Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T. Kuru Index More information Index Abdülhamid II , 209– 10 Anti-Defamation League , 59 Abington v. Schempp , 96 anti-religious state , 7 , 10 , 253 accommodationism , 44 Arınç, Bülent , 168 Ahlstrom, Sydney , 85 Arkoun, Muhammed , 130 Akdog˘an, Yalçın , 178 Armenian Patriarch Mesrob II , 180 Akyol, Taha, 192 Ashcroft, John , 69 Alaoui, Fouad , 116 assertive secularism , 11 , 31 , 33 , 106 , Albayrak, Hakan , 170 173 Alevis in Turkey , 168 , 221 Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal , 204 , 216 , Algeria , 120 221 , 233 , 245 Allegheny v. ACLU , 52 Atay, Falih Rıfkı , 223 Alpay, Oahin, 171 Australia , 27 Alsace-Moselle , 111 , 119 Aydın, Mehmet , 197 Amanullah Shah , 245 American Center for Law and Backus, Isaac , 81 Justice , 57 Bardakog˘lu, Ali , 190 American Civil Liberties Union , 58 Barrett, David , 254 Americans United for the Separation Barro, Robert , 254 of Church and State , 59 Bas¸gil, Ali Fuad , 228 Anatolian Tigers , 230 Baubérot, Jean , 130 , 136 ancien régime , 14 , 23–9 , 74 , 137 , Baykal, Deniz , 192– 3 139 , 143 , 157 , 202 , 222 , 238 , Bayrou, François , 128 , 157 241 Belge, Ceren , 184 An-Na’im, Abdullahi , 20 , 35 Belgium , 169 anti-clericalism , 11 , 14 , 23–5 , 81 , Bencheikh, Soheib , 121 140 , 145 , 148 Berger, Peter , 2 307 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T. Kuru Index More information 308 Index Berkes, Niyazi , 174 , 203–4 Çiller, Tansu , 161 Blaine Amendments , 69 , 76 , 86 Çınar, Menderes , 200 Blitt, Robert , 253 , 260 Çınarlı, Mehmet , 189 BOE of Westside Community Çıtak, Zana , 32 Schools v. Mergens , 66 City of Boerne v. Flores , 49 Boubakeur, Dalil , 121 Civil Constitution of the Clergy , 139 Bowen, John , 131 Civil War , 85 Bozkurt, Mahmut Esat , 220 civilizationalism , 16–20 , 174 Brechon, Pierre , 113 Clinton, William , 49 , 62 Briand, Aristide , 149 – 50 Collier, David , 28 Britain , 26 , 74 , 105 , 233 Collier, Ruth , 28 Bryan, William Jennings , 90 Combes, Émile , 148 Büchner, Ludwig , 211 Committee of Union and Progress , Buisson, Ferdinand , 146 212 Bulaç Ali , 176 Comte, Auguste , 145 , 213 Burdy, Jean-Paul , 113 Concordat of 1801 , 141 Bush, George W. , 60– 1 conservatives , 53 , 56 , 171 Bush, Laura , 164 critical juncture , 27 Cuba , 10 Caliphate , 18 , 203 , 210 , 219 culture wars , 52 Canada , 27 Carter, Jimmy , 41 Darrow, Clarence , 90 Carter, Stephen , 48 Davis v. Beason , 86 Casanova, Jose , 2 , 3 , 19 , 88 De Gaulle, Charles , 154 Catholic Church , 19 , 23–7 , 129 , 155 Debray, Regis , 13 , 114 , 119 , 125 Catholic schools , 50 , 85 , 109 , 145 , Debré Commission , 130 148 , 156 Debré Law , 155 Catholicism Demirel, Süleyman , 161 , 227 Catholicism and Protestantism , democracy , 3 , 19 , 32 , 110 , 178 , 200 , 19 , 115 234 , 240 , 244 Catholicism in France , 110 , 129 , Democratic Party , 53 136 , 141–53 , 241 Denmark , 10 Catholicism in the U.S. , 52 , 85 , 88 Dewey, John , 90 Çelik, Hüseyin , 182 Diyanet , 166– 8 , 172 , 179 , 190 , 219 , Cesari, Jocelyne , 120 225 , 227 Cevdet, Abdullah , 214 Drakeman, Donald , 88 Chérifi , Hanifa , 130 Dreyfus Affair , 147 China , 10 Durkheim, Émile , 213 Chirac, Jacques , 6 , 129 Christian Coalition , 57 Ecevit, Bülent , 191 , 227 , 235 Christian Right , 53 , 57 Efendi, Mustafa Sabri , 223 Christians and Jews in Turkey , Eickelman, Dale , 20 179–81 Eisenhower, Dwight , 93 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T. Kuru Index More information Index 309 Engel v. Vitale , 96 Gellner, Ernest , 235 Engels, Frederick , 13 Germany , 26 , 31 , 106 England , 10 Gill, Anthony, xiii , 2 , 19 , 21 , 83 Epperson v. Arkansas, 98 Gökalp, Ziya , 213 , 217 – 18, 220–1 Equal Access Act , 66 Goldman v. Weinberger , 46 Erbakan, Necmettin , 161 , 227 , 231 Göktürk, Gülay, 171 Erdog˘an, Mustafa , 169, 171 Göle, Nilüfer, xiv , 13 , 170 , 200 Erdog˘an, Tayyip , 162– 3, 168–9, 178, Good News v. Milford Central , 67 186, 198 Gramsci, Antonio , 13 Ersoy, Mehmed Akif , 222 Greece , 10 , 26 , 216 Esbeck, Carl , 54 Gül, Abdullah , 178, 181, 183, 185–6 essentialism , 16 Gülen, Fethullah, 176 established religion , 7 , 253 Gülen movement , 176 –7, 182 , 230 evangelicals , 55 , 80 Günaltay, S¸emsettin , 225 Everson v. Board of Education , 59 , 91 Gunn, Jeremy , 131 evolutionism , 90 Gürüz, Kemal , 190 Evren, Kenan , 189 , 229 Gusfi eld, Joseph , 91 ezan , 223 , 226 Haarscher, Guy , 113 Faith-based Initiative , 60 Habermas, Jürgen , 2 Falloux Law , 142 Hamburger, Phillip , 75 Falwell, Jerry , 41 , 57 Handy, Robert , 87 Fanon, Frantz , 129 Hanford, John , 6 February 28 process , 162 , 190 , 194 Haniog˘lu, S¸ükrü , 215 Ferry, Jules , 146 Hanson, Stephen, xiii , 10 Fethullah Gülen , 176 Hat Law , 222 Finke, Roger , 83 headscarf , 6 – 7 , 103 First Amendment , 13 , 55 , 80 headscarf in France , 108 , 124–33 Fox News , 57 headscarf in Turkey , 187–93 Fox, Jonathan , 44 , 253 Henry, Patrick , 82 Fraser, Nancy , 3 Heper, Metin , 203 freedom of speech , 66–8 Holy Trinity Church v. U.S. , 87 Freemasons , 89 , 114 , 148 , 150 , 224 Huntington, Samuel , 17 Freethinkers , 89 , 114 French Council of the Muslim Faith , Iannacconne, Laurence , 2 122 I ˙ctihad , 215 French Guyana , 111 ideological struggles , 10 French law on secularism , 104 ideology , 10 , 13 French religious holidays , 132 Ilıcak, Nazlı, 192 Imam-Hatip schools , 161 , 193–6 , 218 Galatasaray , 208 India , 12 , 27 Gambetta, Léon , 145 , 149 Inglehart, Ronald , 2 , 15 Gaspard, Françoise , 131 I˙nönü, I˙smet , 225 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T. Kuru Index More information 310 Index Intelligent Design , 61 Justice Stevens , 56 Iran , 10 , 25 Justice Stewart , 96 Ireland , 20 , 26 Islam , 55 Kalyvas, Stathis , 19 , 144 Islam and Christianity , 17 , 174 , Kansu, Aykut , 203 176 , 242 Kasaba, Res¸at, xiii Islam and modernity , 204 , 211 , Katznelson, Ira , 21 221 , 231 Kavakçı, Merve , 191 Islam and secularism , 18–21 , 35 , Kaya, S¸ükrü , 217 259 Kemal, Namık , 209 Islam in France , 104 , 116 , Kemalism , 164 , 170 , 223 120–4 Kennedy, John F. , 97 Islam in the U.S ., 72 Kepel, Gilles , 120 Islam in Turkey , 33 , 199 , 216–26 , Kessel, Patrick , 114 , 127 241 Khosrokhavar, Farhad , 131 Islam and secularism , 246 Kılıç, Haoim, 186 Islamic education , 165 , 181 , 218 Kobylka, Joseph , 63 Islamic law , 202 , 207 Köprülü, Fuat , 223 Islamic movements , 230 Islamic state , 18 , 20 , 259 laïcité , 103 Islamism , 10 , 164 , 172 , 178 , laiklik , 172 209 – 10 , 222 , 227 Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches , Islamophobia , 72 , 105– 7 , 128– 9 , 67 134 Larkin, Maurice , 148 Lausanne Treaty , 224 Janissaries , 205 Law of 1905 , 124 , 150 Jaurès, Jean , 149 , 150 Le Bon, Gustave , 213 Jefferson, Thomas , 75 , 76 , 81 Le Pen, Jean-Marie , 129 Jesuists , 148 League of Education , 113 , 116 , 119 , Jews in the U.S. , 52 , 88 146 Jospin, Lionel , 103 , 124 , 126 Lee v. Weisman , 64 Justice and Development Party and Lemon v. Kurtzman , 60 , 98 secularism , 178–81 Levy, Lila and Alma Levy , 130 Justice Black , 91 , 96 Lewis, Bernard , 17 , 174 , 213 Justice Burger , 63 liberals , 53, 58, 171 Justice Clark , 96 Lincoln, Abraham , 85 Justice Douglas , 94 Lindsay, Thomas , 81 Justice Frankfurter , 92 Lipset, Seymour , 158 Justice Jackson , 92 Locke, John , 29 , 81 Justice Rehnquist , 65 Luizard, Pierre-Jean , 30 Justice Scalia , 48 , 55 , 65 Lynch v. Donnelly , 52 Justice Souter , 62 Lyng v. Northwest Indian CPA , 48 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T. Kuru Index More information Index 311 Madison, James , 76 , 81 Norris, Pippa , 1 , 15 Mahmud II , 205– 6 North Korea , 10 Mahoney, James , 28 Nursi, Bediüzzaman Said , 223 Manuel, Paul , 24 Marcou, Jean , 113 Ocak, Ahmet Yas¸ar , 199 Mardin, Oerif , 203–4 , 220 , 233 Okyar, Fethi , 219 Marx, Karl , 13 , 175 Oregon v. Smith , 48 Marxism , 13 , 24 Ottoman Parliament , 209 , 212 Mayotte , 111 overlapping consensus , 3 , 14 , 29 , McCarthy era , 77 , 93 80 McClay, Wilfred , 11 Özal, Turgut , 169 , 188 , 229 – 30 McCleary, Rachel , 254 Özbudun, Ergun, xiv , 184 McCollum v. Board of Education , Özcan, Yusuf Ziya , 185 51 , 92 Özek, Çetin , 175 McConnell, Michael , 47 , 65 , 81 McCreary County v. ACLU , 51 Pahlavi, Reza Shah , 245 Mecelle , 207 Panthéon , 140 medrese , 208 , 217– 18 Paris Mosque , 120 Menderes, Adnan , 226 Pas¸a, Ahmed Cevdet , 207 Mexico , 11 , 24 Pas¸a, Mithad , 209 Migdal, Joel, xiii , 237 Pas¸a, Mustafa Res¸id , 207 Mill, John S. , 35 Pas¸a, Ziya , 211 millet system , 203 passive secularism , 11 , 32 , 54, 106, Milli Görüs¸ movement , 178 176 Mitchell v. Helms , 68 path dependence , 28 , 36 Mitterrand, François , 134 , 156 Pena-Ruiz, Henri , 114 , 136 modernism , 173– 4 , 221 Penn, William , 80 modernization , 1 , 15 Pétain, Philippe , 154 modernization theory , 84–93 , Pfeffer, Leo , 59 , 97 176 Piscatori, James , 20 Monsma, Stephen , 44 , 56 , 84 Pledge of Allegiance , 42 , 45 , 93 Mormon Church v. United States , Poland , 26 , 31 86 Pope John Paul II , 134 Motherland Party , 188 , 229 Portugal , 24 , 31 multiculturalism , 112 , 134 positivism , 214 Munoz, Phillip , 78 Poulat, Émile , 136 Prince Sabaheddin , 213 Napoleon Bonaparte , 141 process tracing , 36 National Education Association , Prohibition , 91 68 , 90 pro-Islamic conservatives , 171 , Netherlands , 12 , 19 , 26 , 105 , 244 200 Nilüfer Göle , 264 Protestant schools , 50 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51780-5 - Secularism and State Policies toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey Ahmet T.
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