Bowdon Families.Numbers

Bowdon Families.Numbers

Bowdon St Mary, Baptisms Name Year Date DOB Father Mother Comment 1 John 1606 John 2 Anne 1626 Nov-19 John 3 Alice 1628 Sep-18 Hen? (Hrigh) strange illegible name 4 Elizabeth 1629 Jun-20 Edward base d 5 Hamnett 1629 Dec-09 Henry base s not inPR 6 John 1629 Sep-20 Peter 7 John 1630 Jun-29 John 8 Deborah 1631 d of ? Not inPR 9 Thomas 1631/2 Feb-09 Margarett base s 10 John 1632 Apr-22 John 11 George 1633 Nov-06 George 12 Rachel 1634 Jul-27 Edward 13 John 1634 Sep-07 Hugh 14 William 1634 Sep-07 Henry 15 John 1636 unk Henry 16 Jane 1636 Apr-14 George 17 John 1636 Apr-23 Henry 18 William 1636 Aug-11 Jane base son, of Bowdon 19 Anne 1637 Nov-12 Henry Henry of Warburton Green 20 John 1638 Jun-22 Edward 21 Thomas 1638 Nov-23 John could be Nov-28 22 Margarett 1640 Feb-14 George twin, of Bowdon 23 Thomas 1640 Feb-14 George twin, of Bowdon John 1640 Church Warden 24 Margarett 1641 May-20 John of Hale Barns 25 Elizabeth ?? [Edward] of Ashton Woodhouse 26 William 1643 Apr-23 John of Hale 27 John 1643 Oct-01 John of Hale Barns 28 Henry 1645 Aug-24 Henry of Sinderland (first non-Roman date) 29 John 1648 May-20 John 30 Ann 1649/50 Mar-31 George of Bowdon 31 John 1653 Sep-25 Peter 0f Agden 32 George 1654 Oct-08 John of Hale Barns 33 Alis 1654 Nov-05 Oct-11 Ann base daughter, of Partington 34 Mary 1655 Sep-02 Jul-26 John of Warburton Green, Hale 35 Thomas 1657 Apr-26 Apr-10 Henry of Sinderland, born at 11 of the clocke 36 Josia[h] 1658 Jun-06 Mar-13 John of Hale Barns 37 Thomas 1659 Jul-03 John of Hale, weelwright 38 Enocke 1662 Oct-16 John of Hale 39 Anne 1663 Oct-04 William of Hale 40 Elizabeth 1665/6 Feb-02 William of Ashley of Partington (or Bowdon according to Bob 41 Elizabeth 1667 Nov-05 George W). 42 John 1668 Sep-12 Thomas of Bowdon 43 Ellen 1668 Sep-26 William of Ashley 44 George 1669 Apr-18 Thomas of Hale Barns 45 Deborah 1670 Sep-24 George of Bowdon 46 Aron 1670/1 Feb-06 Thomas of Hale Barns 47 Rebecka 1670/1 Jan-14 John of Dunham 48 John 1671 Nov-14 George of Partington 49 Rebeckah 1672/3 Mar-13 George of Bowdon 50 Deborah 1674 Apr-24 Thomas of Hale 51 James 1675 Nov-09 Thomas of Hale 52 Thomas 1676 Apr-30 Thomas of Hale 53 Deborah 1676/7 Feb-02 George of Bowdon 54 Mary 1678 May-01 Thomas of Hale 55 Allen (Ellen?) 1678 Jun-02 George of Partington 56 John 1680 May-23 Josiah of Hale 57 Hanna 1680 May-09 Samuall of Hale 58 Mary 1680 Dec-27 George of Partington 59 Thomas 1680/1 Jan-27 Richard Mr of Partington 60 Thomas 1680/1 Mar-21 Thomas of Hale 61 Sibil 1681 Jul-10 Thomas of Bowdon 62 Margarett 1682 May-25 Josiah of Hale 63 Richard 1682 Sep-07 Richard of Partington 64 Thomasin 1682 Dec-26 John of Carrington or Partington 65 Ales 1682/3 Mar-18 Thomas of Manch. 66 Margarett 1683 Apr-09 George of Partingtom 67 Peter 1683 Jun-17 Thomas of Hale 68 George 1883 Aug-03 George of Bowdon 69 Mary 1685/6 Jan-02 Thomas of Bowdon 70 George 1686 May-25 George of Bowdon 71 Dabora 1686 Dec-04 Thomas of Hale 72 Margaret 1691 Jun-14 John of Dunham 73 Martha 1692/3 Feb-25 Thomas of Hale, wheelwright 74 Mary 1693/4 Jan-04 John of Hale 75 Hannah 1695/6 Feb-18 John of Altrincham of Hale "by whom I do not know Aron 76 John 1696 Dec-23 Dec-03 George Warburton told me of it" 77 Rebecca 1696 Feb-08 Elizabeth a bastard of Edward Walton of Bowdon 78 George 1697 Jul-30 William 79 Elizabeth 1697/98 Feb-12 Aron of Bowdon, husbandman 80 Elizabeth 1698 Dec-12 Nov-19 John spelt Warbutton, labourer, of Altrincham Page 1 of 10 Bowdon St Mary, Baptisms Name Year Date DOB Father Mother Comment not seen in PR, but mentioned in Aaron's will; 81 George 1701 Feb-22 Aaron in BT 82 John 1701 Jul-21 Jul-01 John of Altrincham 83 Elizabeth 1702 Sep-17 Sep-02 James of Altrincham 84 George 1702 Sep-20 John of Timperley of Partington, bastard of George Hazlehurst of 85 Peter 1702 May-12 May-03 Ellin Carrington, runaway 86 Elizabeth 1702 Sep-17 Sep-02 James of Altrincham 87 George 1702 Sep-20 John of Timperley; 'not baptised by me' 88 Thomas 1702/3 Mar-16 Thomas of Sinderland; 'not baptised by me' 89 Margaret 1703 Nov-18 John of Partington 90 Mary 1703 Apr-21 Apr-09 John of Bowdon 91 Peter 1703 Nov-21 Nov-11 John of Altrincham 92 Thomas 1703 Apr-16 Thomas of Sinderland 93 Sarah 1704/5 Feb-22 Jan-31 John of Timperley 94 Thomas 1704/5 Mar-18 Mar-08 John of Timperley 95 unk 1704 Feb-22 John of Bowdon 96 George 1705 Dec-06 James of Altrincham 97 Mary 1705 Oct-09 Thomas of unreadable (poss Dunham, not Hale) 98 Charles 1706 Apr-21 Adam of Bowdon 99 unk 1706 Jun-12 John of Altrincham 100 Alice 1707 Nov-23 Aaron of Bowdon 101 Alice 1707 Sep-16 Thomas of Dunham 102 Arnold 1707 May-25 William of Baguely 103 Mary 1707 Sep-07 John of Bowdon 104 Thomas 1707/8 Mar-08 James 105 Alice 1707/8 Mar-08 James 106 Ellin 1709 Feb-24 John of Altrincham 107 Mary 1709/10 Jan-22 William of Hale 108 Ann 1711 Aug-23 Aaron of Dunham 109 Elizabeth 1711 Jun-15 John of Altrincham 110 Elizabeth 1712 Aug-31 George of Dunham 111 Ellen 1712 Nov-02 William of Hale 112 Mary 1713 Nov-22 Samuel of Hale 113 Phebe 1713 Sep-25 Thomas of Sinderland 114 Mary 1714 Jan-09 William of Hale 115 Martha 1715 Oct-02 Hamnett of Partington 116 Deborah 1716/17 Feb-03 Thomas of Sinderland 117 James 1716 Apr-05 James of Altrincham 118 Mary 1716 Oct-27 George of Partington 119 Elizabeth 1717 Apr-10 William of Hale 120 Mary 1717 Dec-26 John baptised in the house 121 George 1718 Nov-27 George In BT 122 Mary 1718 May-04 Josiah of Partington 123 Thomas 1718 Nov-20 James of Altrincham 124 Thomas 1718/19 Jan-29 Josiah of Timperley of Hale - in the house NB is Worthington on 125 Thomas 1718 Jun-09 John PR; Warburton in IGI 126 Alice 1719 Dec-30 Thomas of Sinderland 127 Jane 1719 Nov-08 Aaron of Dunham 128 Thomas 1719 Jul-16 John of Hale 129 William 1719 Mar-30 William of Hale 130 Elizabeth 1721 Jul-06 Josiah Timperley 131 Hannah 1722 Aug-01 John of Hale, Yeoman 132 Margaret 1722 Oct-18 Thomas Phebe Dunham 133 Mary 1722 Oct-09 William Mary Dunham, Husbandman 134 William 1722 Oct-09 William Mary Dunham, Husbandman 135 Alice 1724 Nov-04 Josiah Elizabeth Timperley 136 Hannah 1725 Oct-10 John Martha Hale, Taylor 137 John 1725 May-27 Thomas Phebe Dunham 138 Ellen 1726 Nov-20 John Mary Altrincham 139 John 1726 Nov-21 George Mary Oldfield 140 William 1726 Sep-18 Peter Sarah Timperley 141 Margaret 1727 Sep-22 Josiah Elizabeth Timperley (Josiah lately deceased) First Ringway Chapel baptisms recorded Sept 1727 but very few and no Warburtons up to 1737 142 Elizabeth 1729 Oct-12 William Mary Altrincham 143 Hannah 1730/1 Jan-21 Peter Sarah Altrincham 144 Sarah 1732 Dec-17 John Mary Altrincham 145 William 1732 May-21 William Elizabeth Sinderland 146 William 1732 Sep-04 Arnold Anne Dunham 147 James 1733 Dec-18 Peter Sarah Altrincham 148 James 1734 Oct-27 James Swain Mary base s 149 Hannah 1735 Jul-06 John Mary Altrincham 150 John 1736 May-23 George Mary Altrincham 151 Sarah 1736 Jun-06 Peter Sarah Altrincham 152 Warburton 1737 Feb-17 son of John and Ester Barlow 153 John 1737/8 Mar-26 Peter Margaret Dunham Woodhouses 154 Bancroft 1738 Nov-12 John Bancroft Elizabeth or Bancroft of Sinderland, base son 155 Sarah 1739 Dec-16 John Mary Altrincham 156 William 1740 Jul-17 No details recorded 157 Mary 1741 Dec-19 Peter Margaret Dunham Woodhouses 158 George 1741/2 Feb-21 George Rowlinson Martha or Rowlinson of Altrincham, base son 159 Ann 1743 Nov-17 Johnathan Martha Timperley, 'in ye house' Page 2 of 10 Bowdon St Mary, Baptisms Name Year Date DOB Father Mother Comment 160 Ann 1744 Oct-21 Arnold Ann Sinderland 161 Martha 1744 Jul-19 Thomas Mary Hale Barns, 'in the house' 162 Mary 1745 Dec-18 Jno Elizabeth Altrincham 163 William 1745/6 Feb-23 Peter Margaret Dunham 164 Jacob 1747 Mar-29 Josiah Martha Ashley 165 John 1748 Oct-30 John Elizabeth Altrincham 166 Mary 1748 Oct-16 James Ann Baguely 167 Samuel 1749/50 Feb-25 Josiah Martha Ashley 168 Ann 1750 Mar-31 Peter Martha Dunham, 'in the house' 169 Alice 1751 May-12 James Ann Baguely 170 George 1751 Oct-27 Josiah Martha Ashley 171 John 1751 May-12 Charles Ruth of Altrincham 172 John 1752 Aug-12 Joseph At Hale Chapel - of Bowden At Hale Chapel - who married R[] Garners 173 Thomas 1752 July-25 John daughter? 174 William 1752 Jul-15 Thomas At Hale Chapel - of Hale Barnes 175 James 1753 Jul-01 James Ann Baguely 176 James 1753 May-06 William Barbary Altrincham At Hale Chapel - of Deanrowe (Dean Row nr 177 Ann 1754 Jun-17 William Wilmslow?) 178 Martha 1754 Nov-03 Thomas Ellen Sunderland {Sinderland?} 179 William 1754 Jan-13 Josiah Martha Ashley 180 Anne 1756 Feb-15 James Ann Baguely 181 Isaac 1756 Apr-12 Thomas At Hale Chapel - of Timperley 182 James 1756 Aug-01 Peter Margaret Dunham 183 Joseph 1756 Nov-21 Josiah Martha Ashley 184 Samuel 1756 Nov-21 Josiah Martha Ashley 185 Thomas 1756 May-30 Thomas Ellen Dunham 186 Mary 1757 Jan-06 Benjamin Sheerman Sarah base d, Altrincham 187 Martha 1757 Jul-26 Joseph Elizabeth Bowdon 188 Ann 1758 Sep-06 Thomas twin - At Hale Chapel - of Altrincham 189 Sarah 1758 Sep-06 Thomas twin - At Hale Chapel - of Altrincham 190 William 1758 Feb-06 George Ellen Altrincham 191 John 1759 Jan-28 Thomas Ellen Dunham 192 Hannah 1760 Oct-12 Richard Mary Heatley Heath 193 George 1761 Apr-19 John Elizabeth Dunham 194 Martha 1761 Mar-22 George Ellen Altrincham 195 Mary 1761 May-31 William Elizabeth Hale Barns, 'in the house' 196 William 1761 Feb-05 John George's son - At Hale Chapel - of Bowden 197 George 1762 Oct-17 Richard Mary Carrington 198 William 1762 Mar-31 Thomas At Hale Chapel - of Altrincham 199 John 1763 Jan-19 Joseph Elizabeth not in PR DB At Hale Chapel - of Oavly Hey (= Haveley 200 Josiah 1763 Nov-29

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