Established 1865 VOL. 34, NO. 38 $1 HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 South Board irrigation shutoff to begin Oct. 11 Agricultural producers who rely on project’s south end on Tuesday, Oct. which has a capacity of 714,000 acre- 2-cent-per-acre increase in assessments the Owyhee Project only have a couple 15. feet — enough irrigation water for two when bills arrive in late fall. weeks of water left. Irrigation water for Homedale city growing seasons — was 64 percent For more information on the SBOC, South Board of Control manager residents will cease on Friday, Oct. full. The man-made lake held 469,516 call the offi ce in Homedale at (208) John Eells confi rmed Monday that the 11. acre-feet of water. 337-3760. 2019 irrigation season will end on the On Monday, the Owyhee Reservoir, Eells also said that irrigators will see a — JPB Change comes NEW FLAG FLYING School board to Marsing’s incumbents Homecoming fi le write-in Main Street work necessitates new candidacies parade route City election write-in deadline is Oct. 8 As a result of the ongoing construction projects in Marsing, The races are set for myriad taxing Homecoming week will have a slightly district elections scheduled for Nov. different plan than previous years. 5. The annual tradition, organized by After Friday’s write-in candidacy the student council and celebrated deadline passed, there were a few by high schools everywhere, will additions to the pool of candidates for commence next week, culminating in taxing district governing boards. the Homecoming dance in the district’s Write-in candidacies for municipal cafeteria from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on elections in Homedale, Marsing and Saturday, Oct. 5. Grand View will be accepted at the This year’s theme is board games respective city halls until Oct. 8. and retro-video games. Some write-in candidates were The Homecoming parade route will incumbents who hadn’t fi led in time change this year. to get their names on the taxing district The parade, which is open to all ballots: classes, clubs, and organizations, will • Bruneau-Grand View School begin at 2:20 p.m., on Thursday, Oct. District — Incumbent Allen Merrick 3, and take a decidedly different route (Zone 2) will face a challenge from than in the past. Sara Ramirez in a strictly write-in The parade will begin by the high election. Merrick is the current board school Ag shop, run north on 8th Avenue vice-chair West then west on Main Street, south Board of trustees chair Scott McNeley on 9th Avenue West, before fi nishing (Zone 4) fi led a write-in petition in at the football fi eld for the spirit rally Elmore County, and he’s running assembly at 2:40 p.m. unopposed for re-election. Homecoming royalty will be Both positions have four-year introduced on the night of Oct. 3 during terms. the intermission between the Huskies’ • Bruneau Fire District — Zone 2 junior varsity and varsity volleyball incumbent Reed Markham has fi led matches against Nampa Christian. a write-in candidacy form as has Homecoming candidates include: challenger Jacob Kunsky. They’re King (seniors) — Caden Freeman, seeking a four-year term. Wylliam Moore, Merrick Hall, Michael • Castleford School District — One Amaya, and Joaquin Oliveros additional write-in race between Queen (seniors) — Emily Loucks, Local VFW donates new fl ag to senior center incumbent Jason Nuñes and Melissa Autumn Bennett, Caitlin Embry, Samuel C. Phillips III VFW Post 11065 Trustee Ricardo Fernandez Inchausti will result in a mail ballot Natalie Van Hout, and Jessica Sevy raises the new fl ag donated by the post to the Homedale Senior Center precinct in Bruneau. Junior boys — Kolton Scott, Rodney on Thursday, while Sr. Vice-Cmdr. Don Griffen salutes. See Page 7A for Owyhee County Deputy Clerk more context. –– See Marsing, page 4A –– See Candidates, page 3A Subscribe today Park festival continues, Pg. 2A: Results from Adrian shindig Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered PA goes paperless, Pg. 9A: Appointed attorney eyes digital fi les directly to you each Wednesday Health fair, Pg. 12A: Organizations pool resources in Marsing Only $37.10 (incl. post. & tax) in Owyhee County Call 337-4681 Tune-up for Fruitland, Pg. 1B: Trojans run over Filer on road Obituary, 6A • Looking Back, 4B • Commentary, 6-7B Page 2A Wednesday, September 25, 2019 TWO RIVERS PARK ENTERS SECOND DECADE Two Rivers Park Festival Saturday’s results Ford Model A, Vale, Ore.; Held in Adrian Rick Strawn, 1920 Buick K44 roadster, Fruitland; Dick Chili cook-off and Rina Curtis, 1932 Ford Judging — 1. Adrian roadster, Kuna; Clara Page, Community Church, Susan 1935 Ford pickup, Vale; McCarty; 2. Hillbilly Chili, Hank and Keri Bennett, 1937 Dirk Miller; 3. Chili Dawgs, Plymouth business coupe, LaRae Findling; 4. Malheur Ontario; Doug Anderson, 1967 Drug, Bill Sperry. 5. Dave’s Dodge Coronet R/T, Parma; Crew, Dave Smith Jay and Dee Harper, 1956 People’s choice — Hillbilly Ford Thunderbird, Parma; Chili Larry Reipma, 1964 Chevy Best booth — Chili Dawgs Impala SS, Huntington, Ore.; Phil Bowden, 1950 Chevy Classics on the Grass 3100 pickup, Payette; Jim car show Christoph, 1935 Chevy Tudor, First place (In memory of Meridian; Jim Ferenz, 1938 Dennis Daugherty, co-creator Plymouth coupe, Nampa; Middleton resident Bruce Stewart won the fi rst-place award in the Classics on the Grass car show of Two Rivers Park with Carl Frank Pratt, 1965 Buick for his bright 1955 Chevrolet 3100 pickup. The trophy was given in memory of Dennis Daugherty, Lee Hill) — Bruce Stewart, Wildcat, Caldwell; Daryl a co-creator with Carl Lee Hill of Adrian’s Two Rivers Park. Photo by Bob Radford Middleton, 1955 Chevrolet DeGranger, 1958 Chevy 3100 pickup Impala sport coupe, Boise; Second place — Peter Dan and Jonna Rohl, 1961 Sather, Ontario, Ore., 1969 Chevy Impala, Wilder; Chyel Chevy Camaro Harris, 1954 Chevy Bel- Other awards — Ray Air, Ontario; Ron and Tracy Miller, 1929 Ford pickup; Steward, 1956 Dodge Coronet, David Parr, 1934 Chevy sedan, Nampa; Damiana Uberuaga, Emmett; Ken Wiggins, 1930 1955 Chevy pickup, Boise A community taste-tester patiently waits as a helping of MC Chili is served up at the Dave’s Crew booth during the 11th annual Two Rivers Park Festival’s chili cook-off Saturday in Adrian. Folks added to the Adrian 2040 wish list for what they want to see in the community in the next 20 years, and they also got a glimpse at the high school’s track of dreams. 337-5588 Open 7:30 am - 6 pm A&S Lumber Monday - Friday & Supply 8 am - 5 pm Saturday 328 Hwy 95 in Homedale STOVE PELLETS /80%(5,1 672&. PRE-SEASON SALE! )5(((67,0$7(6 Save on American Eagle & Rocky Canyon Stove Pellets :DVS Fly Spray )$//&/($183 :HKDYHEXJFRQWURO 5$.(6:+((/%$552:6 7D[3ODQQLQJ:HDOWK0DQDJHPHQW$FFRXQWLQJ6HUYLFHV5HWLUHPHQW3ODQQLQJ 6SUD\V7UDSV0DVNV 0RUH 7$536/$:1%$*6 025( Propane Tanks ntr’s & Sum Filled Here! Wy r’s ZZZSDUNHUDGYLVRUVFRP 6WRUDJH8QLWV New Stock Arriving Weekly &RPLQJ6RRQ Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Page 3A Deputy fi nds THC wax, Sheriff’s offi ce 911 coordinator, marijuana on traffi c stop dispatch chief gets quick pay raise A Nevada man faces two the deputy found 5.5 grams of misdemeanor drug charges the wax, 2.5 grams of mari- BOCC adds time dispatcher after the hir- the court. after a routine traffi c stop. juana, a marijuana pipe, and ing of Lori Shepherd, who Foster, a drug and alcohol Owyhee County Sheriff’s a bag with methamphetamine probation offi ce has over 20 years of dispatch counselor for the Idaho De- Chief Deputy Lynn Bowman residue. experience and is retired from partment of Juvenile Correc- said that John Moreno, 61, of Moreno faces misdemeanor contract position Canyon County Sheriff’s Of- tions, has been contracted to Dyer, Nev., was pulled over charges of possession of a fi ce. conduct victim services, group for speeding in a 1990 Mit- controlled substance and pos- The Owyhee County Sher- Shepherd’s effective hire and individual classes, and as- subishi on U.S. Highway 95, session of drug paraphernalia. iff’s Offi ce has made some date was Thursday. sessments of probationers or at milepost 24 southwest of He was booked and re- staffi ng moves in recent Shepherd has experience candidates for probation. Marsing. leased. weeks. with National Incident-Based According to the agreement, According to the deputy on Moreno will be arraigned at The Board of County Com- Reporting System (NIBRS), Foster has qualifi cations that the scene, the smell of mari- 9 a.m., on Monday, Oct. 7, be- missioners also signed off and currently has a full-time are beyond those held by any juana could be detected com- fore Magistrate Judge Shane on a pay raise for OCSO’s job but has expressed interest employee in the probation ing from Moreno’s vehicle. Darrington at the courthouse 911 coordinator and dispatch in becoming a full-time dis- department and are specifi c Moreno admitted to possess- in Murphy. manager. patcher with Owyhee County. enough to justify the county ing THC wax. After a search, — TK Sarah Kipper, who began She replaces Kelli Lathrop, seeking her services. her position on Aug. 13, was who had to step away from Foster will be paid $30 per authorized a pay increase from OCSO because of Public Em- hour for professional services, $16.22 to $21.09 per hour. ployee Retirement System of and the term of the agreement From page 1A Sheriff Perry Grant said Idaho (PERSI) regulations re- runs until Oct.
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