6396 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 27, 2006 stand up for human rights in North B. MacPaul Stanfield is another busy In 1820, Monroe achieved an impres- Korea. attorney and father of two. He has sive reelection, losing only one elec- f served as secretary of Everybody Wins! toral vote, preserving the honor of a Iowa and is a volunteer reader at Mon- unanimous election for George Wash- NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK roe. He previously served as chair of ington. Mr. HARKIN. Mr. President, as we the organization’s personnel com- My own family has strong ties to the celebrate National Volunteer Week, I mittee. Mac held one of the most im- legacy of James Monroe. My wife would like to take a moment to recog- portant positions on the board as the Susan and I enjoyed our wedding on nize four individuals for their extraor- person responsible for recording the the grounds of his home: Ashlawn- dinary service to the Everybody Wins! minutes of the meetings and attending Highland in Charlottesville. In fact, program in Iowa. to the myriad of other details that go part of Monroe’s property in Albemarle As many of my colleagues know, Ev- into the successful operation of a small County is now on the grounds of his erybody Wins! is a literacy and men- nonprofit organization. teacher’s great institution of learning, toring program for elementary school Service on a volunteer board of direc- the University of Virginia and is re- students. The program gives adults the tors is not easy and requires hours of spectfully referred to as Monroe’s Hill. opportunity to spend one lunch hour a dedicated service. These four individ- The life of James Monroe is one that week reading with a child in a public uals gave generously of their time and embodied virtue, honor and commit- school. It is the ultimate power lunch. talents to Everybody Wins! Iowa dur- ment during his accomplished life of Eight years ago, Senator JIM JEF- ing its infancy. That service provided a public service. It is fitting that he FORDS recruited me to join him as a strong foundation for the organization. would pass from this Earth on Fourth volunteer for the Everybody Wins! pro- As they leave the board, I wish to ex- of July, 1831. It is with sincere admira- gram in Washington, DC. The time I press my sincere gratitude for their tion that I respectfully ask my col- spend at Brent Elementary is the most dedicated and selfless service. leagues to recognize James Monroe’s important and rewarding hour of my 248th birthday as a reminder of his re- workweek. My experience also con- f markable and magnificent leadership vinced me of the need to expand this TRIBUTE TO JAMES MONROE for the people of Virginia and the program to Iowa. Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, I am In 2002, Everybody Wins! Iowa was United States. pleased today to recognize James Mon- launched. The program began as a f roe, a Virginia patriot on the 248th an- small pilot program in 3 public schools niversary of his birth and to honor his POLITICAL PRISONERS IN with 15 volunteers. From this modest service to our Nation as a soldier, leg- AZERBAIJAN beginning, the program has grown, and islator and as the fifth President of the Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, as Presi- now serves more than 260 students in 11 dent Bush prepares for his meeting central Iowa schools. United States of America. I rise today The success of the Iowa program is to honor his undeniable legacy. with President Ilham Aliyev of Azer- due to the dedicated services of many James Monroe, born April 28, 1758, baijan, I rise to address important individuals. Today, I would like to rec- Monroe attended the College of Wil- human rights concerns in that country. ognize the service of four people who liam and Mary, fought with distinction Although hundreds of political pris- served as founding members of the in the Continental Army, and practiced oners have been freed due in part to board of directors and who have played law in Fredericksburg, VA. As a youth- pressure brought by the United States, a critical role in the development of ful politician, he joined the anti-Fed- it is believed that as many as 50 polit- Everybody Wins! Iowa. eralists in the Virginia Convention ical prisoners remain in Azeri jails. Ray Walton was the initial spark to which ratified the Constitution, and Prior to the November elections in get the program started in Iowa. Ray became an advocate of Jefferson prin- Azerbaijan, a group of businessmen and recruited the organization’s first exec- ciples. government officials were arrested on utive director and served as one of the A student of Thomas Jefferson’s after charges of planning a coup. Among this first volunteers in the program. He also serving in the Revolutionary War, group, there were former Minister of served as vice president and later as James Monroe was an adherent of Mr. Economic Development Farhad Aliyev, president of the board of directors. His Jefferson’s principles of individual and his brother, Rafiq Aliyev. Because leadership and dedication guided Ev- freedom and restrained representative of his well-known opposition to Rus- erybody Wins! Iowa in those important government, which would guide him sia’s increased influence in Azerbaijan early days. through 50 years of public service. and his pro-Western stance, in addition Wilma Gajdel served on the board of Elected to the Virginia General Assem- to the antimonopoly initiatives he led directors for 3 years. She is also the bly in 1782, Monroe served in the Conti- prior to his arrest, many fear that Mr. principal at Monroe Elementary, one of nental Congress and in the first United Aliyev’s and his colleague’s arrests the three original Everybody Wins! Senate before his first two terms as were politically motivated. They are schools. The input of educators is crit- Minister to France. He returned to his being held in the pretrial detention ical to the success of Everybody Wins!, Virginia, and as many students of Mr. center at the National Security Min- and Wilma’s guidance has been invalu- Jefferson have done since, served 4 istry, which is notorious for its poor able. The Everybody Wins! Iowa model years as a native Governor. conditions and harsh treatment of pris- was developed at Monroe under her Elected President of the United oners. Human rights organizations in careful eye and has been adapted suc- States in 1816, Monroe’s Presidency has this country and in Europe have ex- cessfully by other schools in central long been referred to as the Era of pressed concern about the violations of Iowa. Good Feeling. James Monroe helped re- the due process rights of the detainees Drew Gentsch served as the organiza- solve longstanding grievances with the in connection with this case. Farhad tion’s first treasurer. In addition, he is British and acquired Florida from the Aliyev is a cardiac patient suffering a volunteer reader at Monroe Elemen- Spanish in 1819. James Monroe signed from hypertension and hypertrophy. In tary, the father of two young children, the Missouri Compromise that called a recent fact-finding mission, the and a busy attorney. Drew has also for the prohibition of slavery in west- International League for Human served as the chair of the board’s fi- ern territories of the Louisiana Pur- Rights has verified that Mr. Aliyev has nance committee, and he contributed chase, which James Monroe was instru- been denied proper medical care and many hours as he led the hiring com- mental in obtaining. He renounced Eu- medicine for his heart condition. As re- mittee for the board’s first executive ropean intervention or dominion in the cently as this week, the International director. His professionalism and at- Western Hemisphere with one of our League for Human Rights has indicated tention to detail have helped the orga- Nation’s greatest foreign policy docu- that Mr. Aliyev may have undergone nization flourish and grow. ments, the Monroe Doctrine. another health crisis and his lawyers VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:44 Mar 15, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00129 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK5\BR27AP06.DAT BR27AP06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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