cloudy and warmer today. To- rain, colder in the afternoon night. Kntarad u i*c6 ffOL. XUI NO. 633 HILLSIDE, N. J. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1637 PRICE FIVE CENTS Don’t Mention Feel W atet New Official Triumvirate Assumes Reigns Of Ppwer It Charges Can 3 Year Judge, /A dog owned by. a pertain municipal •Ofjcial seems to.hft-fe a Habit Ja r yan- Be Lowered I p M g away-from home. So often did He' New Setup On i o it last year Shat jpoiloe did not Have Engineers F o r T»int v y ^ ,. zing |lie license number memorized. AW -ready they know tile -1937 dbg iioenie Rates Group Indicate -number. Basis For Acfioii New Year’s Day - ; Among the old familiar faces missing NO BENEFIT DERIVED Hemgel Becomes First Ap- from last Friday's New Year's organiza- Plan Slate For -fi® meeting gf the Township Oommlt- FROM SALE OF PLANT •r~-titder Plan.; De­ •tee, when praetSsally ail of- the political r preliminary report from Runyon & partments Grouped V hbhlds for years baok reappear, wils that A School Board Oarey, Newark engineers.was submitted <0'f_Harry, X. Luftroan, .is Harry so far to th e, Joint. Municipal •’Water Rates SEDATED ACTIVITIES **il&bved, fromaefflllBide's pdhSfial aiina Committee Wednesday night a t the • note-that i*»:adesn'u even show htetace Democrats Feel They Should heme-otJacob Kufiz, H00 (theater street UNDER SINGLE HEAD -—or'W here was he New 'Sear's Eve? Be RepresejitedOn Group indicating a good possibility for a re­ A radical revision of the set-up of M » W F ri~’:fi He^shoald teedgnire iffifc duction-in water rates.. L oi Nine Republicans - h e p a ri^ n tg a m n n ft^ *ndtoe ertetion- Jifide people wh®tfyey' see Sim a t toe| - The ■ ®gineefipg--firm’s report was Igifaff-Go-Round inJNewark. - £ il t""et yT ^prdership for Jud^e ’ tentative in form bu t its findings point­ The' possibility bf entering three can­ ,BS- shared fee spotlight’ ed to cause for a downward revision of didates into the race for'The Hoard of hr Local .tavern owners who have1 beeh ^ « the organhatton tlie rates charged by the Elisabethtown Education was discussed last night at' meeting Gf . the Township C o m m it 'sponsoring bingo games have been in a meeting .ofv the Roosevelt helnocratac Consolidated Water . Company:' The when George w , Herllch was una® ! ^Uantiary as- to what to Ndo about, the fim l report is expected to be received ROBERT O. THOMPSON Club a t V. F. W* Hallr Rutgers avenue games following a ruling by D Frederick at-Bloy-HStreek -A’ committee .composed “ SifftL108011 ^ab® ® for the year shortly, w h® the m atter will be dis­ Safety Chairman * instead of having a dozen separate Burnett, -state alcoholic commissioner, of Ge^rgd* yiapnary, .Joseph'Monahan cussed in detail, by ’{he entire c'Smmis- con® itte® .for various d e p a rh ^ tM twat-iiquor could not be served a t binge Sion, " . and. Mr^t. Carl B-tevens. was named to- ’ t o ^ 01, Apartments, were games . Bingo cannot be played In bar- See Favorable Outcome try '"to fipd -al'.gfoup of* Well qualified' , created, ea®. committeeman excent Owners Of Junk Democrats. | rooms, but can be played in a separate Discussion following toe t® tative re­ Two Announce Candidacies . No •‘endorsement is' planned*.'but mem­ ailoted T T p a S J room, provided no iiqUor is served while port brought the feeling that the find­ ' play is on. And the advertising man­ bers’ Voibed* their, belief 'that'-Democratii .chairmanship. Harry a®nabel w® ings should be favorable to the move parned chairman of the .Department of Yards Are Fined clqb membei’s fiaVe-a rf^t'to.'ifick'resi­ ager points'out that the state has ruled] to achieve a reduction. The survey of For Board Of Education Etaance, resisted by Arthur T. Lee. Rob­ . that the tango .can be advertised by the| dents of. their own iaas- toe engineers showed, Umcmg other, ert O. Thomps® -was designated as • taverns. ffiuch as the, board is composed °f nine matters, that wh® toe company sold ihree Penalized $200..and William M. Raphael, of William­ ent and American born chijdrfen. chairman of the Department of Public Republicans now, ■> and . Republicans part of ite property in Elizabeth to that son avenue; ’member of Jihe Board of ‘ Feels Qualified , * Safety, assisted by Lee, Lee," aiso ptesi- Costs Each As Counsel never, move to jm sh a. Democrat fo r the ' The Board of Education will include city, part of toe money was set up. as a Education for tlie last two years, today Raphael declared that he felt’tHat his d®*« of the Board of Health, was In fGT prbposSQ'lipprdprlEaonB^lhr~^; Plan For Appeal announeod hi$ candidacy for\eelectlon e^pejrience as an educator,. ih the com* board. reservr~and7divid®ds were" increased, Holds Promise Reliable toe Department of/ next fiscal ^’ear fun®'*tesaomplete the m ental world as a ’Practicing • certified Hea.lth and Buildings, aid® by 'H a m / while rates wejte not given benefit other I Junk yard operators paid .fines to­ ^U liusR L ^ conversion of its Oohant street ’play­ th an minor changes in -toe (capital of service. public accountant and as a graduate of R. Vogel. Vogel was named as ch a ir/ taling $200 a n d costs .Wedhtoday ir that he felo that the people qan bankVrn ground into a high school football field. jtructure. '* $12 Raphael has been chairman of the law,School with a degree ofo master vpf man bf toe Department, of Public A? police co u rt for conducting their busi­ tlie promise of President Roosevelt th a t The board, anticipating the possible , I t was the concensus of .toe commit­ supplies committee the tw,o years h„e. haa’ lawSi and -ftis two years' work on the fairs, with Schhabei as his a s sista n t’ nesses without licenses, contrary to the 10 person needing relief will be slashed necessity fbr adding another wing to the tee that it will try negotiations with toe been a ^board member, and also has school board qualify him for. continued1 Legal Method / present school oh Coe avenue, ruining ordinance regulating-junk yards. The been a memberr-of-the teachers and fi­ service, rom WPA rolls, and expressed !th6 water company' to attempt"to. effect a fines Were paid under protest, with opinion that strikes now spreading over , 5?® ibr®® year recordershir/ had the present field, is.reported’ readP to peaceable and voluntary out in toe rates nance Committees. As supplies chair Among his affiliations and offices are announcem®t- by Julius ..Kwaliok, of couptoy indicate dew life m industry be® anticipated,, there h a i been no .proceed with plans'for the new field' but failing in that, toll' precede Into a man? he pointed out, he has bedn in a the following; Member of Weequahic todliati® th at the -actioh would with stands and bleachers seating 8,0% Elizabeth, attorney for three operators Lodge., F. '#> A. M., of Newark; Hons and- U^at prosperity is on the-way. "• rat*‘case in toe courts and before toe of two yards that appeals of refusals of at ^ New Year’s " - " " i persons. ■ ' 0 • (^ib, Progress Club, Hillside Boy Scout rry Weltchek/also of Elizabeth, dfi- Public Utility Commission. permits would go before' Supreme Oour dared too many persons claiming citi­ rt % th0"glll: ‘bat an ordinante Round Table' and - the Hillside Water J * 8 ,offl®e of recorder would be Justice 01ar®ee E. Case next Tuesday Rates Commislson and alternate mem­ zenship never take a part or an interest, Those fined were Thomas Reynolds m government, and urged those present to % J'ear. ,’AppotoU ber, of the Joint Water R®tes Oommlt- m eA ef Herrigel to suoceed himself as and William Robertotzi, partners in Schoolmen To tee. He is a past grand sentinel of the to interest ethers in. political activity, police^judge came in toe form of a yard a t 17 Sta_te street; Peter. Ariauokas. Progress Club Order of?the ©olden Chain; past grand Geoige McElroy, also of Elizabeth, de- resolhti® setting Up the office and-plac- Of 16 ,South .^Bright street, Mrs. lilary patron of R adiata Link of the O. G. O,; gar® toa$ Sehator A. Harry M6oro ing Wm in Chairman Herllch nn- Adaysh, whose yard is at-158’ Rjdtohore. it.- Assist Fund past high potentate of Sigma Omega Psi ,pe teieetefi governor to'Nevetiib'er no®o® thh pian, stating that Town- For Town Hall ,aw®ue and Wohn . Witte, operator of a EJraternity; president of Sinai. Temple; p lai'ger pllifaiity Rian Preaident ®ip Attorney Sigurd, A. Emerson had yard a t 1229 Baker street.; Reynolds and past president of Qombiner Lodge, L w e ;| received in. 1930. He stressed inform® the committee that this course Robertozzi.as partners paid $28,50 each, Will Stage First Public Func- TEe Progress Club of Hillside went O. B. S.; and past noble grand of Ridge-1 stall toe need for bniididg up toe. was J j g legal method to-follow in : tion For Scholarship On record in 'favor of a news municipal while the others paid $50 pi® $3 costs, WQOdrkodge. (5; A F. and ,meinber of organization long beforehand to' make of naming a police judge tat ^ , bunding at Its regular meeting Tuesday each.’ Complaints’ against JoSefmtS® Beacon Light Encampment of the I.
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