DOCUMENT RESUME ED 232 736 JC 830 377 AUTHOR Gernhart, Jack C., Ed.; And Others TITLE Community and Junior College Directory,1974. Period Covering October 1972-August 1973and Fall Enrollments for 1973. INSTITUTION American Association of Communityand Junior Colleges, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE 74 NOTE 187p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials- Directories/Catalogs (132) -- Statistical Data (110) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC08 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Accreditation (Institutions); Administrw:ors; *College Faculty; College Presidents;Community Colleges; *Enrollment; Fees; Full TimeFaculty; *Full Time Students; NationalSurveys; Part Time Faculty; *Part Time Students; Private Colleges;Professional Associations; Public Education; SchoolSchedules; Technical Institutes; Tuition; *TwoYear Colleges; Two Year College Students IDENTIFIERS *American Association of Communityand Junior Colls ABSTRACT Based upon data collected annuallyby the American Association of Community and JuniorColleges (AACJC), this directory provides information on 1,165 community,junior, and technical colleges, and two-year branchcampuses of four-year institutions in the United States and its territories,including 1972 and 1973 data on enrollments and personnel. Following introductorymaterial on the scope of the directory, abbreviations and keyterms are explained. Next, the directory lists the oqlegesalphabetically by stateor country and provides the following informationfor each: location; chief administrative head; telephonenumber; year college classes began; type of control or affiliation;AACJC membership; state recognition or accreditingagency; enrollments for October 1972 broken down by full- and part-timeenrollment of freshman, sophomore, unclassified, and total students;total October 1972 enrollment; enrollments in summer session 1973; totalenrollment in October 1973; full- and part-time faculty and administratorsin 1973-74; tuitionor all-inclusive fee; and type of academiccalendar. Next, tables provide enrollment and personnelsummaries by state for all institutions, and for public andindependent colleges, and showthe distribution of size of enrollments intwo-year colleges. Changes in ,nstitutions since the previousyear are examined next, followed by lists of communicy and juniorcollege organizations and state administrators and an alphabetical listingof schnols. (AYC) *********************************************************************** Reproductions suppiied by EDR5are the best that can be made from die original document. *********************************************************************** .s ) 1974 Community and Junior College Directory Period covering October 1972-August 1973 and fall enrollments far 1973 Communications Division American Association of Community and Junior Colleges One Dupont Circle. N. W. Suite 410 Washington. D. C. 20036 Editorial, Research and Production Staff: Jack C. Gernhart, Jaqueline F. GeTnhart, and Evangeline A. Barry "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS U.S. OEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EOUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION W. Harper CENTER (ERIC) Copyright 1974 This document has bean reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it American Association of Community X Minor changes have been made to improve and Junior Colleges reproduction quality TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES One Dupont Circle, N.W. State 410 Points of view or opinions stated in this deco INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Washington, D. C. 20036 merit do not necessarily represent officuil NIE position or policy Price: $5.00 3 2 Printed in U.S.A INTRODUCTION This is the 1974 edition of the Community and Junior College college education 2nd state and regional organizations of two-year Directory. It lists a total of 1165 community and junior colleges, colleges. Not an AACJC membership directory per se. the book technical institutes, and two-year branches of four-year colleges and includes names and data for many not3 .nofit. noh-member institu- universities. This is an increase of twenty-four over the preceding tions. We have tried to make it as comprehensive as possi:Ile year. Fifteen new institutions enrolled students for the first eime in including non-profit educational institutions that are organized on a September 1973. Additionally, the new Directory lists fourteen two-year basis, have state recognition and/or re0onal at.t.reditation. institutions that were not included last year because information and offer two-year associate degree programs. was not available. Twelve institutions listed in the 1973 Directory are not listed this year; five of these became four-year institutions, The eighth edition of American Junior Colleges, published by three merged with other institutions, and four ceased operations. the American Council on Education. contains more detailed infor- The institutions added or dropped from this Directory are listed in mation on many of the colleges listed in the Directory. The Ass.,t,ia- the appendix. lion in general follows the cdteria established for American Junior Colkges in determining the institutions to be included in the annual The Directory indicates enrollments totaling 3,144,643, which Directory. It should be noted that tl,?. Directory does not include represents a percentage increase of 9.7 percent over last year's total information on proprietary colleg(s. of 2,866,062. Enrollments in the public institutions total 3,014,211 or 10.4 percent over the preceding year. Prbate institutions showed Staff of the public atimi hite rdied !wavily on tin- reporting enrollments of 130,432, down about 4 percent from the preceding colleges for aCCIrrac) of (Lail. We are most grateful to the institu- year. Seventy-four percent of the public institutions and 41 percent tions for their support ant; cooperation. of the independent colleges show increases in enrollments for the current reporting period. In addition to the listing of colleges, the Directory contains EDMUND J. GLE Mi. JR. names and addresses of state directors of community and junior President, A ACJC 4 l Key to Abbreviations NE Accreditation by New EnglandAssociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools A OF GOD Assemblies of God NW Accreditation by NorthwestAssociation of Secondary and Higher Schools AME African Methodist Episcopal 0 Academic yearnotsemester,quarter.ortri- BAPT Baptist mesterOther BF Bible Fellowship PENT HOL Pent acostal Holiness Coeducational P CH GOD Pentaeostal Church of Gml CH OF CH Church of Christ PM Provisional Member of the AmericanAssociation of CH GOD Church of God Community and Junior Colleges PRESBY CHR CH Christian Church Presbytei ian PUBLIC EPISCOP Episcopal Publicly controlled bystate. local district. junior college district. unified districtor county FWB Free Will Baptist Quarter system IM Institutional Member of the American Association ROM CATH Roman Catholic of Community and JuniorCollez.s Semester system IND NP Independently controlled,nondenominational, non- profit SA Accreditation by Southern Association ofColleges and Secondary Schools LDS Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaySaints 7 DAY AD LUTH Lutheran Seventh Day Adventist STATE Men Students Accreditation, approval,or recognition as a junior college by a state department of education,a state MENNON Mennonite hoard or accrediting commission METH United Methodist Trimester system UK CATH MS Accreditation by Middle States Associationof Ukrainian Catholic Colleges and Secondary Schools Women Students NC Accreditation by North Central Associatioo of WA Accreditationbythe Colleges and Secondary Schools WesternAssociationof Schools and Colleges 6 7 Definition of Terms ENROLLMENT nct have fulfilled the requirements for matriculation or who are enrolled in college-level courses for which they receive no Full-timeStudents carrying at least three-fourths of normal load credit. Ithe junior college has third-ycar students. these are (12 semester hours or 9 quarter hours). included under unclassified. Part-time Students carrying less than three-fourths of normal FACULTY full-time load (less than 12 semester hours or 9 quarter hours) FacultyIncludes all personnel who spend 50 percent or inure of Freshmen Students who have completed less than 28 semester their time teaching. hours or 42 quarter hours of college ci edit at time of registra- tion. Administrative StaffInclwks personnel who spend 50 percent or more of their time in administrative work. Sophomores Students who have completed 28 or more semester hours or 42 quarter hours of credit at time of registration. TUITION AND FEES UnclassifiedStudents not counted in any other category who may Student cost figures are for the full academic year. 9 5 Table I Directory of Community and Junior Colleges IiflttIubOn Loc4hon ZipCode Chiel Administrative Hem Telephone Number ALABAMA I ALASAMA CHRISTIAN COLLEGE MONTGOMERY 36109 BRANNAN E.R. PRESu 205 272-5620 1542 CH OF ullm 2 ALEXANDER CITY STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE ALEXANOER CITY 350/0 PRES. CAUSEY, N. BYRON 205 234-6346 Mt\ PUOLIC II BREWER STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE FAYETTE 35555 OAVIS, CHARLES A. PRES. 205 932-3221 11IVPUOLIC Ili 4 CULLMAN COLLEGE CULLMAN 35055 MICHEL. SR. MAAY LOUROES PRES. 205 734-4626 1940 PON CAIN 5 ENTERPRISE STATE JUNIOR COLLEGE ENTERPRISE 34330 FORRE$TER, A. A. PRES. 205 347-2623 1965 eDOLIC 6 GADSDEN STATE AMIGA COLLEGE VA GADSDEN 35903 NAYLOR. ALLAN O. PRES. 205 544-0414 1965 PUOLIC IM 7 GEORGE CORLEY MOLLACI STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE SELMA 36701 GYRO. CHARLES L. PRES. 205 1175-2634 1971 PUOLIC 8 GEORGE C. WALLACE STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE
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