— STAGE PRICE 10 CENTS RADIO SCREEN Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific Coast MUSIC ESTABLISHED 1924 EDITED BY JACK JOSEPHS Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post- Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- Vol. XII office, Los Angelos, Calif., under Act of Maich 3, 1879. Saturday, November 8, 1930 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 19 U.A.ANDF.W.C.ATWAR PLUGS NET NEW CHAIN BANK ROLL OF HOUSES IN POLITICS MAY FORM FRANCISCO, Nov. 6. SAN In a scathing statement against —Nearly quarter of a million the Fox West Coast Theatre chain, was spent in advertising and controlling over 600 exhibitors in publicity in San Francisco dur- this territory, Joseph M. Schneck, President of United Artists issued ing- the last few weeks of the a dramatic diefi in a document November election period, ayid charging Fox West Coast Theatres this is only one California with, an arrogant monoply. Formal town. Amount was pretty statement signed by Charles Chap- lin, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fair- evenly divided between news- banks, Gloria Swanson, Eddie papers, radio stations and bill Cantor, A1 Jolson, Ronald Colman, posters, with newspapers con- Sam'l Goldwyn, Norma Talmadge, D. W. Griffith and Jos. Schneck ceded first position. containing the following declara- So hungry were political fac- tion: tions for recognition of their group and domination of their “We will not cheapen our pet legislation, that they passed pictures. We will not degrade no opportunity for a self plug. our life’s endeavor and we As a result, election time was challenge West Coast Thea- the goose that laid the golden ters to a public test. egg for all publicity sources. “We will show our pictures Nightly, during the week preced- in tents, armories, in halls wherever ing election day, local radio sta- they can be shown in cities of the Pacific tions were thronged with speakers, Coast but we will show favoring or opposing this or that NOT them in the theaters of the Fox legislation and willing to lay dough West Coast frust, organized to stifle on the line to take the ether waves our individual endeavor and to express their opinions. Defend- that of all other artists and cranks . they ants, politicians, producers.” were all there. Newspapers carried one of the Schenck also charged that his heaviest loads of advertising they’ve action was occasioned by the fail- had for months. Bill posters and ure of Fox West Coast to abide printers worked to a maximum ol by agreements recently made in business. New York. USED THEIR HEADS There is a possibility that from Reports credit certain promoters today’s battle a new chain of thea- and advertising men with working tres may be formed on the coast- up a lot of the proposed legisla- The recent Hughes-Schenck deal tion. Rumors say an out-of-town indicates this. publicity man was source of the daylight saving scare. He is said to have worked up the idea, sold it ‘CARUSO’ AT KHJ to stock brokers and gas and auto Y” Guty Cardevas, Mexican companies and to have cleaned up “BOMB com- poser, termed Mexican “Caruso,” a neat pile. will fulfill extensive contract en- Anti-daylight saving fight, put (Aldo Bomonte) gagement at beginning up here, was the greatest organized KHJ to- night. More than 4,000,000 Bruns- piece of work San Francisco show Tenor wick and Columbia recordings have business has ever done. Theatre been sold throughout Mexico of non-union propo- heads, union and Cardevas. nents, worked side by side in bat- AND HIS RADIO GANG tling the stock brokers’ pet. Every available publicity source was util- WEEK OF NOVEMBER 5 — ORPHEUM — OAKLAND ized. WEEK OF NOVEMBER 13 — RKO — LOS ANGELES MEDBURY ‘WARNS’ Daily papers treated this ques- HIS RADIO FRIENDS tion delicately, most of them failing “There are plenty of other to mention it. RAINEY INSTALLED ON KID PROGRAM GIRL DIES ON TRAIN stations you can tune in on, WILD EDITORIAL SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6.— 5. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 6.— DENVER, Oct. —Tragedy en- so if you listen to me it will Hearst’s Examiner was the only Not content with managing KTAB, William S. Rainey has been named tered the home of Frank “Rube” be your own fault.” paper to take a stand in favor of Bob Roberts has inaugurated and is That was John P. Med- saving, and that was an editorial, production manager of National personally handling a kiddie pro- Milton, owner of the Rivoli Thea- bury’s announcement, circu- more of a slap at theatres and mo- Broadcasting Co. in its New York gram on which he spins a few tre here. His daughter, L o u e 1 1 e, lated by mail to his friends, tion picture production than any- headquarters. Rainey was former yarns and croons a few tunes. Pro- was found dead in her berth on a concerning his KHJ broad- thing else, and was treated by the program director in the local NBC gram replaces “Brother Bob,” who Denver bound Union Pacific train. cast. daylight saving workers as a boost studio coming from the Alcazar has been dropped from KTAB’s She has been in Hollywood the past for their side of the argument. where he played in stock. payroll. two years in pictures. ! PAGE TWO INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN NOV. 8, 1930 WILL ROGERS NICKS LOEW’S GROSS * SIX FILMS IN Radio Qolf Links RKO QUITS Nicola Acquires WINNIE LEADS In Bargain Flop MASON Easy Five Qrand AWARD HONOR IN TWO SPOTS Miniature golf is Question whether will on the bargain RKO The Great Nicola, with his magic counter. hold Mason is answered. War- Awards of Merit for outstanding The putt missers are be- show, has returned from the Orient, ing coaxed. Eighteen ho.es, with ner Bros, moves in after Jan. individual achievements in motion where he spent two years, bringing Will Rogers got his $12,500 salary Amos ’n’ Andy on the radio thrown 1. “Women Who Take” goes pictures were announced and pre- a story of how he earned five grand for personal appearance at Loew’s in, for five cents. to San Francisco. Future sented by Academy of Motion Pic- in one morning from a wealthy State, with house grossing $34,529, RKO stage production prob- ture Arts and Sciences Wednesday Public interest in under sized va- Chinese opium magnate. a profitable deal for Will and the ably will play legit theatres cant lot pool is in some spots Community Chest, but night at Ambassador, as follows: down Approached one morning in the tough on the to ten below zero, interest, on a percentage basis. house, playing Performance by actress: Nor- and no hotel at Hong Kong, Nicola was “Lilliom” and F & 1 ’ It is believed some tie-up Shearer for “The Divorcee. even with open fireplaces every asked M stage show. Seating capacitv ma will with by the Chinese to explain how other hole. be made Curran and is By male actor: George Arliss for he did his tricks. Nicola, 2418, 35c-65c. Belaseo theatres here and in thinking to ‘‘Disraeli.’’ Hot dogs and coffee will probably rid Best gross of week, despite San Francisco. RKO has himself of his visitor and not hot Achievement by director: Lewis be the next inducement, but that understanding the weather, which made it a bad show scheduled 12 productions. importance of the “All Quiet on Western bars the bicarbonates, and they fig- magnate, week, was Winnie Lightner at Milestone, Stage tryouts of material cooly said, “I’ll show you War- Front.” ure half of the gate. If a customer for ners’ “Downtown” in “Life of the intended for the screen will $5000, American money.” Quiet on West- forgets to leave the ball, that Party,” scoring Production: “All means also be adopted by United Next day, he was approached by $24,000. At War- Universal Studios. five cents in the red. ”ers’ Hollywood, same pic grossed ern Front,” Artists. This method of get- the Chinaman’s English lawyer, achievement: Bigger courses are still holding 321,000. Hollywood house seats Cinematographic ting definite appraisal of with contracts for signing. Of at the South Pole,” out for original admission prices, but 2156, 35c-65c. Downtown house “With Byrd screen value in stage plays is course, Nicola gave a special per- Veer and Joseph adding special attractions that don’t. seats 2300, 35c-65c. Willard Van Der apparently favored by all of formance, with the Chinaman on jointly. The big scare to legit and pictures T. Rucker, the major producers. stage, getting a close-up of all de- Criterion (seating 2000, 35c-65c) turns out to Art direction: “King of Jazz,” be a pumpkin head tails. 318,747 for six days of “Billy The Herman Rosse. with a candle in it. Kid.” Chinaman topped his five grand Sound Recording: “The Big AUSTRALIA ROUTE by presenting the magician and his Grauman’s Chinese (2030, 75c- House,” Souund Department of IS BEING OFFERED troupe of four girls and four men $1.50 twice daily.) Fourth week of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. ‘BEAU IDEAL’ SET with costly robes, fetiches and other “The Big Trail” did $13,473. Writing: "The Big House/’ BY UNION LIMITED tokens of gratitude. Carthay Circle 75c-$1.50 Frances Marion. SCORES A RECORD Len Mantell who is representing (1650, It developed the twice daly.) Fourth week of “Just A record in set building has Union Theatres Limited, Australia, Chinese magnate owned Imagine” (6 days) 10,825. been established by RKO Ra- arrived in town this week from the an exclusive government monopoly ACKERMAN, HARRIS dio Pictures for “Beau Ideal,” north, and is making his headquar- on opium in Hong Kong Hollywood Pantages (3000, 40c- good for six IS SET sequel to “Beau Geste,” now ters at the Bert Levey office, here, years.
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