USO08003872B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,003,872 B2 Lopiccolo et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 23, 2011 (54) FACILITATING INTERACTION WITH A 6,379,244 B1* 4/2002 Sagawa et al. .................... 463,7 MUSIC-BASED VIDEO GAME 6,390,923 B1 5/2002 Yoshitomi et al. 6,699,123 B2 * 3/2004 Matsuura et al. ............... 463,31 (75) Inventors: Gregory B. Lopiccolo, Brookline, MA 2004/0244566 Al 12/2004 Steiger (US); Robert Kay, Cambridge, MA FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Eric J. Brosius, Arlington, MA DE 19833 989 2, 2000 (US); Daniel K. Sussman, Allston, MA EP 1 081 680 3, 2001 (US); Eran B. Egozy, Cambridge, MA WO WO 86,01927 3, 1986 (US) WO WO 2004/OO8430 1, 2004 (73) Assignee: Harmonix Music Systems, Inc., Cambridge, MA (US) OTHER PUBLICATIONS GamesRadar Guitar Hero Summary. Retrieved Jan. 2, 2010. http:// (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this www.gamesradar.com/ps2/guitar-hero/g-200512169201488.3026.* patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Guitar Hero Review by T Prime. Retrieved Jan. 2, 2010. http://www. U.S.C. 154(b) by 277 days. gamefaqs.com/consoleps2/review/R113400.html.* Guitar Hero Review by Misfit 119. Retrieved Jan. 2, 2010. http:// (21) Appl. No.: 11/609,654 www.gamefaqs.com/console ps2/review/R110926.html.* 1-1. Guitar Hero Review by Ninjujitsu. Retrieved Jan. 2, 2010. http:// (22) Filed: Dec. 12, 2006 www.gamefaqs.com/console ps2/review/R94093.html.* O O Guitar Hero Review by SaxMyster. Retrieved Jan. 2, 2010. http:// (65) Prior Publication Data www.gamefaqs.com/console ps2/review/R109815.html.* US 2007/O2323.74 A1 Oct. 4, 2007 International Search Report for International Application No. PCT/ US2007/065458, Mailed Aug. 20, 2007 (3 pages). Related U.S. Application Data pp * cited by examiner (60) Provisional application No. 60/743,938, filed on Mar. 29, 2006. Primaryy Examiner – Jeffrevy Donels (51) A63H5/00Int. Cl. (2006.01) Assistant Examiner — Andrew RMillikin- - - - - - A63F 3/00 (2006.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Wilmer Cutler Pickering G06F I7/00 (2006.01) Hale & Dorr LLP. (52) U.S. Cl. ................................. 84/609; 463/7: 463/43 (58) Field of Classification Search .................... 84/609: 463/7, 43 (57) ABSTRACT See application file for complete search history. A simulated musical instrument may be used to alter the audio (56) References Cited ofa Video game, the video aspects of video game, or both. Use of a controller simulating a musical instrument allows a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS rhythm-action game can be enjoyed in a manner closer to a 5,393,926 A * 2/1995 Johnson .......................... 84f610 realistic State of playing an instrument. 5,513,129 A * 4, 1996 Bolas et al. ..................... TO3/13 6,111,179 A 8, 2000 Miller 6,347.998 B1* 2/2002 Yoshitomi et al. .............. 463/42 23 Claims, 9 Drawing Sheets 510 sax U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 1 of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 110 120 130 140 104 104 104 104 104 H - 108 Player 1 Player 2 (PRIOR ART) F.G. 1 U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 2 of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 3 of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 4 of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 FIG 2E U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 5 Of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 OZ9 G/8 ?????//} G/9/8 U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 6 of 9 9/ 9 VEZTATZOETYTSZ–E= @@@@@ 9/99/90 U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 7 Of 9 US 8,003,872 B2 Providing a game controller comprising a body portion 301 having a strum bar and a neck portion extending outward from the body portion and including a first plurality of fret buttons and a second plurality of fret buttons 3O3 Displaying to a player first target musical data associated with a musical composition 305 Receiving first music performance input from the player using one of the first plurality of fret buttons 307 Displaying to the player second target musical data associated with the music composition 309 Receiving second music performance input from the player using one of the second plurality of fret buttons 311 Altering gameplay characteristics in response to the second music performance input FIG. 3B U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 8 of 9 5) NCVO U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 2011 Sheet 9 Of 9 N4. Q US 8,003,872 B2 1. 2 FACILITATING INTERACTION WITH A FIG. 2C is a configuration diagram of yet another embodi MUSIC-BASED VIDEO GAME ment of a guitar controller having two sets of fret buttons disposed on the neck of the guitar; RELATED APPLICATION FIG.2D is a configuration diagram of another embodiment of a guitar controller having a whammy bar in a first position; This application claims priority to U.S. provisional appli FIG.2E is a side view diagram of an embodiment of a game cation Ser. No. 60/743,938 filed on Mar. 29, 2006 and titled controller simulating a guitar that includes a whammy bar; GAME CONTROLLER SIMULATING A GUITAR. FIG. 2F is a configuration diagram of yet another embodi ment of a guitar controller having a whammy bar; FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10 FIG. 3 is a screen shot depicting one embodiment of a screen display of a rhythm action game; This invention relates to video game controllers and, more FIG. 3A a screen shot depicting one embodiment of a particularly, to video game controllers that emulate a musical screen display of a rhythm action game; instrument to provide game input. FIG. 4 is a screen shot depicting one embodiment of a 15 screen displaying which a player affects gameplay using a BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION guitar controller having a whammy bar, FIG. 5 is a screen shot depicting another embodiment of a "Rhythm-action' is a popular video game genre which screen displaying which a player affects gameplay using a requires a player to perform phrases from a pre-recorded guitar controller having a whammy bar. musical composition using the video game's input device. DETAILED DESCRIPTION One of the best-known examples of this genre is the BEAT MANIA series of games published by Konami Co. Ltd. of A controller simulating a musical instrument may be used Japan. In this series of games the notes in musical phrases are with a variety of gaming platforms, such as: PLAYSTA graphically displayed to the player as a series of visual mark 25 TION2, PLAYSTATION3, or PLAYSTATION PERSONAL, ers spaced along one or more timelines; each marker corre manufactured by Sony Corporation; DREAMCAST, manu sponds to one note in the phrase. In the block diagram envi factured by Sega Corp.; GAMECUBE, GAMEBOY, GAME ronment shown in FIG. 1, visual markers 104 move from the BOY ADVANCE, or WII, manufactured by Nintendo Corp.; top of the display to the bottom of the display. As each marker or XBOX or XBOX360, manufactured by Microsoft Corp. In on the scrolling timelines 110, 120, 130, 140 passes a graphi 30 other embodiments, the simulated guitar musical controller cal cursor 108 displayed along this timeline, the player must may be used with a gaming platform comprising a personal simultaneously press abutton on an input device (not shown) computer, personal digital assistant, or cellular telephone. corresponding to the correct timeline to play the Sound of the Although described below in connection with a simulated corresponding note at the correct time. If the player performs guitar controller, the game controller may simulate any of a this action Successfully for a Sufficient percentage of the 35 wide variety of musical instruments such as percussion notes, he scores well and wins the game. If the player fails to instruments (including cymbals, bell lyre, celeste, chimes, perform this action Successfully for a Sufficient percentage of crotales, glockenspiel, marimba, orchestrabells, steel drums, the notes, he scores poorly and loses the game. As shown in timpani, vibraphone, Xylophone, bass drum, crash cymbal, FIG. 1, two or more players may compete against each other, gong, Suspended cymbal, tam-tam, tenor drum, tom-tom, typically by each one attempting to play back different, par 40 acme siren, bird whistle, boat whistle, finger cymbals, flex allel musical phrases from the same song simultaneously. The a-tone, mouth organ, marching machine, police whistle, player who plays the highest percentage of notes correctly ratchet, rattle, Sandpaperblocks, slapstick, sleight bells, tam achieves the highest score and wins. bourine, temple blocks, thunder machine, train whistle, tri It is known, in the context of some rhythm-action games, to angle, vibra-slap, wind machine, wood block, agogo bells, provide game controllers simulating musical instruments that 45 bongo drum, cabaca, castanets, claves, conga, cowbell, mara allow players to fully use both their right and left hand to cas, Scraper, timbales, kick drum, hi-hat, ride cymbal, siZZle provide game input. It would be desirable to provide a game cymbal, Snare drum, and Splash cymbal), wind instruments controller that closely mimics the instrument which the con (including piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, contra-alto flute, troller simulates in Such a way that the physical instrument contrabass flute, subcontrabass flute, double contrabass flute, features mimicked by the controller affect gameplay. 50 piccolo clarinet, Sopranino clarinet, Soprano clarinet, basset horn, alto clarinet, bass clarinet, contra-alto clarinet, contra BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS bass clarinet, octocontra-alto clarinet, octocontrabass clari net, Saxonette, Soprillo, Sopranino saxophone, Soprano saxo The invention is pointed out with particularity in the phones, conn-o-Sax, clar-o-Sax, Saxie, meZZo-soprano appended claims.
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