VOL. IX. MASON,»MICHIGAN. THURSBAY. JANUARY "3. 1884. NO. 1. LOCAL A\D CiENERAL KBWS. William U, Mead, late of Knton Rapids, Deputy Sherinr G, W, Glynn, the Dans Furil, tlio Ilnzunr Man's Looal'it. > has leased D. L. CaJy's houi;o on SoHtli viUo stage man, is sufl'ering wilh a very The Incky numbers that drew prizes At, Removal street, and will hang out his shitiglo in sore finger, caused by a jam. He is nearly Ford's Bnzunr were : I'liblisheil every Thursday No. Hit. small dressed doll. Of Millinery SlonU to fii'.sl. floor, (lurinfj tlio this city, for the oloctric sclioni of medicine. worn out with pain and the doctors begin by No, 4, largo minor. (hill season, at .f. L. FULI.ER'S. to think it will bo ncocs.sary to atiiputate P. WHIT MORE, Everybody scoras to bfe auUeipaliii!; ft No, 1098, leinplo lamp. the finger. No. 11151, wash bowl and pitcher- Siilcldo of Mrs. Jinnict llolcomb. pleasant time at tlio grand maaqucrade, to MASOfi, mciiiaAN. No. :i22, lartre photograph album, News readied this city last evening that be hold at the opera house, .Tan. 17. It is As we go to press (11 o'clock) tho morn No. 292, family bible. Mrs. Duniul Eolcomb, dauKhlcr of Jacob worth going many miles to hear Hull i.\c ing train from the south has noc arrived. No. 109(1, biblo stand. Croncl), who with tliroo others, was recently Arnold's band. No. 1072, hanging lamp. On* Year, $1.50 ; Six monlhi, 79 centa ! Three iDHrderoil in .Tachson county, hud coniinil- BIIMIIICMN LocniN. No. 1223, 10 piece toilei sot. Riontha, 40 eenti. The Detroit Free Frcfs' e.\liaustive trade No. 215, large dressed doll. ted suicide. review of the comiiiorco and manufactures Look (or E. G. IIt'NT',s Price List Next All persons lioldiug tho above numbers are requested to prcsenl the same and get Voluiiio nnmlicr nine. of Detroit, published last Jfonday, shows a Week. A S10,000 stock to be closed out Ourad»(irllHln(!rnti'sar(iS100 per column pnran- in the motitli of Jaiitiavv. the goods at their earlio.st convenience, nnm, llusiness nntlci.H ftvo ceniK per iinofor ouoli llDin.s snowed iindor lliis week. degree of eiilerpriso that no other slate pa­ Insertion. Kditorial nelices 10 emits. when a oomplolo list of llio lucky persons J. I>, Swill't SuIlK DiiHiiiesn cards SI .00 per line per year. per possesses. The Free Pn:u always leads, will bo published. Marriaitoand death notices insortml free, Oliltiuirv ]f you want, boh sloi^flis read nolice else GOo Toa for oOc. ' oommimis, resolutions,o.arda of llianks, etc., willliiire '.Eo all of our iiatroiis of tho past, wo where. Judge G. M. l.liiuiiiigtoii',s looturo on t^ic Tho best Tea in Mnaon for-lie per pound «ftor be charRed for al the ralo of are eenls per lino. wish you a happy New Yoar. Wo fully or three pounds for Oorreapoiidenr.i> r.niitntnini- local IIOWH, in solicited Look at llunl's new prioo list on first "Mound BuiUlois," af the Presbyterian appreciato the liberal palfouago you have from all imrts of thiM:oni*ih Plug Tobacco for 7c per cut or four outs Anonymons coniroiinica\SJ^;i not Inaortoil under church, New Year's Evo, is spoken of as a given IIS, incioasin.!; our Fulos thousands of pn«e. for 250. eoy circnnistanco rare intellectual troat and lliosu who heard dollars over any previona year, and ns in About a fool of snow (ell Monday night .lOo Fine Cut Tobacco for ,'>0c per pound he pnsl, so iu tlio (iituvo we will endeavor it were amply ro|utid for ihoir time and or three pounds for $1. JOB PRINTING! and Tuesday. to inarto Ford's Bazaar llin most popular money. • Another Carlond ri( Bulk Oy.stors, direct 0«r inntmlnl Is now nnil of the latest styles and wo store in liiglmm county ; tho cheapest place The Severn! oliurelios will observe ne.vl from Baltimore for l?l per gallon. gnaranleo satisfaelion, both In prices and 'I'he Klevoiitli Animal Conveulioi; of the Ui buy goods and ih.e best pUicu to get onalitv of work. week as u week of prayer. Standard Oysters in Cans, 20o; Selects warm. Cnnio and ,see ns : you will all re­ State Association of Agricultural Societies ;tOc. ceive cordial treutnient. Now is the time to rid your snow plow.s Everything in the crocory line as cheap of Michigan, will be hold at the stale capl- Rcspccirully, as tho Utt/e stores, .1, D. SWAUT. E- G- EITJa^T of a ycar'.s cnllocled rust.' tol al Laiising, coiiinieiiciiig Wednesday ev­ Foitn, the Bazaar Man, ening, January iiOlli, ISS^I and continuing Clover Seitil. Cahill, O.sli'atidor & Uaird is the name of Mrs. Win, Terwilliger captured the 20lli Thursday. Just received, a car load of Prime Medi­ Defies Competit'ron. hand sled at Sayers .V Pliolps'. a new law firm in Lansing. um Clover Seed, which wo are retailing at The cominiu.ee appomled by the board .^(i.OO. Also Weslern Oorn as cheap as the Nioo Sniior Kroiit LOOK AT THIS A.'L. Vandercook has a chiingo of locals of supervisors, consisting of chairintin, J, cheapest. C. E. BATON & Co. At A. L. VANIIERCOOK'S, this week. Look them over. At the freight depot. S. Hii.slon, Goo. W. Bristol and James Boots and Shoos at GEEII'.S. Dansville. Blackmore to make the annual settlement Read the articlea on our fourth page, New Ofiuiln at tho N«w Ilazitiir, VariiierH PRICE LIST. coHCcriiing the liirifF on wool. with the cQiiiily treasurer meet for lhat pur­ Thouah onr holiday trade far-e.xceoded Blow up your stumps, go to Sayers A; pose today. our expectations and' reduced onr slock Phelps' and get you Hccla Powder to do it Cold and bkisterinj; this morning; snow greatly, yet we would say to the public that with, also caps and fuse. LD .TAPAN TEA WORTH 7.'io, badly drifted and the air full of it. The secretary has a number of copies of we are again full ot Now Goods at prices For .l.'Jc the the reports of the Michigan board of •to suit all, and while lhankiiig you for past noli slelKlis. •J^ Ln .lAPAN TEA WOllTII 00c, Slievid' McKernaii treated his prisoners patronage, would cordially invite yon to I will sell (irsi class Bob Sleighs cheaper For 44o agriculture, which he will distribute at the to ail extra good diaiiev for Cbrislinas. visit us when wishing to purchase niiytliing than you can buy llieni elsnwhoro and will T.nS. WIIITB 0 SUOAU, ForSI.OO annual meeting of tli'J Ingham county ag- in our lino. accept greon or dry wood or hard wood K. B. Siniili of Veviiy, lias our thanks •J^Q CANS CllliN-SUl'ERIOU QUALITY; ricultnral society, to bo hold al the coiirl Evorytliiiig New, Evoi'ytliiiig Cheap, at lumber in exchange. Cull and examine 'j'\ir SI.00 for 11 liasket of e.xcelloul eating apples. house in this city, Jan. 17. the Now Bazaar. before purelinsiiig. II. W. AYLAND, rj LBS NEW riiUNES. For nOc A large line of Lamps just received, The regular .laiiuary session of the board I'uro Miiplo .Syrap DIcil or lii.s Injuries. warranted to burn a baiiel of oil without I'OXUS-:1I100 MATCHES, III Olio gallon cans, for nino shillings, at For 20c of supervisors commences nest Monday. filling, at the New Buzaar. K, G. HUNT'S, gl^ I.IIS CHOICE rjUo TEA, December 14, .lolin T. Mnshor of this A conipleto line ol Glassware; Pickle For Sl ,00 The democratic state central eomniittee city, fell a distance oi about nine feet, strik Dishes 5c, Honey Dishes 15c, at the New AKrIoiiltiiriil Sociufy—Annual MuothiK. ^ LBS ORAOIvBllS-lCXTllA (lUALITY held a meeting at Lansing last Thursday. For '2tic iiig on his head and shoulders, a full iiO' Bnzaar, The regular annual mpfiting of the Ing­ LBS, ALiiA rr.ouu A .Splendid Glass Water Sot, just the ham County Agriciillural .Sncioty will be For 70c Will. H. Rayiiersay.s ice is ten inches count of which was published in the DEMO­ thing for a presuiil., nl llio New Bnzaar. hold at the court houso, Miison, on Thurs­ UUSIIICL POTATOES, thick and he wil coiiiinniice culling at once. CRAT on the foliowing Thursday. His in For .ISc China and Majolica Cups and Saucers day, Jan. 17, 188-1, at 10 a. ni. Ollicers No. 18, held by Mrs. IL L. Strong of juries al that lime were considered fatal at prices to suit yon all, at the New Buzaar. for the ouauiug yoar will be elected and KW SALT PORK Per 111, 8c and so they proved, Mr. Moaher e.vpiring, Vases, Al 1)11 ma. Scrap Books and Per much other important business will cnmo N Dansvillo, drew the Cliiiiii Tea Set at tlie fuinery, Dolls of all kinds, from the Rubber OAL. MICH. LEGAL TEST KEROSKN'E OIL Monday evening, dying almost with and as bolbre the meeting. It is quite essential For 11c new bazaar.^ i to the large Wax one, at the New Buzaar. that there bo a good attcndinico. HE OET.F.llllATEO .lACKET CAN AND fi OAL. pfiacofnlly as the old year. Clirislmas Cards at the New Bazaar. The circuit court re-convened at Lansing D. P. WiiiT,M0RE, Seo'y. T OF OIL, For SI.;- Mr. Moaher was a carpenter by trade, in Ladies, call and son our new line of Col­ Spoclnl BnrKitlnM lit SuydiN Jt: I'lielp*' LBS.
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