Technically Speaking AUSTRALIAN WORKSHOP MANAGER www.aaen.com.au The article below is from our colleagues in the US, namely Fixed Ops Magazine. Once again it reflects the growing problem of carbon build-up and deposits in the intake system which is causing performance problems. GasolineFEATURE Direct Injection (GDI), also known as Petrol Direct Injection or Direct Petrol Injection or Spark Ignited Direct InjectionJANUARY (SIDI)/ FEBRUARY or Fuel 2015 Stratified || FIXED Injection OPS MAGAZINE (FSI), is a variant of fuel injection employed in modern four stroke. GDI systems allows a combustion engine to run an ultra-lean condition, therefore this will improve fuel consumption, decrease combustion temperature, and improve emissions. Unfortunately there are side effects caused by the lack of fuel that once washed down the cylinder walls and cleaned a lot of the carbon away. While technology has taken enormous steps in improving combustion burning and fuel efficiencies, it has not been able to combat the side effects that are left over after combustion.FEATURE It seems the more that technology improves combustion burning the greater is the problem we the technicians are seeing from this left over carbon that affects the driveability of our customers cars. JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 || FIXED OPS MAGAZINE Most of us know the value of bore-scopes and no doubt this article demonstrates another great use for this tool to inspect and back-up your carbon build-up suspicions in the intake system. This is also a great way to show your customer that their DIGGINGvehicle isFOR in need of a carbon cleanANSWERS treatment. GDI ENGINE COMPLAINTS OFTEN MYSTERIOUS, HARD TO RESOLVE DIGGING FOR ANSWERSBY JIM LEMAN GDI ENGINE COMPLAINTS OFTEN MYSTERIOUS, HARD TO RESOLVE Many modern vehicles powered by OEMs developed GDI engines to meet BY JIM LEMAN Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines 2016 CAFE fuel economy standards and are showing up in Service Departments they’ve been increasing in use since with mysterious complaints: high oil 2000. The technology, however, has consumption, misfires and performance been around since WW II. Mercedes- loss. These problems can put the diag- Benz used it in the early ‘50s for its Manynostic skillsmodern of even vehicles the best powered Technicians by OEMs300SL developedGullwing, which GDI engines won at toLeMans meet Gasolineto the test. Direct Injection (GDI) engines 2016in 1952. CAFE fuel economy standards and are showing up in Service Departments they’ve been increasing in use since withDiagnosing mysterious and remedyingcomplaints: these high enoil- 2000.One reason The technology,GDI problem however, diagnosis has is consumption,gines’ issues misfiresearly is important.and performance Prob- beenoften elusivearound issince that WWsome II. of Mercedes- the diag- loss.lems Thesecan affect problems engine can performance put the diag in- Benznostic usedskills itto in identify the early it are ‘50s long for out- its nosticas little skills as 3,000 of even miles. the bestNeglected Technicians treat- 300SLof-practice. Gullwing, For instance, which won the at industry’s LeMans toment the maytest. require a costly upper end inheavy 1952. reliance on sensor codes and teardown or vigorous mechanical clean- scan diagnostics have eroded many Diagnosinging to restore and vitality. remedying these en- OneTechs’ reason ability GDIto diagnose problem based diagnosis on ob is- gines’ issues early is important. Prob- oftenservation, elusive knowledge is that someand instinct. of the diag- lemsA dealer can (and affect OEM) engine can performanceonly hope that in nostic skills to identify it are long out- asthe little repairs as 3,000will restore miles. theNeglected vehicle treatown- of-practice.Also disconcerting, For instance, Goss thesaid, industry’s is that menter’s brand may trust.require a costly upper end heavymany techsreliance and on motorists sensor codesstill check and teardown or vigorous mechanical clean- scana vehicle’s diagnostics tailpipe havefor bluisheroded exhaust. many ingShawn to restore Crow, vitality.Service Manager for Bob Techs’That diagnosis ability to fordiagnose cylinder based oil burning on ob- Robinson Chevrolet-Buick-Cadillac- servation,was valid inknowledge the days beforeand instinct. cars had to AGMC dealer near (and Wheeling, OEM) can West only Virginia, hope thattold use catalytic converters. These devices theme repairshis shop will sees restore GDI the engine vehicle issues own- Alsoburn awaydisconcerting, all gases enteringGoss said, them, is leavthat- er’severy brand day. trust.“It involves ’07 models for- manying zero techs telltale and oil smokemotorists at thestill tailpipe. check ward,” he said. “It’s even more a prob- a vehicle’s tailpipe for bluish exhaust. lem in turbo versus naturally aspirated Shawn Crow, Service Manager for Bob That“ diagnosis for cylinder oil burning RobinsonGDI engines becauseChevrolet-Buick-Cadillac- the intake gases in wasMANY valid in the MODERN days before carsVEHICLES had to POWERED BY GASOLINE GMCturbo enginesnear Wheeling, are even West hotter.” Virginia, told use catalytic converters. These devices me his shop sees GDI engine issues burn awayDIRECT all gases INJECTION entering them, (GDI)leav- ENGINES ARE SHOWING everyPat Goss, day. “ItMotorweek’s involves ’07 resident models mas for- ing zero telltale oil smoke at the tailpipe. ward,”ter Technician he said. and“It’s Owner/Operatoreven more a prob of- UP IN SERVICE DEPARTMENTS WITH MYSTERIOUS lemGoss’s in turboGarage versus near naturallyWashington, aspirated D.C., GDIfor the engines last 43because years, the has intake told gasesme that in “MANY MODERN VEHICLES POWERED BY GASOLINE turbopart of engines the diagnostic are even challengehotter.” is that COMPLAINTS: HIGH OIL CONSUMPTION, many Technicians have not been edu- DIRECT INJECTION (GDI) ENGINES ARE SHOWING Patcated Goss, about Motorweek’s issues associated resident with mas GDI- MISFIRES AND PERFORMANCE LOSS.” terengines. Technician and Owner/Operator of Goss’s Garage near Washington, D.C., UP IN SERVICE DEPARTMENTS WITH MYSTERIOUS for34 the MARCH/APRIL last 43 years, has2015 told me that p. 60 part of the diagnostic challenge is that COMPLAINTS: HIGH OIL CONSUMPTION, many Technicians have not been edu- cated about issues associated with GDI MISFIRES AND PERFORMANCE LOSS.” engines. p. 60 Technically Speaking JANUARY / FEBRUARYAUSTRALIAN 2015 || FIXED WORKSHOP OPS MAGAZINE MANAGER www.aaen.com.au FEATURE JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 || FIXED OPS MAGAZINE FEATURE JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2015 || FIXED OPS MAGAZINE DIGGING FOR ANSWERS GDI ENGINE COMPLAINTS OFTEN MYSTERIOUS, HARD TO RESOLVE DIGGING FOR ANSWERSBY JIM LEMAN GDI ENGINE COMPLAINTS OFTEN MYSTERIOUS, HARD TO RESOLVE Many modern vehicles powered by OEMs developed GDI engines to meet BY JIM LEMAN Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engines 2016 CAFE fuel economy standards and are showing up in Service Departments they’ve been increasing in use since Problem details with mysterious complaints: high oil 2000. The technology, however, has GDI engines burn leaner than port fuel Konrad DeLong is a former regional field The National Highway Traffic Safety Ad- consumption, misfires and performance been around since WW II. Mercedes- injection engines, a 40-to-1 versus 14.7- engineer for General Motors. He now is ministration believes that 60 percent of loss. These problems can put the diag- Benz used it in the early ‘50s for its to-1 air-to-fuel ratio. This leaner mixture Development Coordinator for Lubrica- the fleet by 2016 will use GDI technol- results in more conservative fuel usage tion Specialists, Inc. of Houston. In both ogy. Service Departments can expect Manynostic skillsmodern of even vehicles the best powered Technicians by OEMs300SL developedGullwing, which GDI engines won at toLeMans meet but contributes to much hotter engine roles, he has learned well how major ve- to see an increasing volume of GDI- Gasolineto the test. Direct Injection (GDI) engines 2016in 1952. CAFE fuel economy standards and operating temperatures. hicle engine problems, like those show- powered vehicles in their shops. OEMs are showing up in Service Departments they’ve been increasing in use since ing up in GDI engines, can shake con- reluctance to talk about these engines’ withDiagnosing mysterious and remedyingcomplaints: these high enoil- 2000.One reason The technology,GDI problem however, diagnosis has is There are several GDI engine concerns: sumer confidence. issues, Goss believes, has hampered consumption,gines’ issues misfiresearly is important.and performance Prob- beenoften elusivearound issince that WWsome II. of Mercedes- the diag- techs’ ability to understand, diagnose loss.lems Thesecan affect problems engine can performance put the diag in- Benznostic usedskills itto in identify the early it are ‘50s long for out- its • Higher cylinder temperatures and pres- “Customers would bring vehicles into and remedy these problems for their nosticas little skills as 3,000 of even miles. the bestNeglected Technicians treat- 300SLof-practice. Gullwing, For instance, which won the at industry’s LeMans sures released into the crankcase ac- the shop complaining of misfires or customers. toment the maytest. require a costly upper end inheavy 1952. reliance on sensor codes and teardown or vigorous mechanical clean- scan diagnostics have eroded many celerate oil vaporization. Eventually this performance lags, but when Techs run causes oil droplets to coat intake valves. diagnostics, the PCM [power control To be fair, OEMs are studying
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