United States Department of Agriculture T R A V E L P L A N N E R Forest Service CLEARWATER NEZ PERCE COUNTRY ★ Gospel-Hump Wilderness, Nez Perce National Forest A guide to recreational opportunities on public lands in north central Idaho WELCOM E! ROAD AND TRAIL ACCESS # No rth c e n tra l Id a h o is d iv e rs e , in te re s tin g a n d Many roads and trails on national forests are open b e a u tifu l. W e w e lc o m e y o u r to enjoy. Some modes of travel may be restricted to in te re s t in th e a re a . It is a protect areas sensitive for big-game animals like elk. p le a s u re to p ro v id e in fo r- Other times, roads and trails are closed during wet m a tio n to h e lp y o u p la n weather to prevent roadbed damage and erosion. In y o u r v is it. If y o u h a v e q u e s tio n s , p le a s e some specific instances, certain types of travel are c o n ta c t u s a t a n y C le a rw a te r o r Ne z restricted to insure public safety. A forest travel P e rc e Na tio n a l F o re s t o ffic e . A d d re s s e s map and access travel guide, available at Forest a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs a re o n th e b a c k Service offices, will help explain these restrictions. o f th is b ro c h u re . WILDERNESS Congress designated the Selway-Bitterroot, the CAM PING Frank Church-River of No Return, the Gospel- There are over 70 campgrounds available for your Hump and the Hells Canyon Wildernesses to enjoyment. There are some length-of-stay regula- preserve their wild character. To help safeguard the tions on both forests (14-day camping limit). W hen naturalness of the Wilderness, some activities are camping outside developed campgrounds on not allowed: the use of motorized or mechanized national forest lands, please follow these guidelines: equipment or vehicles, and the building of any Choose a site 200 feet from trails and water. structures. There are exceptions to allow quick Use existing fire grates and fire rings when response to emergencies and administration of the building campfires. You don’t need a permit for a area. campfire. However, when fire danger is high, there may be campfire restrictions. FIRE M ANAGEMENT Pack out all trash, both yours and others’. Fire in a forested environment can be perceived as Leave no trace of your stay. both a constructive and a destructive force. We Bury human waste in a 6-8” “cat hole.” know the destructive nature of fire, how it can destroy both structures and resources. Fire is also PETS used to maintain forest health and improve wildlife In developed campgrounds, pets must remain on a habitat. A “wildland fire use” program allows leash. Outside developed campgrounds, pets lightning-caused fires to play out their natural role should be under voice control. according to certain guidelines and regulations. DRINKING WATER Because of the high occurrence of fire in this area, hazy and smoky conditions may be encountered Water from developed systems at recreation sites is evenings and early mornings, especially in late safe to drink. Water from springs, lakes, ponds and summer. streams should not be consumed without proper treatment. Because water can be scarce during dry OUTFITTED SERVICES summer months, it’s a good idea to carry extra There are a variety of services offered by outfitters water. and guides for visitors who want to experience ACCESSIBILITY back-country recreational opportunities. For further information, contact the Idaho Outfitters and It is our goal to provide access to persons with Guides Association. disabilities. Many of our fee campgrounds are universally accessible. SWIM M ING There are no managed swimming areas and no lifeguards. Please be careful. 2 LOCATOR MAP IDAHO To Coeur d'Alene To Spokane Plummer To Coeur d'Alene N St. Maries IDAHO Avery Superior M O N T A NA 95 IDA IDAHO PANHANDLE H 195 O 6 NATIONAL FOREST Red Ives Guard Station CLEARWATER 90 33 NATIONAL Clarkia MALLARD-LARKINS PIONEER AREA WASHINGTON FOREST Hoodoo Pass Giant 447 3 250 Redcedar 31 32 Morris Potlatch 5 Creek Harvard Cedar 382 R. 381 LOLO NATIONAL FOREST Missoula Palouse Grove Canyon 30 Bovill Work Center 6 9 Moose Creek Nor Reservoir Grandad Bridge th 255 93 1969 7 25 29 195 Deary Helmer Elk River 26 22 12 Lolo Troy 35 Fork 28 Kelly 255 Creek 20 8 8 Elk Creek 34 Falls 247 247 . Pullman Moscow 3 Kelly Forks 250 Work Center 99 37 581 Headquarters Clearwater R. Lolo Pass Potlatch R. Cayuse Creek 195 Dworshak CLEARWATER Visitor Center State Park 36 500 95 Kendrick Dent Bridge P -1 11 27 NATIONAL FOREST Whi Colton Dworshak W 569 te Juliaetta Cavendish eit 19 Sand Reservoir 250 as 14 Powell 93 Uniontown Genesee Dworshak 3 Dam Creek 12 3 Creek 2 Cl 18 12 earw ater R. French 107 Pierce Mountain 17 Lenore S Rest Area Orofino 15 16 n a ke R. Peck 21 Musselshell 500 BITTERROOT Spalding Greer Work 12 Nez Perce Weippe 100 Center 103 Lochsa Historical NATIONAL Clarkston Lapwai National 11 Ranger Station 13 Lewiston Historical Park sa River Elk Clearwater 23 FOREST Asotin 1 12 24 Loch Summit Hells Gate Lolo C Hamilton State Park 95 reek 64 SELWAY-BITTERROOT River 500 Snake River WILDERNESS Craigmont 100 129 Nezperce 64 . 101 Kamiah IDAHO 4 Syringa 11 93 62 Kooskia Lowell Middle Fork C 40 learw 41 Anatone Winchester ater River 42 62 8 River State Park Heart 9 10 223 43 Darby 95 of the Stites Selway Monster 38 . 13 39 IDAHO Selway 44 MONTANA Falls WASHINGTON Harpster Cottonwood 45 93 OREGON 443 83 Elk City NEZ PERCE Snake er Salmon . To Lost Riv 64 Wagon NATIONAL Grangeville 284 Trail Pass 90 FOREST Rive 80 55 Road on r 52 81 m 95 50 Elk City/Red River Sal West Fork So uth 61 468 3 Fork 14 60 65 53 Crooked R. White Bird ter River 59 86 88 oBattlefield Clearwa 56 River 221 51 63 234 62 . White Bird 233 66 Orogrande 493 49 . HELLS 46 57 87 Imnaha River 85 CANYON k 468 354 r 69 iver Fo R . NATIONAL d . th e R Imnaha RECREATION Pittsburg 67 Sou Landing 222 GOSPEL-HUMP 58 AREA FRANK CHURCH-RIVER OF NO RETURN 68 WILDERNESS Dixie WILDERNESS Imnaha River 4240 2060A 221 350 Sawpit 48 Hat Saddle 84 Enterprise 241 47 Florence Point Salmon 727 89 . 70 1614 82 92 River . Riggins 91 Joseph 517 Salmon RivSout Heavens h Fork 39 Gate e Hells r Canyon Dam 95 3955 LEGEND U.S. Highway State Campgrounds 39 Paved Road FS/Federal Campgrounds . Rock Surface Road Information Sites iver R Non-Surfaced Road Day Use Sites Copperfield New Meadows 162 State Highway o Special Areas 86 71 Snake To McCall 468 Main Forest Road FS Headquarters To Halfway Wilderness, Pioneer, River EGON OR National Recreation Area 95 U.S. Forest Boundary State Boundary 71 O IDAH Cambridge 95 To Boise 3 HOW TO USE THE TRAVEL PLANNER North central Idaho is diverse. This travel This corridor map shows information planner will help you choose the recreational regarding specific types of road (highway, experience that suits you. Options range from paved, gravel, etc.). International symbols single-lane dirt roads to a two-lane federal show placement of campgrounds, picnic highway winding through a wild and scenic areas, lookouts, ranger stations and visitor river corridor. facilities. To find out the meaning of a particular symbol on the corridor map, refer to the legend on page 3. This map locates the corridor. The numbers on the grid correspond to the In each corridor write-up, you will find a numbered symbols on the corridor map. description of the unique characteristics of Each listing on the grid includes basic the corridor, basic road information and a list information about the site, how many units of possible activities. and what facilities are available. 4 UBCMF!!PG!!DPOUFOUT XFMDPNF!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3 MPDBUPS NBQ!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////4 :6 IPX UP VTFUIFUSBWFM QMBOOFS!///////////////////////////////////5 UBCMFPG DPOUFOUT!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////6 IJHIXBZ!25!DPSSJEPS //////////27.28 23 DPSSJEPS!NBQ//////////////////////////27 DPSSJEPS!HSJE/////////////////////////27 Tbo eqpjou :6 BCPVU!IJHIXBZ!25!BOEWBSJPVT QBMPVTF!DPSSJEPS ////////////7.8 :6 D p fv s!e( Bmfo f DPSSJEPS!NBQ/////////////////////7 TJEFUSJQT////////////////////////////////28 Njttp v mb Nptdp x DPSSJEPS!HSJE////////////////////7 Ps pgjo p Lbn2jb3i Mp xf mm BCPVUUIF!QBMPVTF//////////////8 Hs bo hf wjmmf Sjhhjo t Of x!Nfbep xt :6 Cp jtf :6 Je bip !Gbmmt Qp dbuf mmp Uxjo !Gbmmt NBHSVEFS!SE/!DPSSJEPS ///////29.2: 23 DPSSJEPS!NBQ//////////////////////////29 DPSSJEPS!HSJE//////////////////////////29 :6 O/!GPSL!DMFBSXBUFS!SJWFS :6 BCPVU!NBHSVEFS!SPBE//////////////2: DPSSJEPS /////////////////////////9.: DPSSJEPS!NBQ/////////////////////9 23 DPSSJEPS!HSJE////////////////////9 BCPVUUIF!O/!GPSL!DMFBSXBUFS :6 SJWFS /////////////////////////////////: :6 TBMNPOSJWFS0IJHIXBZ!:6 DPSSJEPS!/////////////////////////31.32 23 DPSSJEPS!NBQ//////////////////////////31 :6 DPSSJEPS!HSJE/////////////////////////31 MPMP!USBJM!DPSSJEPS //////21.22 :6 BCPVU!IJHIXBZ!:6!BOEWBSJPVTTJEF DPSSJEPS!NBQ/////////////////////21 USJQT///////////////////////////////////////32 DPSSJEPS!HSJE////////////////////21 23 BCPVUUIF!MPMP!USBJM/////////22 :6 :6 IFMMT!DBOZPO!DPSSJEPS //////33.34 23 DPSSJEPS!NBQ/////////////////////////33 DPSSJEPS!HSJE////////////////////////33 :6 IJHIXBZ!23!DPSSJEPS /////23.26 :6 BCPVU!IFMMT!DBOZPO///////////////34 DPSSJEPS!NBQ////////////////23.24 :6 DPSSJEPS!HSJE///////////////23.24 23 BCPVU!IJHIXBZ!23!BOEUIF!TFMXBZ SJWFS ////////////////////////////25.26 :6 JOGPSNBUJPO!TPVSDFT ///////////////////////////////////////////////35 6 G SandpointG 95 G G Coeur d'Alene GMissoula GMoscow G Orofino THE PALOUSE CORRIDOR G GKamiah 12G Lowell GGrangeville GRiggins G New Meadows 95 To Coeur d' Alene G Boise G Idaho Falls Plummer G Pocatello Twin Falls y G St.
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