E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2005 No. 143 House of Representatives The House met at 2 p.m. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE have three grown daughters and seven The Reverend Bruce Bigelow, Pastor, A message from the Senate by Ms. grandchildren, all who reside in Indi- Lake Hills Baptist Church, Scherer- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced ana. ville, Indiana, offered the following that the Senate has passed a concur- Let us hope the words of his inspiring prayer: rent resolution of the following title in prayer will remain with us and his Our Lord, we come before Thee and which the concurrence of the House is dedication to the ministry will always we gather together to do business, to requested: be appreciated. do business for this Nation and for Thee. We have sought to follow Thee. S. Con. Res. 56. Concurrent resolution ex- f pressing appreciation for the contribution of You have said feed the hungry, and we Chinese art and culture and recognizing the EMINENT DOMAIN have fed the hungry. You have said Festival of China at the Kennedy Center. give drink to those that are thirsty, (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- f and we have given drink. We have mission to address the House for 1 blessed others abundantly because You WELCOMING THE REVEREND minute.) have blessed us as a Nation in great BRUCE BIGELOW Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, last June, in abundance. You have blessed us beyond (Mr. VISCLOSKY asked and was a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court that which we deserve, and we thank given permission to address the House ruled that the government may force You for Your graciousness and Your for 1 minute.) property owners to sell their property mercy to us. Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, it is to make way for private economic de- I pray that You will bless the men my privilege to introduce our guest velopment when officials deem it bene- and women of this Congress as they chaplain, Reverend Bruce Bigelow, pas- ficial to the public. With that decision, gather together and wrestle with the tor of the Lake Hills Baptist Church in Susette Kelo and 15 of her neighbors issues of the day. May You help us as a Schererville, Indiana. lost their fight to hold on to their Nation to turn from selfishness and Reverend Bigelow was born on the homes. One neighbor forced to sell her help us to show graciousness and love South Side of Chicago and was raised home was born there in 1918 and lived and kindness, ministering to those in Gary, Indiana. Reverend Bigelow in the house her entire life. around us and meeting their needs. began his life of service in 1967. For the The properties Kelo and her neigh- Bless this Congress as they act this past 32 years, he has served as the sen- bors are being forced to abandon will day. May You lead them and bless ior pastor of the Lake Hills Baptist not be a replaced with a needed road or them. In Jesus’ name I pray it. Amen. Church and will be retiring this coming school but with upscale housing and a f April. marina. The sanctity of private property is THE JOURNAL In his time as pastor, Lake Hills Bap- tist Church has grown from less than one that Americans hold dear, and this The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- 100 members to over 450 today. The Supreme Court decision threatens that. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- church now includes a modern family This House has appropriately re- ceedings and announces to the House life center. In addition, it joyfully sponded by offering the Protection of his approval thereof. gives 30 percent of all donations it re- Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- ceives to help support missionary Property Act of 2005 which would pro- nal stands approved. projects in the community and around tect property by limiting the power of f the world. The congregation also pro- eminent domain. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE vides practical help to children, teen- Mr. Speaker, the fifth amendment to The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman age and college age youths, young the Constitution prohibits the govern- mothers, and senior adults. Through ment taking private property except from Indiana (Mr. VISCLOSKY) come forward and lead the House in the his actions and those of the members of for public use. The protection of our Pledge of Allegiance. the church, Reverend Bigelow has homes, small business, and other pri- Mr. VISCLOSKY led the Pledge of Al- brightened and made meaningful so vate property rights against govern- legiance as follows: many lives. ment seizure is one of the fundamental I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Throughout his time in the ministry, principles this country was founded United States of America, and to the Repub- Reverend Bigelow has been supported upon. If the highest court in the land lic for which it stands, one nation under God, by his wife Janice, his dear wife of 40 will not protect this right, it is up to indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. years, who has joined him today. They us to do so. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9475 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:53 Nov 03, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02NO7.000 H02NOPT1 H9476 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 2, 2005 EMINENT DOMAIN amendment in the defense appropria- leagues to vote against these cuts and (Mr. RYUN of Kansas asked and was tions bill. instead make sure every student in the given permission to address the House f country has access to affordable col- lege opportunities. for 1 minute and to revise and extend BEHEADINGS IN INDONESIA his remarks.) f (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- Mr. RYUN of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, mission to address the House for 1 EMINENT DOMAIN the House will vote this week on H.R. minute.) 4128, the Property Protection Act, to (Mr. DOOLITTLE asked and was Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today secure all Americans’ rights to what given permission to address the House to share the outrage of the people of they have earned. On June 23 of this for 1 minute.) Indonesia with my colleagues regard- year, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. Speaker, ev- ing a case of horror that occurred this the decision of Kelo v. City of New eryone remembers the schoolyard bully past weekend. London that economic development who pushed the smaller kids around While walking to school on the morn- can be a public use under the fifth and took their lunch money just be- ing of Saturday, October 29, in Central amendment’s taking clause. cause he was bigger and stronger. Bul- Sulawesi, three teenage girls were at- The public reaction to this decision lying wasn’t okay in elementary school tacked by Islamic extremists. The was both swift and decisive. In Kansas, and it isn’t okay now, especially when attackers murdered the young ladies people are outraged. In a polling con- it comes in the form of a U.S. Supreme by hacking them with machetes and ducted by the Wall Street Journal, 11 Court decision. eventually severing their heads from out of 12 Americans said they oppose In Kelo v. City of New London, the their bodies. the taking of private property, even if Supreme Court empowered the govern- Why this attack? They had done it is for public economic good. ment to seize private property, includ- nothing wrong. They were simply teen- H.R. 4128 would prohibit the Federal ing someone’s own home or place of age girls walking to school. Government from taking personal worship, and transfer it to another pri- As this horrible tragedy affirms, the vate owner as long as the transfer property, private property for eco- Indonesian government must crack nomic development purposes. The bill would provide an economic benefit to down strongly and firmly on these bar- the community. Simply put, the Su- would also deny States and localities baric extremists in Indonesia. Other- from receiving any Federal economic preme Court has given government the wise, these terrifying events will con- broad power to seize private property development funds if they abuse their tinue. eminent domain power. H.R. 4128 would for any use, so long as it generates tax Photos are too graphic to show, but revenue. negate this unfortunate ruling and re- they show a young girl wearing a Prin- store Americans’ constitutional right Tomorrow, the House will take up cess Diaries t-shirt who will never H.R. 4128, the Private Property Rights to be secure in the property that they again have the chance to dream like have worked hard to obtain. I urge the Protection Act, in an attempt to pre- many little girls do of being a princess. vent the abuses the Court has allowed House to stand with me and protect Extremists have robbed her of her private property rights. by its decision in the Kelo case. The dream. bill prohibits States and localities f I urge the Indonesian government to from receiving any Federal economic spare no resource in rooting out these MCCAIN AMENDMENT TO DEFENSE development funds if these entities extremist perpetrators and other APPROPRIATIONS BILL abuse their power of eminent domain.
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