LynJhurrt Public Library. Vall«jr Brook Ave.. Lyndhurst. H. J. Tftim U -eel It is the strength of this country that the pushing and pulling now taking place over the President s decision lo run or not to run leaves the average citiien singularly unmoved. All of us love Ike: most of us hope he will run again. AH of us below the level of the politicians, howeverjireaware that no matter if a Republican or a Democrat succeeds him. Commercial Header if need be. the country will go forward. In a democracy no man is indespensable. even if the |kes do not come in bunches. After all. successors have emerged to fill the great shoes of Washington and l.inculn! Such is the glory of the * ii.l T H E SOI T U HKR<;i:.N REVIEW I'nited States of America! \ ol. 37— No. .'ii 1Y.NMU KST. Y J.. KEliRl Vm .‘I. IT.f. Post Office Cry South Bergen Girl Elected Recount Next Week May Campus Queen At Patersi >n Is Taken Up By A blond. Idue-eycd South Decide 3rd Education Place Bergen native ha* been cho -1 -en campus queen of Paler- \*«i«lant 1 iMiinii**i»(ier •>( 1 d iu a t> ’>u |i» « e |» h I l a r t n n ,'<•11 Slale Peacher* t .ollege. \« 111 n u n r I n H e rg rll • " i i n h n evi ft ■ t|t»ry«|s» to , «>»wt%»* t She i-» Marion Tlwre*.a D e - Petition a m m ini al the |L>,*r>l •>< I do. .<l»wii Merchants Group ^ ill. daughter of Mr and Ihe re««»unt Utat lit I. Inuii. nfr. «t ? - f llaU t»l I ■UiMtalo Mr^ ILirold DeWitt of 2US For End «>r Joseph 1 utarAi tin ihu.l |» . i m i »n t h e It.ia r-i Once again tlw ruilp I- have hern lak. ii up for a K. Pierrepont avenue. Ruth­ al tdm ation ele«ti»m l.«*t h <k erford. She was born m Lynd­ ■ >’t fol, two! Lyndhurst pod office. O f Feasts hurst where her grandmother, 1'his time the move i> powered hy lhe Stuyveaant \ve- * Mrs. T Tobolewski of M ann ave­ nue Merchant** \*sociation. The organization ha* dii'iilnl nue, thal township, has been a ! resident many years to move wth full force to obtain a punt office of l.ynd- Winning honors is no novelty ^ atnM ati'i hur-d's own. for the tall, (she s five feet sev- i Lyndhurst now has a biamh en I striking beauty post office with • Hutherford as She has scored in 'such con­ central headquart* rs. Oratorical tests as Miss Blueberry. Miss a n y w a y Local merchants and residents G reater Passaic. Arnold Constable •» t i»o»ga« have long demanded a post office Model of the Week, Miss Ski * t h P r u i b i ' • c h . of its own for the community Contest Held Q u e e n , Mis*. S e a fo o d . t »■•«! C.aaNfa» The Merchants' Association, ; t Marion has appeared on the "Nu matter what happens, she beat which has had a five year career b«e^» at Steve Allen TV show, and has said, 1 plan to finish my college h u i s of success, believes that the time •» been on radio and television in work and get my degree 1 will Pol.- ,.-»,.1 . r t s *ld.t n i a d e * »wi.d«r - ■ s ripe to strike for a post office By Legion : *■ i 4 ttr*: »UF*-t Philadelphia decide then upon my future ce- Ih e . i 'Mi pla mt la*t > rat sod the* the of the township's own.’The post tta ♦».»■» Marion was graduated from v Hf»ei . • m i<,m i* h«.i pi- miM-it them office would be located alongside Nineteenth Annual National 4 1 Rutherford High School and At Rutherford High School she er ri tit,*? n.i m lire <eleb»«iti.>n* .«in K I the Town Hall on the Leslie prop­ High School Oratorical Contest. » o *»^.vesl promptly enrolled in the Harbi- »>e ( « mi l i e d >11 th e a r e a e rty . was a member of the Mask and Ea>t zon School for Modeling But the Masquers, a dramatic club. She A- l a ' t > e m t h e c«»mTi<tMM->ner» For years there has been agi­ attractive youngster, who is 19, h a t t «.iK t-,1 m a t n.. ftK .ie f. > i rtitt 1 ir r \i 1 tation for a local post offic^. plans to become active in lhe dra- «om« matic groups at the Paterson man t i v a U u f » i> \ k lr»«1 st oii ht b e |«ri The complaints about the decided that the best thing for branch office are: nutted but two weeks *4 "• th e y re. <*n*tdered sruj «o|«fov r .1 a i t a n * h 1 It is too small. P a u l i-.rwal . * !beeMt ('.om rl S.-.wt> 2. It is unsightly 3. It cannot handle the volume REED MEMORIAL ORDAINS 3 ELDERS f»-a*t in .l-.rit |t w d l b e h e l d in C. i- e la o .1 avenue Tlie M ann *ve of local business d Reed Memorial United Presby- ' years as the tescher of the popu- fehUr* h f i number ;.i- n u e f-e-sidctil *er>l a c*»pv th e 4 It is a makeshift. ter.ian Church has ordained three lar Women * Class He has one Mr Hen<> . also teacher ,.f th* l-tuiun t.. tlw It,.*.*! . f lUtuca 4. It has failed to keep up with \* local residents as Elders, bring- daughter. Mrs. Muriel Karl of Men* and the father «■! < n vhdi own* thr Mann e r the fact Lyndhurst is the biggest 1 n u e field community in South Bergen. For many years the complaints lb* ..idnan« •”* all mt - dveed have been showered upon Wash­ I s u w e ek s »s«» p ro v id e fi»r Ib e in g to n . ♦ale of th* former vt'eian*' h«n»s Many years ago the late IHK tin, t Mte Mt TtuiRvaa aod Charles J Rodgers who held Cha>** s o m j i ' a o d f.-t th e **><■ mort of the offices Lyndhurst had O* M i n t . f U n -t to offer, conducted a prolonged campaign in Washington for a m>« s- r o u t post office He got encouragement. < n* But the results were discouraging. Si nhii icmrtni lr'i tba meeting Now the merchants plan to con­ in the *>wofe of M av*.r W illiam duct « hard-hitting campaign 1 F (*alU«hef, cii hi* an They are now collecting data to KATHERINE GAFFNEY poiritrnent o f fS'tef Aim«n>t< 2t3 show that the township must a National Americanism Activity King -land avrtiue, a» a <<*fwtahle have better service - service of of the American Legion was held t-j « lie t d«’!inqurnt [m . ^>(ial a k in d o n ly a lo c a l p o s t offic e c a n at the High School February 8. it. avt i.o« 1 «»»> P a r e ;• p ro v id e . Chairman of the local contest was Vice Commander Kenneth A I Summers of Barringer-Walker Post No 139 RED CROSS SERVICES DESCRIBED, Contract to The prepared orations were the i original efforts of each contest - ; ant and based on some phase of Peter Kero J o h n »<i s o | the Constitution of the United JOHN H HIXHON VOLUNTEERS ON DUTY DAY AROUND The Board of Freeholders last States which gave emphasis to the ing the nflmber- of the Session, Dallas. Texas, and three grand children H week awarded a contract to Peter attendant duties and obligations which is responsible for -the spir­ so n s. in college. Mar W Kero, Inc., of Caristadt. to of a citizen to our government Providence B»n itual guidance of the church, to Mr John Sedgewick Reno - f prepare the site for the new fire The extern poraneou discussion, leg e i n Pi,- v ! twelve, The oidm ation is for life 739 Fifth avenue, born in Pier- training school in Little Ferry was based on a specific article Sylvan street Kero submitted the low bid to or section of the Constitution of M r J o h n B a k e r W tx s o n o f 317* dom Pa. has lived in Lyndhui'.t excavate and grade the swamp­ the United States Ti avers place has been a resident for nine years He is Sale* arid land behind the Bergen County Judges were Mayor William F of Lyndhurst lor 20 years though Service Engineer for the Herman Sewer Authority's treatment Gallagher, Mrs. Kathryn Hopper he was born in Albion. Maine Pneumatic Machine Company plant It offered to do the work Edward Russo, Philip J Pau land He has been, Fac tory Sales Rep­ and ha* been treasurer of the for $19,925 the timer, Rev Harry Rosen­ resentative for M etropolitan NeW York and New Jersey for 29 The board also awarcfed a con­ grant.
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