A, UTTEBA r'u £ SCRIPTA % EDERA! REGISTER O s «4? 1 9 3 4 VOLUME 9 NUMBER 229 Washington, Thursday, November 16, 1944 The President Sec. CONTENTS 12.301 Extent of regulations. 12.302 Definitions. THE PRESIDENT 12.303 Retention preference classification. EXECUTIVE ORDER 9500 12.304 Completion of employee records. E xecutive Order: Pa#e 12.305 Determination of competitive area. Trust periods on Indian lands E xtension op T rust P eriods on I ndian 12.306 Special rule relating to consolida­ expiring during calendar Lands E xpiring D uring the Calendar tions and mergers. year 1945, extension of___ 13699 Y ear 1945 12.307 Compilation of retention register. 12.308 Sequence of selection. REGULATIONS AND NOTICES By virtue of and pursuant to the au­ 12.309 Actions. thority vested in me by section 5 of 12.310 Notice to employees. Civil Service Commission: the act of February 8, 1887, 24 Stat. 888, 12.311 Reports to the Commission. Reductions in force, retention 389, by the act of June 21, 1906, 34 Stat. 12.312 Special rules on liquidation. preference regulations___ _ 13699 325, 326, and by the act of March 2,1917, 12.313 Appeals. 12.314 Actions disapproved toy the Commis­ Coast G uard: 39 Stat. 969, 976, and other applicable sion. Approval of equipment:________ 13733 provisions of law, it is ordered that the 12.315 Effective date. Tank barges on Gulf intra­ periods of trust applying to Indian lands, coastal waterway, vessels whether of a tribal or individual status, Authority: §§ 12.301 to 12.315, inclusive, Issued under authority of sec. 12 of Veter­ towing; waiver of naviga­ which, unless extended, will expire dur­ ans’ Preference Act of June 27, 1944, Pub. 359, tion and vessel inspection ing the calendar year 1945, be, and they 78th Cong., 2d Sess. (58 Stat. 387; 5 U.S.C. laws__________________ 13720 are hereby, extended for a further period 861) Commodity Credit Corporation: of twenty-five years from the date on Wheat export program, prices which any such trust would otherwise § 12.301 Extent of regulations. These and differentials________ 13733 expire. regulations establish degrees of reten­ Flour_________________ 13735 This order is not intended to apply tion preference and uniform rules for reductions in force. They apply to all F ederal Communications Commis­ to any case in which the Congress has sio n : specifically reserved to itself authority to civilian employees in the e x e c u t i v e branch of the Federal Government, and Hearing, Newark Broadcasting extend the period of trust on tribal or Co________________ 13721 individual Indian lands. in the municipal government of the Dis­ trict of Columbia, except those whose F ederal P ower Commission: F ranklin D R oosevelt appointments are required to be ap­ Hearings, etc.: proved by the Senate, and those who are Kentucky Natural Gas Corp_ 13722 T he W hite H ouse, Wisconsin Southern Gas Co_ 13722 November 14, 1944, appointed by the President of the United States. F ederal T radé Commission: [F. R. Doc. 44-17506; Filed, Nov. 15/1944; Hearings, etc.: 11:56 a.m.] y § 12.302 Definitions. For the purpose Logan Garment Co., et al__ 13722 of these regulations, definitions are given Webster University _____ 13722 for words, terms, and phrases as follows: F ish and W ildlife Service: Regulations (a) “Reduction in force” means the Southeastern Alaska area fish­ involuntary separation from the rolls of eries other than salmon; a department, or furlough in excess of sableflsh, closed season 13721 ninety days, of one or more employees TITLE 5—ADMINISTRATIVE F oreign E conomic Administration : in order to reduce personnel. Reduc­ Blanket license, general provi­ PERSONNEL tion of personnel may have to be made sions; miscellaneous com­ Chapter I—Civil Service Commission because of lack of funds, personnel ceil­ modities_______________ 13705 ings, reorganization, decrease of work, to Prohibited exportations, mis­ P art 12—R emovals and R eductions make a position available for a former cellaneous commodities___ 13705 employee with established reemployment Shipment of licensed exports RETENTION PREFERENCE REGULATIONS FOR or restoration rights, or for other rea­ USE IN REDUCTIONS IN FORCE to Middle East destina­ sons. However, the term does not apply tions _________________ 13704 By virtue of the authority vested in the to (1) termination of temporary ap­ I nterstate Commerce Commission : Commission by the Veterans’ Preference pointments limited to one year or less, Cotton shipments, appointment Act of June 27, 1944, the following regu­ (2) termination of appointments on a of permit agents______ 13722 lations are promulgated and the regula­ when-actually-employed (WAE) basis, National H ousing Agency: tions approved July 31, 1944 governing (3) retirement of employees, or (4) sep­ Public war housing, occupancy; reductions in force (9 F.R. 9575) are arations for unsatisfactory service. eligibility______________ 13703 hereby revoked as of December 1,1944. (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 13699 13700 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, November 1944 CONTENTS—Continued (b) “Retention groups” and “sub­ ,Ä\ groups” mean classes of employees en­ O ffice of P rice Administration— titled to the same degree of retention Continued. PaS® preference on the basis of tenure of fedemlipegister Lobster, cooked; Mexico (MIPR, employment and veteran preference. •V . |»** ¿ y Order 57)______________ 13725 (c) “Retention credits” are credits for Maximum price regulations, length of service and efficiency ratings in procedure (Rev. Procedural Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, ^determining retention order in each re­ fend days following legal holidays, by the Reg. 1, Am. 10)__________ 13715 tention subgroup. They are computed Division of the Federal Register, The National Oil burner and stoker services by allowing one point for each full year Archives, pursuant to the authority contained (RMPR 165, 2d Rev. Supp. of Federal government service and 80 in the Federal Register Act, approved Jujy 26, Service Reg. 19)____-----------13716 points for a “Good”, 88 points for a “Very 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Pipe, reusable iron and steel and Good”, and 96 points for an “Excellent” ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the used structural (RMPR 230, efficiency rating. Administrative Committee, approved by the Am. 2)__________________13715 (d) “Federal government service” President. Distribution is made only by the Pulpwood, Eastern Virgipia and Superintendent of Documents, Government means the total of all periods of service Printing Office, Washington, D. C. North Carolina (MPR 437, eligible for consideration for civil service The regulatory material appearing herein is Am. 2)__________________13716 retirement purposes, without regard to keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Regional and district office whether the employee is eligible or will which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant orders: be eligible actually to receive retirement to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Firewood, Maine--------------- 13725 benefits. All active military service is amended June 19, 1937. Fruits and vegetables, fresh; counted whether or not veteran prefer­ The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Green Bay, Wis., area— 13728 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 ence is given therefor or whether it is per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Milk, fluid: eligible to be considered for civil service vance. The charge for individual copies Lee and Russell Counties, retirement purposes. Total service shall (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Ala________________ 13727 consist only of full years of creditable size of the issue. Remit check or money Vermont________________ 13725 servicq, but fractions of a year, shall be order,' made payable to the Superintendent Solid fuels, Superior, Wis., considered in arriving at the total. of Documents, directly to the Government area______ 1_________ 13729 (e) “Efficiency rating” means (I) for Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Wood rosin size (Rev. SR 14, employees paid under the compensation There are no restrictions on the republica­ Am. 188)_______________ 13716 schedules of the Classification Act of tio n of material appearing in the F ederal S ecurities and E xchange Commis­ R egister. 1923 as amended, or of Executive Order sio n : No. 6746, the current official efficiency Hearings, etc.: rating under the Uniform Efficiency Rat­ NOTICE American Light and Trac­ ing System; and (2) for other employees tion Co., et al_------------- 13730 the current efficiency rating under an The Cumulative Supplement to Associated Utilities Corp., and efficiency rating system which is in gen­ the Code of Federal Regulations, Gas and Electric Associ­ eral compliance with the uniform sys­ covering the period from June 2, ates_________________ 13730 tem. Keyes Fibre Co___________ 13732 Administratively adopted efficiency 1938, through June 1, 1943, may be New Orleans Public Service rating systems not in general compliance obtained from the Superintendent Inc., and Electric Power with the uniform system may be used for of Documents, Government Printing & Light Corp_________ 13731 determining retention credits with the Office, at $3.00 per unit. The follow­ Northern Indiana Public Serv­ prior approval of the Commission. ing are now available : ice Co., et al__________ 13732 (f) “Veteran preference employee” Providentia, Ltd., et al_____ 13732 means an employee entitled to veteran Book T: Titles 1-3 (Presidential doc­ Roberts Public Markets, Inc_ 13732 preference under the Veterans’ Prefer­ uments) with tables and index. United Light and Power Co., ence Act of 1944. Book 2: Titles 4-9, with index. et al_________________ 13731 (g) “Department” means an entire Book 3 : Titles 10-17, with index. W ar F ood Administration: executive department, p a r e n t organiza- Milk, dried-skim (WFO 54-4, ' tion with constituent agencies, independ­ Book 4 : Titles 18-25, with index. Am. 6)____ 13703 ent establishment, government-owned or Book 5, Part 1: Title 26, Parts 2-178.
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