The DESCENDANTS of JOEL JONES A Revolutionary Soldier, born in Charlton, Mass., in 1764, and died in Crawford County, Pa., in 1845. Together with an account of his Ancestors, back to Lewis and- Ann Jones, of Watertown, Mass., who came to America· about 1635 ALSO THE DESCENDANTS OF LEMUEL SMITH born in Ware, Mass., in 1770, came to Craw­ ford County, Pa., in 1817, and died in 1855. With an account of such of his ancestors as can now be located By ELBERT SMITH one oftlu DuCPl4md1 1925 THE TUTTLE COMPilo-Y, Publishers RUTLAND, VEID!O!!.""T CONTENTS Page List of Illustrations • . .. • . • . 5 Preface . • • 7 Some Authorities Consulted . 10 Lewis Jones . • • . • 11 The Early Joneses . • . 21 Joel .Jones . • . • . • • • . • • . 46 Descendants of Joel Jones, 7th Generation . 54- Descendants of Joel Jones, 8th Generation . • 63 Descendants of Joel Jones, 9th Generation . • 96 Descendants of Joel Jones, 10th Generation . 160 Descendants of Joel Jones, 11th Generation.... 221 The SpI'8i:,""tle Family . • . • . • . 283 The Marsh Family ...•......•..•..........•. 243 The Manning Family . • . • • • • 247 The Brown Family . • • • 251 The Warren Family and the Mayflower Descent. 255 Extracts from Soldiers and Sailors of Mass • . 259 Mount Hope Church Roll, January 1, 1859...... 261' .A Little Bit of Pioneer Life, by Lucy Welton Jones. 263 Military Roll . 273 Record Book of Joel Jones . 279 Genealogical Charts . 294 Inde.-.,;:: The Descendants of Joel Jones . 295 Table of Contents: The Descendants of Lemuel Smith . • • . 319 Index: The Descendants of Lemuel Smith . 407 ILLUSTRATIONS Facing Page Joel Jones, Jr., Sarah Smith Jones, Vasa Bozarris Jones, Luther Alvara Jones • . • . • . • . • . • . 32 Lucetta Jones Durham. Asael Wadsworth Jones, Sarah Ermina Jones Huffman, Joel AdJJa Jones . • • • . • • • • 56 Leonard Hall, Sally Jones Hall, Louisa Adeline Hall Hays and Dan Warner Hays, Ira Robinson Hall... SO Leonard Hill Hall, Olive Hall Dunn, Hattie Hall Waid, John Lemuel Smith ...•...•..•••.••.......••... 104 Reuben Chandler Smith, Rhoda Miranda Smith Monroe, Kni~ht Spra.,,"'lle Smith, Caroline Byham Smith .••. 128 Dav.id Jones, Sarah Childs Jones, Lucy Jones Hanks, James 0. Jones and Wife •...•...•.••.••.....•• 152 Martin Ruter Jones, Temperance Jones Campbell, and Emeline Jones Miller, :Rhoda Jones Barney, Joel J. Jones .•..•..••..•..•.......•............•.•.•. 176 Lucy W. Jones Smith, Dav.id Jones Smith, !:Cary Smith Kile and Leonard Kile, Catharine Smith Byham and Smith Byham ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 200 Daniel F. Stright, Apphia Jones Stright, Merrit Freeman Stright, Conrsen Jones Stright ......•..........• 29.A Reuben Smith, Rhoda Jones Smith, Horace Childs Jones and Wife, Joel Lemuel Smith . • . • . • . 248 Flav.illa Smith Bannister and Husband, Addison Jones and Wife, Hettie Hall Haight, Hiram C. Smith and Wue ..•...........................•......•... 272 Calv.in Wilder, Louisa Jones Wilder, Harvey Wilder and Wife, Daniel Jones Wilder and Wife ....•..••..•. 288 Mary Ester Smith Delamater, Lucy .AdeUne Wilder Hall, LJ Leonard Alvester Smith, Dr. Hilton Ira Jones ••.. 104 Sarah Byham Wilder and Husband, William Thompson Byham, Edwin Byham, Lucy Jane Byham Oakes ... 320 Sarah Lav.ina Smith Hall, Hannah Almira Smith Bannis- ter, Harriet Louisa Wllder • . • . • . 336 PREFACE In compiling this genealogy of the descendants of Joel Jones, I have made the utmost use of every source of information that was easily available. The history, as a whole, will be found accurate and trustworthy. Every doubtful or questionable feature has been thoroughly sifted, and great care taken to insure ac­ curacy of statement. At the same time, from the nature of the work, it is inevitable that some errors should creep in. This is especially so with regard to dates and spelling of names. In some instances different members of the same family, in reporting a record, differ as to dates. In other instances descendants have failed to respond to our requests for data, and we have been obliged to use what seemed the best and most reliable information we had. I will esteem it a favor if any descendant will in­ form the writer of any error that may be discovered in the spelling of names or in· dates, or any other matter in which we may be in error. The plan followed in printing this genealogy is the one generally used and approved in works of this character. Each family is given a number, and the same printed in heavY type in the middle of the-page. Children that are given a number, in smaller type, on the left hand margin, will be found placed as heads of families further on. Take the marginal name number, and turn over the pages until the corresponding family number, in the middle of the page is found, and repeat the process on down as far as desired to trace the descent. To trace back, reverse the process. Take the family number, in the middle of the page, and turn the 8 JONES G.c.'EALOGY leaves backward until the same number is found in the left hand margin, and repeat the same thing until you arrive at the ancestor desired. The small exponent :figure at the right of a name indicates thP generation in America. The names in parenth~sis following an individual state the ancestral line. After Joel J cnes, section 27, the ancestral line in the parenthesis is only carried back to Joel, 6th genera­ tion in America. It was thought a mere useless repeti­ tion to print the full line (Joel", Enos•, Nathaniel, Jr.4, 3 1 Nathaniel, Sr. , Josiah=, Lewis ), after each·one of the hundreds of later descendants. Please note explana­ tion on page 54. It has been thought best to include in the Jones Genealogy the :first four or :five generations of the des cendants of Lewis and Ann Jones, of Watertown, Mass., not only for the interest we have in these an­ cient kinsfolk, but also to furnish a convenient starting point for a.:iy descendant of Lewis Jones, who wishes to do further genealogical work, or to construct his own particular family record. Joel Jones was of the 6th generation removed from our common ancestor, Lewis Jones, and there were several score of descendants in the same genera­ tion, contemporaneous with him. To include all the descendants of all these sixth generation Joneses in the limits of a single volume would be an utter im­ possibility even if it were possible to secure the data. To secure anything like a complete genealogy of Lewis Jones, it would be necessary to form numerous family associations for the purpose, and even then the difficulties would be very great. The :field is open, however, to any one who wishes to investigate further. We wish to state that we have made large use of the monumental work of Dr. Henry Bond, whose Jom:s GEmar.OGY 9 family early intermarried with the Jones family. We ha,e appropriated much from this source. Our grateful acknowledgments are due to Dr. Warren Vincent Sprague, of Chauncey, Ohio, for his kind permission to use portions of his "Sprague Fam­ ilies in .America.'' We have made free use of this great work. We are under deep obligations to Miss Delma Byham, of Guys Mills, Pa., for much invaluable help, derived from her persistent and intelligent labor. Very much of the information here presented is due entirely to her efforts. Our thanks are also due to Mr. Henry Franklin Hays, of Oakland, Iowa, for valuable assistance in making the genealogy of the descendants of Louisa Adeline Hall :ijays. We have also been given much valuable help by Mrs. Ida Jones Kays, of Hillsboro, Oregon, by Mr. Chauncey Ellsworth Barney of Portland, Oregon, by l\Iiss Jonnie Adelaid Krotts of Sherrill, N. Y., by Mrs. Lanetta Marsh Sutton of Titusville, Pa., by Mrs. Henrietta Wilder of Whitewater, Wis., by Mrs. Anna Stright Bouslog of Mt. Summit, Ind., and by very many others too numerous to mention individually~ Without their loyal assistance this work would have been impossible. The preparation of this volume has involved cor­ respondence with hundreds of persons, and has taken our leisure time for several years. Our sole reward lies in the hope and belief that we have performed a real service to the family. SOME OF THE AUTHORITIES CONSULTED Vital Records of Sutton, Leicester, Spencer, Barre, Charlton and many other .Massachusetts towns. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Savage's Genealogical Dictionary. Mannscript History of Ware, copied from Town Records. (In Library of N. E. Hist. and Genealogical Society, Ashbnrton Place, Boston.) History of Watertown, by Dr. Henry Bond. Historic Sketches of Spencer, by Henry 1\L Tower. Genealogical and Personal Memoirs of Worcester County, Mass., by Ellen Bucknell Crane. History of Ware, by Chase. History of the First Church of Roxbury, by Thwing. Historical .Address, made in 1847, by William Hyde. Barnstable Families, a reprint of the Otis Papers. Soldiers and Sailors of Massachusetts in the Revolutionary War. Loyalists of the .American Revolution, by Sabine. Pension Department and .Adjutant General Records, Wash­ ington, D. C. Sprague Families in .America, by Dr. W. V. Sprague. This very important. History of Hingham, 4 Vols., published by the Town. History of the Town of Sherburne and Holliston, by Rev• .Abner lforse. Hnrd's History of Worcester County, Mass., Vol I. Town of Barre, in Hist. of Worcester Co., C. F. Jewett & Co., Pub., 1879. History of Spencer, by JaI:J.es Draper. History of Crawford C-0., Pa., by S. P. Bates. MUDSey-Hopkins Genealogy, by D. 0. S. Howell. Some of the Descendants of Lewis Jones and .Ann Jones, of Roxbury, Mass., b. W. B. Trask. Lewis Jones, of Roxbury, Mass., and Some of His Descend­ ants in the South, in Son. Hist. .Assn. Publications, Wash­ ington, D. C., Vol. 8. History of Newton, with Genealogies, by Francis Jackson. Soldiers in King Philip's War, b. George 1\f.
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