IRISH RAVEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION Vol. 7 ~: 9 May, 1932 Tbreepmce 19rincipal ((OnttlltS. Page Page New LT.A. Bureau-Opening Ceremony .. 191 Photo Competitions for Readers 196 Lough Corrib 193 Beautiful Sligo Tailteann Games News 194 200 Irish Industrial and Agricultural Fair- A Directory of Hotels 209 Cork, May to September 195 Photo] THE CUSTOMS HOUSE. DUBLIN. [.T. J. Mooney. l.T.A. IR ISH TRAVEL. May, 1932. BANK OF IRELAND, Come to + + + ESTABLISHED 1763. FACILITIES IRELAND FOR TRAVELLERS. -See it by FUREY'S LUXURIOUS PIONEERS OF MOTOR COACH Motor Coaches TRAVEL IN IRELAND Examples of our Tours: HEAD OFFICE. COLLEGE GREEN. DUBLIN. We lead others may 7 Days' Tour-350 Miles and ho­ follow tel accommodation for £4. 15s. Bc For Private Hire: BRANCHES AT Luxurious Coaches to Half-day City Sight Seeing in any parI 0/ Ireland. Dublin 6/- BELFAST, CORK, DERRY, Our Motto: Daily Tours to places of scenic AND 100 TOWNS THROUGHOUT IRELAND .. Truth in Advertising" and historic interest........·..·l0/_ ALSO AT Phone: 44560 A Week's Tour to KILLARNEY COSH, (QUEENSTOWN.) & GALWAY, (DOCKS) £7 10 0 inclusive ON ARRIVAL OF ALL LINERS BY DAY OR NIGHT. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE HeadOflice: 8 Upr. O'CoDoell St., Dublin BUSINESS TRANSACTED. NORTH GERWAM LLOYD BLUE RIBAND OF THE ATLANTIC HELD BY THE Giant Liners" BREMEN I' (52,000 tons) and" EUROPA" (50,000 tons) THE FASTEST LINERS IN THE WORLD r--------------------~ ----------------~I COBH to NEW YORK I ~- GALWAY to NEW YORK 5.5 STUTTGART" May 14th 5.5 STEUBEN" ... May 22nd 5.5 DRESDEN" ...... May 28th (~ 5.5 KARLSRUHc" ...July 23rd 5.5 STUTTGART" June 11th ;i 5.5 STUTTGAI~T" Aug. 14th 5.5." ORESDE " ...... June 27th ~WI *5.5 I(AI~LSRUHE.....Aul! 2~rd SOUTHAMPTON to tJ.!. ·";a Hdlifax. NEW YORK 5.5. " BREMF.r-" May 14.h DUBLIN to NEW YORK 5 s COLUMBUS May 19th 5.5 EUI~OPA " May 21st s ... DRESDEN" .........June 27th COBH TO CHERBOURG AND BREMEN DUBLIN to BREMEN 5.5... CORDOBA" ...... June 27th 5.5 DRESDEN" May 20th 5.5 COLUMBUS June 8th Particulars from Local Agents or from- Limerick Steam Ship Co., Ltd., Limerick, Cobh, Galway. K.A.A May. 1932. IRISH TRAVEL. Hire a Car! FISHING and see the beauty-spots of Ireland, places that are really worth seeing. SALMON AND TROUT ANGLERS CAN See them, what's more, in perfect HAVE EVERY WANT SUPPLIED BY US peace and comfort. T1'acy's can supply you with a high-powered HARDY BROS. (Alnwick). saloon, with or without chauffeur, We carry a full range of Hardy Bros. at shortest notice, and at moderate (Alnwick) Famous Palakona Rods. cost. Also Silex Spinning Reels. Fly Reels. [.F.S. Distributors for:- Casts. Lines. Baits. Boxes. Flies. etc. In addition to Hardy's Goods we have a wonderful selection of our own Flies §a~CG[E[R suitable for every river and lake in Ireland. As we supply most of the leading anglers we can give advice as to the various Flies and PRICES FROM £169 Baits for different localities. Catalogues Free on request P. l.' TRACY L~ 18 Stephen's Green HELY'S DUBLIN Dame Street Dublin Telephone 22277 Telegrams 11 Acme, Dublin IJ r------·-----------------------------,I I I I I SOUVENIRS OF IRELAND I Ireland~s Premier Holiday Resort- I I I When passing through Ireland it will douhtless frequently recur I I to the mind, "What souvenir or dainty gift for those at home I I should I purchase while here? '. Of course it will he wished I DUN LAOGHAIRE I to get something which will be distinctively Irish and at the same ! I time both artistic and useful. Scarcely anything procurable I THE GATEWAY OF IRELAND. I will fill those requirements as fully as the pure silk and wool I J hand·woven products of the Leinster Hand·Weaving Co" Ltd.. I ON THE RO)'AL MAIL ROUTE. Beautifully situated I Dublin. comprising: I on the southern shore of Dublin Bay. six miles from 1 LEINSTER SUITING AND COSTUME TWEEDS I the Oapital. I (All Wool and Fastest Dyes). I The most accessible and up-to-date Seaside Resort in i LEINSTER SCARVES (All Wool). I Ireland. Healthy. sunny, gay. and well-equipped. i LEINSTER SILKORA SCARVES I Exhilarating sea and mountain air. Abundant sunshine. I (Pure Silk and Angora Wool). I Equable temperature. Magnificent piers and promen­ I LEINSTER SUPER SCARVES I ades. Oharming scenic surroundings. Open sea bathing. 1 (All Finest Botany Wool). I Modern medical baths. Boating, Golf (IB-hole course). l LEINSTER SILK SCARVES i Yachting. the chief centre in Ireland. Bands. Ooncerts. ! (All Pure Natural Silk). I Dancing. First-class Hotels and Boarding Houses. 1 LElNSTER RUGS AND CURTAINS. i Most convenient touring centre for the ,. Garden of ! I Ireland." Illustrated Guide and List of Hotels and All are Irish made (Hand.Woven and Finished in Dublin). ! I Boarding Houses (Post Free) from Publicity Bureau, i I i ! Town Hall, Dun Laoghaire (Kingstown), Co. Dublin. ! From Drapers and Costumiers and at the I I HAND LOOM SHOP I I I DUN LAOGHAIRE I 133 St. Stephen's Green, W., Dublin I I Where you can see the Tweeds and Scarves bein.~ woven. I For Health and Pleasure 1 LI ~I IRTSH TRA.VEL. Travel to IRELAND HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE \-, "The Steady Ships" The beautiful Motor Ships"St. Louis" and " Milwaukee" (each 17,000 tons) on the Cobh (Queenstown) to New York Service have proved themselves to be triumphs of German Ship~building. They are spoken of as not only being remarkably, but wonder~ fully steady, even in the roughest of seas. The popular Steamer "Cleveland" (17,000 tons), on the Galway to Halifax, Boston and New York Service has long been known for her steadiness. To obtain a high standard of comfort and to enjoy an ocean~crossing is the wish of all travellers. You cannot do better than book by the Hamburg-American Line. lflteNew Ships COBH (Queenstown) to NEW YORK. FISHGUARD to CORK-Direct *.'vIILWAUKEE ... May 31 I ST. LOUIS June 14 Leav~ Paddington "5·55 p.m. Tues., Thurs. and Sats. MILWAUKEE ... i:.,July Ii~ *CaUing at Halifax. LIVERPOOL to DU BLIN GALWAY to BOSTON & NEW YORK. Leave Euston *5·55 p.m. Nightly (Sundays excepted). ST. LOUIS... May 11 LIVERPOOL to BELFAST COBH to HAMBURG, via SOUTHAMPTON and Leave Euston *5-55 p.m. Nightly (Sundays excepted). CHERBOUIiG ARDROSSAN to BELFAST MILWAUKEE ... May 14 I ~ST. LOUIS June Ii Royal Mail Route. Leave Glasgow (Central) 10-30 p.m. ~Nol caUing 01 Southampton. Nightly (Saturdays and Sundays excepted). GALWAY to CHERBOURG & HAMBURG. GLASGOW to BELFAST-DIRECT ST. LOUIS ... June Ii I MILWAUKEE ... July 24 Leave Glasgow 9-0 p.m. (Saturdays 10-45 p.m.) FAST WEEKLY SERVICE. Nightly (Sundays excepted). 7 Days Southampton to ew York, by .. Ballin .. Class Liners. GLASGOW" GREENOCK to DUBLIN Four or more Sailings Every Week. SOUTHAMPTON - HAMBURG. GLASGOW" GREENOCK to DERRY Weekly Sailings. Four or more Sailings Every Week. * Restaurant Boat Express. Apply to W~ H. MULLER I CO. (London) LTD., COSH (Queenstown) TI-avel or to Principal Passenger Agents In- COMFORT 19° = I SUBSORI PTlON PUBLISHED 5/- PER ANNUM. EAOH MONTH. 00 OOPIES FREE IRISH 00 TO ALL MEMBERS WHOLESALE FROM OF THE ASSOOIATION AN D EASON &: SON, Ltd. OF ITS ASSOOIATE DUBLIN. DEPARTMENT TRAVEL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE IRISH TOURIST ASSOCIATION. DUBLIN. VOL. 7. MAY. 1932. NO, 9. .. A Genuine Irish Ireland-A ToUrist Wekome," Country, .. Looking back on the year "We are all agreed in as­ that has closed, we can say suring our visitors this year that we have weathered with and every year a genuine outstanding success one of Irish welcome. We remem­ the most difficult periods through which the tourist ber that we are the heirs of industry has passed. a great tradition of courtesy ". ... The proof of Ire­ and hospitality which has land's establishment as a survived throughout all the tourist country is best shown by the fact that various Irish centuries of our history, and organisations affiliated to in­ the observing of that tradi­ ternational bodies are success­ tion to-day should be the fully endeavouring to have key-note of those engaged in our country selected as a venue for their annual fore­ the Tourist Movement. gathering. This year, for .. ... It is surely true that example, we have the Rail­ the revival ot a vigorous and way Clerks' Association. self-conscious nationalism ext year we are to have the Congress of the British amongst our people will en­ Medical Association, and hance the attractiveness or within the next few years our country." we are hopeful of haVing the International Teachers' Mr. Sean Lemass, Minisler Organisation." for bldust,.y and Commerce, Mr. T. J. lV. Kenny, Presi- at the Irish Tourist Associa- dent, at the General Meetinq tion Annual Functions, April of the Irish Tourist Associa: 26th, 1932. lion, 26th April, 1932. "I have much pleasul'e in formally opening this National Tourist Bureau which, I hope, will be not only a mine of useful information on all aspects of holidays in Ireland, but also a .~torehollse of Icnowledge f,'om which enquirers and visitors from at home and abroad can learn of the cultural and historical glory of our ,·ace." The Minister for Industry and Commerce, on the opening by him of the new LT.A. Bureau, at 15 Upper O'Connell Street, Dublin. With him is shown Mr. T. Kenny, President, LT.A. ________Ll..-£U!l.J1Ln--t:lLDD.IQ.onf"O"G.-f. ~.~...<L.~....L..A.l:_...~ ~ ...;,;.;,"___ IRISH TRAVEL.
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