~:W^:'y y-:-- |;RIDAY,J4t5\'i:MBER 1, 1967 1 E ttfttittg ' Ifp ra lB " /” :■ ': - ‘‘A Aycrage:Daity Net Press Run ,jyy. w - :- . e .Daily Net Press Run - ) ^ \ ' - X ' • ' ' -y ' <Th«t Ii* WsmthoiiTVemtlicr Fori-or thd WoSkWodk EndedEpded ■ a a. ' A A. ■ i * '.aX S '* 4 T/- .. i'x . 1 • . _rseoeaet'af____ .a^Zti ES . ?S . .WaMIHr Bm nm , in BupMhgham Ladies Aid So* 3 5 Optobw 26, 1957 ^ety sriil open its Rkrveat supper V Ooeaaloaal mig ok drlndo About Town. and fair tomorrow at 1T80.0-'.the. ra ■/ c^^irch, with supper at tiiiP« sit­ y : 12,670 today a i|i tapIgM^- eaUBag :«airfay. ' :.iaiW ^'.fUb*lwh' tibdit*'’ liheets tings, 6,'6 and.lp.m.' . y . ' . Member of tho Aadlt'^ midday. S |^ elebiM|^’lata 1,800 Cpnfirrh / . / -m m -X-i'^'BUroau of CIreaUtioli 'll^lRSi|7 iBlht 1" Odd Tellp«-8 h«u. -.fi"'*II ... ■•■*./• y yy tM■ .day, eAaage in ., KcuAmN "trif rwnln^id' to bring Mrs. Doris Beldlns/of the .Cen­ 1 ' ]j: \ M imcheuer^4,chy * / Village CUartn u^fadM for t)ib rut^agc sale ter Thespians will sHend the East­ CD Stipportl •^IKbilbd'9Vid«j;. Vacation gifts ern Stalea_,TheajCT AasPi confer- X ■ ^for. tSi auctloii tan'atao be turned tsnce tomorrdw^tn New York City, ■ ■ - H — \ / VOL. LXXVir; NO. 29 (Claaetfled Adverttslag oa Pago 10) MANCHESTER, VdNN.„ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1957, (TWELVE PAGEB7 PIU CB ' la a t'th ia ,t^ e . Mrs.-'Nellie Kfc* a^ art e le c t^ delegate from the Civil Defense enrollm^l ^ n -j AlHaUr >W<d i ^ committed -*ill ConneCticuL'Assdciated Little The- firnfation cards hSve been/Humt to| ifre^nienta fallowing the aterSj Incy'Burton E. Moore of thej ipore than L^OO Manrhestrf^.piti-j w etfeg. ^ Covent^ flayers, president of sens. Col. John A. Rega, tocal ,ct)' VanRaake ALT^/will aisp attend as a dele- director, reported this Wwk. La The'Oraeti. Thumb Oaidcn Club g t y ' >, According to RegaValf petsons i | fa b r ic S ppiet will meat I f t^ a y a t-8 p.n»- at the who" had previoiisly' enrolled in | > M Qominunlty T. ktra. Wirren G. Roberta LoCktvpt^, a sophomore Civil Defense hery are asked to] New Store Hours: Waiacy, a member of t ^ Wethe: confirm their coi^nued service by;| On Lincohi at • the T'eachefs College of Con­ GEQVES sABAs : .fleld Garden Club, m il give/' a; necticut, New pritalH. has been returning the cArds to him. Thej M oscow dernienatratlon of w e d maMriaT elected corresponding secretary , of local CD groiipbas recently reor- ganlied imd^Rega. named to the] *ft»r bouQueta and ideas for/Christ- the College Theater, student dra­ Beginning Monday^ No­ For Zeller X' 'litaa decorating, y matic group at thp school. poat in August, and an advisory] Photo Curb council «;SS formed several weeks | S hort, mediuiTi And longer le n g A x ^ \ . #Mo8cow, N ov. 2 (JP)— A s f ^ r t at'-'struggle d the ago. / Hartford, Nov. 2 (A^)—State this capital awaited filial word Syriaiupeople and qf ill Arab peo ^H am ben -df^G ibb^ Assembly. vember^ 4th^ HALE’S .slip-on gloves jn many ,styleK' pies. Tbkx Chinese government Is Chicago, Nov\ 2 (JP)—Rec­ Cath^fc Ladies og/CoIuntbiM are Finance Commissioner George on the fgte of Marshal Georgi ommended rejecnon by the /-V Miss Chteii Speaks . Double woven cotton or nylon In full agrb^ent with the serious runlnded of the n#ikoriaI Maas for ; J. Conkling todi^ maintained K. Zhukdy, Mao-Tze-tung ar­ warning of the Soviet Union to the nation’s lawyers oY proposals deceased/membehS to be said Sun* will he open every on- that will launder perfect. Colors:''^ '' that Comptroller Fred R. Zel­ aggressors.” . ■ d a y m p m j* at 11 o'clock in StI At IVorlli Church ’ Starts rived today to- join ' world to p erm it photokfaphing, Instruction Series, \Vhite,,rose,'‘blue, beige, eft, ler side-stepped the law when Comniunist leaders in cele- (The text of h i^ ^ m ark s broqd- broadcasting and teleihising of day iinlit Christmas ..., he personally contracted for brating the 40th anniversary caat by Moscow Radio made no A talk on "The Life of a Chines' / mention, of the Zhuk'oy aRuation. court trials yesterdaK ran Christiaif Student” will be given The annual November to Easter the purchase of a new Lincoln of the Bolshevik revolution. Reports circulating in tha.West said headlong Into oppositiorU, by by Mias Janet Chert Monday I ^ h t series on the "Faith and Prac- | car for his use. A full retinue of Russian leaders the relieved defense minlstor w'as news rn^ia spokesmen and'by / o waited to greet the Chinese leader a f 8 O'clock at the meeting /<f the tlce of the Church’.' begins in St. The finance chief teld the law to be blamed fpr atlrring the at least one jurist. Mar>’ s Sunday at 7\p.m. This se-: | Clearly says all such "purchases as he stepped,-from the TU104 Jet Turkish-Syrlan ciials, which Fresh Water Source WSCS of the North. Methodist airliner that had been sent to In a 6,000-word report yester lies of 20 ln.<itructioriS is open to m utt be mado-by the Finance De- seems to have been abandoned aa day, a special committee of the Church. I , partment's- Purchasing Division. Peiping, to fly him here for the y v / Miss Chen, now frAm the H art­ anyone who wants to know more Nov. 7 event. an issue, sometblng upon’ which'-l.A.merlcan Bar Assn, contended «POb RBD n r ford Seminary Foundation, was about lh“ basic faith of tHe Episco­ , He said that Zeller, 'after being Mao seems not to have been filled that regardless of modem tech- > PTA turned down by the Finance De­ They included’ Premier Nikolai bbni in ■China, a daughter of a Con- pal Church. Enquirers arO Invited Bulganin, Communist chief Nikita ' ' niques, courtroorn use of cameras and welconied. Attendance, how-, partment on a request to trade in (Other reports reaching the West and broadcasting equipment would At.:.,.. greggtipna] minister. She was ed­ his BUick Roadmaater for a Lin­ Khrushchev, President Klementl say Zhukov also has been removed ucated there and worked for sev­ ever, is the basir- requiremeht fm: .| Y. Voroshilov and other members divert trUil participants from the all people, young op old. who may coln, went out on his own and from the Communist Party Central proper objectives of the trial,'*. HOLUSTER SCHOOL eral years im Malpya. She received without legal authority and pur­ of the rulfng Presidtiim. Committee and its Presidium and Hartfoird, Nov. 2 (/P)—H artford’s Maxim Silencer Company her*' master's degree- In education be eon.sidering Confirmation, or It is Mao's flrst vlslt'to Moscow Such priettces, the committee Reception ilf previously confirmed' chased the Ltneoin. Is to be exiled tl some minor mill- lio<day announced it has perfected a wa;^ to make m illkm a t AUOITORiUll* ■from the Hartford Seminary and is Laced But Zeller's deputy, Charles P. since 1950, when he came here to tarj- post.) said, would 'Introduce extraneoiia now w'orking at the Congregation­ by a bishop I. ' Harper, angrily stormed back to­ negotiate aii agreement under influences which tend to have a g^Ions of aea water into fresh water'qaickljr^ and that it The .series opens each Sunday 'J Substeens Choose Moscow Radio did not list any Of TUESDAYvNOV. 7 al House in the seminary. day at the charge by. saying: I which the cooperation and friend­ the Sm-let military leaders greet* detrimental psychological effect on cap do it in moat places to compete in iprice vritH reserroir Program Chairman is Mrs. To4n evening with E\-ening Prayer.!! Delicacy "It seems that someone alongy ship between the Soviet Union and ■Ing Mao at the airport, . the Judge and the. as wgU as ■wAter. ■ *' .. ^ 7^E .M . Morley and the Brewster Circle music being provided by St. .Marj-'s! the Smiirtest the line has decided that elective Communist China flourished. • \ • But the downgrading of Marshal hi.; lawyers and This has been a goal of experimentei^ .and ei^neera it members will be the hostesses. Boy's Choir, Choir. Director Syd-! | state officials shall be divided-in­ : Mao greeted Bulganin, Khrush­ ney MacAlpine repb-ts that th e ' Zhukov became increasingly obvl-1 7, , , , .. ages; it.Competes '^th any other adentific advanc* In ua Darned clever, the gentle to claaaes-first. and second class chev and VoroAllov as "dear com­ ous in the feverish pre-celebration I Issue is Canon 35 or the group has acquired manv new hoys —Cadlllac'and Bulck class. rades." praised the launching of the promise of benefitfi to mankind. / . * ^ ' this fall. i| in Clothes , Mandarin collar, sparkling afetivlHes in th e, Soviet capital ! ABA'S canons of Judicial e tM ^ « pearl-like buttons and lace "I. would say that the Rtate Kartji's first artificial satellite and Zhukov did not attend three offi-’ 20-year-Old code, which thoOlht • Dry, or water-ahoi^ parts of the World—and much (^ the Following the service tho.se in i | ruffled inset! JUDY BOND'S Comptroller is just as important said the Soviet Uhlon h.Ki "moved cial functions involving the top' binding, has been ^opted U nit^ States ia slipping into that cldsa—are presenton / OCR NEW DRV OLEANING LACNDRY SERVICE attendance will be asked to ad-; trib u te to your good, taste is as the Lieutenant Governor into the lead among! all countries Soyiel' military leadership yester some State ’Supreme'.Courts and' vast oceans as a never-falling reservoir.
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