Volume XXXV No. 43 Published as a public service since 1985 Friday, Nov. 22, 2019 Annual Holiday SUD Approves Budget, Studio Tour Rate Increase; Discontinues Tennessee Craft-South invites Fluoridation the public to its annual Holiday by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer Studio Tour on the mountain at At the Nov. 19 meeting, the cation SUD recently implemented 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. Sewanee Utility Board of Commis- removed the charge categorized 7, and Sunday, Dec. 8, 11 a.m.–4 sioners approved the 2020 budget, as “water and sewer repair and 60th Annual p.m. Tennessee Craft-South is the which included a three-fourths of replacement” and included that regional branch of Tennessee Craft, 1 percent rate increase. Th e board amount in the charge for gallons Festival of the state-wide organization which also voted unanimously to discon- used. Only the appearance of the supports and promotes all hand- tinue fl uoridation. bill has changed, not the amount Lessons and made crafts in Tennessee. “A big driving factor in the bud- charged for service. More than 24 local and regional get is health care insurance,” SUD In August, the board gave notice Carols artists will show their work during Manager Ben Beavers said. it would vote to discontinue adding Th e 60th annual Festival of Les- the weekend, ranging from textiles, SUD’s health care insurance fl uoride to treated drinking water. sculpture, jewelry, pottery, and sons and Carols at the University costs increased 15.3 percent. “I was Th e head operator at the Water of the South will be celebrated at glass to paintings, paper art, cast shocked,” Beavers acknowledged. Plant recommended SUD discon- bronze, metal work, and wood- three services, two on Dec. 7 (4 In preparing the budget, he antici- tinue the practice. Th e board heard p.m. and 7 p.m.), and one on Dec. work. Sewanee artist studios open pated an 8 percent increase. public comments at the October to the public for the Tour include 8 (4 p.m.). The increase in health care meeting. At once solemn and joyful, the those of Bob Askew, Pippa Browne, insurance premiums will absorb a “Th e number of gallons of water Ben Potter, Claire Reishman and Festival of Lessons and Carols Vase by Bill Mauzy portion of the 2.5 percent cost-of- SUD produces and the number of evokes the meaning of the Advent Merissa Tobler. Other Sewanee living raise SUD employees receive. people drinking that water don’t locations include the American other members of Tennessee Craft season through the radiant music Employees’ share of the health care add up,” said commissioner Ran- of the University Choir and se- Legion Hall, Locals Gallery, Th e -South. Most works featured in the premium is 20 percent. In some dall Henley before the vote. Frame Gallery, and Local Artists at Studio Tour Exhibition are for sale. lected readings by members of the cases, the raise will eff ectively be Commissioner Art Hanson University and Sewanee commu- Clara’s Point. In Monteagle, open Th ere are six sponsors for the reduced to 1.6 percent. observed that in addition to the studios include those of Christi Holiday Studio Tour this year: nity. Th e service is based on one Th e rate increase will mean an chemical “being rough on our that has been sung annually since Teasley and The Gallery in the Th e Blue Chair, Th e Lemon Fair, average monthly bill increase of equipment and personnel, fl uoride Monteagle Sunday School As- Locals, Mooney’s, Shenanigans, 1918 at King’s College Chapel in $0.76 for water only customers; is difficult to remove from the Cambridge, England. It features sembly. Light refreshments will be and the Sewanee Inn. Studio Tour $1.46 for water and sewer custom- ground water, raising environmen- off ered at most locations. brochures are available at each the University Choir under the ers; and $2.59 for commercial tal concerns. Fluoride is introduced direction of University organist and There is a group exhibition of these local businesses and at all customers. into the ground water in SUD’s of many artists’ work in the St. participating studios. choirmaster Geoff rey Ward. “Th e three-fourths of a percent spray fields at the Wastewater As part of the University mis- Andrew’s-Sewanee Art Gallery, Bright yellow signs mark the increase is in line with our common Treatment Plant.” located in the center of the Sim- tour route, and maps are available sion and the program of education practice of small incremental rate Retired dentist Dr. Robert Chil- and formation of All Saints’ Cha- monds Building at SAS. While at all locations on the tour as well increases rather than waiting until dress said he was “disappointed” in most sites host diff erent individual as at all sponsors’ locations, in the pel, the Festival Service of Lessons we get in a crisis and increasing the decision to discontinue fl uori- and Carols off ers students, faculty artists showing work, the SAS Art Sewanee Mountain Messenger, rates 20 percent,” Beavers said. dation. “I furnished you with 40 Gallery presents a display from all and on the Tennessee Craft website and staff the opportunity to expe- Th e rate increase will not go into pages of information.” Childress rience one of the oldest traditions members of the group, in addition <http://tennesseecraft.org/mem- eff ect until 2020. Th e bill simplifi - to SAS faculty and students and bers/chapters/south/>. (Continued on page 6) (Continued on page 6) SES SCA Meeting Spotlights Historic Sewanee Homes ‘Turkey by Leslie Lytle, Messenger Staff Writer Following an update on the thermometer display outside the Protection’ Community Chest fund drive, post offi ce to track the campaign’s members and guests at the No- progress. vember Sewanee Civic Association Vice President Jade Barry invited Project (SCA) dinner meeting took a short nominations for the Person of the tour into the enchanting legacy Year and Lifetime Achievement Th e Sewanee Elementary School of historic Sewanee homes and, awards scheduled for presentation fi rst-grade students have once again perhaps best of all, learned how to at the April meeting. Send nomi- created disguises for their turkey learn more. nations to <sewaneecivic@gmail. friends to help them survive the SCA President Brandon Barry com>. upcoming holiday and avoid being announced fundraising letters Vice President Barry also called the main course for dinner. recently went out to members for volunteers to step forward to Turkeys are “hiding” throughout and past donors, urging them to serve on the SCA board. She and this issue of the Messenger and may contribute to the Sewanee Com- her husband Brandon will rotate try to sneak in the next issue. See munity Chest. Since 1908, the off the board in April and Secretary them all in color at <www.sewanee SCA has supported a wide array of Jesse Bornemann will step down to messenger.com> or <www.se- community projects and organiza- tend to a new baby. waneemessenger.smugmug.com>. tions providing books, elderly care, Contact the board at the above children’s programs, recreational email address to volunteer. spaces, animal care and more. Vice President Barry introduced Th e SCA has committed to fund the evening’s trio of speakers, Man- 25 applicants this year and needs dy Johnson, University Archivist; to raise $105,140. Send donations Mary O’Neill, Visual Resources to P.O. Box 99, Sewanee, TN Librarian; and Meg Binnicker Volunteers at work during a previous Greening of the Chapel. 37375 or donate online by visiting Beasley, Sewanee Trust for Historic Greening of the Chapel <www.sewaneecivic.org>. See the (Continued on page 6) On Friday, Dec. 6, members of the Sewanee Community are invited P.O. Box 296 to join in the Greening of All Saints’ Chapel in preparation for the 60th Sewanee, TN 37375 annual Festival of Lessons and Carols to be held Dec. 7 and 8. Work begins at 9 a.m. All levels of experience are welcomed and very much needed. We also encourage you to bring any treasures from your garden (dried hydrangea, nandina, and other berries, unusual evergreen clip- pings, etc.) which can be used to decorate wreaths and garlands. Coff ee and pastries will be served throughout the morning, and a light lunch will be available at noon. Ken Taylor, of Taylor’s Mercantile, will direct the day’s activities. Th ere will be a tour of the decorations for Lessons and Carols at 1:30 I am not a turkey! p.m., Sunday, Dec. 8. Meet Ken Taylor in the narthex of All Saints’ Chapel. 2 • Friday, Nov. 22, 2019 • Th e Sewanee Mountain MESSENGER Hospitality Shop Holiday Th anksgiving Hours and Sale Closings Th e Hospitality Shop will be closed Saturday, Nov. 23 through Th anksgiving Day is Th ursday, Monday, Dec. 2, and again Wednesday, Dec. 11 through Saturday, Jan Nov. 28. All federal, state and Published as a public service to the community since 1985, this newspaper 14. Th e Shop will be open for normal hours Tuesday, Dec. 3 through is printed on Fridays, 46 times a year. Free of charge, copies are distributed county offi ces will be closed, in- to 100 locations, including businesses and post offi ces across the Plateau. Tuesday, Dec 10. During the days before closing on Nov. 23, the Men’s cluding the banks and post offi ces. Th is publication is made possible by the patronage of our advertisers and by and Women’s Department are having half price sales.
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