5 New Southeast Asian Vertebrates described since 1980: No.2 9 arranged-southeastand compiled by Kelvin K. P. Lim New Asian Vertebrates described since 1980:No.3 arranged and compiled by Kelvin K. P' Lim 10 ThcPangoUn q4) RECORDS FOR THE LAST QUARTER, 1991 Thesereports are based on observationsby awide spectrumofpeoPle residing in Singapore andelsewhere. Unless otherwise stated, the editor regards these records to be fairly accurate, derivingjudgement from considerationsof thedegree of sightcorroboration,lelling descriptive details,aird experience of theobservers involved. To avoidinaccuracies as far as-possible,the editorrequests all contributorsto submittheir reports with detaileddescriptions ofthe animals, and with accompanyingphotographs if thesebe available. However,all sight or sound recordsin the abienceof concreteproof e.g. actualspecimens or goodphotographs, are to remainunconfirmed. List of Contributors Abdul l,atiff (LAT), ChuaEe Kiam (CEK),Diana G. B. Chia(DCH), Elizabeth lnw (EL), GeoffroyUm (GL), GilbertVanderstichelen (GV), Keldn tr(.P. Ljm (KL), L1mKim-Seng (LKS), Lyndon Gan (LG), Margie Hall (MH), N. Sivasothi(NS), Ng Bee C_hoo(NBC), PeterK. L. Ng (PN), R. Subharaj(SR), RaeHiscock (RH), RobertTeo (RT), SutariSupari (SBS),Tan Mei Ling (fML), Tay JoeBoy (TJB),Yeo SuayHwee (YStf MAMMALS compiledby S. H. Yeo andKelvin IC P. Lim Singapore Flying Lemur (Cy nocephalus varie gatus) 1. Onewith youngseen by SRat SimeRoad forest on 5/12; 2. A probablepaii reportedby RH andothers at BukitTimah Nature Reserve on 751t2. One is chestnut-colourCdand has a distinctlythicker oblong-shaped snout while theother is greywith a taperingsnout. Banded Leaf Monkey (Presbytisfemoralis) Five seenat NeeSoon Swamp-forest, 1/i2 (YSH,TML). Oriental Small-clawedOtter (Aonyxcinerea) A set of paw printsobserved tiy SR,UBCand GV on soft mud off Kranji Bund,Kranji Reservoiron 7217O,is believedto belongto thestated species by theobservers. L,esserMoused eer (Tragulus javanicus) Oneseen crossing the road at SeletarReservoir Park,2710 (LKS). Malaysia . Peninsular Banded Leaf Monkey (Presbytisfemoralis) Fourat Desaru,Johor, 30/11 (YSH). Pig-taifed Macaque(M acaca neme str ina) Two sightingsalong the road betweenKota Tinggi andJemaluang, Kota Tinggi, Johoron 19/10(-KL,PN,DCH,TJB,I AT): one at 266 km; a pair with onejuvenile at 260 km, Johor Bahru-MersingRoad. Irng-tailed Mrcaque (Macacafascicular is) At leastthree seen on PulauPinang offPulau Redang,Trengganu, on 24112(NS,KL). SingaporeBranch of the MalayodNarure Society White-handed Gibbon (Hybbates lar) Two separatepairs, one with a juvenile,observed about 50 metresapart, at Desaru,Johor, on 3ol11(YSH). Plantain Squirrel (C allosciurusnotans) At leastone sightedin scrublandalong SungaiRedang, on Pulau Redang,Trengganu on 23/72; atotherone seen on PulauPinang (off PulauRedang) on the morningof 24/L2. Both sightingsby KL andNS. Thesquirrels on theseislands are ofa frosty-greyabove, and the tip of-the6il ii distinctlyreddish. They have been described as a distinctsubspecies, Callosci.urtts nonatsphsticus. Iirdo-Pacific Hump-backed Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) A deadadult male was found on the beaehof the UniversitiSains Malaysia Marine Field Stationat Mukahead,Penang, at dawnon 14111(NS).The extremitiesof thetail andfins were badlyscarred, possibly due to entanglementin nets. REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS compiledby R. Subharaj& Kelvin K. P. Um Singapore Reticulated Python (Pythonre ticulatus) 1 . One,aboui six feet,in drainalong Serapong Jetty Road, Sentosa on thenights of 22/10 (LG,GL,SR,SBS)and 26/10 (LG,EL,NBC,SR); 2. RH founda dead36-inch example along Lim ChuKang Road, on 14/12. Common Malayan Racer (Elapheflavolineata) 1 . A 19-inchdead example at Ulu Sembawang,5/11 (RH); 2. One,19 inches,dead at Ulu Sembawang,28112 (RH). Indo-Chinese Rat Snake(Ptyas' korros) Threereports of deadindividuals from RH: 1. 36-inchexample along Cemetry Path 2, off Lim ChuKang Road, 1/12; 2. Another,about 30 inches,outside Lim Chu KangCamp,l4ll2. 3. One,about 33 inches,found headless (probably severed by grass-cutter)along Chinese cemetrypath, UIu Sembawang,22112. Black-headedCollared Snake(Sibynopft is melanocephalus) Two reporlsfrom RH: 1. About9 inches,"very thin body,black chisel-shaped head, redTbrown body with little spotsof blackalong each side't, behind Woodlaniis New Town by thecauseway, 23111; Z. LS-inches,dead, along Neo Tiew Road,1/12. Striped Kukri Snake(Oligodon octolineatus) A dead,27-inchexample along Choa Chu Kang Road,23111(RH). Dwarf Reed Snake (Pseudorabdionlongiceps) Onedried specimen iri newly-clearedresam palch at UpperPeirce Reservoir,24110 (RT). Painted Bronzeback(D endrelaphis pictus) Fourrecords from RH: 1. A 29-inchdead one on track11 off NeoTiew Road,1/12; 2. One,about 36 inches,at NeoTiew Roadon 1/12; Thz Pangolia 4{4) 3. One,30 inches,squashed at Ulu Sembawang,28172; 4. One,32 inches,along track 10off NeoTiew Road,28/12. ParadiseTree Snake(Chrysopelea paradisl 1. RH observedone, about 3O-inches, in tall grasson a hill slopeoff LorongAyam Damak, 2/1.1,; 2. A 37-inchdead one along Neo Tiew Road on 16/11(RFf. Puff-faced Water Snake(Homalopsis buccata) 1. A 1l-inchdead specimen along Neo Tiew Road, 16/11 (RH); 2. One,11 inches, dead at Ulu Sembawang,28112 (RH). Striped Keelback (Xenochrophisvittatus) Four recordsfrom RH: 1. Two separatedead examples, one 16 inches,along Neo Tiew Road,5/11; 2 . 12 inches,dead along Neo Tiew Road,23111; 3 . Two separateexamples, 28 and22 inches,dead along Neo Tiew Lane10; and another, 15 inches,dead along Neo Tiew Road,on 14/12. 4. One,15 inches,dead along Neo Tiew Laneby the edgeof Kranji' 22112. Blue-neckedKeelback (Mac r opbtho do n r hodo me la s) One,22 inches,dead at Ulu Sembawang,22112 (RH). Black Spitting Cobra (iVajasunatrana) 1 . YSH andTML encountereda 4-footer at Bukit Brown,22112; The followingrecords (2-10) from RH: 2. About 18 inches,at lrrong DanauPoyan,2/1-1-; 3. 16inches, dead at Lorong Ayam Hutan, 2/11; 4. About 5 feet,Choa Chu Kang track 10,27110; 5. 20 inches,dead at Ulu Sembawang,5/11; 6. 22 inches,dead at Lim ChuKang Road, 1/12; 7. 20 inches,dead at NeoTiew Road,1,/12; 8. 30 inches,dead at NeoTiew Road,14/12; .9. 19 inches,dead at Ulu Sembawang,22l12,had a broadpink bandon theunderside of neck,and a pink circularmark above it ; 10. One,16 inches,squashed by TurutTrack junction, 28112; 11. MH reportstwo from gardensin Sembawang:one killed by a gardenerat 9 am at Queen's Avenue,the otherseen at 10 am at King'sAvenue; both on 18/11. Banded Malayan Coral Snake(Maticora intestinalis) One,6 inches,dead at Ulu Sembawangby a sectionofterraced farmland, 28112. Green CrestedLizard (Bronchocelacristatella) Presentall yearin a gardenoff King'sAvenue, Sembawang (MH). ChangeableLizard (Ca lote s versicolor) 1. Presentall yearin a gardenoff King'sAvenue, Sembawang (MH). 2. RH encounteredone along Woodlands Road on 22112with the followingdescriptions: "Head,usual flat top shape,eye was black, with anorange iris, from theeye extended two blacklines, one
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