Aalborg Universitet ADHD SOM SOCIALT OG KULTURELT FÆNOMEN Berger, Nichlas Permin Publication date: 2015 Document Version Forlagets endelige version (ofte forlagets pdf) Link to publication from Aalborg University Citation for published version (APA): Berger, N. P. (2015). ADHD SOM SOCIALT OG KULTURELT FÆNOMEN: EN ANALYSE AF, HVORDAN DIAGNOSTICEREDE DØMTE VOKSNE OG FRONTMEDARBEJDERE MED RELATION TIL KRIMINALFORSORGEN TILSKRIVER ADHD-DIAGNOSEN BETYDNING. Aalborg Universitetsforlag. (Ph.d.- serien for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet). General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. ? Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. ? 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AFHANDLING 2015 NICHLAS PERMIN BERGER ADHD SOM SOCIALT OG KULTURELT FÆNOMEN EN ANALYSE AF, HVORDAN DIAGNOSTICEREDE DØMTE VOKSNE OG FRONTMEDARBEJDERE MED RELATION TIL KRIMINALFORSORGEN TILSKRIVER ADHD-DIAGNOSEN BETYDNING af Nichlas Permin Berger Ph.d. indleveret: Februar 2015 Ph.d. vejleder: Lektor Sune Qvotrup Jensen, Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, Aalborg Universitet Ph.d. bi-vejleder: Docent Leena Eskelinen, Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning (KORA) Ph.d. bedømmelsesudvalg: Lektor Dorte Caswell Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde, København Aalborg Universitet Professor Klaus Nielsen Psykologisk Institut Århus Universitet Lektor Robert Andersson Institute of Police Education Linnæus University Ph.d. serie: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet ISSN: 2246-1256 ISBN: 978-87-7112-236-7 Udgivet af: Aalborg Universitetsforlag Skjernvej 4A, 2. sal 9220 Aalborg Ø Tlf. 9940 7140 [email protected] forlag.aau.dk © Copyright: Nichlas Permin Berger Trykt i Danmark af Rosendahls, 2015 FORFATTER CV Nichlas Permin Berger er cand.scient.soc. fra Københavns Universitet. Han har i 2005-2006 været ansat som studentermedhjælper på Sociologisk Institut på Køben- havns Universitet, og har siden 2006 været tilknyttet KORA (Det Nationale Institut for Kommuners og Regioners Analyse og Forskning, tidligere AKF); i perioden 2006-2010 som studentermedhjælper, 2010-11 som videnskabelig assistent på flere forskningsprojekter, 2011-2014 som Ph.d. stipendiat på Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde og KORA og fra 2014 ansat i KORA. Nichlas Permin Berger har gennem flere år været medlem af bestyrelsen for NNDR (Nordic Network on Disabi- lity Research) og er aktiv i forskningsnetværkene DANASWAC (Discourse and Nar- rative Analysis in Social Work and Counselling) og Narrative Criminology - Nordic Research Network. III ENGLISH SUMMARY This PhD thesis constitutes an investigation into the encounter between adult in- mates/probationers with an ADHD diagnosis and frontline workers in the Danish Prison and Probation Service. In recent years, the ADHD diagnosis has been subject to massive debate in the me- dia, in politics and in the scientific field due primarily to a massive increase in the number of ADHD diagnoses. Furthermore, the ADHD diagnosis has been associated with a wide range of social problems and characterized as a disorder that needs to be addressed and treated on an individual level. Similarly, a strong interest in the ADHD diagnosis – as well as in other psychiatrically defined disorders – is found in the field of criminal justice, among policy makers, in the Prison and Probation Ser- vice and in forensic psychiatry. The dissertation is a culture analytical and social constructionist analysis of the ADHD diagnosis focusing on the social consequences of the diagnosis. The thesis analyses how significance is attributed to ADHD in social interactions, the role and function of ADHD in social work practice in the Prison and Probations Service and how and which identities are constructed and negotiated, by asking the main re- search question: Which discursive understandings link ADHD and crime in the Pris- on and Probation Service? The dissertation is based on institutional ethnographic fieldwork characterized by the completion of a number of strategically selected visits to two institutions in the Probation Service (KIF) and to a prison, in the period 2011 and 2014. The main empirical material consists of interviews with probationers and front-line workers and observations of interactions. The thesis consists of four parts: an introductory framework, a research report on ADHD in the Prison and Probation Service and two scientific articles. The research report analyses the front staff and probationers’ understandings of the ADHD diagnosis. The thesis also examines the meaning of the ADHD diagnosis in the front-level workers’ social work practice, their lines of action, efforts and meth- ods in their everyday work practice, specifically in relation to re-entry and release processes. Based on the case of a prison release conference, one of the articles analyses user engagement and the management of responsibilities in a social interaction between a prison inmate, his parents and frontline workers from the prison and various welfare institutions. The central aim and intention of the conference was to provide support and help in relation to the inmate’s release process. The analysis shows how the participants negotiate the inmate's identity and how the frontline workers seek to IV involve and responsibilise the inmate in order to change his identity from a 'passive client' to an 'active citizen'. The analysis demonstrates the complexity associated with such an effort and especially what role ADHD plays in this context. Finally, the dissertation investigates probationers’ self-narratives, their use of the ADHD diagnosis and how significance is attributed to the ADHD diagnosis. The analysis is based on eleven in-depth interviews with probationers with an ADHD diagnosis conducted while they were under the supervision of the Probation Service (Kriminalforsorgen i Frihed, KIF). In the probationers’ self-narratives, the ADHD diagnosis is related to their criminal past in ways that are shaped by cultural narra- tives about ADHD and crime, which they have learned in their encounter with the Prison and Probation Service system. ADHD was frequently presented as a neurobiological disease, and the diagnosis was frequently used to explaining their stigmatized status and outgoing lifestyle in the past. The article demonstrates how the ADHD diagnosis provides the criminal in- formants with an opportunity – through culturally legitimate narratives – to trans- form and re-construct the story about themselves. Furthermore, the dissertation discusses and estimates whether this ADHD rhetoric functions as a crime-increasing neutralization narrative, or as a crime-reducing de- sistance narrative, concluding that ADHD is a means of shaping the identity of a ‘desister’ with constitutive consequences for future actions. V DANSK RESUME Denne ph.d.-afhandling er en undersøgelse af mødet mellem voksne indsat- te/tilsynsklienter med en ADHD-diagnose og frontmedarbejdere i Kriminalforsorgen i Danmark. ADHD-diagnosen har de senere år været genstand for massiv debat på det videnska- belige felt og debatter i medierne og i det politiske felt primært foranlediget af en voldsom stigning i antallet af ADHD-diagnoser. ADHD-diagnosen er endvidere blevet forbundet med en lang række sociale problemer og karakteriseret som en lidelse, der bør adresseres og behandles på et individuelt niveau. En stor interesse for ADHD-diagnosen – såvel som for andre psykiatrisk definerede lidelser – eksiste- rer tilsvarende inden for det strafferetslige felt – blandt politiske beslutningstagere, i Kriminalforsorgen samt i retspsykiatrien. Afhandlingen er en kulturanalytisk og socialkonstruktivistisk analyse af ADHD- diagnosen, der fokuserer på diagnosens sociale konsekvenser. Afhandlingen under- søger, hvordan ADHD-diagnosen tilskrives betydning i sociale interaktioner, hvil- ken rolle og funktion ADHD spiller i socialt arbejdes praksis i Kriminalforsorgen, og hvordan og hvilke identiteter konstrueres og forhandles ved at stille det overord- nede spørgsmål: Hvilke diskursive forståelser knytter ADHD og kriminalitet sammen i Kriminalforsorgen? Afhandlingen er baseret på et institutionelt etnografisk feltarbejde karakteriseret ved en række strategiske udvalgte besøg i to institutioner i Kriminalforsorgen i Dan- mark, i Kriminalforsorgen i Frihed (KiF) og i et fængsel i perioden 2011-2014. Det primære empiriske materiale består af interview med tilsynsklienter af frontmedar- bejdere og observationer af interaktioner. Afhandlingen består af fire dele. En intro-
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