Celebrating our 40th year of covering the South Belt community Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 September 24, 2015 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 40, No. 34 Shredding event Sept. 26 The Harris County Sheriff’s Offi ce will host a document shredding event Saturday, South Shaver project finally complete Sept. 26, at the Harris County Courthouse Annex, 10851 Scarsdale at Beamer, from 9 After years of delays, the newly reconstructed have been pretty bad.” improved underground utilities. This sentiment was shared by TxDOT Area a.m. to noon. South Shaver Street was unveiled to the public The endeavor essentially reconstructed the The estimated cost of construction is $13.5 Engineer Lucio Ortiz. Residents may bring up to five banker at a ribbon-cutting ceremony hosted by Houston aged street from the Gulf Freeway to State High- million – 80 percent of which will be funded “This project is a great example of how a proj- boxes or grocery bags full of documents. For District E City Council Member Dave Martin on way 3/Old Galveston Road. The project, a joint by the Federal Highway Administration and 20 ect can come to fruition through team work,” Or- information, call 713-759-9454. Tuesday, Sept. 22. venture between the Texas Department of Trans- percent of which will be funded by the City of tiz said. “I hope that you enjoy this.” “This is a very important project to me,” portation, the City of Houston and the Harris Houston. Construction also involved extensive fl ood Kirkwood Civic Club meets Martin said. “When I fi rst started as a council County Flood Control District, included widen- “This project is unique in that work was done mitigation work, including the widening of Ber- The Kirkwood Civic Club will meet on member, I took a tour of this area, and this was ing the area thoroughfare from a four-lane un- as a local, state and federal team,” said City of ry Bayou and building a 13-acre detention basin Thursday, Sept. 24, at 6:30 p.m. A discussion the worst street I had ever seen. And I’m from divided roadway with open ditches to a six-lane Houston Public Works and Engineering Deputy north of South Shaver Street. will be held about this year’s National Night Louisiana where the streets are really, really bad. divided roadway with raised median, curb and Director Daniel Menendez. “We hope that it will While the project had been in the works for Out, and assigning volunteers to help with So, if I say it was the worst I’d ever seen, it must gutter drainage, sidewalks, street lighting and meet or exceed your expectations and serve you roughly four decades, construction offi cially be- food distribution, set up, and clean up. for decades to come.” gan in June 2014. K of C spaghetti Sept. 25 Knights of Columbus Council 9201 will Martin holds ribbon cutting PISD seeks new superintendent sponsor a fundraising spaghetti dinner Friday, Pasadena Independent School District has board will consider the data collected in our se- Sept. 25, from 5 to 7 p.m. in the St. Luke Cath- begun the statewide search for a new superin- lection process. We desire a superintendent who olic Church Social Hall, 11011 Hall Road. The tendent of schools following Dr. Kirk Lewis’ an- is a great leader and one that continues to achieve menu will include all-you-can-eat spaghetti nouncement that he will retire from the position the standard of excellence already established in with KC 9201 pasta sauce, two handmade Ital- in January. Pasadena ISD.” ian meatballs, garden salad with Italian dress- The PISD board of trustees has hired consul- The search is expected to last three months. ing, French bread, and iced tea or lemonade. tants David Thompson and Mike Moses to assist Focus groups composed of educators, commu- The cost is $7 eat in or take out. For children with the executive search. nity members, business leaders and students met under 12, the cost is $3, eat in only. The board considers community input an im- Wednesday, Sept. 23, to discuss the issue. portant part of the superintendent search. For Interested candidates may submit an applica- Book sale at library this reason, consultants will host a combination tion for the position of superintendent through The Friends of the Parker Williams Library of focus groups and an online survey to get an Oct. 9. Candidate interviews will be October 26- will hold a book sale on Saturday, Sept. 26, idea of the experience and qualities stakeholders 28. Secondary interviews will start Nov. 2. Final- from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the library at 10851 expect in the next district leader. ists will be identifi ed Nov. 17. The district hopes Scarsdale Blvd. at Beamer. “We value the opinion of our principals, em- to name a new superintendent by Dec. 9. ployees, parents, students and community mem- After a fi nal candidate is selected, the board JROTC car wash Sept. 26 bers in Pasadena,” said PISD board President will negotiate a contract, and the new superinten- Mariselle Quijano. “We invite the community to dent will assume the leadership role by Jan. 15, Dobie High School’s Air Force JROTC unit provide feedback through the online survey. The 2016. will host a car wash on Saturday, Sept. 26, at Snowies at Beamer and Scarsdale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Funds are being raised to help cadets with Local chamber holds luncheon costs of attending an air show in San Antonio Dozens of business and community lead- the November ballot. this October, attending a JROTC Leadership ers gathered Thursday, Sept. 17, for a luncheon The proposed amendment would authorize a School this summer and for their annual mili- sponsored by the South Belt-Ellington Chamber new, stable source of funding for transportation tary ball. Cost is a minimum of $5 per vehicle. of Commerce. (See related photo Page 2A.) in Texas, dedicated to the construction and main- Tickets will also be pre-sold by cadets. No rain Attending the function were representatives tenance of roads. Upon passage, Prop. 7 would checks for pre-sold tickets. from the offi ces of Rep. Pete Olson, state Sen. dedicate a portion of the general sales and use Sylvia Garcia, Houston City Council Member tax and the motor vehicle sales tax to the general Lariaettes host dance clinic Dave Martin, Harris County Judge Ed Emmett, highway fund. Houston City Council Member Dave Martin (fourth from left) hosted a ribbon-cutting cer- Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector Mike Sul- Hellyer expressed disappointment that the The Dobie Lariaettes will hold their annual emony Tuesday, Sept. 22, to celebrate the completion of the South Shaver reconstruction livan, Harris County Precinct 2 Constable Chris legislators had slashed funding for community Hand & Stand Dance Clinic Tuesday, Sept. 29, project. Pictured above at the event with Martin are, left to right, Pasadena City Council Diaz and Harris County Commissioners Jack colleges, attributing the cut to a decrease in en- from 6 to 8 p.m. at the school for students in Member Darrell Morrison, state Rep. Dennis Paul, state Rep. Wayne Smith, Public Works Morman and El Franco Lee. rollment. Pre-K through eighth grade. Participants will and Engineering Deputy Director Daniel Menendez, Texas Department of Transportation Representatives from the Pasadena Indepen- “When the economy is up, our enrollment is learn the Lariaette stand routines and sit with Area Engineer Lucio Ortiz and Cristo de Poder pastors Sofi a and Jose del Cid. dent School District, San Jacinto College and the down,” Hellyer said, noting that San Jac’s enroll- the Lariaettes in the stands during the fi rst half Photo by James Bolen Clear Brook City Municipal Utility District were ment had dropped by roughly 3 percent com- of the Dobie versus South Houston football also in attendance. pared to the previous legislative session. game on Friday, Oct. 2, at 7 p.m. at Veterans State Sen. Larry Taylor, state Rep. Dennis The chancellor spoke at length on the col- Memorial Stadium. Paul and San Jacinto College Chancellor Brenda lege’s $425 million bond proposal and encour- Preregistration is $25, or $35 at the door, Two with local ties greet pope Hellyer served as guest speakers for the event. aged those in attendance to vote in favor of it on cash or money order only. Participants who Taylor and Paul both discussed the highlights Nov. 3. preregister will receive a shirt that will guar- A pair of individuals with ties to St. Luke the part of her degree plan at Notre Dame. She is of the 84th legislative session and its relationship Hellyer said the funds are necessary to pro- antee them free admission into the football Evangelist church were among the select few scheduled to serve at the area church for two to local business and commerce. vide workforce training, make renovations and game. For additional information, contact chosen to greet Pope Francis on his recent trip to years. “Government is obviously different from improve infrastructure. Amanda Castro at Amanda.Castro54@yahoo. the United States. Naaden was reportedly so surprised by the business, but we try to treat it like a business,” Proposed projects include state-of-the-art fa- com. Jennifer Naaden, who currently serves as di- news of her selection to meet the pope that she said Taylor, who is a member of the Finance and cilities to train students and workers in the pet- rector of young adult and junior high youth min- was literally shaking.
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