EXPER G THE MAGAZINE OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION uide T WITNE PAG to E 40 SS ES APRIL 2013 / $4 EARN MCLE CREDIT PLUS 2012 Ethics Shari’a Roundup Family Law page 25 page 32 Expert Depositions page 12 Civil FBAR Violations page 15 Scope of Employment Los Angeles lawyers Marcellus A. McRae, Antonio Raimundo, and Katherine V.A. Smith assess the factors that affect the confidentiality of communications with former employees page 20 CHAPMANUNIVERS ITY SCHOOLOF LAW FallRecruitment 2013 The Career Services Office at Chapman University School of Law invites you to participate in our FALL 2013 ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEW AND RESUME COLLECTION PROGRAM Interviews will be held AUGUST 5 THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2013 Please call 714-628-2626 today to request your REGISTRATION Employer Registration Package IS NOW OPEN One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866 www.chapman.edu/law EXCLUSIVELY FAMILY LAW Walzer & Melcher LLP is known for its expertise in handling complex divorce cases and premarital agreements. The firm is committed to resolving contested cases by settlement. Where that cannot be achieved, the firm provides strong and effective representation in litigation. Left to right: (seated) Christopher C. Melcher and Leena S. Hingnikar; (standing) Jennifer L. Musika and Peter M. Walzer www.walzermelcher.com www.drprenup.com L AW OFFIC E S OF ALIS ON F . T RIES S L A CRIMINAL DEF ENS E P RACT ICE WWW.AL IS ONT R IE S S L L AW. CM O 15 300 VENT U RA B OU LEVARD, S U IT E 300 TELEP HONE (818) 990-2 033 S HERMAN OAK S, CA 91403 FACSIMILE (818) 990-5 5 31 F eb ru ary 1 0 , 2 0 1 3 T o wh om i t m ay c onc ern, M y nam e i s Ali son T ri essl. I am a c ri m i nal defense at t orney sp ec i ali zi ng i n m u rder, t h i rd st ri k e and dru g c ases. Wi t h ou t a dou b t , J ac k T ri m arc o’p s olyg rap h s h av e b een an i nv alu ab le asset t o m y p rac t i c e. I rec ent ly rep resent ed USTA T enni s offi c i al L oi s G oodm an wh o was ac c u sed of m u rderi ng h er h u sb and. Sh e di d not c om m i t t h e c ri m e and J ac k T ri m arc o’ s p olygap r h was i nst ru m ent al i n neg ot i at i ons wi t h t h e D i st ri c t At t orney wh i c h resu lt ed i n a di sm i ssal of all t h e c h arg es. Wh enev er I c onsi der wh et h er t o h av e a c li ent t ak e a p olyg rap h , t h ere i s only one nam e i n t h e c onv ersat i on – Jca k T ri m arc o. H i s lev el of c redi b i li t y, p rofessi onali sm , and ex p eri enc e i s u np aralleled i n t h e fi eld and g arners t h e resp ec t of p rosec u t ors and defense at t orneys ali k e. I h av e work ed wi t h M r. T ri m arc o for ov er t welv e years and si m p ly p u t , I adore h i m . N ot only i s h e t h e b est i n t h e fi eld, h e i s an ab solu t e p leasu re t o work wi t h . H e i s a h ardwork i ng , dedi c at ed p rofessi onal wi t h u nq u est i oned q u ali fi c at i ons and i nt eg ri t y. Warm reg ards, Ali son T ri essl JACK TRIMARCO POLYGRAPH, INC. When you need to impress someone with the truth... JACK TRIMARCO CA P.I. # 20970 Former Polygraph Unit Chief, F.B.I. - Los Angeles (1990-1998) Former Dept. of Energy Inspector General - Polygraph Program (1999-2001) 9454 Wilshire Beverly Blvd., 6th Floor Hills, CA 90212 (310) 247-2637 [email protected] JACK TRIMARCO & ASSOCIATES A proud member of the Los Angeles County Bar Associationwww.jacktrimarco.com FEATURES 20 Scope of Employment BY MARCELLUS A. MCRAE, KATHERINE V.A. SMITH, AND ANTONIO RAIMUNDO No consistent rule governs the confidentiality of communications with former employees, so counsel must carefully consider which laws may apply 25 2012 Ethics Roundup BY JOHN W. AMBERG AND JON L. REWINSKI MCLE requirements, conflict-of-interest litigation, malpractice, and disbarment were among the ethics issues affecting California attorneys last year Plus: Earn MCLE legal ethics credit. MCLE Test No. 223 appears on page 27. 32 The Children of Shari’a BY ABBAS HADJIAN While general precepts concerning divorce, custody, and child support guide shari’a family law, particular rulings can vary significantly 40 Special Section Semiannual Guide to Expert Witnesses Los Angeles Lawyer DEPARTMENTS the magazine of the Los Angeles County 10 Barrister’s Tips 68 Closing Argument How to conduct a witness interview The Justice Gap Fund makes justice Bar Association BY CHRISTIANE A. ROUSSELL a reality April 2013 BY DAVID LASH AND JEFFREY BALL Volume 36, No. 2 12 Practice Tips Step s for taking an expert’s deposition 67 CLE Preview BY SCOTT A. MARKS COVER PHOTOGRAPH: TOM KELLER 15 Tax Tips Proving wilfullness in civil FBAR cases BY STEVEN TOSCHER AND LACEY STRACHAN LOS ANGELES LAWYER (ISSN 0162-2900) is published monthly, except for a combined issue in July/August, by the Los Angeles County Bar Association, 1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700, Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 896-6503. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and additional mailing offices. Annual sub- scription price of $14 included in the Association membership dues. Nonmember subscriptions: $28 annually; single copy price: $4 plus handling. Address changes must be submitted six weeks in advance of next issue date. POSTMASTER: Address Service Requested. Send address changes to Los Angeles Lawyer, P. O. Box 55020, Los Angeles CA 90055. 04.13Los Angeles Lawyer Month 0000 3 VISIT US ON THE INTERNET AT www.lacba.org/lalawyer E-MAIL CAN BE SENT TO [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD Chair DENNIS PEREZ Articles Coordinator PAUL MARKS JERROLD ABELES (PAST CHAIR) K. LUCY ATWOOD ETHEL W. BENNETT ERIC BROWN CAROLINE BUSSIN PATRICIA H. COMBS CHAD C. COOMBS (PAST CHAIR) ELIZABETH L. CROOKE HON. MICHELLE WILLIAMS COURT BEN M. DAVIDSON ANGELA J. DAVIS (PAST CHAIR) GORDON ENG DONNA FORD STUART R. FRAENKEL CHRISTY GARGALIS MICHAEL A. GEIBELSON (PAST CHAIR) GABRIEL G. GREEN SHARON GLANCZ TED HANDEL JEFFREY A. HARTWICK STEVEN HECHT (PAST CHAIR) JOSHUA S. HODAS GREGORY JONES MARY E. KELLY KATHERINE KINSEY KATHRYN MCGUIGAN AMY MESSIGIAN MICHELLE MICHAELS COMM. ELIZABETH MUNISOGLU RICHARD H. NAKAMURA JR. (PAST CHAIR) CARMELA PAGAY GARY RASKIN (PAST CHAIR) JACQUELINE M. REAL-SALAS (PAST CHAIR) DAVID SCHNIDER NANCY L. SCHROEDER STEVEN SCHWARTZ MAYA SHULMAN HEATHER STERN KENNETH W. SWENSON (PAST CHAIR) MATTHEW D. TAGGART DAMON THAYER THOMAS H. VIDAL STAFF Publisher and Editor SAMUEL LIPSMAN Senior Editor ERIC HOWARD Art Director LES SECHLER Director of Design and Production PATRICE HUGHES Advertising Director LINDA BEKAS Administrative Coordinator MATTY JALLOW BABY Copyright © 2013 by the Los Angeles County Bar Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is pro- hibited. Printed by R. R. Donnelley, Liberty, MO. Member Business Publications Audit of Circulation (BPA). The opinions and positions stated in signed material are those of the authors and not by the fact of publication necessarily those of the Association or its members. All manuscripts are carefully considered by the Editorial Board. Letters to the editor are subject to editing. 4 Los Angeles Lawyer April 2013 CONG RATUL ATIONS American Arbitration Association AND INN OVATIV E NEW PRESIDENT India Johnson A New Era in Global Conflict Management Begins... To schedule your Mediation, Artbitration or other ADR process with Reg Holmes, please contact: For American Arbitration Association administered matters: Michael R. Powell ([email protected]) — 213.622.6619 For independently administrated matters: [email protected] For Resolute Systems, LLC administered matters: Mike Weinzerl ([email protected]) — 312.346.3770 x 125 150 South Wacker Drive, Suite 2650, Chicago, IL 60606 REGINALD ANDREW HOLMES, ESQ. The Holmes Law Firm Engineering Just Resolutions www.theholmeslawfirm.com 1.877.FAIR.ADR (877.324.7237) California • Chicagoland • New York Metro • Atlanta Los Angeles Lawyer April 2013 5 LOS ANGELES LAWYER IS THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF - THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION GREG DAVID DERIN MEDIATOR & ARBITRATOR 1055 West 7th Street, Suite 2700, Los Angeles CA 90017-2548 Telephone 213.627.2727 / www.lacba.org HONESTY • FAIRNESS • COMMITMENT • CREATIVITY • EXCELLENCE LACBA OFFICERS AREAS OF EXPERTISE: President RICHARD J. BURDGE JR. • Entertainment and • Contract and Business Torts Intellectual Property President-Elect • Real Property PATRICIA EGAN DAEHNKE • Employment Corporate and Partnership • Senior Vice President LINDA L. CURTIS “Power Mediator” - The Hollywood Reporter, ADR SuperLawyerTM Vice President Faculty - Harvard Negotiation Institute (2004-2012) PAUL R.
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