Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn 2017 Tobar Mhoire Tobermory £5 Dihaoine 8mh an t-Sultain Disathairne 9mh an t-Sultain 8th/9th September 2 Mòd Ionadach na Dreòlluinn, 2017 3 Bu mhath leam fàilte chridheil a chur oirbh aon uair eile don Mhòd againn an seo ann am Muile. Tha sinn daonnan cho taingeil agus cho toilichte gu bheil uiread a’ tighinn thugainn às gach ceàrnaidh den dùthaich airson pàirt a ghabhail anns na farpaisean. Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte sònraichte orrasan a bhios a’ tighinn astar fada airson a bhith a’ cur taic rinn. Mar a bhios fhios aig cuid agaibh, ‘s e obair mhòr dha rìribh a th’ann a bhith a’ cur Mod sam bith air dòigh, agus tha mi toirt mo thaing dhuibh uile a tha gar cuideachadh tron bhliadhna. Cuideachd tha feum air suas ri dà fhichead neach-taic thairis air an dà latha airson deanamh cinnteach gun ruith na farpaisean gu rèidh. Ma tha duine agaibh a tha deònach cuideachadh sam bith a thabhann, nach leig sibh fios!! Mo thaing cuideachd dhaibhsan a bhios ag ullachadh nam farpaiseach – clann is inbhich – airson a’ Mhòid. Ma tha sibh a’ dèanamh air Lochabar san Dàmhair, gum bu mhath a thèid leibh!! Once more, I’d like to give a warm welcome to everyone who attends our Mòd here on Mull. We are always so pleased and grateful that so many people come to support us from all corners of the country. We give a special welcome to those who have travelled a long way to take part in the competitions. As many of you will know, there is a huge amount of work involved in staging any Mòd, and I thank most sincerely all those who help, throughout the year. Almost forty people are needed over the two days to make sure the competitions run smoothly. If you are able to help in any way, please let any member of the Committee know. Thanks also to all those who prepare competitors – young and old – for the Mòd. If you are going to Lochaber in October, the very best of luck!! Seònaid (Janet MacDonald, Chairperson) Children's Concert Licensed Cèilidh/Dance Aros Hall 7.00pm Aros Hall 8.30pm Friday 8th September Saturday 9th September Admission £5.00/£3.00 Admission £6.00 Tickets available from the Mòd Office Tickets available from Programme sustained the Mòd Office by Prizewinners Programme sustained Music by Robert Robertson and by prize winners Ian Smith Music by Sandy MacAulay 4 5 MÒD OFFICIALS President Janet MacDonald Treasurer Jennifer Jack Secretary Donna Dugdale Office Administrators Anne MacGregor Committee Members Janet Campbell, Mary Jean Devon, Alan Jack, Elizabeth Jack, Fiona Jappy, Vic Linnemann, Iain MacKinnon, Carol Maclean, Marion MacLean, Dougie MacNeilage, Kirsty Renton VENUES Aros Hall Free Church Free Church Hall Free Church Back Hall Masonic Hall MacGochans Upper GAELIC ADJUDICATORS Allan Campbell Alasdair MacCuish Katrina MacLean John Morrison Ian Smith Alasdair Whyte MUSIC ADJUDICATORS Kathryn Callander Janet Fergusson Raibeart MacCallum Graham Renton Robert Robertson www.mullmod.org.uk [email protected] Thanks to Mairi Bowman for the cover artwork. 6 Friday—JUNIOR COMPETITIONS PAGE 2 Storytelling 9-12 Fluent 13 4a Recitation 5-6 Fluent 24 4b Recitation 7-8 Fluent 12 5a Recitation 9-10 Fluent 24 5b Recitation 11-12 Fluent 25 7a Conversation 5-6 Fluent 14 7b Conversation 7-8 Fluent 15 8a Conversation 9-10 Fluent 14 8b Conversation 11-12 Fluent 15 9 Conversation 13-18 Fluent 13 10 Recitation 5-8 Learners 13 11 Recitation 9-12 Learners 12 12 Recitation 13-18 Learners 25 15 Solo 5-8 Fluent 19 16 Boys/Girls Solo 9-10 Fluent 17 17 Boys/Girls Solo 11-12 Fluent 10 18a Girls Solo 13-15 Fluent 22 18b Boys Solo 13-15 Fluent 22 19a Solo 5-6 Learners 16 19b Solo 7-8 Learners 16 20a Girls Solo 9-10 Learners 18 20b Girls Solo 11-12 Learners 9 21 Boys Solo 9-12 Learners 18 22a Girls Solo 13-15 Learners 22 22b Boys Solo 13-15 Learners 22 23a Traditional Solo U13 Open 26 23b Traditional Solo 13-18 Open 26 24 Solo—Leanabh an Aigh Primary 11 25 Girls Solo — Mull Song Open 26 26 Girls Solo 16-18 Open 18 27 Boys Solo 16-18 Open 22 29 Duet 13-18 Open 26 30a Action Song U13 Open 8 30b Action Song Pre5 Open 8 31a Folk Group U13 Open 10 32 Choral Unison U13 Open 20 34 Choral Puirt a beul U13 Open 21 35 Choral Unison U19 Open 27 36 Choral Harmony U19 Open 27 37 Choral Puirt a Beul U19 Open 27 38b Fiddle U13 Open 28 39b Fiddle 13-18 Open 28 45b Clarsach U13 Beginner 28 You can further support the Mull Mòd by purchasing raffle tickets and joining the Mòd ‘100’ Club 7 Saturday—JUNIOR Chanter & Bagpipe Competitions PAGE 42a Chanter U19 Open 39 42b Bagpipes U19 Beginner 39 43a&b Bagpipes 13-15 Open 39 44a&b Bagpipes 16-18 Open 39 Saturday—SENIOR COMPETITIONS PAGE 53 Storytelling Fluent 35 54 Reading a Prose Passage Fluent 35 55 Recitation of a Poem Fluent 35 58 Ladies Own Choice Fluent 34 59 Men Own Choice Fluent 34 60 Ladies Òran Mòr Fluent 34 61 Men Òran Mòr Fluent 34 62 Ladies Own Choice Learners 37 64 Unpublished/Traditional Open 34 65 Local Song Open 36 66 Puirt a beul Open 34 67 Solo – Own Choice Open 32 68 Duet Open 37 69 Quartet Open 32 70 Folk Group Open 32 71 Ladies Choir Open 40 72 Male Voice Choir Open 33 73 Mixed Choir Open 40 74 Choral Puirt a Beul Open 41 78 Self Accompaniment Open 37 Wishing the Mull Provincial Mòd every success in 2017 8 An Talla Àrois Madainn Dihaoine Aros Hall Friday Morning Gaelic Ian Smith Music Robert Robertson 9.30am Competition 30b—Action Song U13 Own Choice Sponsored by J & J Mackay Mrs A M MacKenzie Shield 1 Tobermory Primary 5/6/7. 2 Dervaig Primary School. 3 Tobermory Primary 1 & 2. 4 Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein P 3-4. 5 Ulva Primary School. 6 Lochdon Primary School. 7 Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein P 1-3. 8 Bunessan Primary School. 9 Lochaline Primary School. 11.00am Competition 30a—Action Song Pre-5 Own Choice Cnoc na Sgillinn Trophy 1 Sgoil-Àraich an t-Sàilein. 2 Tobermory Pre-5. 3 Bunessan Pre-5. 4 Iona Pre-5. Children's Concert Aros Hall 7.00pm Friday 8th September Admission £5.00/£3.00 Tickets available from the Mòd Office Programme sustained by Prizewinners Music by Robert Robertson and Ian Smith 9 An Talla Àrois Madainn Dihaoine Aros Hall Friday Morning 11.30am Competition 20b — Girls Solo 11-12 Learners Own Choice 1 Emma MacLachlan, Kilchoan Primary School. 2 Isabell Crawford, Lochgilphead. 3 Isla Crosbie, Kilchoan Primary School. 4 Isabella Sutherland, Oigridh Shuaineart. 5 Rachel Gallagher, Tobermory Primary School. 6 Chloe Curtis, Kilchoan Primary School. 7 Isobel Potter, Glassary Primary. 8 Tilly Cunningham, Lochgilphead. 9 Holly Cameron, Kilchoan Primary School. Tackle & Books Main Street Tobermory Isle of Mull 01688 302336 Books, including an interesting selection of Gaelic titles Maps, PC Supplies, Fishing Tackle and Stationery. Order your books online. www.tackleandbooks.co.uk [email protected] Adjudication sheets may be collected from the Mòd Office situated in the Aros Hall from 1pm. For afternoon competitions, please allow at least 30 minutes from close of competition. 10 An Eaglais Shaor Madainn Dihaoine Free Church Friday Morning Gaelic John Morrison Music Raibeart MacCallum 9.30am Competition 17 — Boys/Girls Solo 11-12 Fluent Own Choice 1 Ealasaid Faye MacKinnon, Àrd Sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar. 2 Lauren MacLeod, Oban High School. 3 Eilidh Nic Chaluim, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 4 Shauna MacLeod, Oban High School. 5 Ealasaid MacLean, Oban High School. 6 Annie Sine NicNeil, Lochabar. 7 Lilidh Howitt, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 8 Eoghan Mac a'Phìocair, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 9 Rìo Mac IlleDhuinn, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 10.15am Competition 31a — Folk Groups U13 Own Choice 1 St Columba's Primary School Choir. Highland Cottage We, at Highland Cottage, are proud to support the Mull Mòd and wish every success to the competitors. Good luck to you all! Dave, Jo and Catriona Currie, Highland Cottage, Tobermory 01688 302030 11 An Eaglais Shaor Madainn Dihaoine Free Church Friday Morning 10.30am Competition 24 — Solo Primary Leanabh an Àigh 1 Jamie MacInnes, Iona Primary School. 2 Eva Bonetti, Bunessan Primary School. 3 Archie Johnston, Bunessan Primary School. 4 Ula Gordon, Iona Primary School. 5 Verity Lawrence, Còisir Òg Loch Àlainn. 6 Alasdair MacLean Fleming, Lismore Primary School. 7 Cameron MacInnes, Iona Primary School. 8 Elin Maclean, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 9 Roan Tindal, Iona Primary School. 10 Rory McDougall, Bunessan Primary School. 11 Finlay MacInnes, Iona Primary School. 12 Layla MacIntyre, Còisir Òg Loch Àlainn. 13 Kelsie Prentice, Iona Primary School. 14 Megan Johnston, Bunessan Primary School. 15 Molly Dougall, Bunessan Primary School. 16 Leanne McLellan, Iona Primary School. 17 Grace Hallam, Bunessan Primary School. 18 Freya Jardine, Iona Primary School. 19 Pauline Burrows, Bunessan Primary School. Gaelic Testing Free Church Hall Saturday 9th September from 9.30am 12 Talla na h-Eaglaise Saoire 1 Madainn Dihaoine Free Church Hall 1 Friday Morning Gaelic Alasdair MacCuish 9.30am Competition 4b– Recitation 7-8 Fluent Mìosachan no Anns an dorchadas 1 Connel Baxter, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 2 Eilidh Chamshron, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein. 3 Sienna Nic an Rothaich, Bun-Sgoil an t-Sàilein.
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