Evaluation and application of microsatellites for population identification of Fraser River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Item Type article Authors Beacham, Terry D.; Candy, John R.; Supernault, K. Janine; Wetklo, Michael; Deagle, Bruce; Labaree, Karen; Irvine, James R.; Miller, Kristina M.; Nelson, R. John; Withler, Ruth E. Download date 03/10/2021 12:51:16 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/30974 243 Abstract–Variation at 13 microsat­ Evaluation and application of microsatellites ellite loci was previously surveyed in approximately 7400 chinook salmon for population identification of Fraser River (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) sampled from 50 localities in the Fraser River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) drainage in southern British Colum­ bia. Evaluation of the utility of the Terry D. Beacham microsatellite variation for popula­ tion-specific stock identification appli­ John R. Candy cations indicated that the accuracy K. Janine Supernault of the stock composition estimates generally improved with an increasing Michael Wetklo number of loci used in the estimation procedure, but an increase in accuracy Bruce Deagle was generally marginal after eight loci Karen Labaree were used. With 10–14 populations in a simulated fishery sample, the mean James R. Irvine error in population-specific estimated Kristina M. Miller stock composition with a 50-popula- tion baseline was <1.4%. Identification R. John Nelson of individuals to specific populations was highest for lower Fraser River and Ruth E. Withler lower and North Thompson River popu­ Department of Fisheries and Oceans lations; an average of 70% of the indi­ Pacific Biological Station vidual fish were correctly assigned to 3190 Hammond Bay Road specific populations. The average error Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada V9T 6N7 of the estimated percentage for the E-mail address (for T. D. Beacham): [email protected] seven populations present in a coded- wire tag sample was 2% per population. Estimation of stock composition in the lower river commercial net fishery prior to June is of key local fishery manage­ ment interest. Chinook salmon from the Chilcotin River and Nicola River drain- ages were important contributors to the early commercial fishery in the lower Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshaw- Effective management of fisheries river because they comprised approxi- ytscha) are widely distributed within within major drainages like the Fraser mately 50% of the samples from the net the Fraser River drainage, spawning River generally requires information on fishery prior to mid April. Mid Fraser in tributaries ranging from the head- timing of return of specific populations, River populations were the dominant waters to near the mouth of the river. should managers wish to change exploi- group of chinook salmon in the catch in April and comprised at least 30% of There is substantial variation in life tation rates on specific populations for the catch until late May. Upper Fraser history features among populations conservation purposes. To acquire this River populations did not occur in any within the drainage; populations vary information is a particularly daunting significant proportions in the fishery in size at maturity, timing of spawn- task within the Fraser River because until the last week of April. By late May, ing, and juvenile freshwater residence. chinook salmon spawn in approximately they were the dominant contributors to Juveniles (largely from the Harrison 65 tributaries of the Fraser River (Fra- the lower river fishery, and by June River population) can migrate directly ser et al., 1982). Maturing adults from generally comprised approximately to the marine environment after these populations return annually to the 70% of the weekly catch. Microsatellite fry emerge in the spring or perhaps Fraser River throughout the year—the variation allows accurate estimation develop in nonnatal tributaries in the majority of fish returning from February of population-specific contributions to lower river fisheries. lower river (Murray and Rosenau, through November. For management 1989). Juveniles from some popula- purposes, Fraser River chinook salmon tions migrate to the ocean during the are currently divided into three groups first summer of rearing (“ocean-type”), based on their migration timing into whereas in other populations juveniles the lower river: the spring run consists remain in fresh water for a year or of all populations where at least 50% of longer (“stream-type”) before migrat- the individuals are estimated to migrate ing to the ocean (Fraser et al., 1982). through the lower river before 15 July; Management for conservation of genetic the summer run consists of populations Manuscript accepted 22 October 2002. diversity within the drainage requires that migrate through the lower river Manuscript received 31 December 2002 knowledge of genetic variation among from 15 July to 31 August; and the fall at NMFS Scientific Publications Office. populations, as well as population-spe- run consists of populations that migrate Fish. Bull. 101(2):243–259 (2003). cific information from fisheries. through the lower river primarily in 244 Fishery Bulletin 101(2) September and October (DFO1,2). However, the adequacy of and has been shown to be useful in stock discrimination in managing Fraser River chinook salmon based upon run tim­ chinook salmon (Banks et al., 2000), we chose to survey vari­ ing is currently under review (Candy et al.3), and changes ation at microsatellite loci for Fraser River chinook salmon in management objectives are likely. During their migra­ (Beacham et al., 2003) and evaluate and apply the variation tion through the lower river, chinook salmon are exploited to practical problems of stock identification. by several distinct fisheries, among them commercial net In the current study, we surveyed variation at 13 mi­ fisheries, and the recreational fishery. crosatellite loci and evaluated the utility of using micro- Conservation concerns for specific populations requires satellite variation for stock identification of Fraser River more information on timing of returns beyond the present chinook salmon. These procedures were accomplished by designations of “spring,” “summer,” and “fall.” Timing of analysis of simulated mixtures and application to a sample some specific populations through the lower river can be of chinook salmon that had previously been marked with inferred from their arrival on the spawning grounds. For coded-wire tags. We evaluate the accuracy of identifying example, chinook from the Birkenhead River (about 300 individuals to population and region of origin. We also es­ km from the Fraser River mouth) have historically sup- timate stock compositions from fisheries in the lower river ported a local recreational fishery on that river in April to determine the timing and relative abundance of specific and early May (Fraser et al., 1982), indicating a very early populations through the fishery. timing of passage through the lower Fraser River. Coded- wire tagging (CWT) has been conducted on some enhanced populations, but these populations have been limited in Materials and methods scope given the size of the drainage, and coded-wire tag returns within the Fraser River have provided limited Collection of baseline DNA samples and information on the timing of population returns. laboratory analysis Stock or population identification of chinook salmon migrating through the lower river is a continuing issue of Genomic DNA was extracted from either liver, scales, oper­ management concern, and until recently there has been no culum punches, or fin clips from chinook salmon sampled effective way to provide estimates of population composi­ between 1987 and 1998 by using the phenol-chloroform pro­ tion in the detail required by fishery managers. Although tocol of Miller et al. (1996) (early extractions) or the chelex allozyme-based methods of stock identication have proven resin protocol of Small et al. (1998) (later extractions) (Table useful in estimation of chinook salmon stock composition 1, Fig. 1). Samples were derived from adults in all areas in mixed-stock fisheries (Shaklee et al., 1999), the level of except the McGregor River, where because of the difficulty population discrimination available in the Fraser River was of obtaining adults, juveniles were sampled. For the survey not sufficient for population-specific applications. Chinook of baseline populations, PCR products at six microsatel­ salmon returning to spawn in specific rivers were consid­ lite loci—Ots100, Ots101, Ots102, Ots104, Ots107 (prim­ ered as populations in our analysis, whereas stocks were a ers outlined by Nelson and Beacham, 1999) and Ssa197 collection of populations from a particular geographic area (O’Reilly et al., 1996)—were initially size-fractionated on or management unit. Minisatellite variation has been very nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels by staining with 0.5 effective in discriminating among individual Fraser River mg/mL ethidium bromide in water and illuminating with populations (Beacham et al., 1996), but we considered this ultraviolet light. Nelson et al. (1998) have provided a more technology not practical because of the cost and the time complete description of gel electrophoretic conditions.Three required for laboratory analysis. Any new technology em­ 20-bp marker lanes were run on each gel, and the size of ployed had to meet these criteria: rapidity of analysis, mod­ the amplified alleles was determined from the molecular erate cost, and ability to discriminate
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