VERNON of items listed on the m T The received Salute to the arts the agenda for about Inside tonight’s Evening Herald is a special 20-page sec tion saluting the arts in the area. Stores and photos tell of the many cultural opportunities of Greater Manchester. A be done in a very complete schedule for the Manchester Bicentennial Band owned by Dr. Shell is included. jVol. xcix. No. a05 - Manche»tar, Comi.. Friday. May 30,1980 ' Since 1881 * 20<f I any board policy ’The alleged He said as far Education suit may be landmark The Schardts’ attorney could not be By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA Board of Education of all costs in reached for comment today. volved in their son’s residential Herald Reporter The Schardt case, which is filed in treatment, along with legal fees and MANCHESTER - A legal com conjunction with a sim ilar West 3 w hatever else the court deems plaint which could develop into a Hartford caseT' began with an ad necessary. landmark case in the evolution of Zoning ministrative appeal concerning their The school board is basing its special education law in Connecticut son’s education. has been filed by Dr. and Mrs. Walter defense on several propositions. Schardt, prominent M anchester The Schardts were seeking full Sullivan said the state is the primary costs involved in their son’s educa residents. defendant in the challenge, since it is tion. This involved tuition, room and The case challenges Connecticut state law that is being attacked. board, in addition to other costs. "The local board is only following law. Its resolution will have an im The hearing officer found that the state law,” Sullivan said regarding pact on every school district in the son had severe academic problems the case. state, according to Attorney Thomas which were related to learning and The defense will also claim the Sullivan, who is handling the defense emotional difficulties. The hearing state and federal laws are actually for the Manchester Board of Educa officer found the placement in a tion. conslstant. Sullivan said the federal residential facility was necessary Dr. Schardt, who served 10 years law is open to interpretation, without due to these problems. But, the state on the Manchester Board of Educa regard to what the state law says. official found that under state law, Sullivan said the defense will con tion, and Mrs. Schardt, who was a the local Board of Education had only founding member and past president tend the federal law calls for the pay to pay for tuition, not room and ment of fees only when the local of the 10-year-old Manchester Com Honor Society, the board. board is unable to provide an munity Services Council, are suing The state law says a local school educational program. Math state and local officials in connection board is responsible only for tuition The complaint history states that with the financing of their adopted costs when a special education stu son’s education. Schardts’ son was placed in a special dent is placed in a residential facili According to Sullivan, the Schardts education school by the Manchester ty. A ccording to Sullivan, the contend that state special education Board of Education, and that the Harvard ^ h ard ts are claiming that M e ra l law Is inconsistant with federal law placement was unsuccessful. “ We’re law doesn’t make a distinction and thus the state law is inconsistant claiming we offered the program ,” between tuition and other costs in with federal law and thus the state Sullivan said. Amplified song volved in a special education place The defense has until June 9 to file law should be struck down. The case ment. its response to the complaint, which raises constitutional issues, by citing This sparrow apparently wants his song nest atop a loudspeaker near King’s Depart- In a brief filed in Federal District was made public today but was filed the Fourteenth Amendment to the amplified enough to be heard by everyone in ment Store on Route 5, East Hartford, Court in Hartford, the Schardts call United States constitution. April 24. I his vicinity. The sparrow has constructed its (Herald photo by Pinto) for the payment by the Manchester treasurer. State M Von Deck takes blame Ray Tuphey has been elected Shooting of Jordan for delegate confusion seen as conspiracy By KEVIN FOLEY . Sylvester’s impression that he was a town director’s participation in the candidate. convention because Sylvester’s sup WASHINGTON (UPI) - President apparent conspiracy to deprive Ver Herald Reporter "filled with a sense of outrage and Robin Controversy developed from the port for Bozzuto. Carter said he believes the shooting non Jordan of his civil rights.” sense of sadness” when he first A M A N C H E ST E R — Sa y in g he confusion when State Central Com ‘ T m not trying to manipulate of civil rights leader Vernon Jordan “ That gets us in the case-but we heard of the attack, "which I believe Laura McNiel was elected m ad e a d e c isio n he w as not mitteeman Wallace Irish, who is also anyone,” Irish said. " I just want to was an “ assassination effort,” and don’t have the answ er.” was an assassination effort.” authorized to make. Republican a delegate backing Buckley, and who make sure we aren't challenged by FBI Director William Webster said it At least 20 FBI agents are in Fort “ It’s ironic that his life should be Town Chairman Robert Von Deck oversees delegate selection, said the party’s credentials committee may have been a conspiracy. Wayne, Ind., to conduct a full in attacked, because he has spent it and this morning admitted he initiated S y l v e s t e r ’ s c l a i m to M rs. when we show up at the convention. Talking to rep o rters Thursday vestigation, officials said. will spend it in the future, fighting the confusion surrounding Town Bjarkm an’s vacant seat was void. We would lose out on representation night, Webster listened to and did not W ebster said the evidence in against the causes of violence," Director Peter Sylvester’s status as “ He never was a delegate,” Irish if everything wasn’t .in order.” challenge a suggestion the bureau dicates the shooting was carried out Carter said. a delegate/altemate to the July 26 said. “ He was always an alternate te Last Friday the Town Republican has evidence there was a racial inci by “ apparently more than one person White House Press Secretary Jody state convention for the U.S. Senate. Mrs. Fletcher. I don’t know where he Committee voted to back Buckley, a dent involving Jordan and Martha in a premeditated a c t.” Powell said Carter had talked to the Y Sylvester, who had said he would Sharon resident and outspoken sup Coleman, a blond Urban League “ We have additional evidence got the idea he was a delegate; it’s a F B I an d u s e d th e w o rd support Richard Bozzuto, Republican figment of his imagination.” porter for the town’s withdrawal worker, just prior to the shooting. which suggests the shooting was not "assassination” because “ it’s an at opponent to Jam es L. Buckley, his from the Department of Housing and acc id e n ta l,” Webster said, “ We Sylvester, who was unaware of his The report said a c ar pulled up next tack on a public figure. There is com m ittee's endorsed candidate, status as late as this momini!. called Urban Development’s Community simply at this point do not know who to the one carrying Jordan and Mrs. evidence the attack was planned or seemed surprised when told he was the situation "frightening” and Block Grant Program. fired the gun.” Coleman on a highway while she was premediated as opposed to a spur of in reality an alternate to Mary added, " I may wake up tomorrow “ He’s the only announced can driving Jordan back to his motel, and Told that the mayor of Fort Wayne the moment thing.” Fletcher and not Shirley Bjarkman. and find out I am or I am not a didate that supports us,” Irish said. its occupants yelled out slurs about a felt there was no racial motive for Carter spoke extensively about Von Deck said he had made the delegate. You can’t run a party with A total of nine candidates now sup white woman being with a black the shooting, Webster said, “ It can’t Jordan during his speech, part of his assignment and was "unqualified” to that kind of philosophy.” port Buckley while four are behind man. be ruled out.” first campaign swing of the year. do so. Mrs. Bjarkman is unable to at Irish denied publish^ reports that B o z z u t o an d M rs. F l e t c h e r Later Jordan was shot in the back "W e’ve got a number of leads that “ He’s been a severe critic of mine ten d th e c o n v e n t io n , h e n c e said he was attempting to block the remaining uncommitted. as he stepped from Mrs. Coleman's we are working on," adding that on occasion and I listen to him very car in the motel parking lot. Webster there were witnesses but “ no one closely,” Carter said. ‘ T v e been to confirmed FBI agents had inter who saw the whole thing.” his home; he spent the night at my viewed Mrs.
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