he agle’s ye TVolume 10 Issue 1 ESt. Benedict at Auburndale High School, ECordova, TN October 3, 2013 SBA welcomes new principal Amanda Slade scription can merit; every day tennis; she even started SBA’s Co-Editor brings unique and different ex- cross country team. periences. Outside of school, Mrs. Mor- Sondra Morris, a long-time “When we were getting new ris is the mother of five chil- SBA faculty member, crowns bleachers over the summer, dren, including Clare, an SBA her 28th year with one of the I learned about construction. junior. most notable positions—prin- I even learned the difference “[Having my mom as prin- cipal. between a good concrete pour cipal] has its ups and downs. Following the departure of and a bad concrete pour,” said Overall, it’s nice [to have her former principal George Va- Mrs. Morris. here] when I forget things,” ladie, the Superintendent and As principal, she also “rep- said Clare. the Bishop asked Mrs. Morris resents SBA off-campus,” like She is married to the Director if she would take on the role when attending meetings and of Marketing and Communica- of interim principal. when students receive outside tions of SBA’s rival, CBHS. “Mr. Valadie was a fabulous awards, such as “Best of the However, even though the two leader and visionary. I’m go- Preps” and “Academic All- schools exist in harmony in ing to have to be at the top Stars.” the Morris home, she knows of my game,” she said. “[My During her years at SBA, where to draw the line. goal is to] keep SBA moving Mrs. Morris has held vari- “I don’t wash anything pur- forward. Our job as educators ous positions. She began as a ple and gold,” she said. is to prepare students for Har- classroom teacher of science, Mrs. Morris attended SBEC vard and heaven. We prepare physical education, health, and high school—where she was them for the next level, wheth- theology. basketball homecoming queen er it be college or military. It’s She went on to become Ath- runner-up—before going to a huge undertaking.” letic Director, Director of Ad- Union University to major in photo by Amanda Slade With her new role, Mrs. missions, Registrar, Director physical education and health As the new principal of SBA, Mrs. Morris has introduced some Morris has more contact with of Student Affairs, Develop- and minor in science. changes, and she is looking forward to the rest of the school year. students, and she interacts ment Director, Dean of Stu- Mrs. Morris received her with each department at SBA. dents, and Assistant Principal. master’s in education, with an Memphis. principal, while the Diocese However, her job encom- She has coached volleyball, emphasis in athletic admin- Mrs. Morris will finish out determines the permanent re- passes more than a mere de- basketball, golf, softball, and istration, at the University of the academic year as interim placement. MMI offers healthy choices and cheaper prices Rachel Hofer took notice of more than a few teachers are just a few of these “It was a blessing in dis- In previous years, students Co-Editor changes to the SBA lifestyle. changes. One of the most no- guise. It’s really a wonderful in sixth period lunch typi- A new principal, new rules, table changes, particularly for company,” said Ms. Monteath. cally experienced a smaller Upon return for another and even new laptops for the students, is the new lunch ser- One of the main changes selection of food than those in school year, SBA students vice provider. from the switch to MMI is fourth and fifth lunch. Mississippi Management, the pricing of lunch. MMI According to Ms. Mont- Inc. (MMI) replaced Sodexo examined Sodexo’s pricing eath, judging how much food as the provider of SBA’s lunch. of lunch—specifically the is needed to serve everyone is MMI is a privately owned hot lunch—and decided they one of the most challenging company with over 50 years of could offer lower prices based aspects of feeding a student experience of providing food on their similar accounts. body, plus faculty and staff. and hospitality services. In addition to lower pricing, Providing enough food for all Karen Monteath is the head MMI is making a conscious students in all lunch periods is of MMI’s St. Benedict divi- effort to provide healthier op- one of MMI’s main goals for sion. She worked in food and tions to students in the hot the year. beverage services for a differ- meal. They plan to utilize dif- Ms. Monteath is very ex- ent company for 13 years be- ferent themes throughout the cited to be working with MMI fore replying to an ad about the year to bring in a wider variety to provide lunch for SBA, position at MMI. of healthy foods. and she has many fresh ideas She had a very successful in- “There are so many more to make lunch healthier and terview and was informed later options, and they’re all deli- more exciting. “I love the ex- photo by Savannah Boettcher that same day that she had re- cious,” said senior Nikki Shah citement from the staff and The new lunch provider, MMI, introduces a wide variety of healthy food choices at convenient prices for SBA students. ceived the position. of the new food selections. students,” said Ms. Monteath. What’s inside the Eye page page page 5 8 11Ten-dollar dates Planetarium gets a face-lift Meet the new basketball coach The Eagle’s Eye St. Benedict at Auburndale The Eye on Editorials 2 October 2013 Editorial Board SBA serves as second family to many new clubs, and more new stu- Mr. Angotti led us in a song Co-Editors dents. We are fortunate to be about serving the Lord in our Rachel Hofer in a Diocese where the Bishop house. This is our house, so Amanda Slade Mrs. Morris and priests recognize the im- let’s serve Him in all we do Copy Editor portance of a Catholic educa- this year. That’s not an easy Kayla Williamson tion. Because of the visionary task. Just as family members Reflections guidance and leadership, we might have disagreements and Reporters are the St. Benedict of today. misunderstandings, so will Jack Borg We have a state-of-the-art we. We are a family – take Savannah Boettcher Interim Principal campus sitting on 22 acres care of each other, have each Bailey Coppedge with over 183,000 square feet. other’s back, and protect “the Lauren James Take a minute to look around Nest.” Alanna Oliphant It is a privilege to serve as have experienced their first at what we’ve been given and Let’s make every day count. Andrew Wadovick your principal this year. We pep rally “booing.” let’s all make a commitment Let’s decide to make every Destinee Williams graduated our 25th senior I look back to our begin- to make SBA the best place it class, club meeting, athletic nings in 1988 – we were a 4K Artists class this past spring and are can be. event, practice, concert, play, – 12th grade school with just Alanna Oliphant well into another school year. God has given each one of us field trip, dance, lunch period, over 250 students in the en- Sarah Timmins The juniors have ordered their different talents and gifts and and even each trip to the Li- tire school. As our enrollment Becca Siciliano class rings, seniors are getting it’s up to us to use them. Let’s brary – count for something. ready to order graduation sup- increased, so did our physi- decide that this is going to be It’s not an easy task, but by the Adviser plies, the sophomores are still cal space. With the expansion our best year ever. grace of God and with the sup- Dianna Cervetti loving life and the freshmen came new classes, new teams, At our first All-School Mass, port of friends – we can do it. Awards 2013 THSPA Awards National Merit Scholars announced (THSPA-TN H.S. Press Assoc.) College Second Place Best Overall Newspaper in TN First Place Corner Best Illustration Honorable Mention Awards Best Inside Page Design Rhodes College Memphis, TN 2012 ASPA Awards (ASPA-American Scholastic General Press Assoc.) 13.4 miles from SBA First Place 1,927 students, 192 faculty Overall Newspaper First Place Education Outstanding Service Liberal Arts College to the Community 56% acceptance rate Avg. ACT 27-28 Avg. GPA ≥ 3.50 photo by Sharon Masterson The Eagle’s Eye is published Senior counselor Mrs. Mary Cox (left) and Academic Dean Dr. Beth Fischer (right) congratulate monthly during the school Costs Per Year year, by the newspaper staff Commended Scholars Theresa Stoddard, Kate Walsh, Rachel Hofer, Sarah Timmins, Andrew Lee at St. Benedict at Auburn- and National Merit Semi-Finalist Jodie Crocker. Tuition, Fees, dale, 8250 Varnavas Drive, Room and Board $47,596 Cordova, TN 38016. Tele- phone:901-260-2840. The Eagle’s Eye is distributed free Financial Aid to all members of the student Average need-based aid body. Commentaries and opin- A new learning curve ion columns are the expressed package $33,489 opinion of the author and not of The Eagle’s Eye and its Edito- Scholarships rial Board, or its adviser. These opinions do not reflect the Average merit-based award views of the Catholic Diocese $19,272 of Memphis. Letter to the Edi- tor Policy: Letters must include the writer’s name, signature and Interesting Facts class or position.
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