Galmet Tint Guide the Galmet Rustpaint Tint System

Galmet Tint Guide the Galmet Rustpaint Tint System

Galmet Tint Guide The Galmet Rustpaint Tint System The Galmet Rustpaint Tint System was introduced to allow retail distributors the ability to reduce the number of Galmet Rustpaint colours held in stock. Stocking Rustpaint in clear, mid, yellow and red tint bases allow for many of the standard Galmet colours to be tinted using readily available tinters. Galmet has produced tint formulations for the following colours: Ë Beige Ë Bright Red Ë Brunswick Green Ë International Orange Ë Golden Yellow Ë Graphite Grey Ë Indian Red Ë Terracotta Ë Ivory Ë Koala Grey Ë Mission Brown Ë Rainforest Green Ë Natural Green Ë PC Primrose Ë Pewter Grey Ë Sky Blue Ë Signal Red Ë Golden Tan The following colours cannot be tinted by all systems and are available ex-stock in the following sizes: Ë Flat Black - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë White Gloss - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë Black Satin - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë Ocean Blue - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë Black Gloss - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë Emerald Green - 500ml, 1L, 4L Ë Silver - 500ml, 1L, 4L Tint Bases: Ë Clear Tint Base Ë Mid Tint Base Ë Red Tint Base Ë Yellow Tint Base Ë Emerald Green Note: Rustpaint White should not be used for tinting colours. Precautions: Every effort has been made to ensure that Galmet colours are reproduced accurately with the designated tinter. Slight variations in colour are possible between shop tinted and factory tinted colours. Tinted colours should be mixed in total (“boxed”) before use to minimise any slight colour variations. Final approval of colour should always be made with a dry sample of paint in the chosen colour. As the tinters used are not manufactured by Galmet, we cannot guarantee the performance of colours during exposure. They may fade at a different rate to factory tinted colours and affect performance of the Galmet Rustpaint resin system. The use of universal tinters may also slightly reduce the corrosion resistance of he paint. To improve the performance of tinted colours and deep tone colours in exterior applications, it is recommended a clear top coat be utilised. For further technical assistance call toll free 1800 063 511. Updated 10/06 Page: 1 Updated 10/06 Page: Dulux Tinters Galmet Colour Availability Base Beige Store Mid Tint Base Black Flat F.C.O - Black Gloss F.C.O - Black Satin F.C.O - Blue Ridge Store Clear Tint Base Bright Red Store Red Tint Base Bronze Olive Store Yellow Tint Base Brunswick Green Store Emerald Green Bushland Store Mid Tint Base Classic Cream (Smooth Cream) Store Mid Tint Base Cottage Green (Caulfield Green) Store Emerald Green Deep Ocean (Mountain Blue) Store Clear Tint Base Domain Store Mid Tint Base Dune (Birch) Store Mid Tint Base Emerald Green F.C.O - Estate (Ironbark) Store Clear Tint Base Golden Tan Store Yellow Tint Base Golden Yellow Store Yellow Tint Base Graphite Grey Store Clear Tint Base Harvest (Wheat) Store Mid Tint Base Headland (Tuscan Red) Store Clear Tint Base Indian Red Store Red Tint Base International Orange Store Yellow Tint Base Ironstone Store Clear Tint Base Ivory Store Mid Tint Base Jasper Store Mid Tint Base Koala Grey Store Mid Tint Base Manor Red (Heritage Red) Store Clear Tint Base Mission Brown Store Clear Tint Base Natural Green Store Emerald Green Ocean Blue F.C.O - Orange X15 Store Yellow Tint Base Pale Eucalypt (Mist Green) Store Clear Tint Base Paperbark (Merino) Store Mid Tint Base PC Primrose Store Mid Tint Base Pewter Grey Store Clear Tint Base Plantation (Hedge) Store Clear Tint Base Rainforest Green Store Emerald Green Riversand (Stone) Store Mid Tint Base Sandbank Store Mid tint Base Shale Grey (Gull Grey) Store Mid Tint Base Signal Red Store Yellow Tint Base Silver F.C.O - Sky Blue Store Mid Tint Base Surfmist (Off White) Store Mid Tint Base Updated 10/06 Page: Galmet Colour Availability Base Terracotta Store Clear Tint Base Torres Blue Store Mid Tint Base Weathered Copper Store Clear Tint Base White F.C.O - Wilderness (Rivergum) Store Clear Tint Base Windspray (Armour Grey) Store Mid Tint Base Woodland Grey (Slate Grey) Store Clear Tint Base F.C.O = Factory Colours Only Store = Store Tint Only Galmet Rustpaint Using Dulux Tinters Beige Bushland Mid Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 10½ 21 1Y + 20 EE 16½ 33 1Y + 2 G 2½ 5 20 G 1½ 3 12 M 1½ 3 12 M 21 42 2Y + 40 Blue Ridge Classic Cream Clear Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre M 27¾ 55½ 3Y + 30 EE 4¾ 9½ 38 TT 3¾ 7½ 30 G - ¼ 1 V 2½ 5 20 M ½ 1 4 W 46¼ 1Y + 28½ 5Y + 50 Cottage Green Bright Red Emerald Green Red Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre M 22 44 2Y + 48 EE 12½ 25 1Y + 36 W 17½ 35 2Y + 12 Bronze Olive Deep Ocean Yellow Tint Base Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre G ½ 1 4 M 29 58 3Y + 40 M 8¼ 16½ 1Y + 2 TT 6½ 13 52 SS ¼ ½ 2 V 13½ 27 1Y + 44 W 6¼ 12½ 50 W 28½ 57 3Y + 36 Brunswick Green Domain Emerald Green Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre M 11½ 23 1Y + 28 EE 5 10 40 SS 24 48 3Y Updated 10/06 Page: Galmet Rustpaint Using Dulux Tinters cont... Dune Headland Mid Tint Base Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 6 12 48 EE 15 30 1Y + 56 G 1¾ 3½ 14 G 25½ 51 3Y + 12 M 6¾ 13½ 54 W 6 12 48 Estate Indian Red Clear Tint Base Red Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 24½ 49 3Y + 4 EE 28½ 57 3Y + 36 G 7 14 56 M 6 12 48 M 23 46 2Y + 56 TT 2 4½ 18 W 12 24 1Y + 32 V 12 24 1Y + 32 Golden Tan International Orange Yellow Tint Base Yellow Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 45 1Y + 26 5Y + 40 EE 8 16 1Y G 14½ 29 1Y + 52 LL 1Y + 3½ 2Y + 7 8Y + 28 M 1½ 3 12 V 6½ 13 52 Golden Yellow Ironstone Yellow Tint Base Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre DD 50 1Y + 36 6Y + 16 M 30¼ 60½ 3Y + 50 LL 1 2 8 V 2½ 5 20 XX 35 1Y + 6 4Y + 24 W 20¾ 41½ 2Y + 38 Graphite Grey Ivory Clear Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 4½ 9 36 EE 6 12 48 M 42 1Y + 20 5Y + 16 M ¼ ½ 2 W 32 1Y 4Y Jasper Harvest Mid Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 45½ 1Y + 27 5Y + 44 EE 25 50 3Y + 8 G 17½ 35 2Y + 12 G 2½ 5 20 M 49 1Y + 34 6Y + 8 M 5 10 40 Updated 10/06 Page: Galmet Rustpaint Using Dulux Tinters cont... Koala Grey Paperbark Mid Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 5½ 11 44 EE 7½ 15 60 G 2 4 16 G 1½ 3 12 M 12½ 25 1Y + 36 M 3 6 24 Manor Red PC Primrose Clear Tint Base Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre G 48 1Y + 32 6Y EE 5 10 40 M 7 14 56 W 11 22 1Y + 24 Pewter Grey Clear Tint Base Mission Brown Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Clear Tint Base EE 3½ 7 28 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre M 30 60 3Y + 48 EE 16½ 33 2Y + 4 W 51 1Y + 38 6Y + 24 G 9 18 1Y + 8 M 35½ 1Y + 7 4Y + 28 Plantation W 8½ 17 1Y + 4 Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Natural Green EE 7¼ 14½ 58 Emerald Green M 25½ 51 3Y + 12 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre SS 2½ 5 20 EE 31½ 63 3Y + 60 W 28 56 3Y + 32 M 2 4 16 W 7½ 15 60 Rainforest Green Emerald Green Orange X15 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Yellow Tint Base EE 5½ 11 44 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre G 12 24 1Y + 32 LL 23 46 2Y + 56 Riversand Pale Eucalypt Mid Tint Base Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 12½ 25 1Y + 36 EE 8 16 1Y M 5¼ 10½ 42 G 1¼ 2½ 10 G 8 16 1Y M 6¾ 13½ 54 SS 1¾ 3½ 14 Sandbank W 48 1Y + 32 6Y Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 20 40 2Y + 32 G 2¼ 4½ 18 M 4¾ 9½ 38 Updated 10/06 Page: 6 Galmet Rustpaint Using Dulux Tinters cont... Shale Grey Wilderness Mid Tint Base Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE ¾ 1½ 6 B 15 30 1Y + 56 M 2¾ 5½ 22 EE 24½ 49 3Y + 4 M 9 18 1Y + 8 Signal Red W 45½ 1Y + 27 5Y + 44 Yellow Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Windspray LL 36 1Y + 8 4Y + 32 Mid Tint Base V 52 1Y + 40 6Y + 32 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 6¾ 13½ 54 Sky Blue M 27 54 3Y + 24 Mid Tint Base SS ¾ 1½ 6 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre TT 17½ 35 2Y + 12 Woodland Grey V 11 22 1Y + 24 Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Surfmist EE 8½ 17 1Y + 4 Mid Tint Base M 19 38 2Y + 24 Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre W 14 28 1Y + 48 EE 1¼ 2½ 10 M 1 2 8 Terracotta Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre G 32 1Y 4Y Torres Blue Mid Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre M 1Y 2Y 8Y TT 14 28 1Y + 48 V 10 20 1Y + 16 Weathered Copper Clear Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre EE 20½ 41 2Y + 36 G 5½ 11 44 M 25½ 51 3Y + 12 W 17 34 2Y + 8 Updated 10/06 Page: Haymes Tinters Galmet Colours Availability Base Beige Store Mid Tint Base Black Flat F.C.O - Black Gloss F.C.O - Black Satin F.C.O - Bright Red Store Red Tint Base Brunswick Green Store Emerald Green Emerald Green F.C.O - Golden Tan Store Yellow Tint Base Golden Yellow Store Yellow Tint Base Graphite Grey Store Clear Tint Base Indian Red Store Red Tint Base International Orange Store Yellow Tint Base Ivory Store Mid Tint Base Koala Grey Store Mid Tint Base Mission Brown Store Clear Tint Base Natural Green Store Emerald Green Ocean Blue F.C.O - PC Primrose Store Mid Tint Base Pewter Grey Store Clear Tint Base Rainforest Green Store Emerald Green Signal Red Store Yellow Tint Base Silver F.C.O - Sky Blue Store Clear Tint Base White F.C.O - F.C.O = Factory Colours Only Store = Store Tint Only Updated 10/06 Page: Galmet Rustpaint Using Haymes Tinters Beige International Orange Mid Tint Base Yellow Tint Base Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre Tint 500ml 1 Litre 4 Litre B ½ 1 4 S 40 1Y + 32 6Y + 32 C 7 14 1Y + 8 I 4 8 32 Ivory Mid Tint Base Bright Red

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