In Forum... In Sports... The Is chivalry dead? Spartans Will `the little green DAIIRL? try to end man' the Ragin' return for Cajuns Halloween? five-game win streak See story on the Forum page See page 2 page 6 tor ',Ill I III\ 1,11\ I') Volume 101, Number 44 Friday, October 29, 1993 Searching for deans still a way of life By Erika D. Schuman human resources. "So we bring On Oct. 20, Engineering Dean office said a search committee to ty of North Florida. for the dean search committee Spartan Daily Stan-Writer talent in here, but while they're Jay Pinson decided to step down select a replacement for Pinson The academic vice president's for the College of Applied Arts With so many deans leaving here, their experience is from h s post to return to teach- has not been formed yet. office said that the College of and Sciences. SJSU for higher positions else- enhanced." ing. Other departments under Science is in the process of "We are still screening candi- o 111,1 where, it might leave some to This gathering of Pinson will stay in pressure to fill a dean's position putting together a search com- dates and were are hoping to wonder if the university is just a experience makes SJSU the position until a are the colleges of Science, mittee. have that done by Fnclay spring board to bigger and bet- administrators and facul- replacement is found. Applied Arts and Sciences and If no one has been found by (today)," she said. "We hope to ter things. ty attractive to other No one at the dean's Social Work. the time Ling leaves, the acade- have someone hired by the first "When we have a senior schools. office was able to com- Alan Ling, the dean of sci- mic vice president will appoint of January." administrative opening, we do a The College of Engi- ment on why he had ence, will be leaving in January an interim dean, according to a According to Christensen, it is nationwide search," said Emily neering is the latest decided to resign. to become provost and academ- source in the Academic Senate. Lee Kelley, SJSU's director of department to have a dean exit. The academic vice president's ic vice president at the Universi- Carol Christensen is the chair See Deans, page 4 SJSU works as Making-up for Halloween springboard for coaches, faculty By Erika D. Schuman football coach Ron Turner is Spartan My Staff Writer now the offensive coordinator Stan Morrison, the Spartan's for the Chicago Bears. head men's basketball coach, Turner had replaced Terry potentially has the option of Shea, who left to become offen- leaving SJSU to be the athletic sive coordinator at Stanford Uni- director at UC Berkeley. versity. "I've been contacted by Cal," SJSU has also lost deans to Morrison said. the same phenomenon. Right Morrison began his tenure now SJSU is either about to here at SJSU in 1989 and was begin or is already conducting formerly the athletic director at searches for four cleans. UC Santa Barbara for three Of those four, two left to take years. higher positions at other univer- "I did a good job," he said. sities. Former Dean of Applied "But I missed coaching tremen- Arts and Sciences Rose Tseng dously." left this summer to become He had coached basketball at chancellor of the West Valley- the University of Southern Cali- Mission Community College Dis- fornia for seven years prior to trict. Science Dean Alan Ling that. will be leaving in December to While Morrison said he has take a post as provost and acade- no intentions of leaving SJSU, mic vice president at the Univer- other coaches have left the uni- sity of North Florida versity to move on to bigger and better things. Former SJSU head See Morrison, page 4 Report examines student housing By Kyle Preston Register Spanan Daily Staff Writer of the campus itself and impact the area surrounding it. Mayor Hammer's "University The task force itself was bro- Environs Task Force" has com- ken into three different sub- pleted its guidelines for the committees: land use and hous- TOP: Jessica Conroy, 4, from the growth of the SJSU campus into ing, urban design, and traffic Frances Gulland Child Development the next century. and parking. Alan Freeman, a Center, applies her own Halloween The task force, made up of member of all three subcommit- make-up in the mirror. Children from the campus officials, community tees and the director of space center were in front of the Student leaders and city staff, has com- management on campus said Union Thursday for a Halloween cele- piled a report that recommends that he feels good about the bration which included games, bobbing changes for the university and work that was accomplished. for apples, and plenty of make-up. the surrounding community up "After two years of meetings, to the year 2000. deliberations and work, I would RIGHT: Nathan Miller, 2, applies make- Topics outlined in the 60- say a great deal of good came page report are a housing study, out of the University Environs up to his older sister Niki, 13, during the perimeter design guidelines and Task Force," Freeman said. "It celebration. traffic and parking measures. allowed for a better understand- Initially, the task force was ing of our neighbors and their designed to look at the now emi- understanding of us." nent closure of San Carlos Photos by Andy Barron Street between Fourth and 10th Land Use and Housing streets. It became clear that the closure would effect the com- The land use and housing munity in much broader terms subcommittee identified several than just impeding the flow of traffic. It would change the look See GROWTH, page 3 Community unites for Voter choices include vouchers, tax increases By Kevin Moore 26th district. The argu- on time and cut out special SOrtan Daily Stan Writer Calderon, interest ments are that it will provide housing groups. Day of the Dead festivities California voters will have to decide and jobs and will cut through govern- Those against are the Center for on initiatives and measures that will ment red tape. the Califoi nia Taxpayer and A.s.sem- Carolina Moroder Spartan Daily Stall Writer This festivity has grown in importance directly impact the future of taxes, Those against are the Los Angeles blvman Dean Andal. Arguments are in the Latino community in recent years, housing and education in Tuesday's County Libertarian Party and council that the proposition was written by Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muer- and this year, several events will take general election. members Sandi Webb of Simi Valley politicians, not tax reformers and that tos, is a celebration dedicated to those place in areas throughout San Jose to Here is a rundown of all the initia- and Bonnie Flickinger of Moreno Val- it makes it easier to raise taxes and who have passed away. celebrate it. tives and measures on the Nov. '2 bal- ley. The argument is that the proposi- hide budget items. According to Hispanic tradition, it is a Multicultural Center of the Univer- lot. tion removes voter control. Prop. 170 is a constitutional time when the spirit of a dead family sal Great Brotherhood, S.L. will exhibit Prop. 168 is a constitutional Prop. 169 is a constitutional amendment which would allow prop- member returns to earth to share a day "Through the Eyes of the Soul, Day of amendment to eliminate voter amendment that will allow the gover- erty tax increases in excess of 1 per- with the living. the Dead in Mexico," photographs by approval of low-rent housing projects nor to selectively veto only portions of cent to pay for school bond issues The holiday is celebrated between journalist and photographer Mary unless a petition is presented calling the budget passed by the state legisla- used to construct improve schools. Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. 'Andrade. 605 South Second St. Until for a vote on the development. ture without vetoing the entii e bud- Those in favor are the California As with many other celebrations in Nov. 21. This proposition also amends the get. State PIA, the Congress of California the Americas, lOia de los Muertos has For information call 408/275-9742. definition of low-rent housing to Those in favor are the California Seniors, and the California Chamber intermingled pre-Columbian and El Teatro de los Pobres will present include only developments receiving Chamber of Commerce, the Califor- of Commerce. Arguments are that the Catholic symbols into it, showing both a Children's Celebration on Monday funds from the federal government. nia Citizens Budget Commission and proposition allows greater local con- the indigenous and the Europeans' view Those in favor are the League of Bary Keene, retired senate majority trol of schools and retains other Prop. of life and death. See DEAD, page 3 Women Voters, The Congress of Cali- leader. Arguments are that the propo- fornia Seniors and Sen. Charles M. sition will allow passage of the budget See VOTERS, page 4 ,2 Friday. October ra. lb95 Forum & Opinion SAP4 lost Sure Ummesairv SPAFtTAN DAILY Editorial Letters to the Editor Halloween Finding other should be safer ways to protest should return Halloween to the times Wewhen it was a light-hearted holiday, full Editor: of funny tricks and sweet treats. These I'm writing in regards to the article which days, there is nothing "hallowed" about the appeared on Wednesday Oct.
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