DePaul University Via Sapientiae De Andrein Vincentian Journals and Publications 1934 Volume 04: 1933-34 St. Mary’s of the Barrens Seminary (Missouri) Follow this and additional works at: https://via.library.depaul.edu/andrein Part of the History of Religions of Western Origin Commons Recommended Citation Volume 4: 1933-1934, DeAndrein. http://via.library.depaul.edu/deandrein/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentian Journals and Publications at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in De Andrein by an authorized administrator of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume 4 Perryville, Missouri, October, 1933. Number 1 BISHOP SHEEHAN, C.M.,D.D. CAMP ST. VINCENT Adolescence In the students' book of happy memories the The late Most Reverend Edward T. Sheehan, entry of September 6, 1933, stands out in bold C.M., D.D., titular Bishop of Calydon and Vicar letters. It tells the story of the close of a most Apostolic of Yukiang in the province of Kiangsi, enjoyable and successful camping season. China, the news of whose untimely death from Camp It could hardly be otherwise. After the pneumonia shocked his confreres of the Western long months of study, camp immediately Province, was born in the little community of transports the student into those beautiful and Farm Ridge, Illinois, forty-five years ago. It was delightful surroundings that make for his recrea- in Streator, Illinois, at the parochial school of the tion and refreshment. Hence as the last tent was Sisters of Mercy that the future missionary folded for the homeward journey there was a Bishop completed his primary education, and it is feeling that this tenth successive camp had in Streator today that his aged mother and sor- achieved its purpose. rowing sisters mourn his early death. To those The store of practical information and exper- who knew him in his early days, the life of little ience that await the student at camp was in- Edward Sheehan presented nothing unusual and creased this year due to the presence of Father was marked only by those activities and pursuits Daspit, a Red Cross instructor. A course in common in the life of every swimming and life-saving was American Catholic boy. Swim- instituted. As a re- sult the student body Priesthood ORIAM ming can boast of an able In 1903 the young Edward corps of life guards and a record- Sheehan entered the Apostolic Most Re,verend breaking number of swimmers. School or the Preparatory Semi- Another feature of camp nary then situated here at Per- Edward T. S1heel ian, C.M., D.D. which may well account for its ryville. Here at Perryville he olic of Yukiang, enjoyment was the store which completed his four years' high Vicar Apost the Mission Society sponsored. school and his two years' novi- Kiang jsi,China. Here candy and other confection- tiate, and pronounced his holy eries could be obtained vows on the morning of May 1, Born 1888 Died 1933 Mission at a reasonable price. 1910. During the ensuing six Stand Needless to say it was years of his scholasticate at the well patronized by the Barrens, Mr. Sheehan was Very Re-verend students and our guests. The known, not for brilliant talents or Thomas W(eldon, C. M. stand's success can be attributed exceptional ability, but as a sim- to the capable ministrations of ple, devoted son of Saint Vincent Born 1848 Died 1933 Messrs. J. Thompson, Beutler, J. De Paul. It was on June 7, 1916, Murphy and V. Smith. that the young levite was Mmi The students were gratified to ordained priest by the late see so many of the confreres Bishop Joseph Glass, C. M., of Salt Lake City, coming back to spend a few days or even a few in the parish church of the Assumption here at hours with them. Many of them were the pioneers Perryville. Father Sheehan's first appointment of camp and hence always its ardent devotees. was to the University of Dallas, where he held the Camp would not have been complete if Father office of prefect for one year. His next assign- Coupal did not make his usual visit. Frs. G. O'Mal- ment was in New Orleans which was followed by ley, Monaghan, Darby, W. Vidal, P. his appointment as Treasurer of the Archdiocesan Visitors O'Malley, Kuchler, Phoenix and Brother Seminary of Saint Louis. It was during his stay Walter were welcome visitors from Cape. at the Kenrick that Father Sheehan served as The St. Louis visitors were represented by Frs. Chaplain to the Knights of Columbus at Webster Martin, O'Dea, Feltz, Fallon, Abbot and P. Groves, Missouri. The young priest was next Schmucker. Frs. Blechle, Hogan, Wangler and P. sent as prefect to the Preparatory Seminary of Murphy were welcome guests from Chicago. From the Congregation, Saint Vincent's College, Cape the four corners of the globe came Frs. Lilly, F. Girardeau, affectionately known by its hundreds Murphy, Modde, Brown, Koeper, Darling, Millan, of devoted alumni as "The Cape". It was from and Gomez. The frequent visits of the priests there that Father Sheehan answered the call of from Perryville preserved the link with the the Very Reverend Thomas O'Neil Finney, C. M., Mother-House. Provincial of the Congregation, for volunteers for The students are grateful to their superiors who (Continued on Page 4.) (Continued on Page 4.) The De Andrein Two TT DAre World News. Province News BIKORO, BELGIAN CONGO. The The beginning of the school term Rev. Felix De Kempeneer, C. M., has finds many changes and appointments recently been named as Ecclesiastical throughout the Province. From the Pre- Superior of the Bikoro Mission. The paratory Seminary in Los Angeles confreres laboring in this field are full comes Father Taugher, to teach in the of hopes for a rich harvest of souls. St. Louis Preparatory Seminary. Fr. Darling, also from the Los Angeles SOEIRABAIA, JAVA. Monsignor De December 4, 1891. Fr. Weldon goes Prep, is at St. Vincent's College, Cape Backere, C. M., the Vicar Apostolic, re- to St. Louis to assist at the Golden Girardeau, Mo. One of the chairs of cently preached an open air sermon to Jubilee of Archbishop Kenrick. Philosophy at the Saint Louis Prep is a vast throng of children and young February 2, 1904. After the enter- held by Father Peter Finney, while men and women of his district who had tainment, through the good nature of Father Koeper teaches German at the gathered for a special meeting at Fr. Levan, the visitors asked Fr. Smith same place. The Los Angeles Prep has Soerabaia. to declare the students exams off, which acquired two new members for its fac- ulty in the persons TAICHOW, CHINA. Misfortune was granted. of Father Green, May 1, 1910. Messrs. M. Ries, J. formerly of St. Louis, and Father came in threes to the Chinese Vincen- Foulkes from De Paul. Father tians here. First, a supply of laces, Overberg, T. Flavin and E. Sheehan C. A. made their Holy Vows. Norman is again back at De Paul Aca- made by the orphans, was stolen demy. A professor at De Paul for sev- when the boat on which they were being February 9, 1907. Fr. Patrick Finney transported eral years, Father Cannon is now to Shanghai for sale, was came in today from Dallas looking well Pastor of St. Vincent's Church, Cape looted by the river bandits. Secondly, but somewhat worried. Girardeau, Mo. a shipment of Mission goods coming November 17, 1912. The late "Life of from Ningpo was ruined when this ship Cardinal Newman" edited by Wilfrid The eight Priests who were ordained also was raided. Thirdly, during the Ward, which, for the past two months here last June have all received their night a great portion of the Convent or more has served for refectory read- roof appointments. Father M. Singleton is collapsed upon the Chinese Sisters. ing, during both noon and evening re- at the St. Louis Preparatory Seminary; This piece of destruction was wrought fections, was brought to a close today. Father P. Paour is at the by the White Ants of this section. Los Angeles Within twenty-five September 10, 1913. Yesterday and to- Prep; Father McCarthy at St. John's days the total losses day the Novices worked on the grape Preparatory Seminary in Kansas City; reached 20,000 francs. crop. Father McWilliams at De Paul, Chica- PARIS, FRANCE. The Official Jour- December 22, 1915. Fr. Souyay stayed go; and Father J. Daspit at Cape Gir- nal announces that Sister Martinroche, over to work on our tower clock. Yes- ardeau, Mo.; Fr. Hopp recuperating a Daughter of Charity, has been awarded terday, for the first time in eight years, from an operation at De Paul Hospital. the distinction of being enrolled in the we heard it strike. The remaining two, Fathers E. Kammer Chevalier de la Legion and J. Richardson are here at the Bar- d'honneur for November 4, 1919. Fr. Coupal arrives rens. Father Kammer succeeds Father her long and successful work among in his K. C. chaplain's uniform. Gregory as Professor of History, while the poor and afflicted. December 18, 1922. Fr. Sheehan pays Father Richardson will soon leave for FARAFANGANA, MADAGASCAR. his final visit to Perryville prior to his Rome, where he will remain for three leaving for China; Fr. O Dea appointed years while studying for his degree From the House of the Sacred Heart as his success6r at the Cape. conducted by the Daughters of Charity in Canon Law.
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