HISTORY OF 24TH INFANTRY DIVISION IN TARO LEAF INDEX Compiled By: Larry W. Gay, George Company, 19th Infantry Regiment. 24th Infantry Division Historian, 2004‐2009. NOTES: 1. The Event column identifies what the entry is about. 2. Date of event is by Year/Month/Day when applicable. 3. TARO LEAF Content is Listed by Volume , Number and Issue Date. 4. TL Issue Date is shown as: Year/Month. 5. The Place column identifies specific locations and/or organization positions. 6. The reference in the Unit column to the the 24th IDVA reflects the original organization members as veterans. This situation which had excluded those men on active duty with the 24th Infantry Division would be corrected in 1950 at the Chicago Reunion. 7. The content is comprised of selected information based on the subjective judgment of Larry W. Gay, 24th IDA Historian, 2004‐2009. 1940 EVENT TARO TL PAGE 24th ID EVENT DATE LEAF DATE NO. HISTORY PLACE UNIT ARTICLE Yr/Mo/Day Vol/No. Yr/Mo REUNION‐MINI 470315 I/1 4708 1 ARTICLE 24th IDVA N.E. Quick to Form Association Chapter BOOK‐WWII I/1 4708 2 BOOK WWII 24th ID "Children of Yesterday", Jan Valtin, 429 pages WW II I/1 4708 2 ARTICLE 24th ID Richard J. Krebs, a.k.a. Jan Valtin LIST‐24th IDVA I/1 4708 2 LIST OFFICERS 24th IDVA List Of Officers. REUNION‐PRES REUNION PRESIDENT 24th IDVA Kenneth F.Cramer REUNION‐SEC/TRE REUNION SEC/TREAS 24th IDVA Edmund F. Henry REUNION‐VP'S REUNION VICE‐PRES 24th IDVA Dwight E. Beach, Raymond E. Haynes, Walter B. Himes LIST‐MEMBERS I/1 4708 3 LIST PERSONNEL 24th IDVA Call Me Mister. OTHER I/1 4708 4 ARTICLE 24th IDVA Why We Are., Jan Valtin. LIST I/1 4708 4 LIST PERSONNEL For These the War Goes On LIST I/1 4708 4 LIST PERSONNEL 24th ID The Heaviest Brass OTHER I/1 4708 4 ARTICLE PERSONNEL 24th ID General Cramer Heads National Guard. JAPAN 1 4606 I/1 4708 5 ARTICLE Kyushu, Japan "In Japan With the Victory Division", Koons OTHER‐MINI I/1 4708 5 ARTICLE 24th IDVA New England Chapter Welomed by Gen Lester. WW II I/1 4708 6 PAPER Davao City,PI 19th IR Davao City, Then: "19th Infantry in the Philippine Islands (1944‐1945)" 10/7/2013 HISTORY OF 24TH INFANTRY DIVISION IN TARO LEAF ‐ INDEX by Larry W. Gay 1 of 77 EVENT EVENT TARO TL PAGE 24th ID HISTORY PLACE UNIT ARTICLE DATE LEAF DATE NO Yr/Mo/Day Vol/No. Yr/Mo REUNION XXXV/8 82 6 REUNION 24th IDA 100 members signed up fro Reunion in Baltimore. LIST‐MEMBERS 54/4 0012 9 LIST MEMBERS 24th IDA 110 New Annual Members‐ June‐September 2000 WWII 58/3 048 45 ARTICLE Leyte, PI 24th ID 114th Photo Interpretation Team, Barb Kessel and Vince Rybel GERMANY XLVII/4 94 30 ARTICLE ORG 24th Abn 11th Airborne deactivated 20 Oct 57, became 24th Airborne Brigade. Sean Harper. REUNION‐MINI 52/2 9805 62 ARTICLE REUNION 24th Div. Arty 11th Annual Reunion13‐15 May 98, Galveston, TX. REUNION‐MINI XLVI/2 9302 28 REUNION MINI 11th FA 11th FA Bn. Reunion at Branson MO. in April 1994. Howard Burkes AFGHANISTAN 57/3 038 49 PHOTO WOT 29th IR 120mm Mortars LINEAGE‐13th FA XXXVII/1 83 28 LINEAGE 13th FA 13th FA traces History to 5th FA at Gettysburg. FT STEWART XXXIII/3 80 4 ARTICLE DIV. ARTY 155 mm Howitzer, M109A2 Delivered to Ft. Stewert. LINEAGE‐DMZ X/2 5612 3 ARTICLE 24th ID 15th Anniversry of 24th Infantry Division, Campaign Streamers. REUNION XVII/10 64 1 REUNION ARTICLE 24th IDA 17th Convention Program Issue. KOREA 1 510423 57/1 031 63 CITATION KOREA 24th ID 18‐23 April 51 K/19th, Presidential Unit Citation WWII XXXIX/6 8606 29 ARTICLE 41st ID 186 Inf and 532 Engineer Boat and Shore Regt: The Hollandia Fire and Lake Sentani. LEBANON XLVII/4 94 23 ARTICLE ORG 187th Abn. 187th Abn., 24th Abn. Brigade Sent to Lebanon KOREA 1 57/3 038 42 PHOTO KOREA 5th IR 19 Feb 51. SCHOFIELD XXVII/3 74 13 PHOTO Oahu, HI 21st IR 1940 Photo at Schofield Barracks WWII 60/1 061 44 PHOTO Talmo Beach 24th ID 1945 Photo of men from Div. HQ, AG Section, Jack Jorgensen. JAPAN 1 57/4 0311 36 PHOTOS 3rd ENGR 1948‐49, 2003, KOREA 1 XXXIV/7 81 20 CITATION KOREA 19th IR 1951 visit by Ridgwa and VP Barkley to K/19th re K Co. at Chip‐O‐Ri, 18‐25 Apr 51.y REUNION‐SITE 56 IX/1 5607 1 REUNION SITE 24th IDA 1956 Reunion at Hotel Biltmore, New York City, 11 Aug 56 REUNION‐SITE 65 XVIII/2 64 7 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1965 Reunion in Hawaii at Reef Hotel in August. REUNION‐SITE 69 XXII/5 69 1 ARTICLE REUNION ARTICLE 1969 Annual Reunion at St. Louis, MO, 14‐17th August. REUNION XXVIII/3 75 11 ARTICLE 24th IDA 1976 Reunion to be held at Savannah, GA. REUNION‐SITE 78 REUNION SITE 1978 Reunion at Savannah REUNION‐SITE XXXIII/2 79 4 REUNION SITE 24th IDA 1980 Convention, 14‐17 Aug 80, Pittsburgh, PA. REUNION‐SITE 80 XXXIII/1 79 8 REUNION SITE 24th IDA 1980 Reunion at Pittsburgh, PA, Marriot 14‐17 Aug 80. REUNION‐SITE 81 XXXIV/1 80 5 ARTICLE SITE 24th IDA 1981 Convention to be at St. Louis, MO REUNION‐SITE 82 XXXV/1 81 4 REUNION SITE 1982 in Baltimore, MD LIST XXXVI/5 83 16 LIST ORG 24th ID 1983 : Presentd day Units of 24th ID. REUNION‐SITE XXXVII/4 8404 2 ARTICLE 24th IDA 1984 Convention, 16‐18 Aug 84 at Netherland Plaza, Cincinnati, OH. REUNION‐SITE 88 XXXXI/3 88 4 ARTICLE SITE 24th IDA 1988 Convention will be held 28 Sep‐2 Oct 88; Shearton Savannah [GA] REUNION‐SITE 88 XXXXI/1 87 2 REUNION SIE 24th IDA 1988 Convention will be held in Savannah, GA REUNION‐SITE XXXXIII/1 8912 5 REUNION SITE 24th IDA 1990 Convention site is Hyatt‐Regency, Buffalo, NY REUNION XXXXIII/3 9006 17 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1990 Reunion Schedule at Buffalo. REUNION XXXXIII/4 9007 17 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1990 Reunion schedule‐ Buffalo REUNION XXXXII/6 89 25 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1991 Hawaiian Reunion ‐ 50th Anniversity Pearl Harbor. KOREA DMZ 51/3 9708 54 ARTICLE KOREA 1992 NK Plan to Take SK Reported REUNIO‐CHAIR XLVII/1 9311 3 ARTICLE CHAIRMAN 24th IDA 1994 Reunion Chairman is John S. Roussel REUNION‐SITE 4 9610 2 ARTICLE SITE 24th IDA 1997 Reunion at Sheraton Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO 17‐20 Sep 97. BOOK XXXXII/5 89 8 BOOK 1999 ‐ Victory Without War. Richard M. Nixon. REUNION 53/3 9908 21 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1999 Tour and Meal Registration Form REUNION 53/4 9911 7 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 1999 Tulsa Reunion Acknowledgments. Harold Peters, President REUNION‐MINI 61/3&4 0712 53 ARTICLE REUNION 24th IDA 19th and 34th Mini‐Reunion, 24th ID West Coast Reunion. REUNION‐MINI 53/3 9908 15 PHOTO REUNION 19th and 34th Regiments Reunion in Nashville 28 Apr‐1May 99. REUNION‐MINI 61/3&4 0712 53 PHOTO PERSONNEL 24th ID 19th and 34th IR's Mini‐Runion , Pigeon Forge, TN. Bob Taylor KOREA 1 500712 54/3 0008 42 ARTICLE KOREA 19th IR 19th Infantry At The Kum River GERMANY XII/4 5908 5 PHOTO GERMANY 19th IR 19th Infantry Standing tall in Augsburg, Germany KOREA‐DMZ 58/1 041 41 PHOTO DMZ, SK 24th IR 19th Infantry Troops Airlifted by Helicopters in Night Exercise Along DMZ LINEAGE‐19th IR XXXVIII/5 8505 25 LINEAGE PHOTO 19th IR 19th IR part of 25th ID JAPAN 1 61/3&4 0712 38 ARTICLE PERSONNEL 19th IR 19th Regiment Hurdlers Find Each Other after 40 Years. Frank Blood, Bill Allen 10/7/2013 HISTORY OF 24TH INFANTRY DIVISION IN TARO LEAF ‐ INDEX by Larry W. Gay 2 of 77 EVENT EVENT TARO TL PAGE 24th ID HISTORY PLACE UNIT ARTICLE DATE LEAF DATE NO Yr/Mo/Day Vol/No. Yr/Mo FT STEWART XXXVIII/4 8504 15 PHOTO PERSONNEL 34th IR 1Lt Mark Woempner, HHC 2nd Bn./34th . LINEAGE‐35th FA XXIX/3 76 18 LINEAGE FT.STEWART 35th FA 1st Battalion, 35th Field Artrillery Activated 21 Nov 75. LINEAGE‐35th FA XXIX/3 76 17 LINEAGE FT.STEWART 35th FA 1st Battalion, 35th Field Artrillery reactivated 21 Jun 75 LINEAGE‐21st IR XII/2 5901 5 LINEAGE GERMANY 21st IR 1st Battle Group 21st Infantry WWII V/6 5204 8 ARTICLE Leyte, PI 19th IR 1st Bn at Red Beach on 20 Oct 44. Earl Meyers, B/19th LINEAGE‐13th FA 580701 XII/2 5901 7 LINEAGE GERMANY 13th FA 1st Howitzer Battalion, 13th Artillery MOH‐KOREA 510131 61/1&2 079 68 CITATION PERSONNEL 5th IR 1st Lieutenant Carl H. Dodd, E Company 30‐31Jan51, near Subuk SK. FT STEWART XXXI/2 77 20 ARTICLE PERSONNEL 24th MP Co. 1st Lt. Bob Reed holds triplets, all girls. MOH‐KOREA XLV/2 9206 5 ARTICLE KOREA 5th IR 1st Lt. Carl H. Dodd, E Co. MOH, KOREA 1 IV/4 5107 4 CITATION KOREA 34th IR 1st Lt. Jack E, Edgar , Bronze Star w/OLC, 12 Aug 50. KOREA 1 V/1 5109 5 CITATION PERSONNEL 19th IR 1st Lt. James J. Ryan, SSM, H Company DESERT SHIELD XLIV/2 9103 5 ARTICLE PERSONNEL DIV ART 1st Lt. Tommie W.
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