CASS CI‘ : HRONICLE VOLUME 85, NUMBER 8 CASS CITY THIRTY CENTS 14 PAGES PLUS ONE SUPPLEMENT .- __. I.- __ .- Village raises taxes e 9 mill; yanks meters A tax rate increase of .9026 retirement,and will increase Some 25 years ago in an ef- ing Committee, recorn- of time. mills and a proposal calling operating revenues from fort to rexme Main Suect mended approval of the re- In other business during the for the removal of parking property taxes by 5.4 pr- parking for customer+it quest for a one-year trial 50-minute session, the meters were approved dur- cent. was hoped the devices Period. council learned the village ing a rescheduled monthly For the owner of a $50,000 would deter upstairs tenants But he notcd that abuse of received a $480 check Mon- CaSS City Village Council home, the hike translates and merchants and their 2-hour Main Suet parking day from Waste Manage- meeting Tuesday night. into an additional $22.50. employees from using those by a few business owners ment of Michigan-Mideast The tax rate increase was Monday’s hearing was at- spaces. and employees remains a officials. The money is okayed following a brief tended by 3 citizns, includ- However, a number of concern, and he said busi- revenue resulting from the Truth in Taxation hearing. ness owners will have to sale of recyclabIcs over-- the ing A1 Wright, who in&- tail COmmllnitv-----J members_----~~-- - - The hearing is required by cated he believes it’s a bad believe those problems have shoulder much of the re- first 14 weeks ol the state law when a taxing unit time to propose a tax hike. since faded with theaddition sponsibility for policing village’s curbside recycling CASS CITY’S POSTAL vehicles were water logged after wants to collect additional “I personally question the of off-street parking. Rc- themselves and their em- program. Tuesday night’s downpour. The Cass City Waste Water property tax revenue, due to wisdom of a tax increase moving the meters, they say, ployees. During the pcriod, some 48 an increase in property Val- right now,” he said, adding would offer customers a The council unanimously tons of recyclables have Treatment Plant recorded 4.33 inches of rain from Saturday ues, up to but not exceeding area businesses and resi- little more convenience. approved the recommenda- been picked up, according to to Tuesday night. Tbscola and Sanilac counties reported the rate of inflation plus new dents alike are already fat- Councilman Elwyn tion, but deferred installa- officials, who say participa- construction. ing poor economic times Helwig, chairman of the tion of 2-hour parking limit tion in the program has The additional .9026 mills and recent valuation in- signs for an indcfinitepcriod reached about 65 percent. scattered power outages and fallen trees.-- No injuries were ~. - ___ - council’s Streets and Park- reported after an unconfirmed tornado destroyed a summer brings the village's total tax creases. levy to 16.4296 mills, in- Gerald Stilson suggested trailer in Huron County. (Related picture, back page) eluding 2.5 mills for debt that the village cut back and consider pay freezes rather than increase taxes. Although officials have abutsindicated statewide they’re concerned freeze of Charge pair in Separate property values next year at 1991 levels, village Presi- dent L.E. Althaver pointed out the additional revenue is needed now to continue hit and run accidents meeting repairs and other expenses tied to providing basic services. Two Tuscola County men McConnell was the driver of raigned on a charge of as- Bank. “We’ve got more street have been arraigned on a vehicle that hit Terry La sault with a dangerous A preliminary exam was to problems and prob- charges stemming from Hojnacki, 39, Silverwood, weapon. have ken held Wednesday lems and water line prob- separate hit and run traffic sometime between 11 p.m. His preliminary exam was for Koepf, who= bond was lems, They’regetting accidents that claimed the and midnight May 9 as the to have becn hcld Wednes- set at $5,000. of us,,’ he commented. lives of 3 persons, including resident Was waking along day. Bond was set at Tina M. Anderson (AKA ~l~~~~~ and council a pair of Millington youths, Maple Grove Road just $lO,OOO, Tina M.Wright and TawneY members also pointed out earlier this month. south of MaYville in Dayton Records State he is accused L, Summers), 27, Mt. Mor- that he has centin- A REFUND CHECK of $480.88 for collecting 48 tons of waste Wayne A. Whitehead, 25, Township. Her MYwas Of assaulting Amy Inglis ris, faces a charge of receiv- udto maintain iCv-materials from January to April marked the curbside recycling found next morning in a with a knife May 2 in Wells ing and concealing stolen els while cutting back cm- Millington, was arraigned a nearby ditch. Township. week ago on 2 counts of property in excess of$100. ployees, from 17 to 15, in program’s first revenues. Pictured (left to right) are Trustee Dempsey D. Whittie, 44, Court records state the recent Years. nvoluntary manslaughter in ARRAIGNMENTS Kingston, faces charges of Elwyn Helwig, Waste Management representative Joseph connection withahitandrun operating a motor vehicle chWFstems from a May 22 NO METERS Campbell, Trustee Nat Tuttle and Lou LaPonsie, village accident May 4 in Milling- In other recent arraign- while under the influence of incident in ton. merits, a pair Of 2l.Wi rCSi- liquor, third offense,driving Township a 1978 Turning to the topic of with a suspended or re- Chevrolet Nova- A preliminary examina- dents have been charged in Anderson was to have parking meters, the council tion in the case was to have connection with the April 20 strictcd license and using an undergone a preliminary reviewed a lctter from the Michael Ra Avery been held Wednesday in break-in of Thumb Pawn expired license plate May 21 exam Wednesday. Her bond Cass City Chamber of Corn- Tuscola County District and Loan, 8 15 S. Hooper St., in Fremont Township. merce Retail Committee, Court. Bond has been set at Caro. His bond was set at $1 ,OOO. has been set at $2,000. which is requesting the me- Caro ma rz crash v icth $3,000. Lyndon J. Bush, 27,5291 A preliminary exam was to Car0 resident Charles A. terS be removed for a trial E. Sanilac Rd., and Peter have been held Wednesday. Lawrie, 24, has been period. Whitehead is charged with having a blood alcohol con- 2406 Lampton Clemens R. Koepf I** 17* char@ with possession Of Therequestwas madeafter A 22-yex-old Car0 man area victim as Michael R. day morning when he lost Rd’i each face Cass City, was rxently marijuana, second Offense* the committee conducted a was among 16 persons who Avery, 115 W.Washington control of his vehicle, which tent of ,lo or more (J9) charges of breaking and en- raigncd on a charge of for- May 4 in Cam survey in which a majority died on Michigan roadways St. slid off the roadway side- when the pickup truck he tcring an unoccupied geq in connection with a He also was to have under- of 25 participating business Over the Memorial Day Avery was driving in the ways, went airborne across a was driving struck Nathan ing with intent to commit Feb. 10incidentinCassCity gone a preliminary exam mid they want the holiday. southwest bound lane of M- ditch and struck the west Betzing, 14, and Jason larceny, and larceny in a involvinga$40checkdrawn Wednesday. Bond in the meters out, Troopers at the state police 25 east of Kirk Road in bank, rolling back into the Usrey, 13, as the pair were building. On ThumbRegionChemical has been set at $l,Ooo* The meters were installed post in Car0 identified the Akron Township ew!y Sun- Please tun back page. riding bikes on Main Strect A Dreliminan, exam was just east of Fulmer Strect at held hday for Bush’, whose about 11:17 p.m. bond was stat $loim. Over 50 protest plan Also charged recently in a Sadler’s preliminary exam hit and run accidcnt is Or- was to have been held ville J. McConnell Jr., 22, Wednesday. His bond was Kingston, who was ar- set at $5,000. raigned May 18 on a charge According to court rec- of failing to stop at the scene ords, the men are accused of Planners nix asphalt plant again of a serious personal injury taking guns, stereos, musi- accidcn t. calNintendo equipment games, and computcrs tapes, The Elkland Township in 1932. Only the operatior1 month. Car0 attorney representing depleted and made into a try. McConnell ’s prcl im inary “It’s the board’s job to Tuckey, foresaw possible rcsidcntial development, Downing Street rcsident exam also was to have bcen and sporting equipment and Planning Commission of an asphalt plant-not please the community, not increasing property values one audience member said Ron Pawloski said he had held Wednesday. His bond tools from the pawn shop. Tuesday unanimously rcc- rcmoval of gravel from the for the plant’s surrounding he was already a victim of difficulty selling his former has been set at $5,000. Also, Robert J. Dccker, 60, ommended against rczoning pit-requires rezoning. justAlthough one or 2Tom people.” Abbey, the afea after the gravel Pit Was the asphalt and gravel indus- P1-e turn to back page. According to police, Care, was recently ar- 75 of farm land west of Not a single audience town to allow operation of membcr living near the pro- an asphalt plant.
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