Habib Bank AG Zurich Annual Report 2015 Habib Bank AG Zurich Table of contents Group ke iure 2 etter ro the hairan an the reient Habib Bank AG Zurich the Group 5 Group oraniation tructure irector report Group inancial tateent Balance heet 12 ncoe tateent 1 ahlo tateent 1 tateent o chane in euit 1 ote to the conoliate inancial tateent 20 planation o rik anaeent 2 Report o the tatutor Auitor 52 Bank inancial tateent Balance heet 5 ncoe tateent 5 tateent o chane in euit 5 Appropriation o proit coerae o loe other itribution Report o the tatutor Auitor Aree 5 1 Habib Bank AG Zurich Group key figures* in H illion 31.12.11 31.12.12 31.12.13 31.12.14 31.12.15 Balance sheet otal aet 5 50 2 0 105 hareholer euit1 0 1000 Aance 25 251 21 0 15 epoit 2 01 Income statement otal incoe2 05 2 25 1 2 peratin epene 151 15 151 1 10 peratin reult 102 551 20 12 Group proit lo 1 0 2 2 otal aet in H illion hareholer euit 1 in H illion Aance in H illion epoit in H illion 1000 0 12000 1000 500 3'195 10000 10'583 0 8'696 0 21 01 000 25 10000 000 5 00 251 50 2 2500 2 000 00 2000 000 000 1500 00 000 000 1000 200 2000 2000 500 0 0 0 0 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 otal incoe 2 in H illion peratin epene in H illion peratin reult in H illion Group proit lo in H illion 194.0 100 500 200 151 1 250 88.2 1 397.2 15 20 151 00 200 0 150 05 1 2 148.2 00 25 150 0 100 102 0 0 200 100 2 551 50 100 50 20 0 0 0 0 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 ectie 1 anuar 201 the Group aopte the ne accountin principle in accorance o A ircular 20151 Accountin Bank 1 cl inorit interet in euit an in Group prot lo 2 ncluin Gro reult ro interet operation Reult ro coiion buine an erice Reult ro train actiitie an the air alue option an ther reult ro orinar actiitie 2 GROUP Habib Bank AG Zurich 31.12.11 31.12.12 31.12.13 31.12.14 31.12.15 Key figures and ratios uber o oce 1 21 25 2 15 uber o eploee 0 2 10 5 Return on euit R 1 0 2 0 uit ratio 120 12 11 12 11 ot incoe ratio 55 0 2 52 otal capital ratio 2 1 21 210 15 1 uber o oice uber o eploee Return on euit R 1 4'779 50 5000 7.3% 315 5 0 10 00 2 2 25 000 0 250 21 1 5 200 000 0 150 2 2000 100 2 1000 50 1 0 0 0 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 uit ratio ot incoe ratio otal capital ratio 2 15 0 25 11 0 21 12 12 210 120 11.6% 0 1 15 19.9% 12 20 0 55 52.9% 50 2 15 0 0 10 20 5 10 0 0 0 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 2011 2012 201 201 2015 1 Group prot lo a percentae o euit o aerae at ear en 201 an 2015 2 ince 1 anuar 201 capital aeuac ha been eterine in accorance ith the tanar in the Bael Accor GROUP Habib Bank AG Zurich Letter from the Chairman and the President t i our pleaure to preent ou ith the th annual report o Habib Bank AG Zurich bae on the ne accountin principle iue b the i inancial arket uperior Authorit B the race o Go Habib Bank AG Zurich eliere oo reult in 2015 hile aintainin a tron capital bae an hih liuiit he Habib Group aintaine it coneratie lenin polic ith a hih eree o icipline hi polic i characterie b a hih percentae o ull ecure an relatiel hortter lenin A a reult aance to client ecreae to o epoit receie ro client he reainin liuiit a place in the interbank arket or inete in inetent rae bon urin 2015 eber o the Boar o irector bi areell to r lrich Grete ho ha ere not onl a it ice hairan but a eber or oer ear e thank hi or hi proeional an er copetent con tribution ae oer the ear A o 20 April 2015 r eiler replace r lrich Grete a ice hairan an r tephan haler oine our Boar o irector a a ne eber on the ae a e ih the all ell or the uture he Boar o irector ha propoe that out o the proit or the ear ene 1 eceber 2015 an a carr oer proit ro lat ear ain up to a itributable aount o H 20 the olloin appropria tion houl be ae Allocation to tatutor retaine earnin reere H 100000 Allocation to oluntar retaine earnin reere H 15000000 iribution o iien ro itributable proit H 1000000 roit an lo carrie orar H 20 e oul like to thank our client or their loalt to Habib Bank AG Zurich an or the trut the place in u in 2015 e alo ih to thank all our eploee or their onoin coitent an contribution to the ucce o Habib Bank AG Zurich r Anrea nliner uhaa H Habib hairan o the Boar o irector reient Habib Bank AG Zurich Habib Bank AG Zurich - the Group Habib Bank AG Zurich hereinater the Bank a incorporate in iterlan in 1 an i priatel one he Habib ail ha been actiel inole in bankin or oer 10 ear o ail eber r uhaa H Habib reient an r ohaeali R Habib oint reient are eber o the General anaeent ther eber o the ail are currentl orkin their a up throuh the anaeent rae he traitional alue o the Habib ail are trut interit repect erice an coitent he Bank ha it Hea ice an operation in Zurich an branche in the nite ino ith eect ro 1 April 201 all aet an liabilitie o the nite ino branch ill be tranerre to the ubiiar Habib Bank Zurich lc onon the nite Arab irate an ena he Bank hol ie holl one ubiiarie Habib Bank Zurich lc onon Habib anaian Bank anaa HBZ Bank iite outh Arica Habib uropean Bank t le o an an HBZ erice Z nite Arab irate he Bank hol a 51 onerhip interet in Habib etropolitan Bank t akitan an Habib Bank Zurich Hon on t Hon on collectiel the Group he Bank an the Group are ubect to the conoliate uperiion o the i inancial arket uperior Authorit A he Group ha a tron capital bae an liuiit ratio aboe inutr tanar an beneit ro the political an econoic tabilit o hain it Hea ice in iterlan urtherore the Group ha cloe cooperation ith the ariou reulator boie an central bank in the countrie in hich the Group operate he Group place a hih ephai on peronal erice in the countrie in hich it operate he branche an ubiiarie coer nine countrie prea oer our continent A o the en o 2015 eploee prea oer 15 oice are trateicall ituate to proie aiu aitance to our local an international clien tele he Group i actie in coercial bankin retail bankin trae inance buine ealth anaeent an laic bankin 5 Habib Bank AG Zurich Group organisation structure Board of Directors he Boar o irector o the Bank i ae up o noneecutie an inepenent irector all o ho hae etenie eperience in their repectie iel o copetence Risk & Control Name Born Citizenship Board of Directors Audit Committee Committee r Anrea nliner 15 i hairan r lrich Grete 12 i ice hairan eber r eiler 1 i ice hairan eber eber Ra Barne 15 Britih eber eber r arco u 1 i eber hairan rula uter 15 i eber hairoan r tephan haler 12 i eber eber until 20 April 2015 until 20 April 2015 eber an ro 20 April 2015 ice hairan o Boar o irector ro 20 April 2015 General Management General anaeent conit o to eber o the Habib ail an one nonail eber he aorit o the eber o General anaeent hae reienc in iterlan Name Born Citizenship Function uhaa H Habib 15 i reient an Hea o arket erea ohaeali R Habib 1 anaian oint reient an Hea o arket Aia pecial erice haun alli 155 Britih eber o General anaeent an Hea o Global peration alter athi 11 i eber o General anaeent an Hea o hare erice until 0 ai 2015 Management of the branch network Name Born Citizenship Function Country hritian erch 15 i ountr anaer iterlan ro oora houhr 1 Britih ountr anaer nite ino Ari akhani 15 akitani ountr anaer nite Arab irate ohaa Ali Huain 15 enan ountr anaer ena GROUP Habib Bank AG Zurich Management of the subsidiaries Name Born Citizenship Function Country uli Haan 155 anaian hie ecutie icer anaa Zaar han 152 outh Arican hie ecutie icer outh Arica ohae ari 151 Britih hie ecutie icer le o an Ati uti 1 akitani hie ecutie icer nite Arab irate irauin Ai 15 akitani hie ecutie icer akitan kra uraihi 1 A hie ecutie icer Hon on HBZ erice Z Group Internal Audit Name Born Citizenship Function Haroon Aha 15 akitani Hea o Group nternal Auit Group Support Functions Name Born Citizenship Function air hauhar 1 Britih Group hie peratin icer Anan aih 1 akitani Hea o Group laic Bankin eli Gaer 15 i Hea o Group Rik ontrol r itat Huain 1 akitani Hea o Group Huan Reource r acal an 1 i Hea o Group eal opliance Alre er 12 i Hea o Group inancial ontrol Ati uti 1 akitani Hea o Group peration a illai 12 nian Hea o Group noration echnolo Haa Alaueen 1 nian ibel anu 15 urkih Hea o Group inancial ntitution Ralph chneier 1 i Hea o Group reit GROUP Habib Bank AG Zurich Directors' report Economic environment reuce international copetitiene o the coun tr eport inutrie he lobal econo eperience another ear o oerate roth an epite hihl accooa he nite Arab irate ere alo able to aintain tie central bank policie the rate o epanion ecent roth albeit at a eceleratin pace a loer in ot aance econoie reaine belo their oil price aecte eneral buine actiit he o lonter aerae e heain eere in the ernent a orce to reuce public epeniture coure o the ear ainl in the or o the un an to conier epanin it incoe ource ith relentin ecline o cooit price an loin the poible introuction o a eneral corporate ta tructural roth in hina hee eelopent an a alueae ta hile eort to ieri the particularl aecte an cooiteportin econo helpe to liit the hortter ipact the eerin econoie an contribute to capital out eiuter propect becae uch ore uncer lo an ieprea currenc eakne apital tain urin the coure o the ear ublic entient outlo ere partiall otiate b epectation eteriorate aectin aon other thin the lare or hiher rate hich aterialie in e an iportant real etate ector oreoer ith the ceber hen the eeral Reere increae A pee aaint the the countr ace it taret rate or the irt tie ince 200 nla hiher interet rate hen it a leat elcoe tionar preure reaine
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