DANCING WITH THEMSELVES DESPITE LOW ATTENDANCE, HERKY AND THE IOWA SPIRIT SQUAD SHOW UP IN FULL FORCE AT THE HAWKEYES’ VOLLEYBALL GAMES. SPORTS 1B WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 WHAT’S INSIDE: State policymakers have FOOTBALL 101 approved $176 million in renova- No UISG tion projects at UI Hosptials and Clinics. Page 2A backing for Community members are lob- bying the Iowa City School Board to keep the soon-to-be-closed Roosevelt Elementary building. Patel just yet Page 8A The Hawkeye soccer team will Raj Patel and Michelle Payne lose its all-time winningest goalie at the end of the season, have not formally asked leaving a big spot to fill for this UISG for its support. year’s freshman backups. Page 1B By KRISTEN EAST [email protected] Iowa State Student government leaders and a announces two student City Council candidate have presidential finalists apparently not yet settled their differ- ences. The Iowa State Presidential After much deliberation at Tuesday Search committee announced the night’s meeting, the University of Iowa two finalists in the presidential Student Government Senate tabled a search, who will visit the campus piece of legislation that would have next week for open forums and endorsed Raj Patel’s City Council bid. meetings with student represen- That comes after Patel resigned his tatives. UISG post last week. Patel’s campaign “I think we are looking forward told The Daily Iowan he was forced out, to very strong candidates coming but UISG leaders say Patel’s departure to campus,” said Labh Hira, the was voluntary. dean of the business school and Two years ago, UISG passed legisla- cochairman of the search panel. tion endorsing three UI students run- “Both are eminently qualified ning for City Council spots. That candidates, and they are looking endorsement passed with little contro- forward to being president of versy. Iowa State University.” UISG leaders did not expect the After selecting four finalists, Patel-endorsement legislation to be con- Steven Leath, vice president for troversial on Tuesday. research and sponsored programs “It’s going to be passed with very little at the University of North conversation,” UISG Vice President Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Kumble Brittany Caplin said before the Senate Subbaswamy, the provost of the meeting. “A lot of student-government University of Kentucky-Lexington, members are volunteering for his cam- were left after two of the other paign.” candidates withdrew from the Caplin insisted group officials haven’t search for personal reasons. changed their position on the matter, The two candidates will visit iterating that Patel was not forced out of campus on Sept. 21-23 his UISG post. (Subbaswamy) and Sept. 22-24 “We’ve always said that we wish Raj (Leath) to participate in open the best,” she said. “We still stand by forums and interact with faculty what’s going on and what we’ve said.” and students at ISU. Sens. Blake Riffel and Joe Van Zant Neither candidates were avail- submitted the piece of legislation and able for comment. The state argued Tuesday night it be passed Board of Regents are expected to rather than tabled because early voting decide on a candidate next week, starts soon. according to the Des Moines “Raj has demonstrated himself to be a Register. great student leader,” Van Zant said. — Iowa State Daily “He has a student-initiatives platform.” But some senators argued the body Herky entertains students at Football 101 on Tuesday at the Pappajohn Business Building. The event was organized shouldn’t endorse Patel because he has- CLARIFICATION to educate international students about American football, including tailgate etiquette, games, and football terminol- n’t asked the group for its support. Fur- In the Sept. 15 article, “Official: ogy. Read more on 3A (The Daily Iowan/Toan Nguyen) SEE UISG, 3A Apparent decrease in student ambulance calls misleading,” the DI was not specific in stating which ambulance statistics were reported during the meeting. The ambulance statistics reported at the Partnership for Alcohol Safety meeting included all ambulance calls, not just student ambulance Regents push for funds calls. The DI regrets the error. Tuition now makes up more than 58 per- DAILY IOWAN TV cent of general-education funding at the To watch Daily Iowan TV go online at dailyiowan.com. regent universities. By ALLIE WRIGHT ple of Iowa that the decrease in [email protected] appropriations has stabilized,” he said. Regent input on tuition costs WEST DES MOINES — The should have more weight with leg- state Board of Regents will seek islators, he said. more than $621 million in appro- Sen. Joe Bolkcom, D-Iowa City, priations from state legislators in said he thinks appropriations are the upcoming legislative session. vital to the public state universi- But state politicians have mixed views about whether the 4 percent ties. increase over last year’s funding is “The state needs to do its part,” feasible. he said. “I think that a 4 percent INDEX “There are a lot of demands and increase is needed more than ever. a limited amount of money,” said I’ll be going back to work in Janu- Classifieds 3B Sports 1B Rep. Greg Forristall, R-Macedo- ary, when the Legislature makes UI Provost Barry Butler, President Sally Mason, and Senior Vice President Douglas Crossword 4B nia. “Four percent could be fairly the case, that this is such an True look over various proposals to improve the UIHC at the state Board of Regents Opinions 4B optimistic at this point.” important investment.” meeting on Tuesday in West Des Moines. (The Daily Iowan/Jules Pratt) At Tuesday’s meeting, Regent Bolkcom said he thinks Iowa is request. same time, tuition now makes up President Craig Lang said the in a good financial standing and Currently, state appropriations more than 58 percent of the fund- WEATHER increase is a message to legisla- the state has the resources to ful- tors and Iowans that decreasing fill the regents’ request. make up only 35.7 percent of gen- ing, up from 55.1 percent in fiscal HIGH LOW state appropriations is no longer According to the appropriations eral-education funding for the 2011. 68 45 tolerated. request, higher-education’s oper- regents’ schools, down from 38.5 Lang said this year, the regents Mostly sunny, windy. “I think what’s important is ating appropriations make up percent during last fiscal year, that we send a message to the peo- nearly $471 million of that according to the report. At the SEE REGENTS, 3A 2A - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 News dailyiowan.com for more news Regents OK UIHC plans The Daily Iowan Volume 143 Issue 63 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: E-mail: [email protected] William Casey . 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editor: Adam B Sullivan . 335-6030 CORRECTIONS Managing Editor:s Call: 335-6030 Emily Busse . 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Sam Lane. .335-5855 accuracy and fairness in the report- Metro Editors: ing of news. If a report is wrong or Hayley Bruce .. 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correc- Alison Sullivan . .335-6063 Opinions Editor: tion or a clarification may be made. Chris Steinke . 335-5863 PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor: The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is Seth Roberts . 335-5848 published by Student Publications Assistant Sports Editor: Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Matt Cozzi. 335-5848 Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Pregame Editor: except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Jordan Garretson. 335-5848 university holidays, and university Arts Editor: vacations. Periodicals postage paid Hannah Kramer . 335-5851 Copy Chief: at the Iowa City Post Office under the Beau Elliot. 335-6063 Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Photo Editor: SUBSCRIPTIONS Rob Johnson. .. 335-5852 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Design Editor: E-mail: [email protected] Alicia Kramme . 335-6063 Graphics Editor: Subscription rates: Max Freund. 335-6063 Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one TV News Director: semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 John Doetkott . 335-6063 for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Web Editor: Out of town: $40 for one semester, Tony Phan. 335-5829 $80 for two semesters, $20 for Business Manager: summer session, $100 all year. Debra Plath. 335-5786 Send address changes to: The Daily Classified Ads/ Circulation Manager: Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Juli Krause. 335-5784 Jean Robillard, the UI vice president for Medical Affairs, presents various proposals to improve the UHIC during the state Board of Regents Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004. Advertising Manager: Renee Manders. 335-5193 meeting on Tuesday in West Des Moines. (The Daily Iowan/Jules Pratt) Advertising Sales Staff: Bev Mrstik. .335-5792 Cathy Witt . .335-5794 Production Manager: The UIHC plans to spend $90 million on the construction of an Adult Heidi Owen. 335-5789 Critical Care Bed Tower. By ALLIE WRIGHT Officials expect the total is an ongoing concern with [email protected] UIHC updates cost of the tower project to UIHC officials. TOP STORIES UIHC officials updated the be $489 million. “We’re trying to really Most-read stories on dailyiowan.com from Tuesday. WEST DES MOINES — status of several projects The plan will develop drive down length of stay in The state Board of Regents at the state Board of four new ambulatory surgi- every area we can,” Fisher 1. Locals react to Obama's jobs, deficit plans on Tuesday unanimously Regents meeting.• Point cal center operating rooms said. approved a University of • Iowa River Landing UIHC 2. Comeback therapeutic for Hawkeyes and support facilities on The regents also Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Clinic: to open in fall 2012 approved a request for a • Pappajohn Biomedical the fourth level of the request for $176.7 million $20.9 million budget and 3.
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