DIRECTORY. J HER1 FORDSHIRE. W .A.LTHAM CROSS. 251 Walker Miss, 79 Queen's road Colyer Waiter, saddler, 179 High st Hatcher Minnie Kate {Mrs.), Queen- WhatmouQ"h Charles Riley, ..p Cooper Chas. A. clothier, 181 High. st Eleanor P.H. Eleanor Cross road Eleanor Cross road Coote & Warren Limited, coal mer- Haward Bros. Ltd. iron founders, City Wilshaw George, 39 Eleanor Cross rd chants, 83 Eleanor Cross road • foundry, Eleanor Cross road. T N Woodcock William, 202 High street Cornish Horace .A.rthur, painter, 139 14 Waltham Cross ' COMMERCIAL. Eleanor Cross road Hawkes Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Coward Emily (Mrs.), beer retailer, 68 Eleanor road ' Early closing day, Thursday. 228 Hig-h street Heat;hcote George Frederick, painter, Abbott Ernest Alfred, Black Prince Cow]es Edward Rathbone, Britannia 77 Eleanor Cross· road • P.H. 45 King Edward road P.H. Eleanor Cross road Heffer Waiter, shopkeeper, 12 Park la ~\kers Harry, firewood dealer, 37 Coxshall Sidney, beer retailer,Park la Herbert Sidney, fishmonger, 41 King Harold road Crabb Frederick Chas. slater & tiler, Edward road . Akers Henry, grocer, 16 Station road 163 Eleanor Cross road Hertfordshire Regiment (1st) Bat- Alderman Thos.beer retlr.207 High st Crispe John William, grocer, Post talion Territorial Force (H D~. ,Alpha Rubber Co. High street. T N office, 39 King Edward road Capt. J. B. T. GDugh; · Color-· 133 W altham Cross Dawson Charles Wade, watch maker, Sergt.-Inst. William BenjamfR\ Andrews Thomas William, fancy 137 High street Carding, drill instructor), 34 Sta-. repository, 5 Eleanor Cross road Defiance Clothing Co. 7 Eleanor tion road . 1 Antcliff Phoobe (Mrs.), news agent, Cross road Hine A.lice Eleanor (Mrs.), Falcom. 143 Eleanor Cross road Dipple Arthur, coffee rms.23oHigh st hotel, High st. T ~ 7 Waltham Ash John B. tailor, 190 High street Dixon Geo.baker,136 Eleanor Cross rd Cross , Aspl!ind Fanny (Miss), fancy reposi­ Dorman .Agnes (Mrs.), White Hart Holdsworth George James & Fredk. tory, 131 High street P.H. 191 High street Wm. mineral water manufrs. 119. Baker Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Edwards .Albert, insurance agent, 133 High st. T N 134 Waltham Cross Eleanor CroSII road Eleanor Cross road Holland & Barrett,grocers,1o1 High st · Baker Harry, greengrocer, 2 Eleanor Electric Palace (Robert Clayton, Home & Colonial Stores Ltd. grocers.'· Cross road manager), High street IIJa, High street · ' Barnes Simpson John, relieving Enfield Highway Co.-op. &ciet.v Lim. Horsey .A.lfd. Enos, baker,192 High st­ officer, High street (G. H.Mew,sec.),grocrs.139 High st Hovelt Marcella, laundry (receiving: Barnett Kat-e (Mrs.), florist, 255 High Epps Nathaniel, nurseryman, see office), 248 High street street Maybrook & Epps Hunt Eflingham, refreshment :rooms,.. Bayless Hy.J.baker,37King Edward rd Esland Frederick C. hair dresser, 88 High street Bedford Edward, grocer, 162 Eleanor 26-Ba, High street H urst J ames, tobacconist, 8 Eleanor- Cross road Evans Edward, hair dresser,4 Eleanor Cross road • Best Fred~.>rick Henry de Graves Cross road Ingram Percy Lionel, hair dresser, . M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. phy­ Evans Jn. Rd. chemist, III High st 151 Eleanor Cross road sician & surgeon, & public vaceina­ Everitt Henry, beer ret. 149 High 11t International Tea Co.'s Stores Ltd .. tor Cheshunt district, Edmonton Every Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 141 132 High street · · < union, 159 High street Eleanor Cross road Iron Casement Co. High street Bigg Wm. stationer,184 & 186High st Fell Bros. motor enginrs. 147 High st Jordan Arthur, tailor, 75 Queen's rd'. Blaine George, baker, 197 High st Fisihpool Ernest, furnisher, IIS High Kirby Jsph. Horton,dairyman,High s&.. Blaine Joseph, grngrcr. 193 High st street. T N 100 Waltham Cross Lacey Wm. greengrocer, 125 High st · Bloomfi.eld Waiter, coal dlr. Trinity Francis Matilda (Mrs.), beer retailer, La Feuillade Ellen (Miss), confec-. Marsh lane 17 Station road tioner, 127 High street . Bolton Herbert James, dairy, 171 Francis William, shopkpr.1 Harold rd LDndon Joint Stock Bank Limited, High street & Station road Frank1inJsph.B.music sellr.19~igh st (branch) (T. P. Trounce,manager) ;. Bowey Harry, boot repairer, 131 Freemasons (King Harold lodge, No. open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; saturdays• Eleanor Cross road 1327) (Herbert E. Smith, sec.), 9 to 1, High street; draw on S- B&wman Charles, shopkeeper, 129 Four Swans hotel Princes street, London E C Eleanor Cross road Freemasons (The James Terry Lodge Lovibond John & Sons Limited, wino Bowyer Wm. farmer, Bu1l's Cross fm of Instructions), Four Swans hotel & spirit stores, 136 High street Bradstock Rosa Fanny (Miss), teacher Yreemasons (The King Harold LDdge McCarthy George, penny bazaar, 157 of music, 103 High street of Instructions), FouJ; Swans hotel Eleanor Cross road Brewster Harry, builder, High street French Jn. watch maker, 182 High st McClymontl John M.D., C.M.Edin, Bright .A.rthur Charles, ironmonger, French Saml. Fras. farmer, Park la physician & surgeon, Rendlesham, 129 High street & smith, Park lane Freston .Arth.Edwd. grocr.268 High st lodge, High street Britton Rd. cattle dlr. 93 Eleanor rd Frost Geo. grocr.165 Eleanor Cross rd McCraw Wm.leather sellr.273 High sit, Brown Harry, cycle dealer, 6 Eleanor Garratt Henry Jas . .Anderson, mantle McFarlane Alexander, dentist, Brae-. Cross road maker, Eleanor Cross road. T N mar, Eleanor Cross road. T N 35:. Burton Jn. shopkpr. Trinity Marsh la 114 Wa1tham Cross Waltham Cross Burton S. (Mrs.), ladies' school, Gater Richard & Sons, house decora- McFarlane Percy Scott L.D.S.Eng-_ Greenfield house, High street tors,84 Eleanor rd.&KingEdward rd dentist, Braemar, Ele.anor Cross rd ~ Butcher & Whatmough, costume Gibbons Ralph, head gamekeeper to McWilliam Alexander J. butcher, 133 manufacturers, Eleanor Cross rd. .Adm. the Hon. Sir Hedworth Meux & 158 High street T N 164 Waltham Cross G.C.B.. K.C.V.O. Theobalds park Mannall James Wm. s.tation master.. _ Butcher .A.rth.J n.ironmngr. 15 I High st Girling J. & H. coal merchants, 79 Eleanor Cross road · Butterfield Frederick, boot & shoe Eleanor Cross road .Marshall Helen A. (Mrs.), certified.. warehou~, 152 & 154 High street Goodman Emma (Mrs.),' tobacconist, mi!lwife, so York road Buxtool Wm. cycle dlr. 269 High st x5o High street Mason Isabel lMrs.), draper, Posit. Carding Oolor-Sergt. William Benj. Gray Albert Henry, house decorator, office, 149 Eleanor Cross road drill instructor H Co. Hertfordshire 258 High street Matthews .A.rthur, nurseryman, 151 • Regiment (ISt) Battalion Terri­ Gray Annie (Mrs.), confr.265 High st High st. T N 79 Waltham Cross torial Force, 34 Station road Gray Geo. confectioner, 156 High st Maxfield Arth. Jn. buildr.I Station rd" Carter David J. willow dealer, rog Griggs Rhoda (Mrs.), brewery agent, Maxfield Charles Edward, builder.. Eleanor Cross road 9 Eleanor road Trinity Marsh lane Chalkey Henry, trave1ler, 200 High st Halsted Wm. Wilfrid M.R.C.S.Eng., May Winifred (Mrs.), dress maker, 99 Ohappell .A.rthur, draper, 177 High st L.R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, High street Cheshunt & W a]tham Cross Conser- High street Maybrook & Epps, nurserymen,. vative Club (Charles Marshall, Hamilton John R. nurseryman,Trinit)· Eleanor Cross road sec.), Eleanor Cross road Marsh lane & High street Miles Wm. Hy. nurseryman, Park la Church Frank Jas.hosier, 138 High st Hamilton Wm.Jsph.nursrymn.High st Mold Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 210 Clark Oliver Sidney, general stores, Hamilton Wynn Ellis, nurseryman, High street High st. T N 10 Waltham Cross High street Monk Alfred, coffee house,77 High st Clark William Harrv, china dealer, Hanchet Edwin John, monumental Moore William, boot repairer, Bo • • 17_~ High street mason, 228a, High street Eleanor road & 276 High street Clarke Herbert Limited, coal mer­ Harradence Christopher, carman & Morley Henry, coke dealer, Trinity­ ehants, Sx Eleanor Cross road parcels aj;!'ent for G. E. Railway, 50 - Marsh lane C'leverly W. J. & Son, jobmasters, Eleanor road Morris Geo. & Sons, coach builders,. Eleanor Cross road Ha.rrison Cecil Pryce,agt. to Adm. the High street Coles .A.lbert, fishmonger, 145 High st Hon . .Sir Hedworth Meux G.C.B., Morton Thomas S. draper,143 High st Colyer Florence (Miss), shopkeeper. K.C.V.O. Estate office,Theobald~ pk Munns Julian Victor,house decorator,. 179 High street 199 High street · . _ HERTS. 17 .
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