GAPS: a new cosmic ray antimatter experiment Sean Quinn CIPANP 2018 June 1, 2018 1 of 26 Dark Matter: historical/contemporar" e#idence ● Canonical calculation o% #iriali&ed cluster, Ne'tonian gra#ity )a la *'ick"+ ● ,lat rotation cur#es )-ubin & 0ent 1970+ ● 34ra" halos an$ is4ali(ne$ ass $ensit" contours: 5ullet cluster Clo'e et al7 (2008+ ● 5A6 2 Ωχh = 0.1198±0.0015 from Planck ● Simple GR+s a mech+par icle ph!sics 2 "##$% gi'es: Ω)h = 0.0205±0.0018 "*+,eara et al. 2001%- a&rees wi h Planck ● Bar!on densi ! only abou 51 of overall cri ical densi ! ● S ron& limi s set b! Planck on neu rino con ri)0 ion to ma er densi !- no more han 21 Planck colla.7 (2018+ 2 of 26 Pro!ose$ e9!lanations DM !heno enon Non/'eakl"4e ittin( Mo$ifie$ (ravit" Non4SM atter SM atter WIMPs, a9ions, M6ND, ;e<eS, MAC-6s, SIMPs, -2, ,)-+, MAC>6S, 777 =@DE-s, Su!erWIMP, = er(ent (ra#it", Hid$en DM, Massive (ravit", 777 Sterile neutrinos, 777 3 of 26 Pro!ose$ e9!lanations NS4NS erger li its DM !heno enon @A3 null result PandaX4II null result s pulsar stellar triple systems No ne' ph"sics at LHC double pulsar systems $'arf spheroidals Non/'eakl"4e ittin( Mo$ifie$ (ravit" Non4SM atter SM atter WIMPs, a9ions, M6ND, ;e<eS, MAC-6s, SIMPs, -2, ,)-+, MAC>6S, 777 =@DE-s, Su!erWIMP, = er(ent (ra#it", Hid$en DM, Massive (ravit", 777 ultra %aint $'ar#es Sterile neutrinos, 777 4 of 26 Pro!ose$ e9!lanations NS4NS erger li its DM !heno enon @A3 null result PandaX4II null result s pulsar stellar triple systems No ne' ph"sics at LHC double pulsar systems $'arf spheroidals Non/'eakl"4e ittin( Mo$ifie$ (ravit" Non4SM atter SM atter WIMPs, a9ions, M6ND, ;e<eS, MAC-6s, SIMPs, -2, ,)-+, MAC>6S, 777 =@DE-s, Su!erWIMP, = er(ent (ra#it", Hid$en DM, Massive (ravit", 777 ultra %aint $'ar#es Sterile neutrinos, 777 5 of 26 ● ● ● 0pper a mosphere- lo. earth orbit lo. earth mosphere- a 0pper in arriving ics primaries of 4inema gala3! for the in free Pro/0ce/ ion or deca! annihila pair from s fragmen mo/el andard s a 2ook ;esting the (WIMP) theories: theories: (WIMP) the ;esting htt!://!amela7roa27in%n7it/in$e97!h! htt!s://asd7(sfc.nasa7(o#/.ess/5ESS7html htt!://'''7a s027or(/'hat4is4a s/tecnolo("/ in direct detection direct 6 of of 26 Cos ic-ra"s from DM: anti-deuteron fluxes ● DM SM jet: q, Annihila ion6deca! hadron4 p+n d ● h, ?, .77 So0rce term: DM ization coalescence ● 70sion from simple coalescence as before D or ¼ type o% 428 C 41 Halo ● 27C910 cm s Propaga ion to 8arth 0sing %ermion Source profile standard methods. Varie ! of spectrum models possible: ,:$- M8;- ,5< ● ;i=erence due mostl! to 'ariations in galactic scale heigh ● Tension be .een M:$ and 'arie ! of measuremen s see e.g. Giesen et al. 2015 ,. =Fenberger, et al7, A/A 547, A120 )2012) 7 of 26 Cosmic ray anti-matter: astroph"sical background ● >!pical spalla ion process: p+p→p+p+p+p ● >0rns on ? @ Ge9 C- !ri ar" ● Anti4nucleon, Ana 0ralB p / p peak 48 ISM HK separa e/ from ;, 48 peak 0=L=thresh /0e o annihila ion- deca!- .. p+p→p+p+p+p+n+n ● 5stroph!sical 's ;M peak d/d better for has C- !rimar" K separa ionC ISM H ● >0rns on ?1@ Ge9 d ● from fusion Astrophysical population: Coalescence described in no additional 10.1103/Ph"sRevD7717083013 scattering/energy loss. Simply break up! 8 of 26 DM Anti-deuteron fluxes, top of atmosphere MAX MED MIN ,. Donato, N. ,ornengo, and D. Maurin. Ph"s. Re#7 D 78, 0HCG06 9 of 26 MAPS sensitivit": d ● 2ow mass W:,Ps (,8; prop.) ● 2igh es KaluzaF4lein particle universal e3 raF /imensions ● S0perW:,P gra'itinos ● Given the secondary flux estimate, a detection o a hand ul of anti!deuterons is signi"cant 10 of 26 MAPS sensitivit": p ● *'erlap with complemen ary searches ● 83 en/s spec rum to lower energies ● S0perW:,P ● Sensi ive to o her mo/els- see T. Aramaki’s paper for more de ails ;7 Ara aki et al7, Astro!article Ph"sics, <olu e G1, 201H, Pa(es 12-12 11 of 26 Detection technique ● >*F usin& plas ic scin illator: β, /86/3 ● 83o ic a om formation ● ;e-excita ion pro/0ces charac eristic x-rays ● Si"2i) racker concep pro'ides powerf0l xFray /iscrimina ion ● Annihila ion even pro/0ces pions, pro ons ● Hom)ina ion of >*F an/ Si"2i) sho0l/ pro'ide e3cellen ;7 Aramaki et al7, Astro!article Ph"sics, <olume 2H, 2018, Pa(es 841C reconstr0ction ~ 2 M 1 1 capa)ilit! =( ) − Ex zZ ~R H 2 2 me ( n n ) f i 12 of 26 =9a !le si ulate$ e#ents AN;I-PR6;ON AN;I-D=A;=-6N Primary :β=0.388, KE=79.9 MeV Primary :β=0.334, KE=114.4 MeV ± ±,0 p ,p ,e , π , γ d ,e± , π±,0 , γ ;6F >I;N10, Si(Li) >I;N8 ;OF >I;N14, Si)@i) >I;N11 Energy deposited: 1 10 100 Me< 13 of 26 Instru ent $esi(n: time o% Bi(ht ● 202 P<; !a$$les: u brella 'ith her etic cu.e ● State o% the art car.on echanical su!!ort structure ● Detaile$ stu$" o% PM; #s. SiPM7 Ambrella ● SiPM lo'4li(ht $etectors: lo' ass, lo' ><, no 54fiel$ issues ● -esisti#el" loa$e$ #olta(e !re4a ! ● -ea$ out usin( lo' !o'er, %ast an$ channel $ense D-SH Inner cube chi! Pa"loa$ ● Data ana(e ent usin( custo SPI .us 14 of 26 Instru ent $esi(n: time o% Bi(ht 178 ● ;6, reJuire ent: LG00 !s resolution ● LCG0 !s achie#e$ 'ith D-SH e#al .oar$ in la. ● 07H4C8 MIP $"na ic ran(e )042200 !7e7+ SiPM ;i ing -MS )end-end) /√ 2 V2 Preamp >amamatsu S13360 V3 preamp upgraded to 6 Prelim. SiPMs! single p.e. 15 of 26 Instru ent $esi(n: time o% Bi(ht ● 8 !a$$les !er rea$ out board ● 18 in!ut channels Analog front end ● A! to 2 di(ital in!ut tri((ers DRS4 ADC =3; ● SPI bus for fast co munications FPGA ;RIG an$ data throu(h!ut JTAM ADC ● 22 rea$ out boards %or T6, syste (u .rella + cu.e+ DRS4 ● v1.0.04.eta asse .le$, testin( Analog front en$ K $e.u((in( un$er'a" 16 of 26 Instru ent $esign: silicon tracker ● @ithium dri%ted silicon Si(Li) ● H keV ener(y resolution and 100 ns timing requirements ● 10 la"ers, 4” dia. & 2.5mm thick wafer ● Original %abrication technique !ioneered at Columbia U. ;ech transfer to !rivate compan" ● Se#eral co mercially !roduced (Shimadzu cor!7) detectors $elivered. Measurements ongoing at MIT 17 of 26 Instru ent $esign: silicon tracker ● Inte(ral !re4a ! ● 18 channel ASICs ● 11,G20 total channels %or 10 la"ers ● 5ias: LC00< ● 4H0 C o!eratin( te ! ● SPI co unications %or s!ee$ ● ,PMA .ase$ $i(ital .ack4en$ Image credit: L. ,abris 18 of 26 Instru ent $esign: silicon tracker ● Coole$ usin( oscillatin( heat !ipe )6>P) syste ● Phase chan(e in ca!illar" tu.e ● =asy to $esi(n an$ .uild, low cost ● Does not reJuire active !u !in( 19 of 26 @on( $uration )CG $+ .alloon flight ● Earl" 2021 launch (solar inimum+ ● ~1700k( pa"load ● ~1400? po'er budget ● 36k altitude, 5 ( c -2 o#erburden 20 of 26 ;he MAPS colla.oration ,un$in( a(encies )starte$ 2012+ 21 of 26 Su ar" K ;ime4line ● Anti-$euteron cos ic ra"s interestin( %or astro!h"sics, in a$$ition to DM !ro.e ● MAPS $esigne$ %or anti4!rotons an$ anti-$euterons ● In$e!en$ent $etection technique that can co !le ent AMS02, 5ESS, PAM=@A ● =9ten$ anti-!roton ener(y spectru to une9!lore$ re(ime ● <ia.ilit" o% $esign $e onstrate$ in successful !MAPS fli(ht ● ;6, an$ Si(@i+ $e#elo! ent nearin( co !letion, easure ents an$ testin( recently starte$ 22 of 26 5acku!: =9otic ato ● Ener(y o% ato ic 34ra" unique to the e9otic ato , allo's $iscrimination o% $.ar #s7 !.ar ● Pre$icte$ in 11H0s, casca$e o$els $e#elo!e$ since then ● Meneralize$, exten$4a.le casca$e o$el $e#elo!e$ %or MAPS ● ,ree !ara eters o!timize$ with .ea tests usin( Al, S, Cl, Br tar(ets at 0=K in 200G Image credit: Ara aki et al7 201C ● ,or co !rehensive $escription see: Ara aki et al7 201C 23 of 26 5acku!: 0=0 .ea tests ● MAPS cascade odel #ali$ated 'ith data ● =9trapolate 34ra" "ield of pbar or $.ar e9otic ato %or ed ." an" aterial )active or structural+ of GAPS detector ● dbar/pbar "ield %or Si tar(et esti ated at L80% ● See Aramaki et al. 2013 %or ore details Image credits: Ara aki et al7 201C 24 of 26 Backu!: !MAPS ● Prototy!e successfull" flo' in June 2012 ● Si)@i+ mo$ules an$ ;6, worke$ relia.l", ther al mo$el #eri:e$ ● 34ra" flu9es measure$ ● ,or co !rehensi#e descri!tion see: #on Doetinche et al. 201H 25 of 26 Backu!: Coalescence !rocess ● )Anti)Nucleons close in !hase space can %or )anti)nuclei ● Coalescence o entu o% 21 Me< Equations 8, 9 from Donato et al. 2008 ● Detailed $escription a#ailable in Donato et al.
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