~MM, ~ THE AMERICAN'S CREED i I BELIEVE IN THE UNITED STATES OF ~ AMERICA AS A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE Quarterlv Bulletin. National Societv Sons of the American Revolution PEOPLE; WHOSE JUST POWERS ARE DE­ RIVED FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOV­ ERNED; A DEMOCRACY IN A REPUBLIC; <;ONTENTS A SOVEREIGN NATION OF MANY SOVER- TilE PRESIDENT GENERAL'S MESSAGE EIGN STATES; A PERFECT UNION, ONE • AND INSEPARABLE; ESTABLISHED UP­ WASIIINGTON A MECCA FOR IIEREDITARY PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES ON THOSE PRINCIPLES OF FREEDOM, • EQUALITY, JUSTICE, AND HUMANITY NEW YORK AND TilE CONSTITUTION ADDRESS OF GARDNER 0 BORN FOR WHICH AMERICAN PATRIOTS SAC­ • RIFICED THEIR LIVES AND FORTUNES. "IIEIRS OF LIBERTY" • I THEREFORE BELIEVE IT IS MY DUTY AN R.O.T.C. "MISSION" TO MY COUNTRY TO LOVE IT; TO SUP­ • AMERICAN SYMBOLS-HERITAGE OF HISTORY PORT ITS CONSTITUTION; TO OBEY ITS • LAWS; TO RESPECT ITS FLAG; AND TO EVENTS OF STATE SOCIETIES • DEFEND IT AGAINST ALL ENEMIES. TilE NATIONAL S. A. R. LIBRARY • ADDITIONS TO MEMBERSIIIP AND RECORDS OF NEW MEMBERS • INDEX OF ANCESTORS July a1ld October, 1941 • IN MEMORIAM • ~M-M STATE AND CHAPTER OFFICERS I~~~ Volume XXXVI October, 1941 Number 2 PRESS OF JUDD a: DETWEILER. INC. , WASHINGTON, D. C General Officers Elected at the Columbus, Ohio Congress, May 21, 1941 Board of Trustees, 1941-42 President General • THE General Officers and the Past Presidents General, together G. RIDGELY SAPPINGTON, Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore, l\1d. with one member from each State Society, eonstitute the Board of Trustees of the National Society. The following Trustees for Vice Presidents General the several States were elected May 21, 1941, at the Congress held at Colun1bus, Ohio, to serve until their successors are elected at HENRY D. C. DuBoiS, 92 Wentworth Ave., Edgewood, WILLIAM C. KRICHBAUM, 136 Tennyson Avenue, R. I. Detroit, Mich. the Congress to be held in 1942. New England District (Maine, New Hampshire, Great .Lakes District (1\Iichigan, Illinois, and Wis­ Vermont, Massachusetts, R hode Island, and Con­ consm ). necticut). MONTANA A. BRANNON , Montgomery. RANNY Y. LYMAN, Helena. RICHARD V. GooDwiN, Hotel Plaza, New York City. CHARLES D. REED, ! 322 23rd Street, Des l\Ioines, Ia. ALABA/!~ER NEBUASKA North Atlantic District (New York and New Jersey). North Mississippi District (Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska). AIUZO~~WARO S. REED, Phoenix. ]OEL A. PIPER, 173 1 D St., Lincoln. NEW HAMPSHIUE WILLIAM ]. AIKEN, 150 Gordon Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ARKA!fi':.s FRANcis VINSONHALER, Little Rock. WILLOUGHBY A. COLBY, Concord. BENJA~~~a:-r· POWELL, 824 Littlefield Bldg., Austin, 1\Iid Atlantic District (Pennsylvania, Delaware, NEW JERSEY !llaryland, and District of Columbia). CALIF~R~:~ SARGENT, IllS Hobart Bldg., San Francisco. H . PRESCOTT BEACH, 376 Upper Mountain Ave., South Mississippi District (Missouri, Kansas, Arkan­ Upper Montclair. BuRTON BARRS, 2258 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, sas, Oklahoma and Texas). Florida. COLOI~~~,?c ER CoLE, !009 U. S. Nat'! Bank Bldg., Denver. NEW MEXICO HARRY L. PATTON, Clovis. South Atlantic District (Virginia, North and South FRANK M. KEEZER, 2849 Vrain Street, Denver, Colo. COilo'N'f,~~:;RuTH . SPAULDING, 15 Hillside Road, New Carolina, Georgia, Florida). NEW HoGEBOOM, 1240 Pacific St., Brooklyn, Rocky Mountains District (Arizona, New !lle..ico London. \-~~~KLYN Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana). ' New York. A. LEE READ, 1601 Carter Street, Chattanooga. Tenn. OELA ~~!:ANDER H. LORD, Seaford. NORTH CAUOLINA Southern District (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, WILLIS G. BRIGGS, Raleigh. Teunessee). HARoLD L. PUTNAM, 456 Hillsborough Blvd., San lliSTR~~~FT~~ 'i>~Lg~~~~ 1623 Lanier Place, X. W., Mateo, Calif. NORTH DAKOTA Washington, D. C. ELMOUR D. LuM, Wahpeton. D owNEY 1\I. GRAY , 315 Guthrie Street, Louisville, Ky. Pacific Coast District (California, Nevada, Wash· FLORlf.AFIELD WARDLAW, 1401 Harvey .• \\'est Palm Central District (West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio ington, Oregon and territories of Alaska and Bid~ OHIO GROVER E. , wovBR, 115 Helen Ave., 1\Jansfield. and Indiana). Hawaii). Beach OKLAHOMA I'RAN\~AR QUIS DE CHAMBRUN, 3 Rue Taitbout, Paris. CHARLES \\". GRIMES, 1824 S. Detroit St., Tulsa. GEORGIA OREGON Secretary General Chancellor General DAVID ]. D. MYERS, Athens. VICTOR FINCH, Seaside. HENRY R. DuTCHER, 1392 Monroe Ave., Rochester, HAWAII FRANK BARTLETT STEELE, ! 227 16th Street, N. W., MERLE JoHNSON, Honolulu. SHALER, 710 East End Ave., Pittsburgh. Washington, District of Columbia. N.Y. PENNS6!':R~~:~ . IOAHOALBERT H. CoNNER, Southern Bldg., Washington, RHOD~ !!~~~[. GowDY, !9 Dewey St., Providence. D. C. 1 Treasurer General Genealogist General ILLIN<riARLES B. ELDER, II S. La Salle St., Chicago. SOUTHW~~T~~LJ.N~RIST OW, Columbia. Ross K. CooK, 17 3 Renshaw Avenue, East Oraoge, GEORGE S. ROBERTSON, 1508 Fidelity Building, Balti­ 0 more, :Maryland. N. ) . INDIA7~HN B. CAMPBELL, 903 S. Main St., South Bend. SOUT~A~~~L ~!RRICK, Washington, D. C. IOWA DR. ]. A. GooDRICH , 4018 Kingman Blvd., Des TENNE~~:!T s. HENRY, Transportation Bldg., Washing­ Registrar General Chaplain Genera 1 Moines. ton, D. C. KANSAS TL'<AS FRA NK B. STEELE, 12 27 16th Street, N . W., Washing­ REv. CHARLES W. MAUS, D.D., Irwin, Pa. BENJAMIN F. E. ~! ARSH, 1500 Jewell A,·e .. Topeka. ROBERT W. HUKPHREYS, Galveston. ton, D. C. KENTU~~rOM H. BASSETT, Starks Bldg., Louisville. UTAH GEoRGE ALBERT SMITH, 47 East S. Temple Street, Librarian General Salt Lake City. Historian General LOUIS~~~;-IE M. SMITH, Hibernia Bldg., New Orleans. McDONALD MILLER, ! 227 16th St. N. W., Washing­ MAINE VERM'?J!~RY B. DICKINSON, St. Albans. W. lilAc. ]ONES, P. 0. Box 344, Richmond, Va. ton, D. C. WM. D. VEAZIE, 34 Tremont St., Portland. VIRGINIA ~IAUYLAND WALTER B. LIVEZEY, Newport New!i. EDWARD D . SHRINER, Frederick. WASH~~'!'2:C,E L. GERE, Lowman Bldg., Seattle. ~IASSA~.!!!:~:~sDURRELL, Kennebunkport, Me. EXEt::UTIVE t::O~I~U'ITEE, 1041-42 1 MICHIGAN WEST fR~'!,~ [;!AL. BURDETTE, 632 9th Ave., Huntington. LLOYD D. SKITH, 7 31 Grand Marais, Grosse Pte. eTHE following were nominated by the President General and con­ Park. WISCOr:1:BERT L. POND, 940 W. St. Paul Ave., Mil· firmed by the Board of Trustees at Columbus, Ohio, May 21, J9.tl: ~IINN~~R;!RT T. PARK, 738 McKnight Bldg., Minne­ waukee. apolis. WYOMING MISSISSIPPI H . H. HORTON, Laramie. CLIFTON P. CLARK, Washington, D. C. STERLING F. MUTZ, Lincoln, Nebr. CHARLES L. WooD, Columbus WALLACE llALL. Detroit, Mich. ALLEN L. OLIVER, Cape Girardeau, lUo. (The names of General Offi cers will be found on ARTHUU M. McCRILLIS, Providence, R. I. MISSOURI HARVEY F. REMINGTON, Rochester, N. Y. ALLEN L. OLIVER , Cape Girardeau. the second cover oage. J SMITH L. MULTER, South Orange, N. J . LOREN E. SOUERS, Canton, Ohio. G. UIDGELY SAPPI GTON, President General Cltairmara. Ex 0 fficio The Sons of the American Revolution Magazine quarterly Bulletin of the National Society of the Soulil of the American Revolution Published at Washington, D. C., in July, October, January and April. Entered •• aecond-clase matter March Sl, 1924, at the post-office at Waahiugton, D. C., under the act of August 24, 1912. National Headquarten, 1227 16th Street, N. W., Waahington, D. t.:. Telephone, Dbtriet 8490 National Society of The Sons of the American Revolution Organized April 30, 1889. Incorporated by act of Congress, June 9, 1906 President General, G. Ridgely Sappington, Baltimore Trust Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Qualifications for Membership (Extract from the Constitution) ANY MAN shall be eligible to membership in the Society who, being of the age of eighteen years or over and a citizen of good repute in the community, is the lineal descendant of an ancestor who was at all times unfailing in loyalty to, and rendered active service in, the cause of American Independence, either as an officer, soldier, seaman, marine, militia­ man or minute man, in the armed forces of the Continental Congress or of any one of the several Colonies or States, or as a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, or as a member of a Committee· of Safety or Correspondence, or as a member of any Continental, Provincial, or Colonial Congress or Legislature, or as a recognized patriot who performed actual service by overt acts of resistance to the authority of Great Britain. Application for membership is made on standard blanks furnished by the State Socie­ ties. These blanks call for the place and date of birth and of death of the Revolutionary ancestor and the year of birth, of marriage, and of death of ancestors in intervening genera­ tions. Membership is based on one original claim; additional claims are filed on supplemental papers. The application and supplementals are made in duplicate. Please addreu all communications for The Sons of the American Revolution Magazine to Frank B. Steele, Editor, 1227 16th Street, N. W., Wa•hington, D. C. All Genealogical inqulriea • hould be addressed to the Registrar General. COPY FOR JANUARY ISSUE DUE DECEMBER 1, 1941. Volume XXXVI October, 1941 NUinber 2 The President General's Message of government, our American democracy, will last only so long as the American people demand it and support it and compel their representatives in government to stick to their oath of office-to support it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. CoMPATRIOTS: And if you think I exaggerate in the statement that our democracy is threatened as much, if not more, at home than from abroad, just think a moment of fundamentals. Our We are told that we need unity in this land of ours and that is true. It is equally Constitution is grounded on a real separation of the powers of government-the executive true that we do not have unity, and since we must have it to defend the priceless heritage power, the legislative power, and the judicial power, each separate and independent. If of American democracy, what is wrong with us and how are we going to get it? that fundamental spirit of our constitutional form of government is lost, you no longer It is no wonder that our people are not united when they wake up one morning and have a democracy, but a dictatorship, and I do not care how benevolent it is.
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