Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 2021 3-10-2021 Daily Eastern News: March 10, 2021 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2021_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 10, 2021" (2021). March. 8. https://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2021_mar/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 2021 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STUDENT SENATE HOME OPENER Eastern's Student Senate will talk about a food The Eastern baseball beat Bellarm1ne pantry resolution in their meeting Wednesday. 8-1 Tuesday in their home opener. PAGE 5 PAGE 8 AILY STERN EWS Wednesday, March 10, 2021 "TELL THE TRUTH AND DON'T BE AFRAID " VOL. 105 NO. 110 Faculty Sen. -Spike Ball on the quad talks degree changes, COE-goals By Corryn Brock News Editor I @corryn_brock The Faculty Senate discussed a propos­ al regarding upper division and residency re­ quirements during its meeting Tuesday after­ noon. ----•• Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Josh Norman and Vice Chair of the Faculty Senate Jeffery Stowell intro­ duced the proposal and led a discussion on it. The proposal recommends reducing res­ idency hour requirements to align Eastern with its peers and make the university more competitive with other universities in the re­ gion for transfer students. The requirement to graduate with a degree that says Eastern Illinois Unive.isity is 42 credits from the university. However, 8 of the 12 public universities in Illinois have fewer hours required. Currently, three hours of the residency re­ quirement can be waived and six hours of the upper division requirement can be waived. Stowell and Norman recommend decreas­ ing that number to 30 hours, which is paral­ ZACH BERGER I THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS lel to other universities in Illinois. The pair Patrick Mallaney (left), a freshman physics and astronomy major, Mason Bonds (left center), a freshman engineering technology believes this will increase Eastern's market­ major, Michael Barth (right center), a sophomore finance major, and Jack Drueke (right), a sophomore construction manage­ ability. ment major, enjoy the nice weather by playing spikeball in the south quad. "Any way that we can align ourselves with our peers to take some of the burden off of the perspective students is going to make us more competitive," Norman said. Norman said Eastern's transfer enrollments are small. He said this is due to many trans­ Hello Dali gives stud-ellts the fers being sensitive to proximity meaning I that they are more likely to transfer to a uni­ versity near them. He said the area Eastern is located in can chance to try improv comedy affect the number of students interested in transferring to the university. By Kyara Morales-Rodriguez He added that that is not the only thing Campus Reporter I@DEN_News that may draw potential students to Eastern. "If they're your traditional vertical trans­ March 4 at 8:30 pm, Hello Dali, presented fer, they're coming because they're cost sen­ "Top o' the Dali to Ya," an improv comedy sitive." show to the Eastern community. Both Norman and Stowell agreed that With limited seating in order to follow so­ the proposal comes down to two important cial distancing guidelines, the show was held things, being efficient and offering the best in the Doudna Lecture Hall. The improv experience they can to prospective students. comedy group also provided an online for­ "Let's serve our students better, let's create mat for viewing the show: a livestream of the some efficiency and let's become more com­ performance via Facebook Live on their EIU petitive in the marketplace," Norman said. Hello Dali Facebook page. "Especially when we look at those residen­ The comedy show featured performances cy hours." by Eastern students using nicknames such as "Especially with the other universities, we "Da Beez," "Lightnin' Bolton," and "Shim­ are way out of market." my-Shimmy." The Senate also discussed that with the The Hello Dali performers did multiple current requirement students who transfer separate show segments, or games, putting in are not able to graduate in two semesters the performers in different plots and making which is often what they intend to do. them play interesting characters. The proposal would need to go before the One game, for example, had two charac­ Council on Academic to be officially consid­ ters complete the mundane task of doing the ered. The purpose of presenting the proposal laundry for who the characters called The was to be informative and get perspective on Commissioner. Another game had two char­ how others viewed the proposal. acters play out a scene doing whatever ran­ College of Education Dean Laretta Hen­ dom stage directions were yelled at them by derson also spoke to the Senate as a guest to their fell~w improvisers. KYARA MORALES-RODRIGUEZ I THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS discuss her college. Members of Eastern's registered student organization Hello Dali play "Let's Make a Date" in HEL~O DALI, page _s • which they improvise a dating game show skit. SENATE, page 5 THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS I AP NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1Or 2021 ~~~~~A~~H~!~~! IST A TE AND NATION THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (SJ <ii? COurt of Eiden dog Major in doghouse Cloudy Rainy High: 69° High: ss· WASHINGTON (AP) - President Biden, said Tuesday in an email. · son last month. The dogs are allowed to Low: 49• Low: s1· Appeals Joe Biden has Major trouble. Jill Biden has been preoccupied with run around on the South Lawn, she said. Family dogs Major and Champ have getting the German shepherds settled in Their favorite spot is "wherever we been banished from the White House at the White House, which can be a dif­ .are. Even if my door's closed, they're sit­ rules in for a doggie time out in Delaware after ficult place even for a human to get used ting right outside the door like, 'Let me Major caused a "minor injury" to a Se-. to. The president said a few weeks ago in, let me in,"' Jill Biden said. cret Service agent. that even he is still getting used to the CNN reported late Monday, cit­ THE DAILY f f White House press secretary Jen Psa­ trappings of his office. ing unidentified sources, that the dogs EASTERN NEws avor o . ki explained the canine caper Tuesday "I've been obsessed with getting our were sent to Delaware after Major was by saying the dogs "are still getting accli­ dogs settled because we have (an) old involved in a "biting incident" with an "Tell the truth and don't be afraid." mated and accustomed to their new sur­ dog and we have a very young dog," unidentified White House security team roundings and new people." the first lady told talk-show host Kelly member. Madigan "On Monday, the first family's young­ Clarkson in a recent interview. Kitty Block, president and CEO The Daily Eastern News 1802 Buzzard Hall er dog Major was surprised by an unfa­ "They have to take the elevator. of the Humane Society of the Unit­ II CHICAGO (AP) - The U.S. Eastern Illinois University ■ miliar person and reacted in a way that They're not used to that. They have to ed States, said serious dog bites are rare Charleston, ll 61920 Court of Appeals ruled Monday in a resulted in a minor injury to the indi­ go out on the South Lawn with lots of and that owners can reduce the likeli­ 217-581-2812 ,ase involving former Illinois House vidual, which was handled by the White people watching them," she said. "So, hood of a bite or other accident by get­ 217-581-2923 (fax) speaker Michael Madigan that it House medical unit, with no furthi:r you know, that's what I've been obsessed ting to know the canines and the signals doesn't have the authority to penalize treatment needed," Psaki said. with, just getting everybody settled and they send when they're scared or feeling a politician for unethical actions vot­ She would not confirm that a Se­ calm." stressed. News Staff Advertising ers tolerate. cret Service agent was injured in Mon­ Major, who is about 3 years old, burst Like humans, some dogs adapt to Staff Jason Gonzales contended in a law­ day's incident, but an administration of­ onto the national scene late last year af­ new environments quickly while others Editor-in-Chief suit that Madigan planted.sham candi­ ficial later said an agent was Major's vic­ . ter Biden slipped during doggie playtime may need weeks or a few months, Block AdamTumino Faculty Advisers [email protected] dates on the ballot to ensure he would tim. The agent was not seriously injured, at home near Wilmington and broke a said. Editorial Adviser Lola Burnham defeat Gonzales' challenge in the 2016 said the official, who was not authorized bone in his right foot. "Introducing dogs slowly to new Democratic primary. to comment publicly and spoke to The The Bidens adopted Major in 20 I 8 rooms, environments and people can Photo Adviser News Editor The Chicago Tribune reports Madi­ Associated Press on the condition ofan­ from the Delaware Humane Associa­ help make the adjustment period Brian Poulter Corryn Brock gan received 65% of the vote in the pri­ onymity. tion. smoother," she said in an email, adding dennewsdesk@ Website Adviser mary, and Gonzales received 27%.
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