National Library of Scotland niiimiiHiii *6000425470* 0C3.5H55. Sfe'HflO'b SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY FIFTH SERIES VOLUME 13 Scodand and the Americas, c. 1650 - c. 1939: A Documentary Source Book Scotland and the Americas, c. 1650 - c. 1939: A Documentary Source Book edited by Allan I. Macinnes, Marjory-Ann D. Harper & Linda G. Fryer EDINBURGH printed for the Scottish History Society by LOTHIAN PRINT LTD, EDINBURGH 2002 Scottish History Society 2002 The date of 2000 on the spine refers to the nominal in the Society’s annual series of publications. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data: A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-906245-22-2 Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS Acknowledgements vi Abbreviations viii List of Contributors x INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER ONE: PERSUADERS, PROCESSES AND PERILS 32 CHAPTER TWO:THE ENREPRENEURIAL EMIGRANT 70 CHAPTERTHREE:THE MILITARY EMIGRANT 97 CHAPTER FOUR: SCOTTISH SOJOURNERS 132 CHAPTER FIVE: THE GAEL IN AMERICA 169 CHAPTER SIX: SETTLEMENT AND RESETTLEMENT 207 CHAPTER SEVEN: ANCHORS AND ASSIMILATION 252 SCOTLAND 292 THE ATLANTIC SEABOARD 293 THE CANADIAN PROVINCES 294 THE UNITED STATES 295 SOUTH AMERICA 296 INDEX 297 vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Permission to reproduce documents was granted by the following individuals and institutions, citations being given in parentheses in cases where identification would otherwise be unclear. Aberdeen County Archives; the Earl of Airlie (NAS, GD16/34/359/11); the Aldrich Public Library, Barre, Vermont; the Archives of Ontario, Toronto (Adam Hope fonds, F 484. NAS, RH 1/2/612/8); the British Library (Egerton MS 2395 f.632v); the John Carter Brown Library, Rhode Island; Roderick D.H. Campbell of Barcaldine (NAS, GD170/3518); the City ofVancouver Archives; the Corporation of London Records Office; Dundee City Council, Arts and Heritage Department (McManus Galleries),DUNMG: 1969 - 117(2); Dunvegan Castle Archives; Dumfries and Galloway Archives; Ellis Island Immigration Museum; Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections; the Falkland Islands Archives, Port Stanley; Glasgow City Archives; the Guildhall Library, Corporation of London; the Earl of Haddo (NAC, MG27 I B 5); the Highland Council Archive, Inverness; the Historical Society of Pennsylvania; the Idaho State Historical Society; Inveraray Castle Archives; Greta Mackenzie, Keose, Isle of Lewis; Lome Maclaine of Lochbuie; the Maryland Historical Society Library, Baltimore; Viscountess Melville (NAS, GD51/1/492); the Mitchell Library, Glasgow City Library and Archives; the National Archives of Canada; the Trustees of the National Library of Scodand, Edinburgh; the North Carolina Scottish Heritage Society; Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management; the Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg; the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, Fredericton; the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, Ingliston (NLS Adv. MS.73.2.13); the Earl of Seafield (NAS, GD248); the Scottish Brewing Archive; the Scottish Catholic Archives; the Shetland Archives; Special Collections, University of Guelph Library, Ontario (Good letters); Lord Strathnaver, Sutherland Estates Office, Golspie, Sutherland (NLS, SP Dep 313/1468, pp. 78-81, 339-49); the University of Aberdeen, Department of History; the University ofAberdeen, Special Libraries and Archives; the Wellington County Museum, Ontario. Crown copyright material in the Public Record Office is reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (CO 5/1134, pp. 235-8). Material in the National Archives of Scotland—other than that cited in the preceding paragraph—is published with the agreement of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland, Edinburgh. ABBREVIATIONS ACA Aberdeen County Archives APL Aldrich Public Library AUDH University of Aberdeen, Department of History AU, SLA University of Aberdeen, Special Libraries and Archives BL British Library CLRO Corporation of London Records Office CSP Carolina State Papers CVA City ofVancouver Archives DCA Dunvegan Castle Archives DGA Dumfries and Galloway Archives DH Dumfries House EIIM Ellis Island Immigration Museum EUL, Sp. Coll. Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections GCA Glasgow City Archives, Mitchell Library GL Guildhall Library GU (DACE) Glasgow University, Department of Adult and Continuing Education GUL, Sp. Coll. Glasgow University Library, Special Collections HBCA, PAM Hudson’s Bay Company Archives, Provincial Archives of Manitoba HCA Highland Council Archive HSP Historical Society of Philadelphia ICA Inveraray Castle Archives ISHS Idaho State Historical Society JCBL John Carter Brown Library MHSL Maryland Historical Society Library ML Mitchell Library, Arts Department (formerly Rare Books and Manuscripts Department) NAC National Archives of Canada NAS National Archives of Scotland NLS National Library of Scotland PANE Provincial Archives of New Brunswick PANS Public Archives of Nova Scotia PRO Public Record Office QUA Queen’s University Archives SA Shedand Archives SBA Scottish Brewing Archive SCA Scottish Catholic Archives Sp. Coll., UGL Special Collections, University of Guelph Library WCM Wellington County Museum LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS JHB Judith Hudson Beattie RJC Robert Cain AC Alastair Campbell of Airds JC Jane Cameron JC (Edinburgh) Jo Curry LC Lucille Campey TC Tristram Clarke wsc William Caudill DD David Dobson GD George Dixon PG Philip Goldring DH Douglas Hamilton RMG Rosemary Gibson AJ Andrew Jackson CJ Christine Johnston u Ivyjardine JL Janet Levine AM Andrew Mackillop HDM Hugh Dan Maclennan MM Michael Montgomery RMcD Roderick McDonald MMcL Marianne McLean BS Brian Smith FMS Ferenc Morton Szasz IADS Iain Stewart MGS Margaret Connell Szasz MS Marion Stewart AT Alma Topen MV Michael Vance Judith Hudson Beattie Archivist, Hudson Bay Company Archive, Winnipeg Robert Cain Editor, The Colonial Records of North Carolina (second series) Alastair Campbell of Airds Unicorn Pursuivant Jane Cameron Government Archivist, Falkland Islands Jo Curry Librarian, Edinburgh University Library, Special Collections Lucille Campey Independent scholar, Dinton, Salisbury, Wiltshire Tristram Clarke Head ofWest Search Section, National Archives of Scotland William Caudill Director of the Scottish Center, University of St Andrews, Laurenburg, North Carolina David Dobson Genealogist and Honorary Research Fellow, The Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen George Dixon Formerly Archivist, Stirling Council Archive Services Linda Fryer Formerly Honorary Research Fellow, Department of History, University of Aberdeen Rosemary Gibson Head of Publications and Education Branch, National Archives of Scotland Philip Goldring Historian, Historical Services Branch, Parks Canada Douglas Hamilton Postdoctoral Research Fellow in History, University ofYork Maijory Harper Senior Lecturer in History, University of Aberdeen Andrew Jackson Principal Archivist, Glasgow City Archives Christine Johnston Curator,The Scottish Catholic Archives, Edinburgh Ivy Jardine Independent researcher, St Andrews (deceased) Janet Levine Oral Historian for the Statue of Liberty — Ellis Island National Monument Allan Macinnes Professor of History, University of Aberdeen Andrew Mackillop Lecturer in History, University of Aberdeen Hugh D. Maclennan Secretary, the Gaelic Society of Inverness Michael Montgomery Emeritus Professor, Department of English, University of South Carolina, Columbia Roderick McDonald Professor of History, Rider University, New Jersey Marianne McLean Archivist, National Archives of Canada Brian Smith Principal Archivist, Shetland Archives Iain A. D. Stewart Honorary Research Fellow, Department of Spanish, University of St Andrews Marion Stewart Principal Archivist, Dumfries and Galloway Archives xiii Ferenc Morton Szasz Professor of History, University of New Mexico Margaret Connell Szasz Professor of History, University of New Mexico Alma Topen Archivist, Scottish Brewing Archive Michael Vance Associate Professor of History, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, NS Note Contributors are identified by their initials, given within square brackets at the end of the citation of their contribution. Where no initials are appended, the material has been contributed by the general editors. INTRODUCTION In recent years demographic upheaval has become an integral part of the history curriculum in Scotland’s universities and schools. The popularity of such studies is rooted in ongoing academic research, which began in 1966 with the publication of Gordon Donaldson’s pump-priming book, The Scots Overseas, and has in the last two decades addressed the causes and consequences of Scottish migration—internal and external—from a variety of thematic, chronological, regional and international perspectives.1 The rich and varied legacy of sources available to researchers is a reflection of the indelible imprint of migration on the root and branch of Scottish life as well as the influence of Scots on the societies where they have settled or sojourned. No less germane to this study is the role of those societies in modifying the aspirations and achievements of the newcomers. Historiographical context The contemporaneous involvement of Scots in the American colonies prior to the creation of the United Kingdom in 1707 remains a peripheral aspect of regional diversity within transatlantic historiography. In part, this situation can be attributed to Anglo-American imperiousness in viewing related developments in Britain and America from a Whiggish, progressive perspective;
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