NEW SPOTLIGHT | Oct 16. 2020 | 1 NEW SPOTLIGHT | Oct 16. 2020 | 2 NEW SPOTLIGHTFORTNIGHTLY Notes From The Editor Vol.: 13,14, No.-11,No.-05, January-October-16, 24, 20202020 (Ashwin(Magh. 10.2076) 30. 2077) Price: Price NRs.NRs.100 100 Amid theRequesting spread of COVID-19Indian government infection to and lift itsthe threat,restriction Ne- Editor and Publisher paliput people on palm are celebrating oil export, the Nepal Dashain government Festival, has their shown biggest its Keshab Poudel festival.weakness In the to wake traders of awho growing have beenthreat thriving of infection and makingand se- riousprofits sickness, through the theDashain misuse will of tradebe different agreement’s this loopholes.year than Contributor the Insteadprevious of years. restricting One of this the kind main of parts short of term the festivalbusiness, is Sabine Pretsch a familythis request union andwill takingboost thethe moraleblessings of tradersfrom the and elders, business the nearcommunity and dear ones. who However, has hardly COVID-19 shown interest spreads in fastsustained in big Design/Layout groups,and long-termand hence, industrialization people are requested of Nepal. to avoid With gatherings this kind Sahil Mokthan, 9863022025 and ofunions. backing, The tradersMinistry often of Health misused and the Population preferential has urgedtreat- the mentspeople time to avoid and again contact to makewith individualthe people gains.above In 60 the years last Marketing Manager as theythree are decades, vulnerable Nepal to andinfections. India have Following signed severalthe lifting trade of Madan Raj Poudel restrictions imposed by the government on air and road trans- agreements with preferential treatments to Nepalese prod- Tel: 9841320517 portation, the mobility of the people has multiplied with the ucts with certain percentages of local value added. This number of infections increasing. Within a month of opening aimed to promote industrialization in Nepal. By misusing Nabin Kumar Maharjan up, Kathmandu Valley, which has the highest density of pop- this kind of preferential treatments to generate short term Tel: 9841291404 ulation, has witnessed huge growth of COVID-19. The valley has benefits,over 70 percent Nepal hasof infectionsneither seen now. a long As termthe festival and sustained is ap- Editorial Office proaching,industrialization with COVID-19 nor consistent infections export. spreading This was all notover only the Kathmandu, Nepal country,applied that to is India a topic but of with continuing other countries interest. as But, well. coming In 1990s, out Tel: 977-1-4430250 of itNepalese for a while, traders we haveexploited decided the to markets cover theof Germanyuse of Tunnel and E-mail BoringUnited Machine States increasing(TBM) and the transformation volume of export the of newcarpet tech and- [email protected] nologygarment has brought under preferential in the country treatment. as our Oncemain story.the period Taking of P.O.Box: 7256 all thepreferential risks five treatment years ago, came secretary to an end,at Ministry they collapsed. of Drinking In Website Water1996, Madhav India Belbase,opened all who the is markets also regarded to Nepalese as the productsfather of www.spotlightnepal.com TBMwith in Nepal,preferential used thetreatments TBM in for Bheri-Babai many products. Diversion Nepalese Proj- ect. tradersAfter TBM’s and business success communitiesin Bheri-Babai, invested the government in Vegetable has Kathmandu DAO Regd. No. alreadyGhee decided with very to use nominal this technology local components. in Sunkosi-Marin Some traders and 148/11/063/64 nowmade considering billions usingindividually it in the but second it has phasenot made of Melamchi any long Central Region Postal Regd. Drinkingterm contribution water project. to Nepal. We look Even at recently, how TBM Nepalese technology trad- No. 36/067/068 is bringingers have change started in to tunnel increase construction export of inpalm Nepal oil inusing this theis- sue.loopholes As Nepalese of preferential are celebrating treatment. the Dashain, However, New it Spotlight came to US Library of Congress Catalogue familyan endwishes following all its readers,the new customersrestrictions. and This patrons is what Happy the No. 91-905060, ISSN : 2091-0711 Dashaincurrent 2077. cover issue has tried to look at. (Print), ISSN: 2091-0754 (Online) Printing Megha Offset Printing Press P. Ltd., Dhapasi, Kathmandu Tel. : 977-1-4363624 Keshab Poudel Editor NEWNEW SPOTLIGHT | OctJan. 16. 24. 2020 2020 | 1 1 CONTENT PM OLI Poly Tricks 3 NEWSNOTES 4 BUSINESS BRIEF 6 OPINION Dipak Gyawali 8 SHANKER DAS BAIRAGI COVERSTORY: MADHAV BELBASE: Father Of TBM In Nepal 20 Diplomat At Helm Of Civil Service 10 FORUM Dr. Prabin Manandhar 11 PERSPECTIVE Dr. K. Uprety 12 VIEWPOINT Dr. Shivaram Pd. Koirala 13 BHARAT RAJ PAUDYAL Diplomat With Passion 15 COVID-19 AAPHAILAI KHOJDA: Confessions Of A Professor 27 Nepal In Crisis 16 ENVIRONMENT Batu Uprety 17 UPPER TAMAKOSHI Work In Progress 28 ARITICLE Bimal Gurung 32 NEPAL-EU JOINT COMMISSION Strengthening Partnership 33 UNICEF REPORT: Children Suffering 19 WORLD BANK Dismal Growth 35 ARITICLE Hemang Dixit 36 NEW SPOTLIGHT | Oct 16. 2020 | 2 PM OLI Poly Tricks Despite efforts of his rivals to contain his authority, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has shown that he knows the political techniques to beat his rivals By A CORRESPONDENT ust a week after a gentleman under- standing between Prime Minister JKP Sharma Oli and Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda to equally share state powers and positions, Prime Minister Oli’s cabinet took a major decision ap- pointing his close political aid and for- mer finance minister Dr. Yubaraj Khati- wada as ambassador to the United States and former chief secretary as ambassa- dor to United Kingdom. Co-chair Prachanda and his group opposed the move in media blam- ing PM Oli for violating the gentleman understanding. Some persons close to has shown that the party has nothing to over enemy in war. Prachanda and Madhav Kumar Nepal do with his administrative and day to This is what Prime Minister demanded withdrawal of the cabinet day authority. It seems that Prachanda Oli has been pursuing in his politics and recommendations. and other party colleagues accept this. turning the thing in his favor. He con- However, no one raised any This is not the first time PM spired to break the strength of his rival question over the appointment of am- Oli showed his strength. In all the polit- Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Madhav Ne- bassadors and cabinet reshuffling issue ical battles, he has been able to win over pal duo by encouraging Bam Dev Gau- at the Secretariat meeting of the ruling rivals of his party. From appointment of tama to rebel. Oli offered Gautam vice Nepal Communist Party (NCP). ministers to other matters, PM Oli has president of the party and member at The meeting has conclud- not surrendered his power. National Assembly for weakening Pra- ed without discussing the much talked What Prime Minister Oli has chanda-Nepal faction. about Cabinet reshuffling and new ap- is a unique political trick, which some After almost two months of pointment. NCP spokesperson Narayan people term Oli-trick of politics. Prime hurdles and turmoil, Prime Minister Oli Kaji Shrestha said that the meeting was Minister and co-chair of Nepal Com- was able to force standing committee to centered on previous agenda of the party munist Party (NCP) Oli does not have take decision favorable to him. as the Chairmen duo, Prime Minister KP strong theoretical political knowledge The strategy of Oli is a prod- Sharma Oli and Pushpa Kamal Dahal of political tricks and tactic but what he uct of his culture and times. His morali- ‘Prachanda,’ could not present concrete knows is a typical Nepali style of tradi- ty is based on justification of any means, proposals on the issues as entrusted to tional cunning, tactic and skill to man- by hook or crook, to remain in power. them. age the affairs. Oli’s political tactic also evolves around The Secretariat meeting held Although he claimed to be a the politics of Mahabharata. However, on Sept. 22 had given the responsibili- follower of Marxist, Maoist and Lenin- his tactic is very much influenced by ty to the two Chairmen to come up with ist communist, what prime minister Oli Chanakya. concrete proposals about the reshuffling has been displaying is his skills in the Whether one likes it or not, of the Council of Ministers. traditional power game based on manip- PM Oli remains a successful politician. “Both the Chairmen informed ulation and conspiracy of Hindu domi- One can argue about the ethics of his Secretariat meeting that they were nated society to defeat his powerful and methods, but he has laid the foundation working on the responsibility given united enemies. in his political party as to how to run to them and that they had yet to forge Chanakya says everything is divergent groups and interests. As the a clear basis for the issues,” said NCP justifiable during the war time and there legacy of Chanakya, Oli is ruthless and spokesperson Shrestha. are no questions of ethics and morality. compromising to be in the centre of un- In all this, Prime Minister Oli He argued that nothing is wrong to win challenged power. NEW SPOTLIGHT | Oct 16. 2020 | 3 NEWSNOTES Germany: 30 Years Of Unity KAAN And KOICA Distribute Food To Ashram Ambassador of Germa- KOICA Alum- ny to Nepal Roland Schäfer tweet- ni Association of Nepal ed, “30 Years of Germany Unity on (KAAN) and KOICA October, 3rd – friendship instead of have donated essential hatred: Germany unification brought food and hygiene materi- former opponents together. We must als to Manavsewa Ashram build on that and together contribute KOICA Alum- to peaceful and friendly cooperation ni Association of Nepal worldwide.” (KAAN), with support In his statement delivered from the Korea Interna- through a press release, he said: tional Cooperation Agen- “This is the time of the year when we are accustomed to in- cy (KOICA), organized a donation program on October viting you all to a happy moment in Gyaneshwar, on my resi- 05, 2020 to support essential food and hygiene materials to dence’s lawn.” Manavsewa Ashram worth US$ 3,059.51.
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