![Ohio's Champion Morgan *](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
35c35c JANUARY-FEBRUARYJANUARY-FEBRUARY 19581958 Morgan101 ORGAN HorseHORSE Ohio'sOhio's ChampionChampion MorganMorgan * p Apul4pia STALLIONSTALLION RegisterRegister 4 MailMail Your PicturesPictures and Advertising Today (Deadline(Deadline MarchMarch 1st)1st) JoinJoin inin thethe movement for the developmentdevelopment ofof thethe MorganMorgan HorseHorse withwith your advertisement aboutabout your stallion,stallion, youryour YourYour MorganMorgan StallionStallion DirectoryDirectory breedingbreeding programprogram andand thethe horseshorses youyou havehave forfor sale.sale- YouYou willwill getgat an opportunityopportunity toto meet ourour subscriberssubscribers from coast toto coast.coast. SinceSince this issue waswas firstfirst inaugurated,inaugurated, thethe ANNUALANNUAL STALLIONSTALLION ISSUEISSUE hashas beenbeen ourour largestlargest issue, devoteddevoted toto helpinghelping horsemenhorsemen telltell aboutabout Largest Issue ofof thethe YearYear theirtheir stallions,stallions, helping to buildbuild aa strongerstronger marketmarket forfor registeredregistered breed-breed inging stock stock and helping to increaseincrease thethe overalloverall interestinterest in the the use use of of horses for ranch, show, pleasure andand breeding.breeding. Your picturespicturesand andadvertising advertisingin in thisthisissue issue areare the best way to establishestablish and developdevelop thethe popularitypopularity ofof youryour stallionstallion among horsemen whowho are interested in breeding to the the bestbest Build Your Stallion'sStallion s PopularityPopularity and buyingbuying thethe finestfinest MorganMorgan stock.stock. LetLet horsemenhorsemen andand buyers of horses know the winnings ofof youryour stallion,stallion, hishis suc- suc cessful colts: show how attractiveattractive he isis withwith aa picturepicture andand tell of his family. Your Your advertisingadvertising will pay bigbig dividends.dividends. * IN ADVERTISE theTHE *largoMorgan HorseHorse AlagazineMagazine THE IDEAL WAYWAY TO REACHREACH THOSE WHO ADMIREADMIRE MORGAN HORSES!HORSES! BREEDER ADVERTISING RATESRATES (for display advertising)advertising) (Advertising Deadline — 1st of month preceding date of publication) 1 (Advertising Deadline — 1st of month preceding date of publication) 1 limetime 6 times*times* 12 times*times* Full PagePage $60.00 $57.00$57-00 $54.00 Half PagePage 35.00 33.25 31.50 Third PagePage 25.00 23.75 22.50 Quarter PagePage 20.00 19.00 18.00 One-Sixth PagePage 15.00 14.25 13.50 Per InchInch 4.004.00 3.80 3.60 (*onCon Contract basis only)only) SPECIAL LISTING RATES:* $ 5.00 perper stallionstallion (no picture)picture) A SPECIAL LISTING RATES:* $ 5.00 *.. (Stallion(Stallion IssueIssue Only)Only) $10.00$10.00 perper stallionstallion (tvith(with picture)picture) *Include♦Include only informationinformation asas shownshown onon enclosedenclosed OrderOrder Blank.Blank. The*he MORGANMORGAN HORSEHORSE MagazineMagazine Leominster,Leominster, MassMass + ' sflflxiDiuiU! fa am PARADE 1013810138 1 ChesnutChesnut twotwo yearyear old filly withwith lightlight manemane and tail byby Parade.Parade. 1 DarkDark chestnutchestnut twotwo yearyear oldold filly, nono markingsmarkings by Parade.Parade. 1 BrownBrown twotwo yearyear old coltcolt byby SelectSelect ofof Windcrest.Windcrest. 1 Chestnut twotwo yearyear oldold coltcolt byby Parade.Parade. 1 Pair of yearling chestnut coltscolts withwith starstar andand rear sockssocks —— tootoo badbad toto separate thesethese two.two. "<~>ta/dg/a4 thethe /bearnleia v/ea/i uuthatat aa PwzadePa/iade G<utCoif// These animals have have stamina, stamina, intelligenceintelligence andand outstanding outstanding dispositions. dispositions. Mr. and Mrs.Mrs. J. Cecil FergusonFerguson GREENE, RHODE ISLANDISLAND Table of Contents SPECIAL FEATURESFEATURES ----fettets Beyond TheThe TallTall MountainMountain 6 Western Trip Trip 10 Col!Colt Contest ResultsResults 11 the EMots Champion RetiresRetires *212 Vermont State ChampionsChampions 14 The Orphan ColtColt 15 Maine StateState ChampionsChampions 17 20 Dear Sir:Sir: South DakotaDakota State Fair 20 Weston-Wayland 4.H4-H TrailTrail Ride 25 I would would like like to to congratulatecongratulate youyou cm on Ride Mid-Atlantic 1957 ChampionsChampions 26 your wonderful magazinemagazine whichwhich isis con-con Virginia LydonLydon 34 tinuously improving.improving. A MorganMorgan QuizQuiz 34 It cancan easilyeasily be understoodunderstood whywhy thethe A VisitVisit ToTo TheThe FairFair 35 popularity of the MorganMorgan isis increasingincreasing Ribbons Enough For EveryoneEveryone 37 Let's Go To A Horse ShowShow 51 so. For For instance, instance, they they know know when when Riding Program atat the University of NewNew HampshireHampshire 51 they're in a a showshow andand theythey helphelp youyou out as much as they possiblypossihly can.can. Last Last REGULAR FEATURESFEATURES week 1I was in an an equitation equitation classclass andand Letters to thethe EditorEditor •••• •" Don's behavior behavior was like like an an angel's. angel's. Editorial 5 When they pinned the the blue blue ribbon ribbon on on Hints To HorsekeepersHorsekeepers 8 him, he struttedstrutted aroundaround the the ring ring act- act Names in PedigreesPedigrees 9 Ohio Morgan AssociationAssociation NewsNews 13 ing just asas proud asas II was. ThatThat is is Mid-Atlantic News 14 just one one exampleexample on why why their their popu- popu Illinois News 16 larity is increasing.increasing. They'reThey're strong strong in in Maine MorganMorgan ClubClub 17 courage and excellentexcellent companionscompanions allall North Central NewsNews 18 the way. Northern California ClubClub 18 the way. Central States MorganMorgan ClubClub 1919 Your magazine magazine expressesexpresses thisthis well, well, Morgans in SouthSouth Dakota 20 and hashas excellentexcellent articles.articles. Justin Morgan AssociationAssociation 32 It is is a awonderful wonderful birthday birthday present present New EnglandEngland NewsNews 23 because itit lasts all year around. I1 got got New YorkYork NewsNews 33 mine as a present present and I'm I'm going going to to ask for the the same same thingthing nextnext year. year. Officers of thethe MorganMorgan Horse ClubClub Sincerely, President FREDERICK O. O. DAVIS Miss Nancy Albertson Albertson Windsor, VermontVermont 58 Norman RoadRoad Vice-President GERALD F. TAFTTAFT Melrose. Mass.Mass. Northville,Ncrthville, MichiganMichigan Treasurer WHITNEY STONESTONE 90 Broad St., New York 4, N. N. Y Y. Dear Sir:Sir: Secretary FRANK B.B. HILLS HILLS It may may be be of of interest interest to to other other Mor- Mor 90 Broad St., New YorkYork 4,4, N. N. Y. Y. gan horsehorse ownersowners toto learnlearn thatthat the the Morgan is represented represented here here is is Alaska, Alaska, The Morgan Horse Magazine too. In In May May 1955,1955, wewe purchased purchased the the young stallion, Le Le Monte Monte 1094610946 (Monte(Monte Vol. XVIIIXVIII January-February, 19581958 No. 11 L—Prima Donna) Donna) from from Clarence Clarence A MmthlyMcnlhly Shaw, Walla Walla, Washington, sightsight The Official Publication ofof unseen. After an anxious wait the the ship ship THE MORGANMORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporated carrying him arrived arrived in in Seward. Seward. They They 90 Broad St., NowNew York 4, NewNew YorkYork hoisted hishis stall iromfrom the ship to to the the Please sendsend allall correspondencecorrespondence regardingregarding subscriptionssubscriptions andand advertisingadvertising to publicationpublication office: The MorganMorgan HorseHorse Magazine,Magazine, Leominster,Leominster, Mass.Mass. dock and as soon as 1 I led him out, out, he he Publisher Otho F. Eusey promptly laylay on the the dock dock and and rolled. rolled. Otho F. Eusey Circulation Manager Lorraine LaFond Frankly.Frankly, I was was a a bit bit skeptical skeptical when when I I Lorraine LaFond first saw "Monty""Monty" — too too light light for for CONTRIBUTING EDITORSEDITORS trail work, I thought.thought. AfterAfter truckingtrucking Mrs. David Naas Em PedlerPedler Ruth Rogers RhedaRhoda Kane Mabel Owen Charlotte McCartneyMcCartney him to Hope Hope and and trying trying him, him, I Irealizedrealized Sue AnnisAnnis Mary LouLou MorrellMorrell Eve Oakley quickly thatthat here was was a a stallion stallion of of Mrs. Keith Morse Katharine Eskil Eleanor BrackmanBrackman unusual disposition. disposition. The Editor and staffstaff ofof ThThee MorganMorgan HorseHorse MagazineMagazine andand thethe MorganMorgan By fall I had had decided decided to to use use him him Horse Club,Ciub, Inc., are notnot responsiblerespcnsible forfor opinionsopinions andand statementsstatements fortor my my saddlesaddle horsehorse for for the the fall fall hunt-hunt expressed in signed articles or paidpaid advertisements.advertisements. TheseThese opinionsopinions areare net necessarily the opinion of the editor and staff of this journal. ing season. As As such, such, he he would would have have n:t necessarily the opinion of the editor and staff of this iournal. to work work longer longer hours than the the rest rest of of SUBSCRIPTION RATESRATES One Year 53.50S3.50 Two Years $6.50S6.50 the string string and and do do with with lessless feed,feed, in-in Three Years S9.00$9.00 TheTh e MORGANMORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE,MAGAZINE,published published monthlymonthly except January January asmuch ;isas he wouldwould bebe tiedtied closeclose byby by THETHE MORGAN MORGAN HORSE CLUB.CLUB. INC., INC., 90 90Bread Broad St.,St., New York,York, NewNew at night
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