t oFranklin, news record Secondclass postagepald ot Princeton,N.J, 08540 \ Vol. 18, No.45 Twosections, 22 pages Thursday:,November 15,1973 10 cents pot copy; $4.50 per year Municipal cars face severe fuel cutbacks BAZAARTIME byAnltagosl gasoline from Gulf Oil com-prices in accord with price at downpatrols, said the chief. NewsEditor pony, which has cut back which he purchased the oil in Rather than have a car travel The Odd Fellows Hall on deliveries 50 per cent, ac- NewYork. between Kingston and New Welsh’sLane, East Millstone, Police, public "works and cording to Mary Lou Stanton The lownship cotmeil was Brunswickwhile on patrol, the will be the site of a community car would be kept in the bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 1. other manlhipolvehicles are io the township purchasing’ informed last week of the beginnlngtofealtbapinchofa department. The Iownship is situation by Mr. Burger, and Kingston area to save from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eight traveling,accoridng to the organizationswill have tables fuel shortage, according to presently limited to 2,500 prinritiesforgasweregiveoto township manager Charles gallons per’ delivery, as op- the police and public works chief. and the United Methodist "The rule here is for Church will have a food Burger. posed to the normal 5,000 vehicles, especially works "I have instructed John gallonsper delivery last year. cars used for snow and ice patmmen to shut off the concessionin the basementof engine and take the key when the hall¯ The bazaar is being Wise, the assistant township A smaller problemhas also control. manager,todevelop a plan to arisenwith number 2 fuel oil, Althoughnoproblem has yet they leave their cars," added sponsored by Lady Wassails arisenwith heatingthe Chief Pfeiffer. Henoted thst Rebaksh Ledge. conserveour focl supply," Mr. whichis used ta heat only the Burgerstated Wednesday municipalgarege.Inthe past, municipalbuilding on DeMottthe police cars get between mot’sing.The township accordingto Mrs. Stanton, the Lane,Mr. Burger reported nine and tl miles per gallon, EXHIBITORS presentlyhas a reserveof townshiphad a Jointcontract thatthe building temperature and estimated the department 11,500gallons of gasolineto withthe county for fuel oil. hadbeen lowered to themid- runs through "a couple of Four Franklinltes will lastuntil Dec. 31, and future Thisyear, the county couldn’t 60’s.The building isheated by thousandgallons of gas"every exhibit their handiworkat a suppliesare not certain. The geta bidat all. The township naturalgas. few weeks,although he did not Holiday Craft Bonanza Show presentsupply will serve shesa d, was lucky to still be ’*Maybewe could ride haveexact figures on hand. at the MuchAdo About Art police vehicles as well as all getting oil, although the bicycles," joked police chief ChiefPfeiffer ulso advised gallery in Martiasvilin. The other townshipcars, including contract was what she called Russell Pfeiffer on the fuel townshipresidents to continue showwill last from November snow plows and road main- an "open-ended" one. This, shortage.Io fact, the Franklin to leave onelight on in the 15 to January 5. Exhthiting tenenco trucks, she explained, meantthat the police have begun some homewhen they go out, for from Franklin will be Eilenn Franklin receives its fuel contractor could raise economymeasures in cutting security reasons. The Behnke, Michael Cberndek, residents,he said, couldsave Piper Miley and Larissa electricity by turning off Pulyvoda. unnecessary lights at other No bright Christmashere times. Stores, he said, should also leave a light on in the BLOODDRIVE Christmasdecorations will of ideaswas anticipaedthey do in San Franciscoon back of the store so police be placed in the Somerset could easily check for business areas this year as shortly, the Golden Gate Bridge it A drive for blood donorsis usual, but they won’tbe lit. The chamber is polling local would help," said Mr. burglars. being conductedby the Junior businesses to see if they have qBreithaupt. "There, people Theschool buses owned by That’s the word. from the thetownship don’t seem to Woman’sClub of the greater Franklin Township Chamber any ideas in cutting back on with car pools riding across NewBrunswick area during fuel consumption, and the bridge are spared a toll, haveany problemyet, ac- of Commerce,which has cordingto transportation the month of November. joinedthe nationwide cam- suggestsall local businesses whileindividual drivers are Anyonebetween 18 and 65 is loweroffice temperatures and madeto pay." officer John McLaughlin.Fuel paignto conservedwindling turnoff unncessary lights. deliveries are on a yearly eligible to donate. For in- energysources. formation on making ap- ThePublic Service Electric basisfor the schoolboard, nnd ChamberPresident Wendell FranklinS~te Bank cat its and Gas Companyhas an- no deliveries havebeen cur- pointments contact Mrs. Breithaupt,who is also WilliamA. Nelanat 251.5634. Christmaslighting budget in nouncedthat it will also forgo tailed, he said. president of the Fraoldin State half, reported Mr.Brelthaupt. holidaylighting at its fueilities Private contractorswho Bank, reported that a poll The bankis also looking into in the state of NewJersey’. transportFranklin school ST. MATTHIAS taken among th~ chamber the possibility of changing EdmundR Eberle, chairman childrenare hazy about future board of directors was some Olrzatiug hours and of the board of PSE&Gsent a fuelproblems. A spokesman at The St. Matthlas PTAwill overwhelmingly in favor of encouragingits employeesto memorandum to all era- Twin Countybus company feature guest speaker Dr. foregoing the unnusl lighing form car pools to travel to ployees that all lighting of saidhe hadnot encountered CharlesA. Baatz of Seton Hall whichhas been the provinceof University at the November work. rooftop identification signs anyproblems yet and did not the chamber. This year the andall other buildinglighting know whatto expect.His general meeting on Tuesday, business organization bad Another moveby the bank is not necessary for security sentimentswere echoed by Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. Dr. Baatz planned an expandedlighting to encourageits customersto wouldbe turned off. spokespersensfromVan Clear will speak on ’*The programto attract business to "utilize the wulk-upwindows at andH.A.M.L. bus companies. value of sendieg yo~ child to the township and create a the bank offices, rather than The 14,000 employees at TheVan Cleof spokesman in parochial school." The new Warrior spirit shows holiday atmosphere, spend time waiting in the PSE&Gweroalso encouraged BelleMead, said "I think grading system will be ex- In order to maintaina little drive-in lines with idling .to use mass transit and form someone ought to do plained and childrens’ report Thespirit on the sidelines’ at last Saturday’sgame was seasonon ThanksgivingDay" in a ¯homogame ~agai~t bit of the spirit of the holiday, engines, car pools, shut off lights and overwhelming,but the Franklin Warriors lost to a tough somethingnow if theywant cards will also be distributed Piscataway.See stow in sportssection. however, the chamberelected "If they did the kind of thing lower roomtemperatures. thebuses to keeprunning." at the meeting. Somerville.team. Franklin HighSchool will winduptheir (Photosby Sa[ LoSsrdo) to install the decorations anywayalong the Hamilton Street and Easton Avenue ’ + shopping districts. The Classicslates 1 1 bands Mischief, speedchase mark blotter Franklin moveechoed similar actions taken by chambersof The largest crowd in Bridgewater Raritans, East andthird prizesin enchgroup The plice continuedto from the parkinglot of the eommeccin nearbyNew The spirit of Halloween reported "to ha~,e shot the taken from the school. FranklinTownship history is andWest; North Plainfield; willreceive flags and banner seems to be lingerlng in the lampsout of six street lights in One of the most dramatic searchfor thevehicle, when it SaintsPeter and Paulchurch Brunswick, Edison and expectedat theFranklin High Westfie]dand Piscatawayawards.All entrantswill thevicinityofVlietAvenueand tasks performedby the pnliee suddenlypassed them again,on Nov. 8. The vehiclewas ManvilleThe Edison SchoolFootball Stadium High competefor larger receiveflags denoting their township, as Franklin police thistime heading for Newrecovered on Nov.9 by Newchamber is alsosponsoring a reportnumerous incidents of South Middlebush Road. thisweek was a high.speed SaturdayNov. 17 att p.m. bands’Best Band and Bast participation. juvenilemalicious mischief. Policesaid a .22calibre rifle chase throughthe busy Brunswick,along Hamilton Brunswick police. The car was home-decorating contest to be That’swhen the first Franklin BandFront. The Franklin Parents wasused to dothe shooting.’ Street.The car was reportedly found stripped and burning on held in thedaytime, without BandClassic gets underway, GroupIt entrants,Ridge Aesoeiationisarranging ’for Accordingto information HamiltonStreet section of travelingat highspeed with a sidestreet off Van Dyke electric lighting, to encourage officerDot. Sgt¯ William Fourjeveniles were ap- Somerset.Aecurding to the featuringeleven entrants from Highof BaskingRidge; Oak- additionalbleachers to handle lightsstill out, passing cars Avenue. residentsto followits thetri-state area. crest’s Marching Am- the overflowcrowd. Extra Clamps,two juvenileswere prehendedon Nov. 10 by report,patrolmen Thomas recklesslyand weaving. Sgt.Clamps also alerled example. ’, apprehendedonNov. 11 in the PatrolmenDaniel Gragan and Gennarelli and Alex Thecompetition, split into bassadars,from
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