934-4000 Yerxa B Boxioia

934-4000 Yerxa B Boxioia

Syme Rick Boxl323 934-5067 Vanderstam J Box360 934-4519 Westem Irrigation District Ofc 42 STRATHMORE Szapko Michael Dr Boxl644 934-2620 Vander Velde G A rri 934-4175 CountyOfWheatland 934-3542 SZAPKO OFFICE OF van Es C P M 934-4386 Shop 934-3556 CHIROPRACTIC Box1644 934-5633 VanEverden V 2liThombrlarGm 934-2770 Westgard Ron C 934-3735 STRATHMORE CO-OP Residence 934-2620 Van Gastel Arnold W 224BrentwoodDr 934-5435 Westgard S WestparkViige 934-5287 ASSOCIATION LTD 934-3121 Van Horn Gordon BoxlSRRlSitel 934-4501 Tacey Glen 934-4688 Westgard Terry Box1433 934-5643 Shopping Centre 934-3121 Tait C 934-4339 VanKeulen Charley ivwaiesOr 934-5078 Lumber Yard 934-3044 Tait M 17PlainsviewRd 934-2176 VanKleef Stewart Box687 934-3658 WESTLAND WELDING LTD Home Agro Centre 934-3044 Tandberg Ivan 120 4Av 934-5540 Van Kniyssen John F 934-2748 SprucelndustrialPark 934-5311 Strathmore Curling Rink 934-3433 Tantoii Allan 934-3810 Vannebo P M 934-3249 Weyers A J 934-3992 Strathmore Day Care iiParkiandDr .. 934-2855 Tanton V 226CentreAv 934-4486 Vanolm D K Jr 31MaplewoodGreen .... 934-3562 WHEATLAND BOTTLE DEPOT STRATHMORE DECORATING LTD Target Tunnelling Ltd Box988 934-3764 Van Verdegem George Box25l • 934-4432 80x1269 934-2696 70Lakeside6lvd 934-3264 Tashilkowich G Cheadle 934-2170 Van Verdegem John rri 934-4355 WHEATLAND CONSTRUCTION STRATHMORE DENTURE CLINIC Tataryn Michael 442ColeCrCarseland .. 934-5546 Van Wezel A K 339ThomdaleCr 934-3673 LTD 934-3534 107MapleleafSq 934-3877 Taylor Bill M Box49Carseland ,. 934-4067 Van Wezel Lawrence WHEATLAND COUNTY INN'!934-4000 Taylor Cliff 324ThistleDr 934-5536 Box43Sbv>Calgary 934-4242 STRATHMORE & DISTRICT WHEATLAND ELECTRONICS AMBULANCE SERVICE Taylor Cliff Children's Phone VARSVILLE LEISURE SPORTS 324ThistleDr 934-5428 HttonPlaza 934-5117 239 3Av 934-3414 80x359 934-3639 Taylor Jeanette Miss Box385 934-4431 VerttOnac M 934-2687 If Busy Call 934-2424 Emergency CaB Only 934-3639 Taylor M 934-2184 Vergouwen Joseph Box3i2 934-4277 Wheatland Family & Community Business Cafe ^34-2669 TeareF 934-3853 Vergouwen Morris 8l7BayRd 934-2154 Support Services 237 2Av 934-5335 /934-3133 TED'S HOMES (STRATHMORE) Vergouwen Pete eox62 934-3136 WHEATLAND FORD SALES LTD STRATHMORE FEED LTD 80x669 ...934-3344 Vermeeren Hans Boxl052 934-2124 Boxl620 934-2911 SERVICE 934-3331 Telford R L Box2Carse<and 934-4130 Vermeire Kenneth 6 8ox360 934-4492 Wheatland General Hospital District 107 STRATHMORE FLOWER PLACE Tempteton S 934-5241 Vermunt John M Box714 934-3564 . Ofc 136f(^alnSt". 934-4204 lOlMapleleafSq 934-3737 Terpstra Ted 934-4255 Verville John P 3lBrentwoodCr .....! 934-5136 Vilheatland Health Foods 1 128 3St . 934-3115 STRATHMORE FRESH AIR Thibault Robert A Box2l6 934-3670 Verweire Edmond J Box176 934-4262 Wheatland Lodge 934-3474 FIREPLACES RoyaCankBldg 934-2439 Thiel Leo 0ox452 934-3895 Verweire Edmond P Box331 ;... 934-4579 Verwiere M M 16WestviewSt 934-2904 WHEATLAND WELDING Strathmore Golf Oiij 934-2299 Thiessen Ed Box729 934-4051 SHOP & PORTABLE WELDING thiessen Farms Ltd 0ox729 934-4331 Verwjere Marshall .; 934-3170 STRATHMORE HOTEL BoxSSO .934-3155 Verwiere S Mrs 934-3059 Phone 934-3163 Ofc 934-3277 Thiessen George BoxSll 934-4056 Vesterback Brian 934-5239 Wheeler Darcy Boxl496 934-5272 STRATHMORE HOTEL COFFEE Thiessen Jake 934-3448 Thiessen John box358 934-3642 VETERINARY CUNIC -see Strathmore Wheeler Douglas RRl 934-4517 SHOP 934-3154 Thiessen Richard Box729 934-4557 Vetermary (Jinic Wheeler G 826BrentwoodCr 934-5684 STRATHMORE INN & LOUNGE Wheeler Loy F Box423 934-3594 Thomas David E 934-3153 Vierlxiom Helen iZWheatiandlge .... 934-3653 WESTERN & CHINESE CUISINE Thornton Harold P Box3iSitei 934-4514 Wheeler Scott Box540 934-4265 RESERVATIONS & TAKE OUT Voermans J P 934-3461 Thurston D K Box1046 934-3394 Vogel Chester 934-4645 White Dean Box667 934-3069 ORDERS Thurston George S Box539 934-4543 Vog^ar Gerard box102 934-3516 White W S PRI 934-2513 2 Av a 3 St 934-3844 Thurston Reg 0ox395 934-4533 Whitehead Robert 934-2197 Mot's Olfice 934-3265 Voutier Roy Box334 934-3619 Thurston Ron 8oxl20 934-4547 W CARWASH 717WestLakeRd ...934-2886 Whiteley G J 934-3139 STRAtHMORE JEWELLERY & Thygesen Brent 934-3330 Walker James R 7ParkwoodPlace .... 934-5149 WhHeley Holdings (Strathmore HoteO GIFT SHiHonPlaza 934-5554 Tibeau Denzil BrentwoodEslates 934-3530 Wallace Peter 305MckinnonDf 934-3471 Ltd B0X88O 934-3155 Strathmore Kindergarten TIBO HOMES LTD 00x216 . ...934-3670 Walls Clayton Box419 934-4574 Ofc 934-3277 220WheatlandTr 934-3644 Tiede L E 934-3440 Walls Eldon 934-3599 Whiteley J B 934-3018 Brentwood School 934-2159 Tiede Ralph Feed Lot 0ox48l 934-4344 Walls Henry Box833 934-4537 Wickenheiser Wendle Strathmore Legion No 10 934-5119 Ranch 934-4353 Walls Ivan BoxSARockyiord 934-4539 2MaplegreenWay 934-2641 STRATHMORE MOTOR PRODUCTS Tiedeman Marian 934-2346 Walsh Dale Lyalta 934-4460 Wiebe John S 3i7fA:KinnonDr 934-5497 LTD 934-3334 TiOack Bruce 934-5300 Walsh E 934-4298 Wiebe Marie 934-5246 Strathmore Municipal Library TILLIE'S DAWN OF BEAUTY Walstra B Glenwcxxj 934-4113 Wiersema Stan 934-5632 BOX939 934-5440 00X1389 934-2426 Walstra Dave lo 8AvNW 934-5379 Wilkie Charles 934-3579 Strathmore One Hour Cleanitizing . 934-4199 TIME & TEMPERATURE Walstra Hans 934-5572 Willard Dan ..; 934-2866 STRATHMORE SAFETY SUPPLIES SERVICE Calgary 233-2222 Want C L Cheadle 934-4326 Williams Brian 934-5173 RoyaBankfldg <934-5400 Timmer T 934-3005 Warcomika Dartene Williams John Boxl751 934-2235 1934-2929 Tingley Ross i23BrentwoodOr 934-2764 WestparkMobileHmPk 934-3075 Williams John SParkwoodPtace 934-5271 STRATHMORE SEED CLEANING Tobin Gordon 833BayviewCr 934-2653 Ward Grant l24ThlstleDr 934-2850 Williams Wayne Box788 934-3964 Ward Hector BoxIBZ 934-3864 PLANT LTD 00x1330 934-3421 Todde Inn Day Care Willms M Mrs rri 934-4483 WardT 934-3809 STRATHMORE SEPTIC SERVICE WheatlandCountylnn 934-5139 Willms Milton rri 934-4487 Wareham Joe 934-2622 LTDrri 934-3558 ToUefson Don 822BayRd 934-2562 Willows Orville 8ox52l 934-3489 Torgrimson C Boxl5RRlSite3 934-4208 Wark Garry 934-4584 STRATHMORE SHARP SHOP & Torgrimson D Box726 934-4250 WarkJim 934-3417 Wilms Lawrence A rri 934-5580 BICYCLE REPAIR 934-3796 Torgrimson S L Lyalia 934-4222 Warrack Bruce RRl 934-4186 Wilson Everett 934-3199 STRATHMORE SHOPPING Tormag Magnet Sales Vancouver-Cat long Wairack Farms Ltd BoxSli 934-4622 Wilson Forest A RR7Caigary 934-4569 CENTRE 934-3755 Distance (No Tot Charge) & Ask Warrack J RRl 934-4425 WILSON JOHN TRUCKING 934-3691 STRATHMORE STANDARD For Zenith 08658 Wathen L Box206 934-4252 Wilson L T A 842BreniwoodCr 934-4627 Btanketing Wheatland County TOWN OF STRATHMORE Wathen Rick Box206 934-4178 Wiltshire Lyie 23BrentwoodDrE ...... 934-5642 136MBinSt 934-3021 680WestchesterRd 934-3133 Watson Barry iVBrentwoodEstaies ... 934-3728 WoeJke Roy 406CoieCr 934-3192 STRATHMORE TEXACO 934-3868 Fire Alarm Only 934-3131 Watson Charles V rri 934-4515 Woldum H 00x275 934-4362 Public Works 934-3204 Watson E 934-3526 Wolfs Robert 214CentreAv 934-5042 STRATHMORE TIRE & BATTERY Watson 6 V RRl 934-4511 LTD 934-3053 Water Treatment Plant 934-2277 Wolper Gerald 807BayviewRd 934-2802 Ambulance Ofc 934-2669 Watson John Box12A 934-3259 Strathmore Tree Farms Ltd Box595 934-3839 Wolstenholme N Box1890 934-4217 Trachsel T BoxB2 934-3497 Watson Robert 934-3515 Wood Alan 327ThomdaiePlace 934-2427 STRATHMORE TURBO Watson Thomas Box682 934-4485 Trans Canada Telephone System Wood Steve Namaka 934-3718 00X845 934-3288 Watt William 325 3Si 934-3585 411 istSE Calgary 231-8111 Woodliffe Joe Boxi049 934-4648 STRATHMORE VALUE DRUG Way C E 934-3023 TRANSALTA UTILITIES Woodliffe Spencer Box213 9M-3812 MART Webster D 235 BAv 934-2787 CORPORATION Olc <934-3144 Woodward Doug Brentwooiffstates ... 934-4316 GIFTS - JEWELLERY 1934-5301 Weegar Clifford 934-3965 Works Terry no iSt 934-2104 PRESCRIPTIONS 934-3800 EMERGENCY CALLS ONLY 24 Weegar M E Cheadle 934-5088 AFTER HOURS CALL 934-3438 HRS 934-4248 Weeks Alan H B VMapiewoodEsi 934-5137 Worthington R 934-5134 Box 449 934-3122 Travellers Motor Hotel Peace River - Cat Weeks Alan H B Children's Phone Worts Dean Gordon Boxl297 934-2479 Long Distance (No Tot Charge) & Ask WaptewoodEst 934-5132 Wowchuk David 29ParkwoodCr 934-5109 STRATHMORE VETERINARY For Zenith 22050 WegenerAW !!!!!!!!! 934-3101 Wrathall Grant Carseiand 934-2583 CLINIC 934-3311 Treasury BraiKh 2Av&2Si 934-5293 Wegener Don 934-3495 Wright Garry B 934-2lin Atier Hours Cad 934-3311 Tripp AHan ISWalesDr 934-5193 Wegener EL 934-2394 Wright Ken 934-3387 Straub Oititon 934-3697 Truswefl Ronald C Carseiand . < 934-4505 Wegener F Jbox27 934-4285 Wright Leonard H 934-3847 Strelbel Douglas Boxll44 934-5514 Tudor Bill Carseiand 934-4168 Wegener James 934-3169 Wright Murray lOPiainsviewRd 934-4361 Struble L llOrGilltnSRManor 934-3485 Tumbuil Robert A BOBBrentwoodCr .. 934-2895 Wegener Ray 934-55IO Wirtzke Ferdinand 223ThombfiarCr .. 934-4071 StruHcsma Gene 70Lat(esid«etvd 934-3264 Tyerman Lloyd Box242 934-3009 Weinrauch Merv 82'>BayRd 934-2236 Wutzke Gordon 934-5655 Stumpf Richard Weiss Glenn Boxsbi 934-3441 Tyldestey A R 8O60ayviewRd 934-5405 Wyndham-Carseland Provincial Park 32SMcKinnoi«rCars«ltnd 934-2663 UFA Bulk Sales 934-3074 Weisse F A 123 4St 934-3550 Carseiand 934-2343 Sturm R T Dr Vet Underwood Richard 934-4229 Weisse S I BAiBayvlevxCr 934-4300 Wyndham William Dp OMaitrmerc Calgary 272-3573 United Church 934-3085 Welch Bruce Box240 934-3552 BoxlSCarseland 934-4101 Styba MA 934-2153 United Grain Growers Ltd Carseiand . 934-4163 Welsh George 7WatesOr 934-2345 Yaslnkp Al Box1642 " 934-2203 Suchotzke

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