La Salle University La Salle University Digital Commons La Salle College Alumni News University Publications 11-1947 Alumni News: November 1947 La Salle University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/alumni_news Recommended Citation La Salle University, "Alumni News: November 1947" (1947). La Salle College Alumni News. 6. http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/alumni_news/6 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in La Salle College Alumni News by an authorized administrator of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Homecoming Endowment Foundation Game La Salle College Drawing November 28 ALUMNI NEWS December 15 Vol. II NOVEMBER, 1947 No. 2 Pres. Crawford Outlines Alumni Activities xplorings For Coming Year at Communion Breakfast In a brief address at the recent Communion Breakfast, President Albert Crawford, by Esq., ’36 outlined the remainder of Alumni activities for the 1947-1948 season. C harlie F itzpatrick, '39 The annual Alumni-Varsity basketball game will be held Friday evening, Novem­ ber 28 at the Field House. Following the game, Open House will be held in Leonard Coach Charley McGlone sends his Hall for all alumni members and court cohorts against a representative Brother Charles friends. Alumni group headed by Bob Walters The Alumni Ball will be staged dur­ on Friday evening, Dies at LSC ing the latter part of January. This ac­ November 28. It has Brother Eadbert Charles, professor tivity is being revived after an absence been designated as of chemistry at LSC for the past fifteen of several years. the Homecoming years and a Christian Brother since Game, and with a 1896, died at LSC on On Friday, May 10, the Alumni Din­ view to your enter­ Nov. 3, 1947, at the ner will be held at the Bellevue-Strat- tainment the Alumni age of sixty-seven. ford Hotel, featuring Rev. Robert J; Association has ap­ He was stricken with Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham pointed Bob Walters, a heart attack at the University. ’47, and C. Francis faculty dinner table Crawford DELCO Commissioner Sullivan, ’39, as co­ and died a short time chairmen in charge later. During the recent elections, Presi­ Fitzpatrick of the Game and dent Albert J. Crawford, Esq., ’36, was Open House. There is a rumor that Born, Vincent J. elected to the minority seat of Com­ Charley McGlone will have something Mclnerney, in this missioner of Delaware County. to say about who is in charge of the city, he entered the Active in county politics for the past game. novitiate at Ammen- several years, the Alumni head gained * * * dale, Md., in 1894, a 3,000 plurality over the other Demo­ I’m sure every Alumnus wants to and received his habit on June 15, 1896. cratic candidate for the important see this 1947-48 edition of Explorers in He received his master’s degree from post. their first official appearance. Stress Catholic University and was awarded During the campaign, Mr. Crawford that word “official.” This game counts an honorary Doctor of Science degree captured the support of many inde­ in the season’s log, and be assured that by Duquesne University in 1927. pendents who recognized his ability the LSC undergrads will use every Brother Charles started his teaching and commendable civic interest. ounce of energy to put this game in career at Rock Hill College, Ellicott, the win column. You will definitely Md., in 1901; then LSC for one year. see good basketball. Word comes to He was an instructor at St. Thomas Strecker Profiled me that most of the LSC lads are in College, now the University of Scran­ mid-season form, and that McGlone’s ton; LaSalle Institute, Cumberland, In SATEVEPOST biggest problem will be to prevent Md.; Calvert Hall College, Baltimore, LSC public speaking courses received staleness before January. Remember­ and St. John’s College, Washington, national attention recently when Dr. ing the New York Yankees’ citrus suc­ D. C.; LSC from 1921 to 1928; West Edward A. Strecker, ’07, was profiled cess and subsequent slide in league Catholic High School from 1928 to 1932, in the Saturday Evening Post issue of play in 1946, we can well appreciate and from that time until his death at October 18. Charley’s headache. LSC. The famous alumnus, one of Amer­ * * * ica’s best known psychiatrists, humor­ We want the Alumni to get behind us at the Open House in lush Leonard ously admitted being one of the three this LSC team. Here is a club with Hall following the contest. There will worst public speaking students in his great potentialities. Here is an outfit be no admission fee to the Open House. class while at La Salle. that held a ten-point lead over the na­ Your only tax will be to witness the The account traced Dr. Strecker’s tional champion Utah team at halftime varsity and freshman games in the progress from his student days at LSC, last year. Here is a team that with Field House. And do arrive in time to medical school, interneship, to his pres- a year of valuable experience stored view the freshman game. The fresh­ sent-day status as a leading light of away can conceivably take Utah’s man lineup reads like the All-Catholic seventeen public agencies, a member place in the Garden come March, 1948 team of last year, and that spells of sixteen medical societies, and Chair­ —but only with the support that even stellar basketball. man of the Department of Psychiatry a great team needs. * * * at the University of Pennsylvania. * * * Bring your wife or date to this Home­ The article also revealed that he was You will be even a better rooter if coming affair. The committee assures consulted twice by the late President you have met the fellows that are going me that everyone will have a splendid Roosevelt during the war for advice on to carry the Blue and Gold colors on evening. Refreshments will be served programs designed to rehabilitate re­ the court this year. They will be with as part of the program. turning veterans. Page 2 LaSALLE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS November, 1947 LaSALLE COLLEGE La Salle Alumni Meet ALUMNI NEWS Published 10 times yearly by the LaSalle College Alumni Association. JOHN J. KELLY, '39, EDITOR Staff THOMAS BREEN, '41 JOHN CLEMENT, '39 ROBERT L. DEAN, '41 CHARLES FITZPATRICK,’39 CHARLES J. O’KEEFE, '41 JOHN ROONEY,’46 ERSONAL ATTER PBy John Clement, ’39 REUNION: On Oct. 2, at Philopa- trian Club, LSC Class of 1920 honored Vincent J. Moranz, Esq., ’20, who served in the U. S. Navy and is now vice president of the Bishop Trust Co., John T. Green ’77, oldest living LSC alumnus, talks with Robert W- Walters '47, Honolulu, Hawaii, in youngest alumnus, during the annual Communion Breakfast. Max H. Sorensen, the States to repre­ National Commander, Catholic War Veterans, principal speaker at the affair, looks on, sent his firm at the olic U. Law School. Clarence J. Mat- in Tokyo. He is a member of the Ma­ Bankers’ Convention tioli, ’44, completed studies at Dickin­ chinery Branch of Economic and Scien­ in Atlantic City, N. son Law School recently, graduating tific Section of GHQ, traveling through­ J. Among those pres­ fourth in his class. out Japan inspecting factories, mines, ent were: Francis BUSINESS: Herman F. Pelstring, etc. His Section is responsible for mech­ Armstrong, Joseph ’27, with Welding Shipyards, Inc., in anization of Japanese coal mines. Clement P. Carlin, Martin P. the Marine Drafting Dept., Norfolk, PRODUCTION: John J. Kelly, ’39, CCran,e M.D., John J. Diskin, Edwin Va. Thomas D. McBride, Esq., ’20, Director of Publicity at LSC, and Edi­ Feeny, Esq., Edward J. Murphy, was named a manager of the Glenn tor of LSC Alumni News, is the proud Francis J. McGeary, M. D., Joseph Mills Schools, a training institution for father of nine pounds, one ounce John Schmitz, Robert M. Taylor, Esq., Aloy- delinquent boys. Frank R. Mulville, J. Kelly, Jr. Henry J. Schneider, ’40, sius E. Whalen, Business Manager of ’38, a salesman with Proctor & Gam­ recently welcomed his baby daughter the Class, and the Chairman of this ble. Austin F. Maguire, ’39, Super­ at Nazareth Hospital. dinner, and Brother G. Lewis, F.S.C. visor of the Planning and Scheduling SCHOOLS: Stanley Simonds, ’39, a Dept, of the U. S. Pipe & Foundry Honor LSC Alumni student at Palmer School of Chiro­ Co., Burlington, N. J. Two of LSC’s most outstanding alumni practic, Davenport, Iowa. Tony Zar- PRACTICE: Dr. William C. Howie, were honored at the November luncheon rilli, ’45, Penn Law School. Harry Hay- ’38, now at Rhode Island State Hospital. of the Philadelphia area unit of Catholic man, Ex. ’41, Georgetown Law School. John T. Ross, ’38, completing studies Authors. Charlie Stoelker, ’47, Ted Borek, ’47, at U. of P. Graduate Medical School, Dr. Edward Strecker ’07, outstanding and Jim Pie, ’47, are students at Cath­ after which he will open his office in American psychiatrist, was honored for Merion, Pa. his “Their Mother’s Sons” and Rt. Rev. FOREIGN: Captain John E. Wall, Msgr. Bernard A. McKenna, ’96, for his Grand Drawing ’39, is still living with his wife and child many contributions to Catholic letters. December 15, 1947 MEN OF LA SALLE L a S alle C ollege Sec. 562 P. L. & R. ALUMNI NEWS U. S. POSTAGE LA SALLE ALUMNI OLNEY AVE. AT 20th ST. PAID For the benefit Philadelphia 41, Pa.
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