Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 79 / Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / Notices 21913 titled, U.S. Climate Change Science DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Background Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 5.2 ‘‘Best practice approaches National Oceanic and Atmospheric Recovery plans describe actions for characterizing, communicating, and Administration beneficial to the conservation and recovery of species listed under the incorporating scientific uncertainty in Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), decisionmaking.’’ RIN 0648–XH02 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The This draft report is being released Endangered and Threatened Species; ESA requires that recovery plans solely for the purpose of pre- Recovery Plans incorporate: (1) objective, measurable dissemination peer review under criteria which, when met, would result applicable information quality AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries in a determination that the species is no guidelines. This document has not been Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and longer threatened or endangered; (2) formally disseminated by NOAA. It does Atmospheric Administration, site-specific management actions not represent and should not be Commerce. necessary to achieve the plan’s goals; construed to represent any Agency ACTION: Notice of Availability; request and (3) estimates of the time required policy or determination. After for comments. and costs to implement recovery consideration of comments received on actions. The ESA requires the the draft report, a revised version along SUMMARY: The National Marine development of recovery plans for each with the comments received will be Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces listed species unless such a plan would published on the CCSP web site. that the Proposed Lake Ozette Sockeye not promote its recovery. Salmon Recovery Plan (Plan) is NMFS is responsible for developing DATES: Comments must be received by available for public review and and implementing ESA recovery plans June 9, 2008. comment. The Plan addresses the Lake for listed salmon and steelhead. In so ADDRESSES: The draft Synthesis and Ozette Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus doing, NMFS’ goal is to restore Assessment Product: 5.2 is posted on nerka) Evolutionarily Significant Unit endangered and threatened Pacific the CCSP Web site at: (ESU), which spawns in Lake Ozette salmonids to the point that they are and its tributaries, on the Olympic again self-sustaining members of their http://www.climatescience.gov/Library/ Peninsula at the western edge of ecosystems and no longer need the sap/sap5–2/default.php Washington State. NMFS is soliciting protections of the ESA. NMFS believes Detailed instructions for making review and comment from the public it is critically important to base its comments on this draft report are and all interested parties on the recovery plans on the many state, provided at the CCSP link. Comments Proposed Plan. regional, tribal, local, and private must be prepared in accordance to these DATES: NMFS will consider and address conservation efforts already underway instructions and must be submitted to: all substantive comments received throughout the region. This Plan is the 5.2–[email protected] during the comment period. Comments product of a collaborative process must be received no later than 5 p.m. initiated by NMFS and involving the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Pacific daylight time on June 23, 2008. participation and contributions of a Fabien Laurier, Climate Change Science wide group of private and governmental ADDRESSES: Please send written Program Office, 1717 Pennsylvania entities, citizens, and sovereigns (tribes) comments and materials to Rosemary Avenue, NW, Suite 250, Washington, with the potential to contribute to Furfey, National Marine Fisheries DC 20006, Telephone: (202)419–3481. recovery. In 2005, NMFS and the Lake Service, 1201 N.E. Lloyd Blvd, Suite Ozette Steering Committee (Steering SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: 1100, Portland, OR 97232. Comments The CCSP Committee), an existing, locally based may also be submitted by e-mail to: was established by the President in 2002 citizen group, began working together to [email protected]. Include in to coordinate and integrate scientific write a draft recovery plan for Lake the subject line of the e-mail comment research on global change and climate Ozette sockeye salmon. The goal was to the following identifier: Comments on change sponsored by 13 participating produce a plan that meets ESA Lake Ozette Sockeye Plan. Comments departments and agencies of the U.S. requirements for recovery plans as well may be submitted via facsimile (fax) to Government. The CCSP is charged with as the State of Washington’s recovery 503–872–2737. preparing information resources that planning outline and guidance promote climate-related discussions and Persons wishing to review the Plan (www.governor.wa.gov/gsro/default/ decisions, including scientific synthesis can obtain an electronic copy (i.e., CD- htm). ROM) from Sharon Houghton by calling and assessment analyses that support The Steering Committee has met evaluation of important policy issues. 503–230–5418 or by e-mailing a request to [email protected] with the periodically since 1981 to discuss Dated: April 8, 2008. subject line ‘‘CD-ROM Request for Lake natural resource issues related to William J. Brennan, Ozette Sockeye Plan.’’ Electronic copies sockeye salmon. The Steering Committee is made up of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for of the Plan are also available on-line on representatives from the Makah and International Affairs, and Acting Director, the NMFS website www.nwr.noaa.gov/ Climate Change Science Program. Salmon-Recovery-Planning/ESA- Quileute Tribes, Olympic National Park, Clallam County, local land owners, [FR Doc. E8–8829 Filed 4–22–08; 8:45 am] Recovery-Plans/Draft-Plans.cfm Washington Governor’s Salmon BILLING CODE 3510–12–S FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Recovery Office, Washington Rosemary Furfey, NMFS Lake Ozette Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salmon Recovery Coordinator at 503– Washington Department of Natural 231–2149, or Elizabeth Gaar, NMFS Resources, NMFS, U.S. Environmental Salmon Recovery Division at 503–230– Protection Agency, North Olympic 5434. Peninsula Lead Entity, private timber SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: companies, and local citizens. VerDate Aug<31>2005 16:58 Apr 22, 2008 Jkt 214001 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\23APN1.SGM 23APN1 mstockstill on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES 21914 Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 79 / Wednesday, April 23, 2008 / Notices Frequent Steering Committee implementation commitments from survival of Lake Ozette sockeye salmon. meetings enabled NMFS and Puget state agencies and local governments. These hypotheses are based on the best Sound Technical Recovery Team NMFS will seek opportunities to work available current knowledge about the members to share draft recovery plan with tribal governments on plan Lake Ozette sockeye salmon, and are products and seek Steering Committee implementation to help the agency meet designed to be tested in the course of review and comment as the draft plan its trust and treaty responsibilities to the time through monitoring the fish, their was developed. In early 2007, the tribes. NMFS will encourage other environment, and the effects of the preliminary draft Lake Ozette Sockeye Federal agencies to do the same when actions that may be taken to protect and Limiting Factors Analysis (Haggerty et implementing programs that may affect improve the Lake Ozette sockeye’s al., 2007) and NMFS’ Status Report for trust and treaty resources. ecosystem and survival chances. The Completing the Sockeye Recovery Plan NMFS expects the Plan to help NMFS process of designing actions based on were posted on the North Olympic and other Federal agencies take a more best available information, then Peninsula Lead Entity web page at consistent approach to future ESA monitoring the results to find out what noplegroup.org/NOPLE/pages/ section 7 consultations and other ESA works best and changing the actions as watersheds/ decisions. For example, the Plan will appropriate, is called adaptive OzetteLakeWatershedPage.htm. provide greater biological context for the management. The Plan is intended as a In addition to participating in effects that a proposed action may have tool for adaptive management for Lake frequent Steering Committee meetings on the species. This context will be Ozette sockeye salmon recovery. during development of the draft enhanced by adding recovery plan recovery plan, NMFS periodically science to the ‘‘best available ESU Addressed and Planning Area briefed staff or members of the following information’’ for section 7 consultations The Plan is intended for key stakeholder groups: Olympic as well as for ESA section 10 habitat implementation within the range of the National Park, Clallam County conservation plans and other ESA Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon ESU, Commissioners and Planning decisions. Such information includes which spawns in Lake Ozette or its Department, Makah Tribe, Quileute viability criteria for the ESU, better tributaries, on the Olympic Peninsula at Tribe, Washington Forest Protection understanding of and information on the western edge of Washington State. Association, Olympic Coast National limiting factors and threats facing the The Lake Ozette Sockeye Salmon ESU is Marine Sanctuary, Lake Ozette ESU, better information on priority made up of only one population watershed private timber land areas for addressing specific limiting
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