IV Bibliography The following is a list of the most important relevant eight- eenth-century sources, and of some of the more available special- ized studies. A nearly complete bibliography up to its date of pub- lication will be found in Marc Pincherle, Antonio Vivaldi et la musique instrumentale, Paris, 1948 (Vol. 1, pp. 302–310). Also in this work (Vol. 2, pp. 70–74) will be found a musical bibliography of the scattered modern publications and transcriptions, up to 1939, of Vivaldi’s works. Altmann, Wilhelm. “Thematischer Katalog der gedruckten Werke Antonio Vivaldis,” in Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, 4:262– 279 (1922). Antonio Vivaldi, note e documenti sulla vita e sulle opere (ed. S. A. Luciano). Siena, 1939. Berri, Pietro. Indice discografico vivaldiano, Milan, 1953. Burney, Charles. A General History of Music (second edition). London, 1789 (new edition [Frank Mercer], 1935). Engel, Hans. Das Instrumentalkonzert, Leipzig, 1932. Gentili, Alberto, “La raccolta Mauro Foà,” in Rievista Musicale Italiana, 34:356–368 (1927). Kolneder, Walter. “Die Klarinette als Concertino-Instrument bei Vivaldi,” in Die Musikforschung, 4:185–191 (1951). ——. “Vivaldi als Bearbeiter eigener Werke,” in Acta Musicologi- ca, 24:45–52 (1952). ——. “Il concerto per due trombe di Antonio Vivaldi,” Rievista Musicale Italiana, 55:54–63 (1953). ——. “Zur Frage der Vivaldi-Katalogue,” in Archiv für Musikwis- senschaft, 11:323–331 (1954). 267 268 VIVALDI ——. “Noch einmal: Vivaldi und die Klarinette,” in Die Musikfor- schung, 8:209–211 (1955). ——. Afführungspraxis bei Vivaldi. Leipzig, 1956. Lebermann, Walter. “Zur Besetzungsfrage der Concerti Grossi von Vivaldi,” in Die Musikforschung, 7:337–339 (1954). Mattheson, Johann. Das neu-eröffnete Orchestre, Hamburg, 1713. ——. Der vollkommene Capellmeister, Hamburg, 1739 (facsimile edition, 1954). Marcello, Benedetto. Il teatro alla moda, Venice, 1720. New edi- tion (Andrea Tessier), 1887; English translation (R. G. Pauly) in Musical Quarterly, 34:371–403 (1948), and 35:85–105 (1949). Newman, William. “The Sonatas of Albinoni and Vivaldi,” in Journal of the American Musicological Society, 5:99–113 (1952). Preussner, Eberhard. Die musikalischen Reisen des Herrn von Uffenbach, Kassel, 1949. Quantz, Johann Joachim. Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte tra- versière zu spielen, Berlin, 1752. New edition (Arnold Schering), 1906. Rinaldi, Mario. Antonio Vivaldi, Milan, 1943. ——. Catalogo numerico tematico delle composizioni di Antonio Vivaldi, Rome, 1945. Rudge, Olga, ed. Lettere e dediche di Antonio Vivaldi, Siena, 1942. Schering, Arnold. Geschichte des Instrumentalkonzerts (second edition), Leipzig, 1927. Terenzio, Vincenzo. “Temi vivaldiani,” in La Rassegna Musicale, 23:30–37 (1953). Torrefranca, Fausto. “Problemi vivaldiani,” in Internationale Ge- sellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, Kongressbericht (Fourth Congress), Basel, 1949, 195–202. Index Accademia Chigiana, 126n, 262 Badia, Carlo Agostino, 72, 113, 122, Agoult, Countess Marie d’, 33 237 Agrell, Johann, 50, 168, 170 Baillot, P. M. F., 259 Aguesseau, Chancellor d’, 250 Balbastre, Claude, 254 Alay, Mauro d’, 123 Balzer, Thomas, 137 Alberti, Domenico, 33, 35 Banchieri, Adriano, 114 Alberti, Giuseppe Matteo, 136, 223– Bartók, 140 224, 237, 259 Bassani, Girolamo, 137 Albinoni, Tommaso, 33, 35, 36, 71, Beethoven, 70, 75–76, 91, 107, 147, 72, 73, 90, 119, 123, 131, 146, 158, 189, 192, 195, 197, 219 160, 161, 167, 169, 213, 219, 220, Bella, Gabriele, 22 228, 242, 256, 257, 264 Benda, Franz, 40, 160, 246 Alcock, John, 256 Bentivoglio, Marquis Guido, 17–18, Aldrich, Doctor Henry, 202 86, 119, 207, 212 Anna Maria, 26 Benvenuti, 204 Apollonia, 26, 52 Berengani (Beregan), Nicolò, 205, Aquin, Louis Claude d’, 251 213–214 Ariosti, Attilio, 117, 118, 127, 140 Bernacchi, Antonio, 35 Arteaga, Stefano, 258 Bernardi, G. G., 201 Aubert, Jacques, 71, 77, 100, 254 Berri, Pietro, 231, 266 Avison, Charles, 237, 258–259 Biber, Heinrich Franz von, 92, 93, 107, 137, 152, 182–183, 189 Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel, 182, Biffi, Antonio, 36 225, 246 Bingley, William, 259 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 13, 14, 27, Bitti, Martino, 223 29, 64, 68, 69, 70, 80, 94, 114, Blainville, Charles Henri, 197–198, 116, 119, 121, 124, 125, 128, 138, 259 139–140, 155, 170, 171, 180, 184, Boccherini, Luigi, 196 186, 217, 224–236, 238–244, 245, Boisgelou, P. L. Roualle de, 17, 194 248, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266; con- Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de, 254 certo for four harpsichords, 229, Boivin, Madame, 67 231, 240; concertos for organ solo, Boldini, Giovanni, 205 225, 229, 230, 231–232; 16 Bollani, Abbé, 212–213 Konzerte nach A. Vivaldi, 225, Bologna school, 89, 133 226–233, 234–236, 242; manu- Boniventi, Giuseppe, 204 scripts, 14, 229–230, 234 Bonno, Giuseppe, 126, 127 Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann, 78, 225, Bononcini, Giovanni Battista, 115, 233–234, 235 133, 202, 252 269 270 VIVALDI Bononcini, Marco Antonio, 35, 36, Cesti, Marco Antonio, 82 72, 118 Cesti, Don Remigio, 82 Bonporti, Francesco Antonio, 93, 110, Chabrun, Charles, 258 221 Charles VI, Emperor, 48, 59, 66, 89, Borrel, Eugène, 262 246 Bortoli, Antonio, 38, 65 Charles Albert, Elector of Bavaria, 34, Boullioud de Mermet, 252 49, 50, 202 Bouvet, Charles, 262 Charpentier, Marc Antoine, 108 Braccioli, Grazio, 203, 205 Chassebras de Cramailles, 35–36 Brenet, Michel, 168 Chédeville, Nicolas, 195 Brijon, C. R., 149 Chiaretta, 26, 52, 99 Brossard, Sébastien de, 97, 130, 135 Chinzer, Giovanni, 50 Brosses, President Charles de, 19, 21, Chopin, 147 22, 27, 50–51, 52, 59, 63, 78–79, Choron, Alexandre Étienne, 260 87, 88, 113, 122, 169, 200 Chrysander, K. F. F., 245 Brugnoli, Leonardo, 89 Ciampi, Francesco, 100 Burbure de Wesembeek, Chevalier de, Cicogna, E. A., 21, 56 127 Clari, G. C. M., 245 Burney, Charles, 27, 32, 55, 84, 88, Clegg, John, 256 91, 121, 140, 185, 202, 256, 259 Colasse, Pascal, 183 Bussani, Giacomo Francesco, 205 Contarini family, 22 Buxtehude, Dietrich, 77 Conti, Abbé, 22, 48, 202, 250 Byrd, William, 118 Conti, Francesco Bartolommeo, 118 Cooke, Benjamin, 141 Caffi, Francesco, 15, 16, 21, 36, 50, Coperario (John Cooper), 118 56, 58 Corbet, 124 Caffiaux, Dom Philippe Joseph, 251– Corbett, William, 257 252 Corelli, Arcangelo, 34, 64, 71–72, 81, Caldara, Antonio, 24, 35, 36, 77, 115, 85, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 98, 120, 246 123, 132, 135, 139, 141, 143, 145, Caldwell, James, 57 152, 156, 201, 219, 221, 242, 243, Cametti, Alberto, 46 244–245, 246, 250, 251, 252, 256, Campra, André, 132 259, 261, 264 Canal, Pietro, 258 Corominas, Juan Francisco de, 257 Canavas (Canavaso), Joseph, 190, Corrette, Michel, 195, 255, 259 194, 253 Coryat, Thomas, 120–121 Candido, Lodovico, 100 Couperin, François, 182, 183, 253, Cannabich, Christian, 249 263 Capranica, Teatro, 46, 205, 213 Crussard, Claude, 262 Capron, Henri, 194 Cubli, Antonia, 34 Carestini, Giovanni, 35 Cucuel, Georges, 135, 167–168 Cartier, Jean Baptiste, 95, 223, 259 Cupis (the younger), Jean Baptiste, Casella, Alfredo, 200, 212, 243 254 Cassetti, Jacopo, 204 Cuzzoni, Francesca, 35 Cattarina dal Cornetto, Maestra, 25, 121 Dallapiccola, Luigi, 68, 128 Cavalli, Francesco, 28, 89, 147, 156, Dandelot, George, 262 159, 180, 183 David, Hans, 245 Caylus, Madame de, 22, 202, 250 Debussy, 219 Cazzati, Maurizio, 89, 133 Delfino, Vettor, 43, 60, 65 Cendoni, Giovanni, 207 Denner, Johann Christoph, 127 INDEX 271 Diamantina (Scarabelli), 208, 209 Frederick Augustus, Elector of Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von, 54, 55, Saxony, 34, 51 163–164 Frederick Christian, son of Elector of Draghi, Antonio, 36, 180, 183 Saxony, 51, 79, 169n, 211 Drese, Samuel, 228 Dubourg (Duburge), Matthew, 256 Gabrieli, Andrea, 30, 120, 134, 218 Du Chargey, 199, 202–203 Gabrieli, Giovanni, 30, 112, 120, 134, Duval, François, 182 218 Gabrielli, Domenico, 115 Eichner, Ernst, 249 Galeazzi, Antonio, 48, 204 Einstein, Alfred, 102n, 240, 262 Gallo, Alberto, 220 Eitner, Robert, 265 Gallo, Rodolfo, 48, 52 Emmanuel, Maurice, 70, 144, 155 Galuppi, Baldasare, 24, 35, 36, 205, Engel, Hans, 156, 192, 196, 240 220–221 Esterházy family, 196 Gardiner, William, 186 Gasparini, Francesco, 24, 28, 34, 205 Fabbri, Anna Maria, 210 Gassmann, Florian, 181 Fanna, Antonio, 29n Gastoué, Amédée, 134 Farinelli, 35 Gaviniès, Pierre, 194, 255, 259 Farini, Carlo, 122, 182 Geminiani, Francesco, 91, 125, 195, Fasch, Johann Friedrich, 246 221–222, 237, 255–256 Fauré, Gabriel, 70, 187 Gennaro, Alessandro, 24, 54 Faustina (Bordoni-Hasse), 35, 249 Gentili, Alberto, 262 Fayolle, François, 260 Gentili, Giorgio, 228 Fedeli, Giuseppe, 99 Gerber, Ernst Ludwig, 53, 61, 201, Ferdinand, brother of Elector of Ba- 218, 249, 250, 258, 260 varia, 50 Ghezzi, Pier Leone, 46, 57–58 Ferdinand III, Prince of Tuscany Giazotto, Remo, 131 Ferrari, Domenico, 194 Gibbons, Orlando, 118 Ferronati, Lodovico, 100 Ginguené, Pierre Louis, 185, 259 Fesch, Willem de, 50, 250 Giraud (Girò), Anna, 18, 46, 61–63 Festing, Michael Christian, 256–257 Giusti, Girolamo, 206 Fétis, François Joseph, 56, 260 Giustiniani family, 33, 36 Filtz, Anton, 168 Gluck, 35, 36 Fontana, Giovanni Battista, 89 Goethe, 33 Forkel, Johann Nikolaus, 224–225, Golde, A., 233 233, 234, 241, 242, 258 Goldoni, Carlo, 18, 49, 61–63, 206 Foscarini, Pietro, 24 Gossec, François Joseph, 77, 181, 254 Franceschini, Petronio, 115 Goudar, Ange, 54–55 Francis III, Duke of Lorraine, 39, Graun, Carl Heinrich, 246, 249 206 Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 246, 249 Franck, César, 70, 76, 107, 219 Graupner, Christoph, 195, 246 Francoeur, François, 253 Grave, de, 246 Francoeur, Louis, 77 Gregori, Giovanni Lorenzo, 231, 232 Frederick, Margrave of Brandenberg, Griepenkerl, F. K., 233 60–61
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