Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji 1 Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji Copyright Pacifi c Disability Forum (PDF) 2014 GPO Box 18458 Ground Floor, Kadavu House Victoria Parade Suva Fiji Tel: +679 331 2008/ 330 7530 Fax: +679 331 0469 Website: www.pacifi cdisability.org Facebook: Pacifi c Disability Forum Supported and funded: UN Women Multi -Country Offi ce (MCO) – Fiji and Australian Department of Foreign Aff airs and Trade (DFAT) Original text: English Illustrati ons by: Siân Rolls Designed and layout by: Chris Ward Printed by: Davui Printery ISBN: 978-982-98080-2-8 All rights for commercial/ for profi t reproducti on or translati on, in any form, reserved. PDF authorizes the parti al reproducti on or translati on of this material for scienti fi c, educati on or research purposes, provided that PDF and the source document are properly acknowledged. Permission to reproduce the document and/or translate in whole, in any form, whether for commercial/ for profi t or nonprofi t purposes, must be requested in writi ng. Original PDF artwork may not be altered or separately published without permission. 2 Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji PREFACE The toolkit is part of the pilot project called a Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Fiji. The project is a joint partnership between the Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation and Pacifi c Disability Forum, supported by fi nancial and technical assistance from UN Women, with primary funding from Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The Pacifi c Disability Forum (PDF) is a regional non- governmental organisation established in December 2002, formally inaugurated in July 2004 and registered in Fiji in 2007 following a growing momentum in the Pacifi c region led by leaders of organisations of persons with dis- abilities (DPOs) to recognise the potential of persons with disabilities and their organisations. Our purpose is to promote and facilitate regional cooperation on disability related concerns for the benefi t of persons with disabilities, their families and organisations in the Pacifi c. Our principal stakeholders are national organisations of persons with disabilities and through them the people that they represent. Our status as the regional DPO and the independence of its Board (from government as well as specifi c private or community sector alignments) is critical in underpinning our role in working across sectors and brokering partnerships. The Fiji Disabled Peoples Federations (FDPF) the implementing partner of the project is the National Umbrella Body for Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs) in Fiji. It is led and managed by persons with disabilities in Fiji. The FDPF has a vision of a barrier free, rights based society in which human rights and citizen participation, capabilities and delivery of all persons with disabilities are identifi ed, developed and respected. It has four major affi liates: Fiji Association of the Deaf (FAD), United Blind Persons of Fiji (UBP), Psychiatric Survivors Association (PSA), and Spinal Injury Association (SIA). It has 16 community based DPO affi liates throughout Fiji. Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................... 05 Representative Organisations.................................................................. 06 Message from PDF and FDPF................................................................. 08 Acknowledgements.................................................................................. 10 Introduction............................................................................................... 11 • WHAT - Modules in this Toolkit • WHO - Users of the Toolkit • HOW - Approach and Guiding Principles • WHY - Situation in Fiji • Violence against Women in Fiji • Disability in Fiji • Violence against Women with Disabilities in Fiji Facilitator’s Guide.....................................................................................16 Module 1 Human Rights..................................................................... 28 Module 2 What is Disability?...............................................................38 Module 3 Gender................................................................................ 46 Module 4 Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities............72 Module 5 Action Planning for Inclusion...............................................98 Handouts...................................................................................................106 Reading.....................................................................................................114 Appendix 1 Disability Inclusive Practice Checklist................................. 140 Appendix 2 Safety Planning................................................................... 150 Appendix 3 Sample Evaluation Form.....................................................152 Appendix 4 The Gender Scale............................................................... 154 Appendix 5 Organisation providing service in Fiji.................................. 162 Appendix 6 Bibliography.........................................................................164 4 Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AIDS Acquired Immunodefi ciency Syndrome CRPD Conventi on on the Rights of Persons with Disabiliti es CEDAW Conventi on on the Eliminati on and Discriminati on against Women CRC Conventi on on the Rights of the Child CAT Conventi on against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment CED Conventi on for the Protecti on of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances CERD Conventi on on the Eliminati on of All Forms of Racial Discriminati on CMW Conventi on on the Protecti on of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families CBM Christi an Blind Mission Nossal Insti tutes Partnership for Disability Inclusive Development CBR Community Based Rehabilitati on DFAT Australian Department of Foreign Aff airs and Trade DPO Disabled People’s Organisati on EVAWG Ending Violence against Women and Girls FAD-Fiji Fiji Associati on for the Deaf FDPF Fiji Disabled Peoples Federati ons FNCDP Fiji Nati onal Council for Disabled Persons FWCC Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre FWRM Fiji Women’s Rights Movement GBV Gender Based Violence HIV Human Immunodefi ciency Virus ICCPR Internati onal Covenant on Civil and Politi cal Rights ICESCR Internati onal Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights IWDA Internati onal Women’s Development Agency NCD Non-Communicable Disease OSPP Other Service Providers and Police PDF Pacifi c Disability Forum PSA-Fiji Psychiatric Survivors Associati on-Fiji SPC RRRT Secretariat of the Pacifi c Community Regional Rights Resources Team SSV Soqosoqo Vakamarama I Taukei Fiji SIA-Fiji Spinal Injuries Associati on Fiji UBP Fiji United Blind Persons of Fiji UDHR Universal Declarati on of Human Rights UNFPA United Nati ons Populati on Fund UN Women United Nati ons Enti ty for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women Multi - Country Offi ce - Fiji UNDP United Nati ons Development Program VAWG Violence against Women and Girls Toolkit on Eliminating Violence Against Women And Girls With Disabilities In Fiji 5 REPRESENTATIVE ORGANISATIONS Due to the sensitivity of the issue of violence against women and girls with disabilities and the type of support that is needed, it is our recommendation that DPOs and FWCC be the fi rst points of contact should participants who experience violence and abuse need assistance. Organisati on What could they help you with? Contact details Fiji Disabled The Fiji Disabled Peoples Telephone: 331 1203 Peoples Federati on Federati on (FDPF) can assist organisati ons in doing an Fax: 330 1161 (FDPF) access audit of their faciliti es Email: fdpfoffi [email protected] FNCDP Complex 3 Brown Street, Toorak GPO Box 15178 Suva, Fiji United Blind United Blind Persons of Fiji (UBP) can provide Telephone: 330 0616 Persons of Fiji (UBP) informati on on converti ng informati on into Fax: 330 1161 accessible format for persons with visual Email: [email protected] impairment. FNCDP Complex 3 Brown Street, Toorak GPO Box 16015 Suva, Fiji Fiji Associati on for The Fiji Deaf Associati on (FAD) can provide informa- Telephone: 331 9042 the Deaf (FAD) ti on on sign language interpreti ng, sign and language Fax: 330 1161 classes. Email: fi [email protected] FNCDP Complex 3 Brown Street, Toorak GPO Box 15178 Suva, Fiji Spinal Injuries Asso- The Spinal Injuries Associati on (SIA) can provide Telephone: 330 7908 ciati on of Fiji (SIA) mobility aids like wheelchairs, shower chairs, walking Fax: 330 1161 sti cks and crutches. Email: [email protected] FNCDP Complex 3 Brown Street, Toorak GPO Box 15178 Suva, Fiji Psychiatric Seek to improve the lives of Psychiatric Survivors in Telephone: 331 9043 Survivors Fiji in the following: Fax: 330 1161 Associati on (PSA) Email: psa.fi [email protected] • Home visits to ex-pati ents of St Giles Psychiatric Hospital FNCDP Complex 3 Brown Street, Toorak • Organising workshops for members to help GPO Box 15178 develop coping skills and increase understanding of Suva, Fiji mental illness • Organising community awareness campaigns to promote knowledge of mental illness • Home visits to ex-pati ents
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