16 Felbridge Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 16 Felbridge Felbridge Analysis Plan (Area 16) See Figure 1 on page 4 for plan location Based on mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey, Crown copyright. 296 Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 16 Felbridge Felbrdge Settlement Analyss 1.1 Felbridge is located at the southern edge of the District and adjoins East Grinstead within Mid Sussex, to the south-east. The majority of Felbridge is located along the A264 road, which connects with junction 10 of the M23 motorway, approximately 6km to the west. 1.2 The settlement is located within the High Weald character area, but outside the High Weald AONB, which is approximately 4km to the east. Felbridge is situated on generally north facing slopes which rise up from the Low Weald into the High Weald to the south, and largely consist of ribbon development along the road network. 1.3 Site FEL012 is located off the A22 at the eastern edge of the settlement. FEL012 is set back slightly from Mill Lane, FEL004 is off the A264 at the western extent of Felbridge, and FEL014 is off Crawley Down Road to the south. ENA27, FEL010,DOM011 and ENA019 are detached from settlement and mainly located with the rural landscape to the north and west of Felbridge. 1.4 Each site associated with Felbridge is assessed in more detail on the following pages. Based on mapping data licensed Felbridge Analysis Plan (Area 16A) from Ordnance Survey, Crown copyright. See Figure 1 on page 4 for plan location Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 297 16 Felbridge: Site FEL008 Open section of eastern Cricket ground obscured site boundary Fir trees to north of cricket ground by intervening vegetation Photograph 196: View east from western part of the site Ste Vsblty (see accompanyng photograph above): Landscape Capacty: 1.1 Site FEL008 is generally well contained by boundary vegetation. 2.1 The landscape capacity for housing development of the site has been Views into the site are limited to upper storey windows of an adjacent determined by combining the sensitivity and value assessments property to the north, a minor glimpse through the site entrance off set out on the following page, using the capacity matrix table. The the A22, and from a limited area of fields to the east through the capacity of the site is as follows: open section of the eastern boundary. Slght sensitivity x Neglgble value = 1.2 Any view of rooftops of new development within the site would Hgh/Very hgh landscape capacity be seen in context with exiting surrounding settlement and hotel buildings. 2.2 With slight sensitivity and negligible value, site FEL008 is judged to have a high/very high landscape capacity for housing development. 1.3 Overall, the visual sensitivity is judged to be Slght. This rating The relatively unconstrained site would be suitable in landscape feeds into the overall sensitivity assessment table on the following terms for development proposals without significant detrimental page. effects on the character of the landscape, provided proposals are in scale with existing settlement within the vicinity of the site. Other evidence relevant to the site’s suitability for development should also be considered. Plan not to scale See plan on page 296 for wider context and key to symbols 298 Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 16 Felbridge: Site FEL008 Landscape Senstvty: Overall Inherent Potental for mtgaton Inconsstency wth Contrbuton to Contrbuton to the senstvty judgement landscape qualty Vews Ecologcal senstvty exstng settlement form/ separaton between settng of surroundng (nverse score .e. 01-07 = Neglgble (ntactness and (vsual senstvty) hgh potental for mtgaton 08-14 = Slght pattern settlements landscape/settlement = low senstvty, 15-21 = Moderate condton) therefore low score) 22-28 = Substantal 29-35 = Major 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 12 The site consists of rough No features with significant The site is within part of low Already within general existing This is a small general well The site is generally well Retain screening provided by grass with bands of dense ecological sensitivity identified. density edge of Felbridge and developed area, the site has contained parcel of land with contained to north, south and boundary vegetation to the scrub around north, south approach to East Grinstead. no contribution to separation limited contribution to the west, except for glimpse into north, south and west. and west edges. There are between settlements. setting of either surrounding site through access gate from some maturing tall trees along Enclosed on three sides landscape or settlement hotel on opposite side of main Introduce planting to the SLIGHT boundary with road. by existing developments but some Intervisibility with road, and from cricket ground eastern edge. including housing to north, adjacent fields. and hotel complex beyond The site is recorded as grade 3 hotel to west and garage/work through gap in boundary agricultural land. shops to south. vegetation in the south east corner of the site. Tall fir trees enclose majority of cricket ground to the south east. Eastern boundary open with view into adjacent fields to nearest hedgerows, and trees. Open view directly into the site from upper storey windows from adjacent property to the north. Landscape Value: Overall Ecologcal and other Perceptual aspects Recreaton and publc value judgement Landscape desgnatons Local Any hstorc/cultural/ Contrbuton to settng (eg. scenc qualty, access/ 01-07 = Neglgble desgnatons (eg. hertage, dstnctveness lterary assocatons of ‘outstandng assets’ tranqullty, and 08-14 = Slght locally valued spaces 15-21 = Moderate flood zone etc) remoteness) 22-28 = Substantal 29-35 = Major 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 None. None. A small unremarkable area of Surrey Historic Landscape The site does not contribute to There is no public access into The site is heavily influenced rough grass and scrub. Characterisation: the setting of any outstanding the site. by adjacent human assets. intervention including 10. RECREATION considerable road noise. And nearby buildings phone NEGLIGIBLE 1007. Major sports fields and mast visible above boundary complexes vegetation to the East. Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 299 16 Felbridge: Site FEL012 Acces road into site Mill Lane Photograph 197: View north-east along site entrance Ste Vsblty (see accompanyng photograph above): Landscape Capacty: 1.1 Site FEL012 is set back from Mill Lane and is highly contained by 2.1 The landscape capacity for housing development of the site has been boundary vegetation and woodland. determined by combining the sensitivity and value assessments set out on the following page, using the capacity matrix table. The 1.2 The visual sensitivity of the site is judged to be Neglgble. This capacity of the site is as follows: rating feeds into the overall sensitivity assessment table on the following page. Slght sensitivity x Slght value = Hgh landscape capacity 2.2 With slight sensitivity and value, FEL012 is a relatively unconstrained site with a high landscape capacity for housing development, provided that the form of new development proposals are closely related to, and in scale with, existing settlement adjacent to the site. Other evidence relevant to the site’s suitability for development should also be considered. Plan not to scale See plan on page 296 for wider context and key to symbols 300 Tandridge Landscape Capacity and Sensitivity Study 16 Felbridge: Site FEL012 Landscape Senstvty: Overall Inherent Potental for mtgaton Inconsstency wth Contrbuton to Contrbuton to the senstvty judgement landscape qualty Vews Ecologcal senstvty exstng settlement form/ separaton between settng of surroundng (nverse score .e. 01-07 = Neglgble (ntactness and (vsual senstvty) hgh potental for mtgaton 08-14 = Slght pattern settlements landscape/settlement = low senstvty, 15-21 = Moderate condton) therefore low score) 22-28 = Substantal 29-35 = Major 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 The site includes a house and No features with significant The site is on the edge of the The site has no contribution The site has limited The site is highly enclosed and The site is already highly other structures with gardens ecological sensitivity have settlement boundary. to separation between contribution due to obscured from view except enclosed by boundary and associated paddocks been identified within the settlements. containment from surrounding from Mill Lane, access track. vegetation which should be ringed by mature trees site, but ancient woodland Existing vegetation along the landscape and settlement. maintained. adjacent to riparian woodland is located to the north-east site boundary would provide SLIGHT to north. boundary. new robust settlement edge. A standoff to the ancient woodland would be required. The site is within an area recorded as grade 3 agricultural land. Landscape Value: Overall Ecologcal and other Perceptual aspects Recreaton and publc value judgement Landscape desgnatons Local Any hstorc/cultural/ Contrbuton to settng (eg. scenc qualty, access/ 01-07 = Neglgble desgnatons (eg. hertage, dstnctveness lterary assocatons of ‘outstandng assets’ tranqullty, and 08-14 = Slght locally valued spaces 15-21 = Moderate flood zone etc) remoteness) 22-28 = Substantal 29-35 = Major 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 9 None. The site is adjacent to ancient The site consists of a secluded Surrey Historic Landscape None. There is no public access Pleasant woodland along woodland. large garden and paddocks Characterisation: within the site. north-east
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